NEW HOPE NEWS Roddy-Thompson Wedding— Funeral For Mr. Walter Jones—Birth, day of Mrs. J. A. Tur ner Observed. Harris, R-l, July 21.—Mrs. J. G. Lamb seems to be improving, heri friends will be glad to hear. Miss Leona Turner, of near Shel-! bv spent last week with friends and relatives in this community. Mi*. Jerome Harris and family, j spent Sunday at the home of his father, Mr. C. M. Harris. MiiS Belle Wilkie spent Wednes-, a y afternoon with her cousins, Misses Clara and Mary Randall. j The many friends of Mr. Archie Roddy and Miss Elizabeth Thompson were surprised to hear of their mar riage which occurred Saturday. We rish them much joy and success. Several from this community at tended the funeral of Mr. Walter Jones, at Brooklyn, Wednesday af ternoon. j Miss Alice Kennedy spent Thurs- J day night with Mr. and Mrs. Bu-j ford Kennedy. j Miss Clara Randall who has been ■ sick for several days is improving, we are glad to note. A number of the friends and rela tives of Mrs. J. A. Turner gathered at her home Sunday and gave her a surprise birthday dinner. Miss Vivian Kennedy will arrive home this week from Cullowhee where she has been attending sum mer school. Misses Ferne and Bernice Hines entertained a number of their friends with a party Saturday night. Little Miss Helen Harris who has been in the Rutherford hospital for several weeks isn't improving much we are sorry to note. Mr. L. D. Wilkie and Mr. W. P. Wilkie were visitors in Cliff side one ciay last week. Miss Mary Randall spent one night last week with her cousin, Miss Belle Wilkie. Misses Eunice and Bernice Roach entertained a number of thteir friends with a party Wednesday night. , * • » •> ' ' '• Prices Most Attractive BEFORE INVENTORY I sale Continues I for . Friday, Saturday and | | y | Through Monday I [ J Monday, August 4th i t Friday, Saturday, Monday Will Be Three Big Bargain Days Efird's Silk Dept. Reduced Prices Men's work shirts, in the New Cool Wash If you need shoes Ladies' Full Fash full of Bargains for on new Summer slie'pricl^each 9 63c Dresses at cut prices be sure to visit ioned Silk Hose at these three days Wash Goods. 2 for $1.25 Hoover plain shade Dress- Efird's Shoe Dept. July Sale Price. Beaitiful Flat Crepes, in v , ~ „ , ™™~————————- es ' f sale Ladies' Patent 1-strap me- Ladies pure thread silk Full the new summer col- 1 £ . e loaa I Art _ price. dium heel QC Fashioned Hose, in the *7O. 01 s, per yard- slls cl ° th 35 C New Print Dresses, fast col- Pumps season's best colors .... /»C . . . specia a o rs, beautiful styles (f>| Ladies' 1-strap or lace me- Crescent First Quality pure - fOP hi Ue ' "R "rM rCenZe VV 1 6 25C Men's Union Suits y| yf Sale price *pl*Ob dium heels, pat. or A[ Thread Silk, Lisle Top OA Pink, maize, white, black, egg- Broadcloth at _ _ _ 44g ▼ '£ JbZ.SfD full fashioned 54C shell and navy, July 70 New styles m fast color ta , b p T Sale price, yard I «/C New fast color Windsor —Happy Home QA** Children's patent ox- A£/» Nebel s and Hudson s all , J Prints, new 10 Men's Full cut Over- Dresses O*IC f|ords r HOC pure Thread Silk Semi-Chiffon 12 momme all silk imported Datterna IXP alls. Sale price U«/C . ' ~ and service weight hose. White J ap Pongee, 65c quality for P Children's fast color Print- Children s Pat. strap San-. and new summer col- 1 Friday and while it )7_ _ Boys' Overalls, in sizes from e d Dresses, good styles and dais QC ors j u j y gale price iff lasts . Li C Genuine Father George Sea U to 16. Sale _ natterns. Sale TA f* «PI.3D ' * w Island Sheeting, sale Q\/ n r>rir>P /Hf , ™ """™~ 36 inch all Rayon Sport Slips pr i C e O?C pnCe ~ r c^ hlldren s Pat - One special lot Ladies' Ray- Satin. Original $1.25 C/| n ——————— Beautiful patterns fast col- fords| I t 9 4S ° n Bloomers ' worth double quality, per yard One table perfect short One lot Men's Pants in or stylish Cotton Dresses. f° r !*r • the price. Sale All Silk Poneee in white lengths Curtain Marqui- | A white and light color siripe. Originally sold up to $3.95 Men's 55.00 Pullman Ox- price 79 c •"•*■— loc s, r i.i —ii. jug "*51.29 $2.65 S2JS JZZSE * Full 2 1-4 yard length Kriss _ _ _ ' _Men's Sport Oxfords, black that originally sold up to sl. """""""" Kross Curtains, SI.OO value. Mens Work Pants in the an( j or tan Af July Sale - Large soft white Towels, July Otis Pin Checks. Sale QC Wash Suits, made of and white SLtJUO price VDC July Sale 1 A price. Ut)C P r i ce good materials in all the *7Qp _ Men's Hong Kong Work latest sTyles. Sale price Men's Dress Shi#s, in plain Men's Straw Hats, values Large white bordered Can— New Era 9-4 Seamless Un- Pants, made to fit with quart- One lot Men's Pajamas, or fancy colors. Caro- up to $2.95 to go in July non Towels Ift/* bleached Sheet- er P oc^e ts- Sale A C good colors and AA lina made", each /5fC Sale an^ each lOv ing, yard iMVv price iD sizes, special at yi»vv 2 for $1.50 at —• VVV vwv EHRD'S DEPARTMEIMT STORE « » c JACK BLANTON TO TRY FOR JR. LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMP. Cliffside, July 21.