Rutherford County Offers Unequalled Opportunities To Manufacturers an d Others OL . xlll— No. 6. METHODISTS MAY UNITE WITH M. P. I BRANCH IN N. C. , Jcf Protestants and Methodist Episcopal Church- M es Favorable to Un.on- Ministers Appointed For Next Year. , „. r \ov 11. —The West- G conference which SK- — West M «f! Let church, this city, since last dnesday morning ended it work l lav r 1 o'clock with the read ;t£ appointments of the preachers ; theit several charges for the in uring vear. These do not show many . an «. s ' in the larger appointments ad th ere are fewer changes in the mailer ones than is usual. The conference passed a strong evolution, trusting that a way for nion with the Methodist Protestant mrch might be worked, out. A mimittee was appointed to take mler consideration any matters Kilting to this end that might jme up. The Methodist Protestant church, t session in Albermarle, passed a imiiar resolution on uniting with ie Methodist Episcopal church. The closing item of business Mon iy morning was the reading of the j jpointments for the incoming year, he following appointments were ade for Rutherford county:* Presiding elder, Marion District, L W. Fox. Bostic, J. N. Snow. Broad River, J. W. Kennedy. Cliff side- Avondale, D. H. Rhine irdt. Forest City, J. W. Williams. Gilkey. J. W. Parker. Henrietta, A. W. Lynch. Mill Springs, P. T. Dixon . Rutherfordton, J. W. Hoyle, Jr. Spindale-Pleasant Grove, W. A jtrber. Only three changes were made m le county. Rev. M. F. Moores, who ■es to Ardmore church. Winston ■lem, was succeeded by Rev. J. W. Blliams, and J. N. Snow comes to Hp tic charge as new pastor and ■W. Kennedy to the Broad River ■U'ge. ■OMAN'S COMMUNITY CLUB TO START NIGHT SCHOOL Bhe Woman's Community Club, ■ Caroleen, Henrietta, Avondale ■CI iff.side will sponsor a school Hbv held in their respective school Being's, with the exception of diff er- which will hold their school in I Haynes Memorial building. The Bit school will start on Monday, ■ember 10th, and will /be held V on Monday and Tuesday B l *- They invite all who cannot B or write, to attend these schools B**' different towns in which they Bielil and ask everyone in the B(ti\e towns to help to get in B w ith those who can neither lor write and invite them to B these schools each Monday Besday nights each week be on Monday, December 10th. B writer this is a most, dpserv- Bk and this splendid body of B>nien should have the hearty B tion °f every citizen in these ■istling atid progressive towns. Bh >ne feei it their duty to ladies \r, doing this work P n g those thfct you know that B hK ' r ead and write to at ,, schools. If you know of ■ >" u (1 !! ' ie for these ladies to Vegai ( 1 io this work, telephone 9 an > °- the following ladies: Bf* °wens, Mrs. John G. I von dale; Mrs. Robert Neal. B a > Mrs. Clyde Mahaffee, ■ B 01> Mrs. David Whisker, ■ FUNERAL HOME SOON. 111I 11 local undertak- I ° lK ' n a n ew funeral home B lr: . a fevv days. The new B h * located on East Main B e; " tlle residence of Mr. T. ■ ett ' arul be modernly Batch Ihe Courier next B ll t'ier announcements. FOREST CI W COURIER FOREST CITY—"ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIgMfIJIES IN THE U. S. A." US. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SuIrVEyT Local Officers Win At Field Meet Representatives of the police de partments of many cities of the Car. olinas gathered in Charlotte Friday for the Piedmont Carolina police field meet during the afternoon in Central High school stadium and the invitation ball Friday night in the Armory-Auditorium. The field meet and ball were sponsored by the Charlotte police department, of which Horace Moore is chief. The money raised will be turned over to the police relief and insurance fund. The parade formed at First and South Tryon street at 1 — 1 and moved through the principal busi ness thoroughfares of the Yity. Central high school band and the Police Doodledorfers, a comic band provided music for the