Rutherford County Offers Unequalled Opportunities To Manufacturers and Others VOL. XIII —No. 35. 1055 orOURNEWS jk CHICAGOAN \ last weeks news A 'jfW REVIEWED BY , rip." A STRANGER !. "IP \% IN THE t m. "m. windv IMPS Ch i-ago. 111., June 2.—W'hen Don }l:irqui> set the "Old Soak" to the. of writing a "History of the World" that amiable character start el hchronicle by asserting that OUI in -rest in the past centered a bout v it the people of the ancient o- vs " t and what they drunk." I mi myself in disagreement with "Old Soak," in that what people ar.d what they drink concerns me very little. But as I read The Cour ier each week and reflect on the happenings in and about Forest City, what tlv>se who live in its columns say am! think, holds me fast. The Courier is always interesting, and 'tis easy to understand why its readers renew their subscriptions with unbroken regularity. Each issue of this good paper brings to me the power to read the thoughts of the people of Forest City, and even to hear what they say as they meet on the streets or the country roads, or as they gather happily in groups for pleasure or for the performance of useful service. As I read last weeks paper, there came to my ears ever so many important things. At the commencement exercises during which the graduating class of j the Clitfside High school were hand- ! eel diplomas, the young folks said very little, outside of those who re cited well practiced essays during the program. But they thought r Q&- the future. So did the fathers and mothers in the audience; but they could not help think of the past a little, too. Then, when the exercises were over, the young folks indulged in much conversation, some frivo lous, some serious. The fathers, just as proud as the mothers, although they try to hide the fact, talked to their boyhood chums and recounted the prank's they played on teachers when they were students. But. they, too, were thirling of the future and j what lite migfit hold in store for the graduates. * * * sung at the Rutherford County sing ing convention held at Sulphur •M'lings Baptist church the report of v.hieh was published in last week's paper. Words are human sounds. Such j music is divine in its origin. The | hymn sung by a mortal to his Lord j man. * * * Over to the Rev. and Mrs. J. N. ' now residence, in Salem and the ' ames Butler home in Providence,' our scribes say, went many folks! >°m these parts to take a peek at the j 'ttle babies who now fill such im- j P 1 rant places in these happy homes.! >n t you just hear snatches of the j conversation? "Does the little darl i ,n K cat and sleep well?". .. "What| j u te little hands and feet." "Town'tj >e l ( »ng until the baby's teething,' ar * ( l that's when you'll have your J ti»ubles. ■'... "Yes, you know the: * u 'dy, when he was little, cried for j ' even teen and one half days without, a stop. trying to cut one tooth; but; '•t-'ht now he's so happy he doesn't } '. Um 10 care whether he has a i ln his mouth." ♦ ♦ * Not only did Rev. J. N. Snow ■ the hearts of those who listen-; )( ( ' ' r,s exhortations, but. all who j .. *'f ia ' St Week ' s paper know of his I 11 ■ fervent words of the preach-j 1 "'! ihe "Amens" of his congre-j were on my ears as T read last! s paper. And they told me! - 1!"us men and vomen turning j f; Pleasure of this world and • !i the life that is yet to come, j » * » !| ong the readers of this column! ->ve been indulgent enough to ' vn this far, there may be o would like to hear me. read I ne Courier over the radio 'giit. I plan to do that in the ' , J ■ iture; and you can hurry that FOREST CITY COURIER FOREST CITY—-"ONE OF JHE TEN BEST PLANNEDAND MOST BEAU TI CI TIE s .NTH EU S, a}' U. S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SuSvE^ WORLD WAR DEAD ARE HONORED i Graves Decorated Saturday by Legion Posts—Memorial Services Held Sunday Evening. Annual memorial services for Rutherford County's World War I uead were held Sunday evening at .eight o'clock at the First Baptist J church. On Saturday, the Willis Towery Post, American Legion, of oresc City, and The Fred Williams Post, of Rutherfordton, decorated the graves of the deceased soldiers. Each post was responsible for the graves in seven of the county's town ! i ships. Mr. W. L. Brown, commander of i the Willis Towery Post, American j Legion, presided at the services Sun j day evening. A large number were j in attendance, and the services wer? j opened with the singing of "Ameri ca," Dr. W. A. Ayers led in prayer, after which Capt. T. T. Long read the list of Rutherford County's World War dead, including therein the name of Roy Nanney, whose funeral was held a few hours pre vious. Mrs. E. A. Millican recited in a beautiful manner the poem "For get Not the Fields." A hymn, "God jof our Fathers, Known of Old," was sung by the congregation. An ap propriate musical selection, prepared especially for the occasion, was sung by the Spindale Quartette, compos ed of Messrs G. B. Howard, D. C. Cole, T. O. Hendrix and J. W. Starnes Dr. Ayers next presented Rev. J. W. Hoyle, Jr., pastor of the Rutherford ton Methodist, church, who