PAGE EIGHT CUFFSIDE NEWS In the Cleveland Star, of Shelby, i dated October 31st there appeared] a picture of Mr. N. J. Wright, cf| Fallston and an article accompany-1 ing it stating that; he had been superintendent of the Sunday schol at Friendship Methodist-Protestant church for more than sixty-six years. Mr. Wright is an uncle of Mr. I George Blanton, of Cliffside. The record of Mr. Wright is unusual and we are quoting here the story as given by The Cleveland Star of Shelby, N. C. "N. J. Wright of Fallston, who doubtless is dean of Sunday school superintendents not only of this state b?!t. of the United States. He began to superintend the Sunday school at Friendship Methodist - Protestant church, FaJUston, N. C., May 6 186#?, and in his church the office of super intendant being elective, has been unamiously elected by the congrega tion every successive year to the present, making sixty-six and one half years. The literature used then was Blueback Speller and Bible. Very few could read the Bible, and those who could not read were cared for by the speller. The church then had fifty odd members and today has more than four hundred. The Sun day school has progressed in propor tion. "One feature that has contributed very greatly to the success of the Sunday school and his long standing in office is his systematic progressive ideas he has kept continually before his people. Another feature is persis tant effort to diversify the Sunday school program so it has not become monotonous. There is always some thing interesting in the opening and closing exercises. He has taken eveiv advantage of progressive Sunday school literature. He attributes his regularity of attendance and being always on and opening and closing on time, the main feature of success, together with persistent ef fort to make the hour worshipful. "In all these years he has not miss ed a single Sunday for recreation. He believes the Sunday school, when properly run, is the greatest asset to the church. He has not missed a Sunday except for his own sickness and death in the family, which prob aby has not been more than a dozen Sundays." METHODIST CHURCH NOTES As the pastor was away last week attending conference there was no prayer service last week or pleach ing service on Sunday. The Sunday school was well attended. We are so glad to learn that our pastor, Rev. D. H. Rhinehardt is to MILT TOLBERT TENT SHOW Forest City All Week, ; November 10. Wednesday night feature play "Common Clay". » Thursday night playing "Lets get Married." Friday night feature play "Revelations of a Wife." Saturday night closing play "My Gypsy Sweetheart." TENT LOCATED OPPOSITE CITY HALL Tent well heated and dry Curtain at 8:00 P. M. / Concert Each Night. Hits and Bits from Broadway remain with us another year. He ha already served three years and is to be with us at least one more year. The ladies of the Methodist church are observing this week as a wee*, of prayer. They will meet at the R. R. Haynes Memorial building on Thursday and Friday nights of this week at 7:15. We are looking flrward to anoth er year of progress and if we go forward as we should it will mean each one doing his or her part. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES. The revival meetings at the Bap tist church came to a close last Wednesday night. The pastor, Rev. J. A. Hunnicutt brought to us some great messages and we feel that a great deal of good has been ac complished. Attendance at Sunday school was off quite a bit last Sunday. At least a large number were not in time to be counted. There were 401 pres ent when the classes assembled. W c were glad to have with us 11 visitors in the Sunday school and a number of others who came for the preach ing service. Among the visitors at the morn ing preaching service were the pas tor's father, Mr. Earl Hunnicutt and sister, Mrs. Ola Gregory of Green ville, S. C-, also a brother with his son and daughter, Mr. Luther Hunni cutt, Mr. Louis and Miss Ruth Hun nicutt, of Anderson, S. C. Church Treasurer made his month ly report to the church Sunday morning and it was very gratifying to know that despite the depression we had reduced our debt $300.00 in addition to a number of other bills paid including $157.00 for Sunday school literature, etc. The text for the