parade, which was disbanded at the Armo ry-Auditorium. The members oi the Forest City police force took a prominent part in the field events, winning several prizes. Among them were the follow ing: 100-yard dash: F. Bragg, Forest City, first place, 11 seconds; John Price, Forest City, second, 11 7-10 second; Officers Bryan and G. N. Price tied for second place in the barrel race. F. Bragg, of For est City, won first place in the 22i3 yard race, making it in 25 seconds. Chief C. R. Price, of Forest City, won the fat man's race, while John Price won the 440 yard race. F. Bragg won the shot putt, throwing the ball 34 feet and eight inches. J. Price, of Forest City, led in the sack race, and the Forest City olticers also won the relay race. HENRIETTA NEWS Henrietta, Nov. 12.—Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hand and Miss Virginia Poole spent Saturday in Charlotte shop ping. Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Lovelace were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Lovelace in Forest City on Friday. Jeter Mooneyham young son of Dr. and Mrs. O. J. Mooneyham is spending a week in Spartanburg visiting relatives. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Henrietta M. E. church held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Howell with a good at tendance. The missionary topic was on "Helping to supply Mexiea's edu cational needs." and was very inter esting. The society has taken up the study of a new mission book on "Trailing the Conquistadores" for the next four weeks. A very inspirational meeting was held on Sunday morning in the Hen rietta Methodist church when the three congregations in this charge gathered together for the installa tion of the church stewards for the next church year;; and to hear a splendid sermon by their pastor, Rev A. W. Lynch. The attendance of the stewards from Alexander, Caroleen and Henrietta was almost a hundred percent and the sei'vice was impressive. Special music was rendered by Brama Layne, church pianist; Miss Hewitt, violin ist and Mr. Frank Atkinson, Cornet ist. REV. M. F. MOORES WILL PREACH FAREWELL SERMON Rev. M. F. Moores, pastor of the Main Street Methodist church, will i deliver his farewell sermon here Sun day morning at eleven o'clock. Mr. Moores will leave soon to take charge of the work at Ardmore church in Winston-Salem. There will be no prayer meeting services Wednesday night. CAR STOLEN. A 1925 model Ford touring car, belonging to Mr. Z. R. Harris, of this city, was stolen from the streets here Tuesday night. The car wa? equipped with Murray tires on the rear wheels, and the motor number is 11569325. Mr. Harris offers a reasonable reward for its return. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF I iSSt CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1930. NATIONAL BANK " OPENED MONDAY First Day's Deposits Amount to Over $45,000 —Given Great Welcome l>y the Public. If an auspicious opening portends success, the new First National I Bank in Forest City, which opened jits doors to the public Monday, Is : assured of complete success from ! its very inception. Hundreds called ' all during the day with deposits and words of encouragement, speeding the management into absolute assur , ance of the most complete backing by the public. Rutherford county is a rich and lar&e field and there has | been insistent demand for the open | ing of the new bank "by the public |at large. The new National Bank is install - jed in the completely equipped build ! ing occupied and owned by the 'ln i dustrial Bank, w 7 hich has been rnov |ed into the rooms formerly held for ' the meeting of directors. This gives j the new bank the unusual oppor j tunity of starting in business with i out the usual heavy outlay for build ing, equipment, etc., this being rent ed from the older institution at a most reasonable figure. Among the visitors for the open ing was Mr. R. E. Kerr, of the Amer ican Trust Co., Charlotte, who is well known to