W'ELF arE DRl ve TODAY HELP THE NEEDY fcTxlH— No. 15. N EW SOLICITOR mm HPpfe v»-~- ■■ wSSawtSS'l mm MMm£ ty JmmS l S?l8* I .I^* * # .1 v* Sp ft.n 0 J Mooneyham, prominent won- . I, Henrietta attorney, who took ■'"of office as county solicitor ,y jt. succeeding- Hon. Roy |AIH CLAffi MRS. [ J. C. ELLIOTT Les At Home Near Green |iii After an Illness of A bout Six Months. Ireen Hill, Jan. 13.—Funeral ser | f or Mrs. -J. C. Elliott were Blucted at her home near here Lay, with Rev. E. P. White in Bge. Interment was in the Elliott Betery nearby. Irs. Elliott (lied Wednesday night Br an illness of over six months, ■he had always lived at her coun- I home near Gilkey and was a lfe | member of the Baptist church. I is survived by her husband, who B Confederate veteran, the fol-- Hing l children: Jim Elliott, of Boma. Texas. J. L. Elliott, of El- Boro; Baxter Elliott, living at He, Mrs. Ida Bishop, of Chesnee, B; Mrs. Corrie Jones, of Ten- Bee. and one sister, Mrs. Bill El- B of this county. POAD HEADS ON ■board Officials Inspect Bailway Property From ■ Monroe to Rutherford ton Tuesday. 8 P ai tv of Seaboard Airline rail ■ officials, on a tour of inspection, Bed o\er the lines in this county air iving at Forest City late B day ev ening. A special train the officials, who were in ■B Ug and property from ff RutherfordtOn. The special eaiing the officials was cora- B° 5 cars » five private cars, B nin * cars an d an observation H e special tour of inspection Bj time was made as a result iB la 'hoad having recently gone Bankruptcy. ■ f the who made the Bj ln pectio n Tuesday were: B em L - H. Powell and E. W. Bral eCe ' Vers; E. G. Bagwell, Ecen, nag | l: Charles > R - Ca PP s > Been i SU George R. Carl |M(iiv su P ei 'intendent; C. H. B Clonal superintendent; of ■ deJ. tXeeut * ve an d administra- Bon a i tl l tra ffic and other B " dl officials. ' l hi}' hnn By J l service between Bued\i erfordton was dis " ■22 w'ii l 'ains Xos. 21 ■ten s'h ] hoieatter operated B x t(i -tP ut herfordton ■ and Mrs. J r r ,- , BHenWr, ' "lice have mov |en n nville ' where Grice Betr. ' to resident road Beonfi* who has B r , , e to her bed suffering ' a * * fi ,J 5 is improving FOREST CITY COURIER FOREST CITY—"ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIFUL CITIES IN THE U. S. A." U. S. DEPAi; " AOMCTOiuiffi SURVEY PRIZES AWARDED IN KIWANIS CLUB COHON CONTEST Cash and Trade Prizes A mounting to Nearly S2OO Given to Farmers in Bale- Per-Acre Contest. Prizes in the bale-per-acre contest sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Forest City and put on by the agri cultural department of Cool Springs High school were awarded Friday morning, January Oth, just before the men and boys in the contest left for Charlotte to attend the cotton banquet. Cool Springs had the larg est representation of farmers and boys at the banquet of any of the 27 schools in the district. Forty-nine persons were in the delegation from Cool Springs. The prizes were pre sented by J. W. Mathenv, of the Ki wanis agriculture committee, to the following persons: For men in the five-acre contest; j first prize, SIO.OO in cash for larg est yield, and special prize of $15.00 in cash for best yield of Coker cot | ton, won by P. V. Bostic; second prize, SB.OO in cash and a special prize of one ton of 10-4-4 fertilizer, won by S. T. Towery; third prize, $7.50 in cash, won by W. L. Hunt; fourth prize, $6.50 in cash won by Frank Gregory; fifth prize, $5.50 in cash, won by L. D. Pittman; sixth prize, one auto tire, won by K. P. Hamrick; seventh prize, a pair of shoes, won by Grady Moore; eighth prize, $5.00 in merchandise, won by J. S. Morgan; ninth prize, 98 pounds of flour, won by L. M. Summey, and tenth prize, 24 pounds of flour won by W. T. Toms. For agricultural students in the three-arce contest, first prize, SIO.OO in cash won by Bela Morgan; sec ond prize, $7.50 in cash and special prize of $5.00 for best Coker cotton; won by Vonnie Hamrick;; third prize $5.00 in cash Teddy Walker. For grammar school students hi one-acre contest, first prize, $7.50 in cash and special $5.00 for Coker cotton, won by Flay Hunt; second prize, $5.00 in merchandise, won by Marshall Matheny; third prize, $2.50 in cash won by Bruce Price. These prizes were donated by the following men and firms