morning was Jeremiah 10:23 and the subject," "Man and his perplexities." At the close of the service, Mrs. Williams and Mr. Pink Honeycutt were received into the church by letter. The, B. Y.. P. Us. had a record at tendance Sunday evening and there were seven more new members add ed. The subject for the evening ser vice was "Refuges that fail. 0 It was another fine message and at the close Mr. J. B. Whitaker Was received by letter and James Allen Hunnicutt, Jr., son of the pastor was received | for baptism. The ordinance of bap tism was administered by the pas tor immediately to James Allen Hunnicutt, Jr., and Miss Margaret Davidson. A rally of the B. Y. P. Us. in this district will be held here at 2:30 next Sunday afternoon. A fine pro gram will be rendered. We expect to have with us the officers of the association and district and hope that all the unions will be represented with large delegations. We are glad to have the meeting here with us and extend a very cordial welcome. Pastor J. A. Hunnicutt and Mrs. Hunnicutt will leave tomorrow, (Tuesday) for Raleigh where they will attend the Baptist State con vention. Mrs. Hunnicutt's mother, Mrs. Abbie Wingo, of Fair Forest, S. C., who arrived last Saturday will stay with the boys while Mr. and Mrs Hunnicutt are away. We want to mention here that the quarterly meeting of the W. M. U. will be held with the Haynes Mem orial church at Avondale, conven ing at 2:30 p. m., on November 22. The church voted Sunday morn ing to send to the Alexander school at Union Mills a number of song books. The pastor will take them at an early date. Diplomas for the Sunday school manual were awarded Sunday to Miss Pamelia Pruett, Mr. Fate Mc- Murry, Mr. M C. Blanton and Miss " Lallage Grigg. LIONS CLUB ENTERTAINS THE KIWANTS CLUB On Thursday night of last week the Textile Lions Club composed of members of Caroleen, Avondale, Henrietta and Cliffside entertained _ the Kiwanis club of Forest City. At * seven o'clock they took their places around the banquet table at the Memorial building where they par took of a bountiful meal prepared by the Home Economics class under the direction of Mrs. H. L. Robert son. This was ladies night and the club members were accompanied b> ; their wives and the single ones brought a lady friend. The address of welcome was made by Mr. B. P. Caldwell to which Dr Duncan, Forest City Kiwanian res ponded. The program was varied anc interesting. During the meal music was rendered by a colored man ai the piano who played a varied pro- THE FOREST CITY COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. gram of late popular musie as well as some old and familiar airs. There were also good jokes and sparkling repartee. Little Miss Sarah Allhands, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. All hands delighted every one with her readings and then the Lions pre sented a silent movie that was much enjoyed. The Kiwanians then took charge of the program. Prof. Charles Erwin made a fine talk and Misses Ruth Greene and Virginia Magness delighted all with their duets ac companied at the piano by Miss : Catherine Goggins. One of the last! i features of the splendid program ; was a spelling bee between the Lions and the Kiwanians. The old Blue Back speller was used and Dr. Allhands "gave out" the words. Mr. Z. O. Jenkins "killed" the largest i num ber on one of the words that is ; seldom heard. Seventy plates were ! served and every one seemed to j thoroughly enjoy the fellowship * of i this joint meeting of these two 1 splendid clubs. I MR. W. M. PEARSON DEAD. Mr. W. M. Pearson died •at his home on River View Street Tues day of last week after being ill for some time. Funeral serive nad in some time. Funeral service and in- Cleveland county Thursday \after~ noon at one o'clock. He is survived by his wife and several children. Twins of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnis Behela died Tuesday evening and were buried here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Self of Mar ion, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks of Clinton, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Fos ter Elliott and Mrs. Julia Elliott of Polkville. spent Junday here with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Packard. Mr. J. H. Smith who