November 13, 1930. j; ■ ry^c(ofy^\ BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK The help of friends will make this column more interesting. Pleas# 140 and report items for this column. All news items of interest to women are welcomed. 1 ' - Moncrief-BMt'C- . jjj 3S Oroon Bostic and Rev. A. J. relief, Jr- « ere in Ra wer. October 18. Mrs. Moncrief is J 'daughter of Rev., and Mrs. Wade I) Bostic natives of North Carolina, no v. missi" nar ' es i" Po chow . China v Mr Moncrief is the son of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Moncrief, of Deca t Qa They will make their home Atlanta, Ga. . * * ♦ pj ve Course Dinner. Airs T B. Lovelace entertained - five course dinner party on Saturday, November Bth, in honor D r T. B. Lovelace's birthday. A color scheme of pink and green with crystal service was used. Plates were laid for M>s. Margaret Mcßrayer, Mr and Mrs. Yates Mcßrayer, Mr. Roy Mcßrayer. Mr. Monroe Lovelace an d Misses Daisy and Lillie Lovelace | of tfooresboro; Dr. and Mrs. Claude! Lov-lace and children, of Henrietta, j Mis? Ethel Young and Dr. and Mrs., X. B. Lovelace. * * * Kitchen Shower For Recent Bride. j Mrs. K. B. Mcßrayer and Miss Hazel Price gave a "kitchen shower" j at the former's home on Friday even- | ine. honoring Mrs. J. L. Butler, Jr., a "recent bride. A most, unique de-, bate was held, subject "which is the j best single or married life?" married j life won, the affirmatives were Mes- i dames Lolan Kanipe and John Car- penter, the negatives were Misses Su- ( die Young - and Ollie Tat«. A baby j crib very muchly bedecked and fill- • ed with many useful gifts for the ( kitchen was brought into the living j room and presented to Mrs. Butler * which after it had been opened and passed around for all the "old maids" to admire with envy ( made a most charming speech of thanks. The hos tess served delicious sandwiches and coffee. Thirty guests were present. ♦ * ♦ King-Kiser. In a ceremony characterized by I beauty and simplicity Miss Ruth Riser and Mr. Robert King were married Saturday evening at nine o'clock at the Baptist parsonage. ( Dr. \Y. A. Ayers performed the cere mony, using the always impressive ring service. ! Only a few friends of the couple were present. The bride wore a most becoming brown ensemble with accessories to match. An informal reception was held at the home of the bride immediate ly after the wedding, and later the young couple left for a trip to east Tennessee. Tne bride is the attractive and popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j H. \\. Kiser. The groom is the son ' (,t Mr. and Mrs. R. V. King. He is associated with Horn's Cash Store. J :=!ROMINA Ave & 30c TOWN | Where the Best Prevails. Program for V/eek of November 12 to 18 NOW PLAYING First and Exclusive Showing! "WITH BYRD AT THE SOUTH POLE" The greatest story of adventure ever filmed! The only sight and •- d sound record of the world's most amazing event! Comedy Cartoon Friday & Saturday Monday & Tuesday "BREED OF THE Clive Brooks in WEST" "ANYBODY'S w „ Wi * WOMAN" Wally Wales, "Buzz" F a r ton - Virginia Brown You'll never forget! "Any body's Woman" will thrill you . with its dramatic intensity, its thtilling tale of the wide emotional greatness, its tremen en spaces! dous forcefulness! "Luxury Without Extravagance" Morgan-Kennedy. Miss Pauline Kennedy and Mr. Norman Morgan were. married on Saturday, November Ist, in Spar tanburg, S. C. Their marriage came as a surprise to their many friends iwho wish for them much happiness. J Mrs. Morgan is the attractive ! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Kennedy, and is a graduate of Caro ' high school, i Mr. Morgan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan, of Sandy Mush. He holds a responsible position with the Forest City Seed and Fertilizer Co. The youpg couple will make their home in Sandy Mush. * * » Mr. B. E. Putnam, of Shelby, and Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Lynch, of Boiling Springs, spent Tuesday here. Mr. anji Mrs. R. G. Tyner, of j Dozier, Ala., will be the guests | Thanksgiving day of Dr. and Mrs. i T. B. Lovelace. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Newton, of j Shelby, spent Tuesday f j alfternoon ; here -with relatives, j Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mcßrayer spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. | and Mrs. Culbreth in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hartley at tended the Carolina-Furman football game in Greenville, S. C., last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover King spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. I L. Sing in Charlotte, Mr. Sing is a sister of Mrs. King. Miss Mary Meares spent the week end in Shelby, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nolan. Mr. and Mrs. John Webb and daughter, Tootsie, and Mrs. R. L. Church, of Salisbury, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McDaniel, Sunday. Mr. Webb was formerly city manager here. Mrs. C. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Burwell Moore and son, Charles, spent Sunday with Misses Margaret and Madge Moore in Lenoir. Mrs. J. F. Alexander and Miss Ruth Dorsey left Friday to attend the annual conference of the Metho dist churches being held in Greens boro. • Mr. Charles Bridges, of Rock Hill, S. C., is spending this week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins spent Sunday with Mrs. Edward Love in Johnson City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tate, Miss Lee Ellen Tate, Messrs G. D. Tate and Hoyle Griffin visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilkerson in Charlotte Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morrow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hines in Greens Creek. Rev. John S. Wood will go to j Charlotte next Monday to attend j the ceremonies of the Scottish Rite. j THE FOREST CjTY COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. Mrs. Geo. Rollins returned home Sunday after spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. K. G. Wilson and Mr. Wilson in Asheville. Mesdames W. M. Padgett, Ted Al cock and Misses Lula and Lou Pad gett and Mrs. L. B. Padgett and son ( were shopping Thursday in. Spartan burg, j Mesdames T.. B. Lovelace, T. R. Padgett, J. F. Alexander and Misses Sudie Young and Lilah Padgett spent Thursday shopping in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs.. Grady Carpenter and n James Berry Ellis, of Greenville, S. C., spent Sunday here with Mr. and e Mrs. F. F. Davis. s Miss Ruth Doggett, of Brenau col lege, Gainesville, Ga., spent * several e days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Doggett.. Mr. and Mrs. Onslow Mcßrayer, of Warrenton, Ga., spent the week i end here with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mcßrayer. , Mr. F. I. Barber left Saturday for r Milwaukee, Wis., where he will at tend the National Bottlers conven ,. tion. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rex Long and Misses Dorothy McDaniel and Fran j ces Washburn spent last Saturday in Charlotte shopping. Friends of Mrs. P. L. Marks will be delighted to know that she is do- ing nicely, after an operation last s Thursday at the Rutherford hospi- j • J al. Mr. Clyde Hardin who was hurt last week while helping to load a 1 cash register on a truck, is able to be back at his post of duty at Ste r ins Dept. Store. » i Master Frank Moore Dorsey is ill! with diphtheria at the home of his 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorsey.! We are glad to report that he isj resting comfortably. t ~ Open Meeting Of Dental Society •! j | | The First District Dental Society • invites the public to their opening [ meeting, Wednesday, November 19, in the courthouse at Rutherfordton, ; to the following program: > 8:00 p. m., meeting called to or r der by president, Dr. T. A. Wilkins, J Gastonia. Invocation, by Rev. E. B. Jen-! - kins, pastdr First Baptist c'hurch, j Rutherfordton. J Address of welcome, by Mr. Clyde Erwin, superintendent of Rutherford county School. Dr. I. R. Self, Lincoln ton. I President's address, Dr. T. A. ] Wilkins, Gastonia. 