CHILD STUDY CLUB The May meeting: of the Child Study Club met at the* home of Mrs. G. C. King, Monday afternoon, May 10, Mrs. F. I. Barber presi dent, presiding. "The Boy and His Career, Select ing; the Vocation," was read by Mrs. John Dalton, substituting - for Mrs. W. A. Ayers, who could not be pres ent. This paper was said to be one of the best and most helpful ever given in the study, rendering solu tions to some of the many prob lems which arise in the rearing - of the boy today. "The Necessary Chart for the Boy and Girl by Which to Steer Life's Voyage of Discovery," was the theme of an instructive paper read by Mrs. S. V. Hooker. The president gave a very inter esting report of the recent luncheon of the Charlotte club, to which the presidents of the nearby clubs were invited. Mrs. Barber states that the principal speaker quoted Recorder O. C. Krwin. of Rutherfordton, as saying that no boy or girl had ever been brought .in his court who had ever belonged to a boy or girl scout organization. During the business session of the club it was decided to meet monthly during the summer instead of semi monthly as heretofore. Mrs. R. W. Minish was received as a new mem ber. Featuring the social hour of the meeting was a contest, ' A Motor Race." Mrs. R. W. Minish being the winner. A most delicious ice course was served by Mrs. King, assisted by her daughter, Lila Gordon King. Mrs. King's guests were Mrs. J. M. Edwards and Mrs. J. M. Burk holder. AN APPRECIATION As a voter and a citizen of For est City, I desire to commend to the voters of Rutherford county the candidacy of Victor Logan, of Bos tic, for Register of Deeds. Mr. Logan is a young man of sterl ing worth and the highest order of intelligence. Educated, capable and industrious. Although a compara tively young man, Mr. Logan has for a number of years been an efficient highly honored and respected officer of a Bostic church ajid enjoys the utmost confidence of the entire com munity. That Mr. Logan will make an hon est, careful and efficient county of ficial, if elected, is obvious and a well known fact to his large circle of friends and acquaintances in Rutherford county. It is a real pleasure to give this, word of commendation voluntarily and positively without solicitation of Mr. Logan or his friends. Signed, R. V. KING. HOLLY SPRINGS MEMORIAL Program for the memorial day at Holly Springs church, Saturday May 22: 10:30 A. M. —Song' and praise A I vice led by Rector Robbins. 11:00 A. M. —Sermon, by Rev. P. I). Mangum, pastor First Baptist church, Marion, N. C., followed by the decoration and dinner. 1:00 A. M. —Song and praise ser vice, led by Rector Robbins. 1:30 P. M.—Address by R. E. Price, followed by talks by some of those present. DR. FRANK R. WILKINS DENTIST Wishes to announce the new equipment and removal of his office —: From : THE HORN BUILDING —: To : 201-202 NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Forest City, N. C. Elevator Service Hours 9 to 4 Phones: Office 73—Residence 9 0 May 15, 1926 A • .* . . | PRESBYTERIAN MINISTER IN STALLED AT RUTHERFORDTON A commission appointed at the re i cent meeting of Kings Mountain | Presbytery in Forest City, and eom i posed of Rev. G. R. Gillespie, chair- I man; Rev. R. T. Baker and Elders ! J. E. McFarland and G. P.* Reid, in stalled Rer. YY. L. Latham as pas ; tor of the Rutherfordton Presby j terian church Sunday morning - at 11 I o'clock. i A large congregation was present j for the services and the sinking of t the choir and mixed quartette was of | an exceptionally . high older. Choos- I ing his text from the second chap | ter of the Gospel of St. Mark and ; fourth verse, "For the Press," about j the door, Mr. Gillespie brought out | some of the motives which actuated ! people then and now in their attend | ance on divine worship, some from a motive of criticism, which is al ways a bad motive, others from a better motive who feel their need, land*come to be heiped, and still oth i ers from the best motive of all, to . ; help others. The charge to the con : "relation was included in the ser : i mon. ! The commission was constituted ; with prayer by Dr. G. P. Reid of For j est City. Rev. R. T. Baker, of Brit j tain, charged the pastor. The chair ' man then propounded the questions to pastor and people and officially declared Rev. W. L. Latham pastor of the Rutherfordton Presbyterian church. The commission service was closed with prayer by Elder J. E. McFarland, of