is working at Union, S. C., with a road building crew spent the week end here with his family. Mrs. Mary Webb, Mrs. Minnie Webb and children, Mary Lois and Fred, Jr. of Forest City were guests of Mrs. J. P. Carpenter Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. G. C. Shuford and children spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Smith at Erwin, Tenn. ? and report a nice trip. They saw snow as they passed over the moun tains. Mr. Frank White of Spartanburg, S. C., spent last Sunday here. The night school opened Monday night with a number in attendance. The teachers of the local school are giving their service in teaching the classes. At 7:15 all assembled for the organization. Short talks were made by Messrs. Maurice Hendrick, P. C. Hawkins, Charles H. Haynes, B. E. Roach and Dr. J. M. Allhands. From indications on the opening night the school is going to be a success. There were several wno want to study mathematics in addi tion to the classes in reading, spell ing and "writing. The school is being sponsored by the Woman's club composed of mem bers at Caroleen, Avondale, Henriet ta, and Cliffside. A school is being conducted at each of these towns. We failed to get the names of the teacher of each class, more about the school next week. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of W. P. Hall, Jr., de ceased. late of Rutherford county, Noi'th Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Forest .City, North Carolina, on or before the 30th day of October 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted ,to said estate will please make im i mediate payment. This, the 30th day of October, 1930. WINIFRED HALL, Administratrix of W. P. Hall, Jr. ' i 4-4t. Deceased. •CyExlK) Have Your YELWW^SSIL Louise Rice, world famous graphologist, can positively read your talents, virtues and faults in the drawings, words and what nots that yea scribble when "lost in thought". Send your " scribblings " or signature for analysis. Enclose the picture of the Mikado head, cut from a box of Mikado pencils, anj ien cents. Address Louise Rice, care cf -> EAGLE PENCIL CO., NEW YORK CITY i^HJBJEJZfZJZJZrZJBJZfHrdrefETSi^JcLf£.^ r Zr^-7-j Efird's will be Efird's leads the closed all day L. 11l \M South with lowest * Thanksgiving est November 27th Anilllcll PRICES Thanksgiving Sale Commences Friday Morning, Nov. 14th CONTINUES THROUGH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH Octagon Soap 2 l-2c Special Friday and Saturday we will sell genuine Octagon soap, 4 cakes 10c Palmolive Soap 5c Palmolive Soap, special per cake 5c Kleenex Free To every customer making a purchase of any amount in any department of our store Fri day, will be given a package of Kleenex free at toilet goods counter. Ladies' Hose 10c Ladies' all over rayon hose, slightly mill damaged for Friday morning and while they last, 1 A - per pair . A"v Rayon Crepe Dresses Charming little home frocks, made in flared or pleated sty les. Some are made in the fash ionable vestee style. New fall prints. Sizes OC 16 to 52 «pI.OV A special purchase of 5,000 new dresses —rayon crepes, tweed wool crepes. There are two and three piece effects — many featuring the Russian line. Lots of black as well as bright colors. Sizes QC 14 to 52 p£.OD Unmatched values. Frocks of undeniable quality. Incom parable Fashion. The most ex traordinary values ever offer ed! For street, afternoon, bus iness and Cfi 7C Sports! pO« i 3 Ladies' No-Run Bloomers All newest colors. Full made. An exceptional value. Efird's Thanksgiving sale AA g% pride, pair - I Iv A superior quality rayon bloomer. Usual SI.OO quality. Efird's Thanksgiving sale price Vvv Ladies' sl. Wash Dresses 68c Ready cash enabled us to close out a Philadelphia manufac turer's line of cotton dresses, short and long sleeves, good dollar values. Sizes from/* Q 16 to 50 - DOC Children's Wash Dresses 45c A special purchase of .Child ren's Wash Dresses and Party Dresses. Sizes 3 to If -12 45c COATS Colors, new blues, tans, browns, green. Also navy and black. Values up to SIO.OO. All sizes, sale rt»yi price «JnLOD In this lot you will find coats worth double the price. New styles, colors and materials, all beautifully fur trimmed. Sale ffl o nr pnce tylLd.V J A value event for every thrifty woman. Coats trimmed with Manchurian Wolf, Papin, French Beaver, Caracul or dyed Marmot. Furs of su'.h depth and richness that you'll more than "wonder at the low S2. $19.50 Coats of broadcloth, velours and tweeds, all fur trimmed. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Colors, browns, blues, tans and mix ed colors. Sale J Qr* price EFIRD'S DEPT. STORE Forest City, - North Carolina - -! 1 I r II I ■■ I I ■ ■■ " ' " " " "Z— —m mm Romper Cloth 12 l-2c 28" good quality romper cloth, perfect snort lengths fast color, sale "I price M,£* v New Fall Silks 39" all silk flat crepe in the season's newest shades, novel ty prints and other silks on special bargain table A A per yard V •V V Leaksville Novelty Blan kets Leaksville novelty plaid blank ets entirely new, $4.50 value, sale price while they A|* last, per pair Part Wool Single Blan kets 98c 66x80 part wool single gray blankets bound on one end, while they last, QQ each vvv Cotton Blankets Full size plaid cotton blank ets, per (?*! J g paJr tP X * A O Extra size plaid and solid col lor cotton blankets, per pair $1.65 * $1.79 New Cotton and Wash Goods 27" good quality white, pink and blue outing flan- *1 nels, per yard - Ivv Yard wide pink, blue and white solid color outing y| flannels *Tfv Bed Linens 72x90 .good Bed AQ/* sheets *vl/ 81x90 seamless Ded —-PA sheets vvv One table colored stripe bed spreads, bought in a special lot, mostly small sizes, but many large enough to cover a double bed, to go on Friday morning ilvv One special lot good quality colored stripe spreads, full size, values originally sold up to $1.50. Sale CC/» price Ovv Cannon's good size all-over green and pink Towels, * 18c value Avv Extra Cannon Turkish snow white with colored borders, regular 25c value. Sale 1 O price XOv SILK HOSIERY Full Fashioned. Every new Fall shade. New French heels. Newest shades. Pair vvv Full Fashioned all over silk Hose. All newest shades. Pair .. J vv Ladies' fine quality Rayon Hose. All new shades QQ Pair vvv Nebel Hose cut in price. No bel's all over silk service weight silk stock ings, d*"! A A price now _ «PXe"Vr Senior Class Hose. Ladies' fine quality 45 guage all silk full fashioned Senior Class hose, in all the leading •% OC colors - A»fa*v SWEATERS Boys' good heavy Sweaters vvv Boys' novelty and heavy weight . % Sweaters JL«Ov Thursday, November 13 ]f Men's full cut dark blue 0 chambray Work * « 0 Boys' New School Suits r Boys' new suits coat r j and pants yZuJt) Uncle Sam extra full cut Usc t Work J Shirts UOC C C One big lot boys' suits, the C new mixtures, regu- fluj J lar $5.00 value C 2 pairs long pants, sizes up to E 18 years, grey, brown | etc. *1 MEN'S HOSIERY Men's good cotton sox,| /\ C black and colors JiUC [ r Men's Black Cotton with [ white split -| q [ foot IOC j Men's heavy gray 1 /v work sox lUC t I Men's heavy wool lr half hose ZuC a Men's heavy Sweaters. iVien's J part wool dr 1 Sweaters sl*^o Men's heavy weight u»| nr Sweaters yl»OD Ladies' Dress bhoes Ladies' fine black kid high I covered heel step-infi*o pump Ladies' black satin fancy bead ed bow, high covered ff»«l AT I heel step-in pump Ladies' black satin fancy bow, j medium low covered dJO AT j heel pumps P£u«7t/ p $2.50 School girls black gunmetal low heel AT I oxford „ PX*«/D | $3.50 Black Satin covered heel, fancy bow step- AT in pump tj) 1•t/ J $3.00 Brown Kid, Lizard Trim, one-strap covered o*l Ap heel pumps J $3.00 Patent leather covered spike heel, fancy bow Qf step-in pump Children's School Shoes Boys' black blucher school shoes, sizes 6 to BV2 and 1 1 to 2's. Sale QC price %/vv Misses' black blucher shoe- Sale (Pi Oq price «P x v Women's novelty Bedrooir Slippers, fancy patterns, silks etc. Sale price Women's Felt Slippers in as sorted colors and sizes OA up to 8. Sale price clt/v WORK SHOES Men's tough bide full cut heav work shoes. A value that usu ally sold for $3.00, tf*"l special in this sale Men's Lion Brand Mil waukee made work shoe blacks and tans, sale price - Y™* Men's tan leather tough ve-i rubber sole, real Scout shoe "L $1.45 Special bargain counter chi ren's school shoes in black an tan plenty sizes and wot up to $2.00 bargain (Pi Of counter pair tj) Hanes' Elastic Ribbed Winter Underwear Hanes Merrichild knit waist suits • *** Hanes medium weight ribbe-; union ?1 1 Q suits «pi.W