BLANTON REUNION WEIL ATTENDED L ar ge Number Gather Mt. Olivet For Family Reunion Thursday—Some Local History. (By James C. Elliott) Lattimore, R-l, Jul y 21. The surviving children, one son, Burt Blanton and six daughters, Mrs. Dock Price, Mrs. Martin Gold, Mrs. Oliver Hamrick, Mrs. James G. G. Hamrick, Mrs. Martin Davis and Mr « T witty Daves, with grandchild ren and many friends met at Mount Olivet Baptist church July 17. This is a prosperous church in a r regressive community, located on the southeast end of Cherry Moun-^ lain. i Frank Blanton was born in 1831 a , ; d was reared in Cleveland coun ty He married Miss Sarah Chitwood in 1860, and moved to Rutherford county. He volunteered in a Cleve land company in the spring of 1862, and served faithfully in Co. F., 56th Regiment. I was with him in the same company. I am fortunate to be the last to tell of the hard service and six battles he went through un til he broke down at the siege of Petersburg about the first of August, > 3864. ' This was their first family reun ion. R. E. Price, editor of the Ruth erford County News, a grandson, was master of ceremonies, along, with Rev. Martin Gold, son-in-law,' and Rev. Sankey Blanton, a grand-1 son. Miss Mozelle Gold, a grand daughter, acted as secretary and his- , torian. She is a fine, brilliant gill j who has finished at Boiling Springs : and is continuing her course in; higher schools. Sankey Blanton is a ; very bright young man, aspiiing to the ministry, early joined a military company and was the youngest sol- ; dier that served in Col. June Gard- ( ner's regiment on the Mexican Bor- \ der; then came the larger experience j in the World war and in the drive that • broke the Hindenburg line, taking 13,000 prisoners; that he helped to, convey to the rear. He says he got j into it so deepi that he had little hope of getting out. I heard him make ( a patriotic address at Big Springs church on the eve of leaving for the war. He finished at Wake For est, and took a coutse at Louisville Theological Seminary. He is now located at Louisburg, Franklin coun ty, N. C. Frank Blanton and wife reared five sons and seven daughters. KILLS FIFTY-SIX SNAKES NEAR CAROLEEN Caroleen, July 21.—Mr. Henry Head, who resides near here, killed a large garter snake and fifty-five small snakes last Thursday near his home. He noticed the large snake crossing the road and killed it, af terwards killing the fifty-five "sons and daughters." - . f State Democratic Committee To Meet Raleigh, July 21.—A meeting of the state democratic executive com mittee here Wednesday, July 23, has been called by Chairman Odus M. Mull for the purpose of organiz ing and laying plans for the fall campaign. The committee, consisting of 120 members—l 2 from each congres sional district—will meet in the hall of the house of representatives. One of its chief items of business will be to elect a chairman and a vice chairman. Mr. Mull, who has served in the position for two years, is slated for re-election as chairman. Mrs. Thomas O'Berry of Goldsboro has j been prominently mentioned for Y!ce chairman to succeed Miss Mary Henderson of Salisbury who, it was understood here, has an nounced she will retire. The new executive committee was named at the district Democratic conventions which were held here the morning of July 3 just before the state convention met. Mr. Mull said he was expecting a n enthusiastic meeting of the com mittee. He predicted that vigorous plans for a militant camipaign a gainst republicans in the fall elec tion would be made. The democratic campaign is -lated to get under way about Sep tember 1, it was learned, the exact date and details to be decided by the committee. j SUNDAY SCHOOL ENJOYS • PICNIC SATURDAY j Alexander Mill, July 21.—The Sun day school classes of the Alexander Methodist Sunday school went on a picnic Saturday afternoon and even ing to Boiling Springs, where a nice evening was enjoyed by all. Those attending the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Cline Davis and children; Mrs. Davis, Margaret Neal, Bernice aohnson, Ola Johnson, Viola Johnson, Ruby Mode, Lucy Ledbetter, Marie Hawkins, Mary Sue Matheny, Ruth Griffin, Blanche Allen, Elizabeth Jolley, Louise Matheny, Alice Coffee, Mary Alridge, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weaver, Mrs. Weaver, Graham Weaver, M. V. Ledford. Asheville Firm Buys Telephone Co.; Lake Lure, July 21.