in Forest City; $25.00 in cash, C. E. Alcock; $25.00 in cash. The Alexander Mills; SIO.OO in cash, Doggett Motor Co.; SIO.OO in cash, J. W. Eakes; SIO.OO in cash, F. I. Barber; $5.00 in cash, Forest City Motor Co.; $5.00 in cash U. S. Courtney; $5.00 in cash. The Industrial Bank; one pair of $5.00 shoes, Horn's Cash Store; one auto tire, Farmer's Hardware; $5.00 in merchandise, Dalton Bros.; $5.00 in merchandise Stein's Department Store; 08 pounds of flour, Piggly Wiggly; 24 pounds of flour, J. W. Sanders; one ton of 10-4-4 fertili zer, Forest City Seed and Fertili zer Co. JUDGE SINK TO HOLD EXTRA COURT Will Preside Over Special Term Superior Court Next Month To Try Bank Cases. Rutherfordton, Jan. 12.—Judge Hoyle Sink, of Charlotte, has been designated by Governor O. Max Gardner to preside over the special term of Superior Court, which will convene here Monday, February ?, when several criminal cases growing out of bank failures last year will be tried. This term court will likely continue two weeks or longer. Sev eral former bank olficials, who have been indicted by the grand jury, are scheduled to be given a hearing at this term. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Taylor and son Edward left Sunday for their home in Cleveland, Ohio, after spend ing the holidays with Dr. and Mrs, T. B. Lovelace. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUK V FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1931 Mr. P. V. Bostic, of Forest City, who grew eight and one-half bales of cotton on five acres of land v and set a new Piedmont district record. P. V. BOSTIC COTTON GROWING CHAMPION Forest City Man Gets Eight and One-Half Bales on Five j Acres of Land and Sets New Record. P. V. Bostic, of Forest City, grew eight and one-half bales of cotton on five acres of land last season, setting a championship record for the Piedmont district of North Caro lina. Very unusual cotton growing records were established by the con testants in the bale-per-acre contest sponsored by the vocational agricul tural schools., J. M. Osteen, of Troy, district supervisor of vocatk»Trat"*ag riculture, announced last Saturday the winners in the junior and adult classes. The championship of the adult evening classes was won by P. V. Bostic, of the Forest City class taught by D. H. Sutton. On his five-acre tract he had a yield of lint of 4,23.) pounds or 8 1-2 bales. The value of the crop was $497.99 and the cosc of production was $358.10, or seven cents a pound lint. There were 27 schools in the dis trict participating in the contest with 419 farmers planting 1,727 acres. They produced 1,774 pounds at an average cost a lint pound of nine cents. FAMILY WELFARE DRIVE THURSDAY Drive For Funds for Charity Organization Will be Made Today (Thursday). The Family Welfare Association will put on its drive for funds today (Thursday) in the city. Well-organ ized teams will solicit from house to house in every part of the town, and everyone called upon are asked to donate money, clothing, canned goods or food in any form for use in relieving the needy and poor in Forest City. j The town has been divided into districts and a captain has been se lected for each district. Each captain ! will have"" an able corps of assistants I to help him, or her, carry on the j work in the district. In order to make ;it easier on the solicitors Thursday, ! the people are requested to tie a white cloth string on the door if you ;have anything- to give, and have your ' donation ready when the solicitors ; call. This will mean a great saving !in time, and will not necessitate a second call by the solicitors. If you | expect to be away from that day, please call Mrs. C. E. Alcock, phone 140, and she will call for your do- I nation later. Please do not give soil- I ed garments. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Blackwell and j Blanche, and Misses Ruby Blackweli | and Dorothy Sanders, of Spartan ' burg, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fagan. COTTON CHAMPION ■KJJ^ —Courtesy Charlotte Observer GOVERNOR'S SPEECH GREAT DOCUMENT Biennial Message to General Assembly Considered Out standing Document in Annals of State. Raleigh, Jan. 12.