EXTRA SPECIAL I EXTRA SPECIAL I EXTRA SPECIAL j SPECIAL | SPECIAL I Father George Sheet- I 500 chambray I Lad.es' Full Fashioned 500 yards 15c outing _ P« ? ./ 2 I , I H ° Slory ' Pa ' r ~ 78c I I a 54.00 value for ' I mbbb mm hh wmm JLhh mm hhh ■■■■■ mhshm ° r 2 Pa ' r 50 I 10c I $2.95 I DALTON BROS., Inc. MEETS LOW PRICE COTTON WITH THE LOWEST PRICE MERCHANDISE IN FIFTEEN YEARS IN THEIR GREAT Bth8 th ANNIVERSARY SALE EVERY ITEM CUT TO THE BONE TO HELP BRING PROSPERITY BACK TO RUTHERFORD COUNTY. AGAIN WE REPEAT, THIS STORE IS YOUR FRIEND, MAKE USE OF IT. ' « SALE OF FALL COATS S a ] e Silks I SALE OF SILK DRESSES « 00 New Fall Coats, rep 40 j p| a j c re p et y ( ] nn We offer you the largest resenting the latest styles A] , s|)k yd stock and the lowest prices |gX and colors, all in this sale. „ found anywhere in New ymIIN-- It It will pay you to see these Fa " We ha - H Ilk Coats before buying. ' ~7 " 84c them in travel tweed ' Ca "' jfill uMRX Transparent Velvet, yard $3 CJQ ton Crepes, Velvets and ||||\m $15.75-523.50 537.50 "* -* Satins, at these low prices. |l||||^y ill up to 549 50 EXTRA SPECIAL *llll® One lot of Men's $22.50 and $25. I $4.9559.75i11.75 ,|( EXTRA SPECIAL Suits at * J "51495 5 try 1 Ladies' high'"'gPade Broadcloth Fur ?l ylj' "CO I 4c I ' T Trimmed Coats, sls to $25 values, at jkr lyi $9.95 nNn _ DU ,_ A d two prices ' $4.95 and $9.95 ®ji SALE OF UNDERWEAR J Children's Union Suits _ SALE OF WOOL GOODS j SPECIAL J Boys' Mayo Unions $2.50 Wool Goods, yard $1.98 ■// Curlee ' s Famous 6121 Blue Men's Mayo Unic#ns oCj c 36 inch Flannels, yard 98c IH Serge Suits for ________________ New Fall Suitings, yard $22 50 I SWEATERS I Ladies' Dress Sweaters CI CC to CQ QC SALE OF WASH GOODS. SPECIAL Men's Sweat ers 98c t° R95 80x80 Punjab Prints, yard 22c Ladies' 75c Bloomers I Children's S weaters $1 48 $2 95 Cottage Prints, yard Jsc Ladies' Bedroom Slippers AAQ I •50c Broadcloth, yard 38c I , SPECIAL Table Damask, yard _ and HOSIERY All Silk j ap Pongee> yard 28 c T ew patterns in Cretonne, yard 22c Van Raalte, Gotham and Gordon $2.00 j 9-4 Wide Sheeting yard lAn . Hosiery at i CI fiC PYTDA cDcriAi », j Heavy f Bath Towels 18/» EXTRA SPECIAL All $1.50 Hosiery, pair ... C| Etchison $5.00 Hats at £3 0C Dalton Bros. Famous Full Fashioned I , SPECIAL Nothing reserved. Every Etchison Hat at ' Hosiery, pair CI QQ J395 Children's Stockings, pair .... jg c | 27x27 i Hemmed Diapers, dozen...- $124 Special—The greatest value ever seen in Special—Hanes $1.50 Winter j Union Spe dal — 100 pair Ladies' 55.00 Slippers Rutherford county in Men's Overalls Suits at CI AA f *t $2.85 at sl.lO | Special—soc Peter Pan Ginghams, yard I —Romper Cloth, regular 20c val- Special—Florsheim $lO. Shoes at JQQQ .:. 39 c | ue , yard ----- J4 C DALTON BROS., L. 1 he Place to Trade Forest City, N. C. '**' '**'' '"""" __ ■ THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 SECTION TWO- PAGE ONE