—The Tele-j phone Service company, Inc., of j Asheville, has purchased the Lake j Lure telephone service and has tak-, en over its active management, it j was learned Saturday. The purchase price was not revealed. C. W. Valentine, of Asheville, will i be the manager of the new company, which was granted a charter by the secretary of state at Raleigh Satur day. In addition to Mr. Valentine, the other incorporators are: T. Val entine, of Asheville R. C. Higgins, of Burnsville; and H. M. Bailey, of Wadesboro. The authorized capital stock is SIO,OOO with $3,200 sub scribed by the incorporators. Mr. Valentine is also manager of the Appalachian Telephone company, at Candler, and its subsidiaries at Hazel, Craggy and Leicester. MR. AVERAGE FARMER BROADCASTS. Station FOR BETTER —M>. Av erage Farmer at the mike. The stock farmer is now face to face with what is perhaps the most critical and dangerous period of the entire year—late July and Au gust. I noticed last week in driving through the country that practically • all of the pastures are d,ry and brown. I examined some of them and am convinced that even a goat could not get enought to eat in most of them. I stopped by the roadside in two or three places where herds of hungry-looking cows were search ing the pastures for little patches of green grass that might have teen overlooked. They found few, however. It was evident that these herds were receiving little or no grain. Their appearance vouched for this fact, too. I passed other pastures, howev er, in which cows were lying in the shade, chewing their cuds, ap parently contented. They were ' sleek-looking and I am sure that they were receiving a good ra tion. No doubt the owners of these latter herds also would ap pear more contented than the owners of the others. If You haven't been feeding all summer begin this week to give all of the cows, and the heifers as well, a good portion of a well balanced ration. For the milking herd give each cow 'one pound of some ration such as the following for each four or five pounds of milk: ground corn, barley, or hom iny, 200 pounds; ground oats, 200 pounds; wheat bran, 100 pounds, ar.d linseed meal, 100 pounds. Some farmers ~ say that they can't afford to feed grain, and I just as emphatically say that no farmer can afford not to. Don't starve your cows and expect them to make a living for you. j Station FYBL—YOURS FOR BETTER LlVESTOCK—signing off. Good night. * Base ball, golf and fishing equip ment. Farmers Hardware Co. Ice cream freezers, oil stoves, camp equipment and other hot weath 'er necessities at Farmers Hardware! Co. THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930. Buy at Home Campaign j ■ Patronize Your j | Romina Theatre | CoillmUmty | Piggly . Wigg , y | j II __ II Otor es and rlr ms |[ T he Most and Best fori: ][ Where you see and hear _ > „ ► n I ]► Your money. JI ji I! latesi pictures | | Locally ow „ed and Oper- i| j o !! ated - ;; S ► . j, in JI 'Boosters for Forest City J[ 4 *[ jc \\ I IMAGINARY SAVINGS ITo Save If j; ;« j; Money ;; | o t ** ne save money JI I i: :: IT IS THE IMAGINARY SAVINGS THAT jj toTeadttadwrtfaemente W j JI it PEOPLE MAKE ON PURCHASES THAT o in , The Courier and take !! I J! SALES SERVICE » o advantage of the special Y, g ; ♦ CAUSE THEM TO BE POOR OF PURSE. j; offerings of local mer- j; j j; Doggett Motor Co. | ;; ® h if n nt f- merchants ; j > ► JI w h° really have some- ► I 3t Authorized Ford Dealers JI Jj thing to offer always tell 3t K JI Since 1914. JI It is also the same glittering inducement that J[ you it though this 51 j 31 Forest Citv. N. C. 3! causes some of our otherwise loyal Forest City J[ new spaper. ► L + 3! citizens to go trailing off to outside places to JI —> |C t ' ♦ spend their money for purchases THAT 31 n J[ q 3t yes, Siree! You're wel- j; COULD BE MADE JUST AS ADVANTA- 3| Ur Ck of rocerie3 ;; C JI come to visit 3t CEOUSLY HERE AT HOME. ► is gathered from all parts JI U !! rr. i) PI . Cf nrfk We think we understand the fascination of- V> wor ld for you. o | j! ir S * jt fered by supposedly greener fields of other 31 r«, p . . . 