our people, having formerly been In the banking busi ness in this county. Mr. Kerr also] made a most Interesting and instruc tive informal talk at a meeting of the board of directors Monday af ternoon. While the new bank was not open for business Tuesday, hundreds called to inspect the new quarters and express felicitations to the officers of the National. As previously reported, the offi cers of the National Bank are: W. S. Moss, president. T. R. Padgett and J. *W.. Dalton, vice presidents. G. B. Harrill, cashier. The board of directors is compos ed of: G. B. Harril\, J. W. Dalton, Dr. W. C. Bostic, Sr., R. L. Rein hardt, G. C. McDaniel, T. R. Pad gett, D. F. Beachboard, C. E. Al cock, B. C. Horn, W. S. Moss, G H. Blanton and Hugh F. Little, Jr. The Woman's Club will meet on Thursday afternoon, November 13tl-, at 3:45 at the home of Mrs„ J„ F. Alexander. "West of Broadway" Coning. The Woman's Club will present a three act comedy, "West of Broad way," on next Tuesday night, No vember 18th, in the High school auditorium. A star cast, composed of the favorite actors and actresses of Forest City, will appear in this clever comedy. The dancing and sing ing interspersed throughout give a touch of real Broadway. This is a new play containing catchy musical numbers, good lines, and many laughs If you want an evening of enter tainment you can't afford to miss "West of Broadway." FLORENCE MILL NEWS Florence Mill, Nov. 11.—Mr. Plato Daniel and family spent Sunday at Henrietta. Mr. Dock Crawley and son, Char les, visited near Marion, Sunday. Mrs. Myrtle Sisk and little Miss Virginia McCluney of Shelby, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives hi f 3. Miss Emma Sue Daniel of Oak land spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Albert Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips, of Marion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Phillips. Mr. Will Fant and family of Valley Falls, S. C., spent Sunday with rela tives here. A large crowd of sorrowing friends attended the funeral of Miss Vess Monday at the Cove church. WOMAN'S CLUB COURIER MAILING I LIST GROWING A Total of 179 Names Added jpuring Past Two Weeks— Practically All In Ruth ford County. Iluring the last, two weeks The Courier has not had space to give names of subscribers. However, we give here a list of those who have subscribed, for The Courier within the jjast two weeks; a total of 179 names, the majority of which are in Rutherford county. J. W. Hill, Forest City, R-2. J. H. Randall, Forest City. !*- T. Dobbins, Forest City, R-l. M. D. Carson, Bostic, R-3. / H. E. Coffee, Forest City. B. E. Gold, Cliffside. Ailene Gold, Durham. J. M. Rhodes, Forest City, R-l. J. H. Patrick, Caroleen. j R. C. Flack, Union Mills. D. R. McSwain, Forest City, R-2. T. E. Byrd, Forest City. J. L. Phillips, Forest City, R-2. Clyde Edwards, Ellenboro, R-3. L., F. Carver, Hattiesburg, Miss. Hugh Gibbs, Charlotte. J. E. Caldwell, Forest City. Mrs. R. P. Blanton, Mooresboro. F. C. Dorsey, Forest City. ~W. P. Carpenter, Cliffside., J. C Hames, Cliffside. A. A. Street, Forest City. S. K. Yelton, Spindale. Dr. E. "N., Biggerstaff, Spindale. B. B. Doggett, Forest City . R. W. Vick, Sanford. Paul Blanton, Caroleen, N. C. H. H. Burgess, Forest City. P., L. Marks, Forest City. C. O.- Magness, Ellenboro, R-2. J. TVL Williams, Forest City, R-l. Ttfrs. Mary L. Hardin, Rutherford A. S. Upscomibe, Forest City. M. B Beam, Bostic, R-3. M. "M. Spurlin, Rutherfordton, R-l. George W. Jones, Bostic. Ship Harrill, Ellenboro. J. B. Meares, Forest City. Eloise Harrill, Forest City, R-2. T. M. Mode, Forest City. C. C. Green, Forest City. Walter Green, Ellenboro, R-2. R. L. Champion, Forest City. H N. Dotson, Bostic, R-l. Buren Lee, Bostic, R-l. W. A. Jolley, Forest City, R-2. S. S. Trout, Poorest City, R-l. A. B. Flack, Forest City. Bob Rollins, Forest City. W. M. Wells, Ellenboro, R-2.. J. C. Toms, Forest City, R-l. Mrs. J. D. Ledbetter, Forest