Forest City. The Rev. Mr. Latham has already endeared himself to the Rutherford ton congregation and the public in general and we bespeak for him a most successful and happy pasto rate. j GIRLS' CLUB TO GIVE PLAY- AT HARRIS The Girls' Club of Hai|is will give a play entitled "Just For Fun" at the Harris school house on Sat urday, May 22. The curtain to rise promptly at 8. p. m. The proceeds of the play are to be used to send one or more girls to Raleigh for the girls short course in July. The play is being directed by Mes dames. R. A. Harris and J. C. Gen try and promises to be unusually good. The cast includes the follow ing pupils of Harris school: Mrs. Fitzgerald Manderille de Smithe, a would-be-society leader— Sara Harris. Miss Edith Morton, her niece, a western heiress —Lois Gentry. Miss Mabel West, a friend of Miss Morton's—Annette Hopper. Jane McCarthy, an Irish maid ser vant—rPauline Cole. Lord Chelsea, an English noble man—Carman Robbins. Jack Earl, his friend—a happy go \ lucky fellow—George Eaves. Refreshments will be sold by club members during the evening. GREEN HILL BOX SUPER The Green Hill club girls will give a box supper Friday night May 21, at Green Hill school at 8 p. m. to raise funds to send a girl to the short course at Raleigh in July. The public is invited to attend. TO MEET AT BOSTIC A joint conference of the Postal Service councils of Cleveland and Rutherford counties will be held at Bostic, May 31. Full program will be given next week. , THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926. SHILOH NEWS Rutherfordton, Route I.—May IT.—A large crawd, attended the memorial at Shiloh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Culbreth of Shelby visited at Mrs. Stella Cul bri'th's Sunday. Mr. Jess Jones, of Washington, D. C.. visited home folks from Sat urday until Tuesday. Mrs. Ella Wilkins and children of Poik county and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Champion, of Forest City, were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Herb ert Cole's Sunday. Rev. A. G. Melton spent Saturday night at Mr. Tollie Smith's. Miss Dora Ledbetter of Spindale, spent the week-end with Miss Odessa Jones. • Mr. Lester Bridges and family, of Shelby; Mr. Frank Johnson and family, of Union Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Champion, of Spindale, visited at Mr. Bud Champion's Sun day. Mrs. John Smith has been real *ic*k for several days with tonsili tus. .Mr. J.• B. Flynn and family, of Rutherfordton; Mr. Ellis Hines and family, of Campbello, S. €., and Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Walker, of Spin dale, spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. W. C. Hamrick's. Mrs. M. E. Ruppe and Mr. Arthur Ruppe spent Friday at Chimney Rock. Those who were at Mr. Morgan Jones' Sunday for dinner were Mr. Drewey Wilkins and Mrs. —Hinson, of Harris; Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of Rutherfordton; Mrs. Lila Davis and son, Mr. Grover; Mr. Earl Mace, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Ledbetter and Mrs; Mace, of Spindale, Mr. Jess Jones, of Washington, D. C.; Mr. Clyde Jones of Hendersonville; Mr. Broad Jones and Miss Dora Ledbetter, of Spin dale. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hawkins and little daughter, Hazel, spent Saturday night at Mr. John Smith's. Mr. Henry Dobbins and family, of Spindale, spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. Caloway Dobbins'. Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Grose and Miss Vonnie Grose,' of Forest City, spent a while Sunday at Mr. B. M. Jones'. Miss Mattie Hyder, of Forest City, spent Sunday with Miss Anna Walk er. HIGH SHOALS MEMORIAL Memorial services will be held at High Shoals Baptist church, Sunday May 23. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Decoration °bf the graves at 9:45 a. m. From 10 to 10:30 a. m., there will be an address by R. E. Price, of Rutherfoudton, which will be fol lowed by a short address by G. B. Pruett, of Ellenboro. At 11 a. m. the pastor, Rev. D. G. Washburn, will preach. Dinner on the grounds. The Sandy Run Singing conven tion will be held in the afternoon, beginnin gat 1 :30 p. m. The pub lic is invited to attend. QUIT GETTING UP NIGHTS A Healthy Bladder Acts During the Day. C. X. Shuman, Republic, Ohio, says: "Before taking Lithiated Bu chu (Keller Formula) I had to get up six or seven times each night. Now I do not get up at all. You may use