—Revolutionary changes ancl economics which will affect the lives and tax bills of every citizen in North Carolina were advocated Friday by Governor 0. Max Gardner, in his biennial mes sage ■ to the general assembly. Among the outstanding recom mendations, suggested officially for the iirst time were: ; 1. AlO per cent cut in salaries of jail state, county, city and other j public Employes. ! 2. An eight months school term ' for all students, if it can be proviri jed at less expense than the present 1 effort. i ,3. Consolidation of counties, com f'V , ! pulsory in some instances. 4. No bond issues for perman ent improvements at this session. 5. A constitutional convention Jin 1933. j ;6. State maintenance of coun ! t#£ roads by a reorganized highway i without regard to coun- Ityv. or district lines, and a six cent I gasoline tax. t- Postpone revaluation of land fcw|. taxes until, 1933. ■ Brookings Report. .|fc addition the governor recom mends in strong terms many proj- which it was already known he favored. He indorsed the Brookings report as a basis for the reoiianization of the state govern ment, and recommended a short baspt foj the non-constitutional of- | SfrtjUSter control -o£~4«c»V govern ments, which spend 75 cents of every dollar paid in taxes, was urg ed, in order to insure that savings made by the state would actually , result in lower taxes. In this con nection he said, "although 72 coun- j ties showed some reduction, their j property levies in 1929, the average ' county did not reflect anything like the full amount received from the state; and many cities levied such substantial increases that the pur pose of the general assembly to ef fect a reduction was largely nulli fied." The plight of the farmer and of the textile worker were both sym pathetically considered by the gov- DR. ALFRED DULA DIES IN LENOIR | Paralysis Fatal to Widely Known Eye Specialist— Well Known Here. Lenoir, Jan. 13. —Dr. Alfred W. i Dula, 52, widely known eye special i i ist, died at his home here early : Monday morning following two I I strokes of paralysis. Funeral services were conducted ! from the First Methodist church ! Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, with j Rev. R. Dwight Ware, pastor, and ! Dr. A. A. McLean, of the First Presbyterian church, officiating. Dr. Dula was first stricken on January 3, and he suffered another stroke last Friday night. Physicians held out little hope for his recovery at any time during his illness. He is survived by his widow and five children: Dr. Frederick M. Dula, who is now studying at Van derbilt university; Edward Dula, Elizabeth Dula, Henry McK. Dula. and Sara Jo Dula. He is also sur vived by seven sisters: Mrs. W. M. Goodson, of Asheville; Mrs. H. A. Westerbun, of Sarasota., Fla.; Mrs. H. W. Mason, of Spartanburg, S. C.; Mrs. F. I. Walker, of Chicago; Mrs. W. H. Harkins of Marion; Miss Ger trude Dula of Old Fort and Miss Lenoir Dula of Los Angeles and Paris, France. Mr. Dula was well known in Rutherford county. He made regular trips to the county and held clinics. NEW RECORDER . _ . I ' Hon. Fred Mcßrayer, who was sworn in January Ist as judge of the Rutherford county recorder's court, succeeding Hon. W. J. Mode. THE COUNTY CLUB MEETS FRIDAY January Session Will Be Held in Baptist Church Here— Will Be in Nature of Round Table Dis cussion. The January meeting of The Rutherford County Club will be held in the dining* hall of the First Bap tist church here Friday at one o'- clock. The Young Matrons' class of the First Baptist church under direc tion of Mrs. L. B. Padgett, will have charge of preparation of the lun cheon. Following a precedent set several years ago, no program has been out lined for this meeting. Instead, each member is privileged to make any suggestion he may desire in reference to program suggstions for the year. The general business outlook will be discussed, and it has been sug gested that the tax situation be brought up for a discussion, as well as proposed legislation for the coun ty. Mr. F. E. Patton, county agent, will also bring up for consideration his proposed county-wide "prosper— ■ ity booster" meeting. In addition to the letters to regu lar members, invitations to ninety non-members have been mailed out, inviting them to attend and, if thoy so desire, join the club. Lieut. Beck To Speak Wednesday Lieutenant Beck, of the State Highway Patrol, will give