City, R-3. C. O. Bridges, Cliffside. Mrs. M. H. Flack. Fingerville, S. C Jennie Hudlow, Forest City. Mrs. Mattie Philbeck, Bostic. R-l. J. P. Toms, Forest City, R-2. "VV. D. McCurry, Forest City, R-l. V. L. Rollins, Bostic, R-3. J, A. Mode, Forest City, R-3. Mrs. J. R. Matheny, Mooresboro, R-l. M. W. Freeman, Forest City. Mrs. J. H. House, Forest City, R-3 M. C. Bland, Forest City. J. W. Jones, Forest City. George Poteat, Forest City. W. D Proctor, Forest City. J. F. Callahan, Forest City, R-2. Hoyle Elliott, Forest City. M. E. Hawkins, Ellenboro, R-2. C. C. Riser, Avondale. H. C. Carson, Bostic, R-l. A. C. McCurry, Forest City, R-l. Q. L. Womick, Cliffside. Mrs. J. V. Ware, Forest City. D. R. Mayse, Spindale. Thos. W. Higgins, Spindale. Mrs. Alton Carroll, Forest City. | R-2. } C. S. Condry, Forest City. S. M Bailey, Spindale. J. H. Reid, Forest City, R-2. E. S. Bradley, Rutherfordton, R-l. Nannie Jackson, Forest City. Mrs. N. A. Miller, Brevard. Worth T. Elliot, Ellenboro. J. W. Camp, Forest City. Max Higgins, Rocky Mount. Don C. Melton, Forest City, R-3. E. L. Robertson, Forest City. Earl Callahan, Forest City. Dorothy Bostic, Lexington, N. C. C. F. Cline, Gilkey. F. I. Barber, Forest City. A. M. Crawford, Mooresboro, R-l. J. H. Crawford, Harris.. Parents' Night November 14th The P.-T. A will observe parents' night in the auditorium of the Cool Springs school November 14th. This meeting will be held at night in or der that the fathers as well as the mothers may attend. It is hoped that every home in the Cool Springs Town ship may be represented. Awards will be presented to the rooms which have the largest num ber of parents present. Visitors will also be counted. There will be an interesting pro gram which include vocal and instru mental music, an old fashion spelling match and other interesting features. The following is the program: Music, Glee Club. Invocation, Mr. J. Jones. Address of Welcome, Mrs. S. J. Asbury, president of P.-T. A. Membership Award, Mrs. W. B. Harrill. Quartette. Reading. Count of Attendance. Duet, Doris and Frances Ledbetter Spelling match. America, audience. C„ M. Erwin, Forest City. W. Y. Byers, Caroleen. R. A. Jolley, Rutherfordton. E. A. Matheny, Forest City, R-2 J. B. Robinson, Forest City, R-2 Rev. C. C. Matheny, Forest City Jethro Rollins, Bostic, R-3. C. W. Costner Forest City, R-l. I Miss Jennie Morris, Forest City D. H. Padget, Forest City, R-l. S. M. Flack, Forest City. J. H„ Packard, Caroleen. J. W. Carlisle, Bostic, R-2. M. E. Helton, Ellenboro, R-2. Kenneth Dot>bins, Caroleen. G. C. McDaniel, Forest City. -W. D. Waters, Forest City. 1 J. L. Butler, Jr., Forest City. Ray Beam, Washington, D. C. O. R. Coffield, Ellenboro. Miss Alice Carson, Bostic. J. S. Carson, Bostic. C. E. Tanner, Rutherfordton. C. B. Mcßorie, Chapel Hill. A. L. Moore, Ellenboro, R-2. G. A. Wright, Ellenboro, R-2. Geo. H. Blanton, Forest City, R-l H. C. Carson, Forest City, R-3. H. T. Harrill, Forest City. Hoyt E. Sparks, Forest City. J. M. Burkholder, Forest City. Charles Dalton, Avondale. M. R, Reed, Forest City, R-l. W. B. Whitlock, Forest City. R B. W T atkins, Cliffside. John L. Robinson, Forest City. Lewis Robinson. Muncie, Ind. Joe McKinney. Cliffside. O. C. Turner, Forest City, R-3. Lum Chapman, Forest City, R-l. D. C Qolvin, Cliffside. Chas. H. Haynes, Cliffside. J. W. Sanders, Forest City. B. T. Jones, Forest City. J. V. Tate, Forest City, R-l. A. W. Tate, Forest City. R-l. W. M. Mashburn, Cliffside. Sloan Grose, Forest City, R-2. L. W. McKinney, Ellenboro, R-3. E. M. Moore, Forest City, R-3. G. P. Mc-Murry, Cliffside. Clyde H Lee, Forest City. W. M. James, Ellenboro, R-2. C. W Green, Mooresboro, R-l. A. D. Nanney, City. R. H. Burgin. Rutherfordton, R-4 Mrs. J M. Tate, Forest City. J. L. Kirby, Gaffney, R-9. J. G. Spurlin, Caroleen. C. K. McDaniel. Forest City. E. H. Callahan, Cliffside. Dr A. B Holland, Caroleen. O. R. Flack. Bostic. J. T. Rayburn, Bostic. B. S. Hamrick, Forest