8:30 p. m., paper "Mending our Nets." Director of mouth Hygiene,» North Carolina Statg Board of J Health. All dental offices in Rutherford county will be closed November 20. TAX NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a dis count of 1 % will be allowed on 1930 town taxes paid ■ during the month of November and a discount of one-half of 17 during the month of December. J. E. CALDWELL, 6-3t. Town Tax Collector. I Miss Viree Vess Died Sunday Miss Viree Vess, aged, 42, died at her home here Sunday morning after a short illness. Funeral ser vices were conducted from the Mont ford Cove Baptist church Monday at twelve o'clock, with Rev. M. M. Huntley in charge, assisted by Rev. L. N. Epley. Interment was in the Montford Cove cemetery. Miss Vess is survived by two brothers and two sisters. The pallbearers were Messrs Ray Reep, Paul Jones, Carl Jones, Grady Guffey, Bill Smart, Alonzo McClun ey. The floral offering was borne bv Misses Carrie Guffey, Jennie, Pau line Hudlow, Annie Bell White, Gus sie Webb, Eutha Neighbors and Clara Lynch. AUXILIARY MEETING. The Woman's Auxiliary of I the j American Legion will meet on Fri i day afternoon, November 21st, in stead of November 14. The meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Er nest. Robinson. It is urged that every j member be present at this meeting jon Friday, November 21st, at 3:30 Ip. m. > ' J FOR SALE—Three fresh cows; J two heifers; one bull, cheap. S. M.' Flack, City. 6-2t. CRIMINAL COURT IN BUSY SESSION (Continued Prom Page 4)^ and failed to Fine $40.00 and costs. Judgment ni sci, capias ad testificondum instanter. State vs. J. C. Powell, disposing of mortgaged property, continued by consent. State vs. John E. Smith, continued by consent. State vs. Horace Johnson and Jude Hunt, larceny, defendants plead not guilty. Jury trial. Jury empanell ed. J- L. Cochran, transporting, defen dant called jand failed. Judgment nisi sci fa and capias. C. O. Phillips, larceny, true bill. Defendent pleads guilty. Store breaking. Dewey Gilbert, true bill. Defen dant pleads guilty of storebreaking. C. O. Phillips, true bill. Defen dant pleads guilty of larceny. Powell, forgery, defendant plea of guilty of forcible trespass, which plea the State ac cepts. Leon Wall, called; and failed Judgment ni sci sci fa and capias. H. H. Womack, State takes Nol Pros. Elridge Wall, called and failed. Judgment ni sci sci fa and capias. Leo n Wall, abusing wife, abandon ment. Called and failed. Jugment ni sci sci fa and capias. ; Zeb Harrill, defendant having paid the balance of cost due, judgment ni sci sci fa and capias is stricken ; out. J. D. Morrow, storebreaking. De fendant enters plea of guilty and i O . sentenced to the State prison for two years. Johnnie Morrow, larceny. Plea of guilty. Judgment: Defendant be con fined in Rutherford jail for 12 month to work on public roads. Sentence suspended on condition that defen dant appear before the County Wel fare officer on first Mondey in each month for 18 months, and show g-ooH behavior and that he has continuous ly been engaged in some gainful oc cupation or in attendance upon some reputable school and each month to pay the Welfare officer $5.00. which shall be turned over to the Clerk to be applied to the discharge of the costs; excess, if any, to be applied to the school fund. At time as the defendant may be attend ing school and faithfully endeavor ing to do the work therein payment above required to be suspended. Bond in the sum of $l5O for his ap pearance and compliance with this judgment required. On his failure to comply capias to issue. Elmer Guffey, defendant enters plea of involuntary manslaughter. Troy McGinnis, public drinking and transporting, called and failed. Judgment ni sci sci fa and capias. Butler McSwain. Assault with deadly weapon. Called and failed. J. L. Cochran. Jury trial. Verdict of guilty. Judgment ni sci sci fa heretofore entered is ordered strick en out. Jim Barnes„ called and failed. Judgment, ni sci sci fa and capias instanter. Harvey Deaton, Larceny, jury trial. Jury finds the defendant guilty of receiving stolen goods knowing of their having been stolen. Johnnie Morrow, larceny, true bill. G. R. Burgess, true bill. Lee Philbeck, conspiracy, true bill. Robert Hutchins, larceny, true bill. W. T. Johnson, called and