—Jack Blanton, Cliffside Jtinior lightweight, takes an other shot at "Kid Belk", of Charlot te, (who beat him to a decision once before) next Friday night, July 25, Jat the Rutherford county fair grounds. j This fight will be scheduled for eight rounds and will be for the junior lightweight championship of the Carolinas. Four other good fights are on the card'., Come out and pull for a Ruther ford county boy. i INSTALLS REFRIGERATOR. ! The Jones Grocery Co., this week found it necessary on account of growing business, to install a new and up-to-date Gundler meat coun ter and refrigerator to supplement their already adequate equipment in the refrigerator line. This progres sive firm always keeps step with the march of progress, OUR ASSETS. j What advantage can Forest City , offer to new industry? The full answer to this question can be made only after careful study but there are some factors that may be listed which do not demand in tensive research. Living expenses in a community like Forest City are far below those that prevail in a great city. This enables the manufacturer to reduce his labor costs without reducing the standard of living of his workers. Living conditions in a small com munity for the average worker are infinitely superior to those offered by a great industrial center. This makes fior /'contented and satisfied labor, a reduction in labor turnover, a steady, dependable organization. Living conditions for the employ-1 er are likewise far more satisfactory than those offered by the great city. In a community like Forest City he occupies a unique position,, that of-! fers him an opportunity for notable community achievement. Agreeable THE FOREST CITY COURIER. THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1930. and pleasant human contacts are 1 afforded him daily. His home life is, ! made more agreeable, with better j ' opportunities for his children for' education and for play. These and many other such like i factors more than offset any disad- 1 _' vantage the average manufacturer '. • 1 experiences in having his plant lo- i jcated away from a great business j and financial center. Chiefly on this; •ground can one explain the move-] jment of industry out, into the small-' ~er communities of the country. } j UNION MILLS NEWS | i. ! i Union Mills, R-l, July 21. —Mrs. •M. J. Harris is taking treatment nt | the Marion hospital. : 1 Mrs. J. P. Williams has been very jsick the past week. ■ j Mr. and Mrs,, George Harris and , j daughter, Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse j Walker, all of Pinellas Park, Fla.,; spent the past week wtih Mr. Vick j 'Harris and family. i j Mrs. Clark C. Harris, of Knox- j ;ville, Tenn., is visiting her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hemphill. j • i I Mr. George Searcy and family and j >Mr. Hicks Hemphill and family were j ! visitors at the home of Mr. Elihu Parker Sunday. i ■ Mr. Enwart Parker, of Detroit, | Mich., is visiting his parents, Mr.; and Mrs. Joe Parker. ' Mi?, Lon Hensley and family visit ed Mr. Johnie Parker's family, Sun day. i j Much interest is being shown in our Sunday school now. Last Sunday there were 94 present. We hope the parents will continue to come with their children. i Miss Jessie Harris and Miss Char (lotte Peeler, of Morganton, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vick Harris and family. ! The White Pine school opened to day with Miss Maude Stott in charge. , Miss Glenn Harris came home Fri day from Cullowhee summer school and left Sunday for Sunshine, where she will teach this year. I j Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hardin and children of Caroleen, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. C. Harris and family. i P Hi f h Ig "4ms * •- ———.— — ~ - r a The Home of Good Printing The Forest City Courier maintains au exclusive job printing department, separate from the newspaper, and therefore can give your rush orders immediate attention any day in the week. This department is in the hands of expert workmen. Prompt Service and Reasonable Charges Quality Printing Don't hesitate to call us for that next rush order. Our promptness in supplying your needs will surprise and the quality of the work will please. THE COURIER Phone 58 Forest City , N. C.