3t K J! Where you pay less and JI merchandising centers. In fact it is the same JJ e rea t Atlantic J[ S Jt get more. o magnet that invites a person to explore the j; £ Pacific Tea Co It § JI JI pages of a Mail Order catalogue and charms JI * 31 13 3! Meet your friends at -31 them into sending their money away to A JI II |S 3t Efird's 3! BUSINESS FIRM HUNDREDS OF MILE DIS- 3t ' " 31 B 3t ' 3t TANT. 3t ;t E it " 3t 3t JACK'S 3! S It ♦ IT IS THE MAGNET OF IMAGINATION, t JI |j | . Union Trust Co. An imagination that there is a lection and a ♦ I [B 3t 3t quality and a price that cannot be obtained jt LEADER JI § j; Jt at home. And this idea is a mistaken one. J[ ♦ § O Banking—lnsurance ]| PROSPERITY IS NOT COMING TO THE • STORE o ffi ir j: COMMUNITY THAT HAS LOST FAITH IN [ J! |jjj ;; ► ITS BUSINESS INTERESTS. Sending or J[ "V, |i J[ JI spending money away from Forest City isn't 3! 0 . 3t S JI . , .. Jt doing Forest City any good and profits accord- 3t ® ir *ie Beauty Shop 31 5 j; In Union there is strength jj ing]y the community in which it fa spent 5; || g JI —— Ji And while we are speaking of PROSPERI- Jt ° E PENDERS it TY ] let , US put , our shou l der s to the wheel ;! Forest city S pindale it 1 JI o make Good Times always possible by in- o JJ IS 3t p or 3t bulging in normal business transactions; buy- jt Phone 205 Phone 158 31 •= !t 3t ing what you need when you need it; discredit- JJ Jl g JI Dependable Goo s JJ | n g commercial pessimism and, as far as pos- J[ ____3t § 3t At jt sible SPENDING OUE DOLLARS WITHIN JI 3t S 3t . . p . o OURSELVES. JI _ 3t 5 31 owes nC JI 3t Sander's Groceteria 3t B 3t - .31 c * v * c boosting; real co-operative JI 3t § 3t Save on your Groceries o community effort and real profit for all our 3t 3t S jt here. o citizens—RESULTS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE 3t , Pkone 56 !» § JJ JI TH E IMAGINATION TO SEE AND APPRE- | 3t S o JI CIATE. 3t t B j; City Service Station | The House of Satisfaction j; S JJ JI It is up to us Forest City people to bring sue- o j| S JJ JI cess to our city. The path is plainly marked jt ■ ♦ § JI Purol Gas t and the guilding sign "TRADE AT HOME." j| ♦ B JI X JI Buy your chain store $ B Oils and Accessories t ♦ , j. - 1 S JJ X ♦ merchandise from your j g o ♦ t home owned store. J B jt Where your trade is ap- ? JI 3t S jt preciated. ♦ JI Courtney s JI B JI " | The Industrial Loan and Investment jt Ten Cent Store JI B Buy Your ♦ o » | Jt u• a- " Bank «> j; | V. Printing ♦ :: -• g JI o JI If You Need Quick As- 3t K »At Home j: Forest City, N. C. sistance Just Phone 1 S ;; Hewitt Auto Works ; I!] j; We Know of a few or- Money to Loan on Weekly and Monthly o FOREST CITY, N. C. | F ► est City business men who o 3t Day Phone 68 Night 234 JI # JI o Re-payment Plan. o Jlg o want the local newspaper o j; And Our Wrecker Will J[ g JI to boost buying at home JI _______j; Come At Once jj | ji wh«» 9. j. .w W ».»ii . ii xts i; I JI home for job printing. JI Consider The Courier's Payroll Z U olstering, Painting. T j j 3t And we do it. Buy at jt JI Estimates Cheerfully Furn- Jt fi JI ' ► Next time some out-of-town salesman tries o ished. JI |g o home even if the other o + Q ge jj you a p r i n ti n g. Four married 3t w ,. c . JI |B fellow does not. Money 31 men and two single ones—members of our J[ ® p£eproof g o jj force—spend their money at home regularly, j; rireproor storage o g JI spent at home might come JI When you buy printing locally you are keep- j > Hewitt Antn Wnrlr* 31 JI vnn hut thp nol- 3t ing your money at home. And you get the best o 3t B ;; back to you, but the QOl- ; , in 8 8^rvice and price> too _ J; Government Square In Front ;; 1 * > lar that goes out of town j j The Courier boosts your town. Boost us with JI of Postoffice. ► J! . , , your printing orders. Just phone 58 and a re- j; FOREST CITY, N. C. J[ I o may never get back. o p resen tative will call immediately to wait on ► JI i? laiaigiaiaiaiaiaiamaiaiaiaiaiamaiai

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