failed. Judgment ni sci sci fa and capias. Zeb Hutchins, store breaking, trup bill Garland Davis, house breaking, true bill. D. A. Brock and Glenn Sawyer, liquor, D. A. Brock on docket by error and goes off. Glenn Sawyer called and failed. Judgment ni sci sci fa and capias. Sam Taylor, Deck Taylor, Floyd Connor, store breaking, true bill. Defendants plead guilty. W. L. Lowery, worthless check, defendant pleads guilty to giving worthless check. Ed Smart, called and failed. Judg ment ni sci sci fa instanter capias, j Elmer Guffey,, grand jury comes' into the court in a body and returns a true bill charging the defendant with murder. Sam Allen, drunkeness, defendant pleads guilty of charge of public drunkeness and is fined $25.00 and the costs. Sam Allen, violating prohibition law, defendant pleads guilty with charge of violating prohibition law 1 and is fined $40.00 and the costs. Judgment ni sci sci fa heretofore entered stricken^out Sam Allen, violating prohibition law, defendant pleads guilty %"ith charge of violating the prohibition law and is sentenced to jail'for six months to be assigned to work on the public roads of any county which the Commissioners may designate and not to wear stripes. The prison sen tence is suspended on the following | condition: that the defendant pay j the costs and appear at each Novem ber term of court for a period of 4 three years to show that he has whol ly abstained from the use of intoxi cating liquor and has otherwise been of good behavior. Bond of $200.00 required. Walter Lowery, violating traffic law, upon calling of the case for trial Solicitor for the State that W. R. Splawn be marked as prosecutor and that notice issue for the witness to appear Monday, No vember 10." It 'is ''therefore ordered by the court that notice issue re quiring the said W. R. Splawn to appear on Monday, the 10th of No vember at 10 o'clock to show cause, if any he has, why he should not be marked prosecutor. Billy DePriest, > State takes Ncl Pros with leave on condition that defendant pay costs. Will Medford, transporting, defen dant enters plea of guilty and is fined $25.00 and costs. Johnnie Morrow, defendant enters plea guilty. Prayer for judgment. Prayer continued for two years to be pronounced on motion of Solici tor. Will Tate, called and failed. Judg ment. ni sci sci fa and capias. Johnnie Morrow, defendant en ters plea of guilty. Prayer for judg ment. Prayer continued for two years to be pronounced on motion of So licitor. Will Tate, called and failed. Judg ment ni sci sci ia and capias. J. B. Belfry, violating prohibition law, traffic law, jury trial. Verdict of guilty. Eb Kelly, called and failed. Ni sci sci fa and capias. Elias Littlejohn, called and failed Ni sci sci fa and capias. John E. Smjth, true bill. George Tate, grand jury returns a true bill of murder against defen dant. Robert Harris, Nol Pros with leave. Hampton Black. The prosecution! witness, Ossie Baker, called and fail ed. Fined SBO.OO and costs. Judg ment ni sci sci fa and instanter ca pias ad Testificandum. EarniesJlirie McKinney, true fcill Waddell Sanders, not true bill, j Geneva Squaws and Delia Hamil- \ ton, jury trial. At the close of the j State's evidence the State takes a j Nol Pros as to the count of larceny. The defendants enter plea of guilty to the charge of assault. A. A. Hawkins, jury trial. Jury! can not agree and mis-trial is or- j dered. John Adams, defendant plead? | guilty and is sentenced to jail 15 months to work on public roads, not to wear stripes. Sallie Littlejohn, jury trial. Ver dict of guilty. Sentenced to jail for j 30 days with leave to Commission- j ers in their discretian to have i worked at County Home or jail. Sen- j tence to be suspended on payment of fine of SIO.OO and costs. C. R. Powell, Prayer for judgment Prayer continued to May term 1931 on payment of cost. George Littlejohn, guilty. Sen tenced to 30 days in jail to be as signed to work on public roads not to wear stripes. Sentence to be suspended on payment of $20.00 fine and costs. J. V. O'Brian, reckless driving, defendant pleads guilty. Prayer for j judgment. Prayer continued on j payment of costs. Ab Kelley, jury