my name if it would benefit anyone with bladder trouble." Be careful not to take drugs that check the action of the bladder. You may have to continue its use. Lithiated Buchu (Keller Formula) increases the action during the day. It cleanses the bladder as epson salts do the bowels driving out foreign matter, neutralizing excess acids, thereby re lieving the irritation which causes "Getting Up Nights." The tablets cost 2 cents each at all drug stores or Keller Laboratory, Mechanics burg, Ohio. Also at Reinhardt Drug Co., Forest City. LITERARY CLUB Mrs. W. R. Harrill and Mrs. A. C. Duncan were charming hostesses to the members of the Literary Club, Division 1, for their final yearly meeting, May 13, at the home of Mrs. Duncan. Our newly-elected president, Mrs. A. C. McDaniel, gave an interesting report of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs whose convention met in Asheville. The subject for 'the afternoon's prp gramme was "Famous Actresses," and most instructive and entertain ing papers were read by Mrs. Charles Flack, Mrs. Fred Webb, Miss Claire Re id, and • Miss Margaret Young. At the conclusion of the pro- , j gramme a business meeting was held | for the purpose of electing officers i for the coming year. Those elected were: Chairman, Mrs. Fred Webb;j I vice chairman ,Mrs. B. B. Doggett; i • • ' secretary treasurer, Mrs. Hoyle El- j ' liott. A number of committees were ! j appointed after which the hostesses I served a tempting frozen salad with 1 ■ accessories empnasizing the rose j motif. Assisting in serving were! ' Misses Mary Frances Harrill and I ! . I HUDSON COACH Hudson holds first advan- S*b "JOO tage because of its patented • y / Super-Six the world's "At Your Doer- tßOstfamous r.v ;J tor. More Kotungthan 300.000 have been Brougham - built by Hudson Ui.Jerits 7-Pass.Sedan 1795 exclusive principle. For /V All prices ind-~de f\els.U, tax 1 1 Vf~o if K mtf. X-V, \ and the fouoring equipment 11 -» 11 J - " tCII UUL Front ad Risr Summers; Standing . l")C'Mi: Se Ol dlS tinctiye smoothness, wide * flexibility, power, speed Stop and Tail tight. : j • i *l* a r liabllit y- And today's Hudson • | MyC Coach is not only the best MkIPCTh! ' il ever built. 11 also is priced CLIFFSIDE MOTOR CO. CLIFFSIDE, N. C. Serve You Better Our experience and equipment help you get the most mileage, comfort and safety from tires. Gum-Dipping —the only known method of insulating every fiber of every cord with rubber —gives the strongest construction possible. And the special Steam-Welding process makes Firestone tubes both ■ leak-proof and long-wearing —further increasing the life of the tire. We Also Sell and Service The proof is demonstrated by the Oldfield Tires and Tubes biggest taxicab and bus fleets —by These well-known tires are built in race champions and in everyday oriesand service of hundreds of thousands of We offer them at these low prices. motorists. . HIGH PRESSURE CORDS T , , , • 30x3% Regular a si» 2s Let us see that your tires are 30x3y 2 Extra size ci ii.4o properly mounted, inflated and cared 30x3y 2 Extra Size S.S 14.00 £ J 31x4 S.S 18.00 lOr. 32x4 S.S 19.20 32x41/2 s.s 23.70 We repair your tires, when neces- IKI V? s s 31.50 sary, by the new and better Firestone over-size balloons method. 29x4 75 75 Equip your car with these famous 30x4.75 i 7.50 Gum-Dipped Cords and Steam -3ix5.25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2L95 Welded Tubes. We mil take your 32x6.00 25.15 G /J tires in trade, giving you liberal |! -•! allowance for unused mileage. ;F3. E3. UOGGEI T E. Main St. Forest City, N. C. A. \ . I 1A M RIC K Route 1 Forest City, N. C. Jean Duncan, and Mrs. Eugene Har hill, of Galveston, Texas. Invited guests included Mesdames. W. A. Ayers, Genie Harrill, W. C. Blanton, C. S. Duncan, 0. 0. Grif fine., Misses Katherine Goggans and Myrtle Hemphill. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executors of the estate of H. D. Harrill, deceased,! late of Rutherford county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of . | said deceased to exhibit them to the . | undersigned at Forest City, N. C., - j on or before the sth day of May, I i 11)27, or this notice will be pleaded jin bar of their recovery. All per j sons indebted to said estate wi.ll ; please make immediate payment. | This the sth day v l ' May, 11)20.. J. C. HARRILL, Z. W. HARRILL, Executors. C. O. RIDINGS, Attorney. 30-6t

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