delivered j the memorial message. After the prayer by Mr. Hoyle, the Spindale quartette sung the words to "Taps", and at the conclusion "Taps" was played by a bugler as benedictio Flowers were placed Sa f , on ■ sixty graves of World War veterans j who are buried in Rutherford coun ty. JUNE ISSUE OF RADIO BULLETIN PUBLISHED The June issue of The Amateur Radio Bulletin, published by Messrs Arval Alcock, Theodore Alcock and George Tate, was mailed out last week. This issue has been enlarged, | both in dimensions and number of pages. An editorial page, news and notes on amateur radio work, and ?. feature on telegraph technique are among the outstanding features of this month's issue. A splendid line of advertising is carried, represent ing a number of states. The maga ine is well gotten up, and reflects ! great credit on the sponsors. It is j printed monthly by The Forest City Courier. W. M. S. MEETING. ~ j The regular business session of i {the Woman's Missionary Society of I i the First Baptist church will meet j j Wednesday p. m., June, 10th at 3:00 ' o'clock in the choir room. Every, I # j ! member urged to attend as impor tant matters are to be discussed. j .THE COURIER NEWS EDITOR HONORED j i !, Clarenjce Griffin, The Courier!, I News Editor and County Historian, • i is listed in the 1931 edition of "Who's j W'.io in American Genealogy," aj j publication of the Institute of Amer- j, .ican Genealogy, of Chicago, 111. This,. • publication, issued at intervals of! 1 several years, carries biographical - sketches of those whose work in his-! \ torical and genealogical research in ■ ] I the United States and Canada is ; outstanding and of merit. j — ! FLAT ROCK SWIMMING | POOL TO OPEN FRIDAY h The Flat Rock Swimming Pool will 1 open Friday. Those who furnish their t ! suits may swim in the pool free Fri- « day. Many new improvements have ( been made at the pool. } 1 date along if you'll just sit down * now and write me a letter telling me that you'd enjoy hearing the voice j 1 of "Chicagoan" coming out of your j receiving set. Send your letters to i i The Courier and it will be forwarded ! to me. 1 PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1931. FOREST CITY HAS MANY ADVANTAGES TO OFFER The City Beautiful in the Carolinas; Nestling High in the Appalachians; Populated by a Rugged, Honest Peo ple; Invites New Industries. It has been said and is still true that Forest City, North Carolina, nestling serenely in the foot-hills of the Appalachian ranges, is "one of the best planned and most beautiful cities in the United States,"'so stat ed and so substantiated by the Unit ed States Bureau of Agriculture, and let us, the good citizens of section tell you that this statement, is in no wise exaggerated. Forest City r North Carolina, is th? ! -- iiiGaL.&nd logical center for both the manufacturer and as a home center; it is so situated geographically and topographically that it invites the attention and commands the care ful and scrutinizing consideration of all those who are interested in the industrial and commercial pursuits of the day, who desire to locate in a community where all advantages are available and at the same time offers health, owing to its high alti tude, and promises you all the natur al and made advantages of modern day business and commercial life. Good homes, a good God fearing, honest and substantial citizenry; ideal factory sites for the manufactory; three trunk line railroads—Seaboard Air Line. Southern Railway and the C. C. & O.; ample electric power for manufacturing and light purposes and domestic use; an abundance of pure water capable of taking care of many manufacturing plants; ade quate churches with most modern structures; good schools, graded and presided over by competent teachers; hard surfaced roads leading in all directions of the state and into our border states; surrounded by a rich and fertile farming community which is productive of cotton, grains, po tatoes, etc., while trucking and dairy ing and poultry afford good conies and are becoming a popular avocation in this section of North Carolina. Forest City, North Carolina, has during the past decade more than doubled its population and is con tinuing to grow even through our period of depression, this for the reason that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and the local Kiwanis club are alert to the present day situa tion and leave nothing undone that will enhance and further promote the best, interests of the city and its • 1 people, and their activities are in no ; small measure responsible for our fast growth as an industrial and commercial center, and in this review edition of the Forest City Courier; we wish to extend to both these civi" j bodies our most hearty felicitations, • feeling positive of the fact that if, they continue their activities in the j same directions, pursuing their mod ern policies, Forest City and its good! people, will continue to grow andj prosper and will each day beconiij bigger, better and brighter and thus j each and every citizen will profit; materially. , The City Fathers and the Kiwan-j is club stand willing and ready to j jointly co-operate with any individ-i ual or firm who is seeking a new) ' -• A VIEW OF FOREST CITY'S Plfe %^UARE ' t V At ■ L', - i ■ v ■ &" ; ■ j t & = • . ! . • i ! . ..