SECTION TWO i r / '■ . , • . ,• l .; - •.; The Greatest Newspaper Offer Ever Made In Rutherford County «sr "• s* , s . * \ Owing to the bank failures, the low price of cotton and the general business depression, The ? «r Courier management has decided to give all our readers an opportunity to pay up and enjoy the pa per at our expense. •'•* : - '. v THEREFORE WE MAKE THIS ASTOUNDING OFFER: ' iV- 1 " '♦. ■ For Every Dollar Paid on Subscription Between Now and Nov. 15 We Will Give You Credit For TWO YEARS. /' •' 4 / W M* 1 ' • O* J . " * . •!•*•• •; ' .* • - V . . ' . •* .VV , ✓ . . . v .. r# .. \ . • .fT.- t . t " > . ' • . ' .I.'' - v ' A 'r.:vUVft?te : This offer is made primarily to help our present subscribers, but new subscribers may have benefit of the offer by having credit for one year:and sending the paper one year to some relative or friend. Wf ex P ect ever y subscriber to take advantage of this offer before the time expires. Send your dollar today while you thinU of it. - • • t . i FOREST CITY COURIER PAGE SIX THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930.