a lecture on "traffic" in the Cool Springs hitrM school auditorium, during chapel, Wednesday morning, January 21. I This lecture will be for the public as well as the school children. Mr. Beck is an accomplished speaker and has a great reputation as a public lecturer. All are urged to hear him. FAVORPAYMENT OF INSURANCE Willis Towery Post, American Legion, Favorable to Im mediate Payment of Certificates. The Willis Towery Post of the American Legion Friday night vjr ed unanimously in favor of the pro posal to ask Congress to pass the necessary legislation making avail able immediately the face value of former soldier's adjusted compen sation 1 certificates and passed a reso lution informing the North Carolina senators and representatives of the post's action. These certificates call for pay ment in 1945. At the next meeting which wil? be on Friday night, 13th of March it was decided to have a banquet. All members are requested to be present. All details are to be worked I 6 Pages 96 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance NEGRO ARRESTED IK ASHEVILLE AS BANDIT LEADER Thought Leader of Party Who Held up A&P Truck Near Bat Cave Early Sunday Morning. I The arrest of George Byrd, a negro, in Asheville Monday promised to clear up the mystery of the slay ins of four or more persons and wholesale robbery cases extending I i over two or three states. The four j murders charged to the negro, who j heads a bandit gang, occurred in j South Carolina. The robbery ac tivities of the gang extended over two states. Two robberies occurred early Sunday morning, one near Eat i Cave and one near Asheville, which j put officers on the watchout for the i negroes, and resulted in the cap ture of the leader. The first holdup Sunday morning occurred about 12:30 on the Char lotte-Asheville highway near Bat Cave. Ernest Blankenship and Bill | Ramsey, of Asheville, were driving ja heavily loaded A&P Tea Company J truck towards Asheville when a shot was fired through the cab as the machine neared Bat Cave. Blankenship, who said he was asleep in the cab of the truck at the time of the shooting, opened the door of the truck cab after Ramsey had stopped the vehicle and faced !two pistols in the hands of a negro The negro ordered the two men to alight from the truck. Four other masked negroes appeared from the rear of the truck and searched Ram sey and Blankenship. The two men had approximately S2B which was taken by the negroes. Leaving their victims standing In the road the negroes entered a tour ing car which was parked near the truck and sped from the scene. They were headed toward Asheville. Ar riving at Fairview the two truck drivers reported the holdup to offi cers who notified members of the Buncombe county sheriff's depart ment. FUNERAL HELD FOR MRS. D. J, JAMES ! Passes at Home Here Sunday After Long Illness—Fun eral Held Monday. j Mrs. D. J. James, 47, died at her i home here Sunday after an illne-s i jof several months. Funeral services ! were held Monday from the First: j j Baptist church, of Forest City, with | her pastor, Dr. W. A. Ayers, in i i charge, assisted by Rev. L. N. Epley. J Interment was in the Cool Springs j cemetery. Mrs. James is survived by her j husband. D. J. James, five children, i five brothers and two sisters. The j children are o:;borne, Claude and j Yacht Wilson, of Spindale; Lincoln Wilson, of Tennessee, and Paul Wil son, of Hendersonville. The broth ers are Jettie Owensby, Landrum, S. C.; Brantley Owensby, Swan-nan - oa; Robert and Luther Owensby, of McDowell county and Alonzo Owens by. The two sisters are Mrs. Calvin Biddicks and Miss Frances Owens by, of McDowell county. Pall bearers wers Messrs S. W. James, Joe James, Buran Jones. Reed Hardin, C. E. James and Roscoe Phillips. out by the following- committee, -T B. Grant, J. G. Yelton and W. W Richbourg. Reports of various committees were heard among these being a re port by district commander S. Mo*s who is commander of the 19th dis trict. This district is leading the State in securing 1930 renewals and only needs about 50 more membe v s to be up with our 1930 membership, some of this is due to the fact that other pests have gone ahead of 1930 membership among these being the Rutherfordton Post.

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