trial. Verdict of not guilty. Judgment of ni sci sci fa heretofore entered ordered stricken out. State vs. Oscar Yelton, defendant called and failed, capias and contin- J ued. State vs. Johnnie Jones, Alias and continued. State vs. Johnnie Jones, violating Turlington Act, ■ alias capias and continued. State vs. Walter Sams and Herman Leverett, Walter JJams called and failed. Judgment ni sci, instanber sci fa and instanter capias. Herman Leverett good behavior shown. Continued allowed to send af fidavit next term. State vs. Pink Gosey, transporting defendant called, and failed. Judg ment ni sci instanter, sci fa and capias (instanter). State vs. Robert Gordan, violating traffic law, called and failed. Ni sci instanter sci fa and capias instan ter. State vs. Hardin Dover, transport ing, defendant called and failed. Judgment ni sci sci fa and capias, j State vs. Weldon Logan, larceny, ■defendant called and failed. Judg- I ment ni sci, instanter sci -fa and ( capias. \ | State vs. Jim Herring and Cliff ord Herring, grand jury in body re turn in open court a true bill. ; State vs. J. W. Whiteside, defen dant tenders plea of guilty of forc ible trespass. Judgment that defen . dant, J. W. Whiteside, be confined jin jail six months in Rutherford j county and assigned to work on j public roads. ! This prison sentence may be sus ! pended on condition that defendant j comply with the contract of v hiring j made between Commissioners and jsome reputable citizen of this coun .ty, the proceeds of the hiring to be | applied to the discharge of costs i of case, and the excess, if any, to the school funds. State vs. Yates Baynard, reckless driving, jury trial. Jury finds de fendant guilty of reckless driving. ! Defendant sentenced to jail six months to be assigned to work on public roads of Rutherford county or any county which the county Commissioners may designate. Road sentence to be suspended on the pay ment of the costs and $50.00 for (the use of the school fund and upon further condition of giving a bond lin the sum of $150.00 to appear at the November term 1931 to show that he has been of. good behavior and that he has not operated a motor car on the higway. State vs. Buck Bradley, violating prohibition law, called and failed. (Judgment ni sci sci fa and capias instanter. State vs. Buck Bradley, called and failed. Judgment ni sci' sci fa and capias instanter. State H. H. Womack, liquor, jury trial, finds defendants guilty as charged. | State vs. Jump Mooney, public j drunkeness, defendant pleads guilty land is sentenced to the jail for four | months to be assigned to work on | the public roads of any count which | the county Commissioners may desig nate. This sentence to be suspended for two years and one paying $20.00 to the school fund and the costs of the case and upon the further con dition that the defendant be of good behavior for two years. Capias to issue at any time upon motion of the solicitor. Sci fa to be dismissed on payment of the costs. Elias Littlejohn, jury trial. Ver dict not guilty. Judgment ni sci sci fa heretofore stricken out. Philip Payne, jury trial. Verdict of not guilty. John E. Smith, true bill. Jim Herring and Clifford Herring murder, defendants being at the bar of the court are solemnly arraigne', their council, W. C. Mcßorie, being present, on the bill of indictment and plead not guilty thereto, an! for their trial put themselves on God and their country. LOST—Ladies' green felt hat,. Finder please return to Courier of fice. OVER VVORKFD NERVES ITP TO your ears in work— every nerve at high tension. No wonder you snap at the wife and bark at the children. Watch out! Overworked nerves may lead to Sleepless ness, Nervous Headache, Nerv ous Indigestion and a host of other unpleasant disturbances. Why don't you try Dr. Miles' Effervescent Nervine Tablets? Just one in a half glass of water makes a pleasant, spark ling drink delightfully soothing to over-taxed nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine is now made in two forms —Liquid and Effervescent Tablet. Both are the same therapeutically. v PAGE FIVE

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