City, R-2. B. B. Blanton, Bostic, R-l. W. E. Hamrick, Bostic, R-l. F. C. Hamrick, Bostic, R-l. J. B. Watkins, Avondale G L. Champion, Avondale. Charlie James, Caroleen. Mrs. T. A. Bostic, Forest City, R-2 Margaret McDonald, Greensboro T. R. Padgett, Forest City. A. C. Higgins, Bostic, R-l. H. Hollifield, Bostic. B H. Price, Forest City. Reuben Mcßraver, Forest City. Glenn Toms, Berea, Kv. A. B. Price, Forest City,' R-l. G. L. Goforth, Cliffside. A. S. Trout, Forest City, R-l. W. V. Edwards, Ellenboro, R-,3. Plato Harrill, Bostic, R-2. SI.OO Per Year in Advance ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION IS WELL ATTENDED Several Thousand People Throng Streets Here all Day Tuesday—Judge Johnson Speaks. An address by Walter L. Johnson, of Asheville, a parade and a hard fought football game were only a few of the features of the big Armistice Day celebration staged here Tuesday. Several thousand peo ple were in attendance and the en tire affair was a huge success. In all 278 veterans of the World war, several veterans of the Span ish-American war and a few Con federate veterans ''registered Tues day morning and were served dinner by the ladies of the city. The regis tration of ex-service men was the first part of the day's program. At 10:30 a parade, composed of World war veterans, city officials and a number of decorated automobiles and floats paraded through the busi ness district. This was followed with a memorial service for the World war dead, which took place at a memorial monument erected in hon or of Rutherford's boys who made the supreme sacrifice during the World war. Judge Walter L. Johnson, of Asheville, then delivered the Armis tice Day address in the Romina Thea tre. Amplifiers were placed in front of the building in order that all could hear. He was heard by a large crowd. The theme of Mr Johnson's address was peace and good-will. The football game in the after noon between Forest City and Kings Mountain,* Was won by Forest City,, the score being 25 to 0. Following the game a number of athletic con tests were held on the streets. The program for the day contin ued late into the night. Street dan cing was a feature of the evening program. Four rides and a number of other concessions with a vaudeville stock company were booked by the Willis Towery Post, American Le gion, who sponsored the celebration, for the entertainment of the great number of visitors present (luring the day Luncheon Served. Luncheon was served to about .*>2s ex-service men. The food served con sisted of fried and baked chicken, sandwiches, devikd eggs, pickles, potato ?salad, relish, cake and pie. Coco-Cola was served with each plate. The food was donated by la- J dies from Forest City, Ellenboro.. Cliffside, Rctherfordton, and other points in the county, and many re siding in the country brought in large baskets of food for the lun cheon The dinn r was served in the building formerly occupied by the Forest City Knitting Mill, on Cherry Mountain street. Prof. Frank S. Hall asked the blessing. The Forest City Woman's Auxiliary was in charge, and was assisted by ladi's from the town and other points in the county. The Caroleen Concert band furn ished music for the day, and led the parade at 11 o'clock. A number of athletic events were held on the streets in the afternoon, which were participated in by a large number of boys and young men. These events consisted of sack races, running races, three legged ! races, and other novelty events. I 7 STORE BROKEN INTO. Thieves entered the store of A. S. Harrill and Soi* at Ellenboro Monday night and stole a quantity of Koods. Entrance was gained by cutting through the floor. Among the missing goods is noted seven pairs of slippers, a quantity of ladies' hose, 250 pennies and a shot gun. Bloodhounds were brought from Asheville and trailed to a house some three and a half miles from Ellenboro, but no goods were found at the place. Officer Garrett Ed wards is working on the case and. If possible, will apprehend the thieves. * I 6 Pages 96 COLUMNS I