■ I • • ! j location. Land sites will be provid- j 2 ed most liberally and our diverse units; , .'for light, water and power will be r. mutually arranged for so that noth- P i ing of the extortion kind will be' L » | ( a burden upon the new (or old) in vestor in Forest City. i Not only will our Mayor and the ,jother members of the City Council ? j*\vagiis club welcome you to Forest t jCity, but you will find a hearty greet • ,,vvaits you by more than fouri si-Hi .. \ ? true to their city, their native state' ;jand to an undivided nation, asking' 1 j only those things which will help j ; f them to become more aggressive, ; -'more prosperous and more diligent j rj* in the interest of Forest City, Ruth-1 :}erford county and its good, honest, \ 5 J sturdy citizens. i j Good, pure mountain water is here | >'in abundance; ample electrical faci-j ', lities are offered the manufacturer;! •, building sites can be had for the j ■jasking; labor can be secured at nom-; i inal wage scales; abundance of pow |er (electrical and water) for the' ,} manufacturer; ample railroad faci-1 I; lities leading in all directions; whole-5 I' sale houses, good, substantial homes, J I [an aggressive citizenry; hard surfac-,' • 'ed roads, wide-awake business, c-om-j ' I mercial, professional and industrial I ' | men abide in Forest City. We are, j ' | truthfully stated, in the "Land of j '•the Sky" in western North Carolina! • and we want the world to know that | 'we are an industrious and progres sive people, filled with the spirit of : the times, destined and determined. to become one of the leading manu facturing centers of the South, and in view thereof we invite all those . seeking new locations, whether it be but a mere individual, a family ot an extensive manufacturing concern, to get in touch with our City or County Commissioners, or our local i Kiwanis club, for information other ! than is given in this article. I Forest City invites you hither. Forest City and its people will glad- j ly and willingly lend its co-operation to any good citizen or manufacturer who seeks information concerning what we have to offer from an indus- • trial, commercial or individual stand point, and we have much to offer J and proffer to those willing to come! this way. Our climate is ideal, with j an average temperature of 60 de-'. grees. The country surrounding is' thickly populated, with 2,000,000 j J people within a radius of one hun-; . dred miles. I ' ■. r Already Forest City possesses: i jt , many textile industries, hosiery mills, -j 1 cotton seed oil mills, lumber mills, '■ i wood working plants, wholesale I I houses, one of the largest weekly ! newspapers in the state—the Forest j ( ■City Courier; a most representative* | line of commercial enterprises of i' i class that cannot be outdone in any J j city in the state, professional men I I of every class, and a people who are j ! ambitious, alert, willing, patriotic: * J and in very way conductive to hig!i-' s ' • • ' Y 1 class citizenship who are booster- J f j for the "Home Town" and are ready i" j.o cc-opiia.e in any move that will! 7 | DEATH CLAIMS I BARNEY HARRILL i . 1 j Funeral Held Sunday For Well j Known Forest City Man— Interment in Cool Springs j Cemetery. « j Mr. Barney Harrill, aged 54, died ■at his home here Saturday morning ; after a short illness. Funeral services j were held Sunday afternoon at • three o'clock, at the First Baptist church, with Dr. W. A. Ayers in j charge, and immediately after the funeral service interment was in the Cool Springs cemetery, i Mr. Harrill was one of the well known citizens of Forest City, and ; was a by trad?: ' Hfc is survived by a widow and sev -1 eral children. The beautiful floral offering was i* in charge of the T. E. L. Class of .'the First Baptist church, and were I carried by Mesdames R. K. Holli-! i field, J. L. Griffin, B. E. Hamrick. j JG. C. Hill, George Poteat, Annie (Ware, A. H. McDaniel, Emma Kirby, J. B. Meares, G. M. Huntley and !'C. E. Alcock. ROBT. R.SUMMEY, OF : ERLANGER. PASSES : i ; Had Number of Connections in Forest City and Ruther ford County. j Mr. Robert R. Summey, aged 46, j died at his home in Erlanger Sun-! ,day. He had been ill two years, and' : had undergone treatment at Johns Hopkins hospital, in Baltimore, f>r a peculiar nervous ailment. Funer ' al services were held Tuesday at the Methodist church in Erlanger, and in terment followed in the Gatfney cemetery at Gaffney, S. C. Mr. Summey is survived by his widow and four children, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs- J. W. McKinney, Forest City; Miss Kate Summey, Forest City; E. G.; Summey, of near Ellenboro; L. M. and S. A. Summey, of Alexander; T. A. Summey, of Gastonia. Mr. Summey was a charter mem ber of the Erlanger Methodist church, and was a steward in the church at ; the time of his death. - MISS RUTH DOGGETT GRADUATES AT BRENAU Gainesville, Ga . June 2.—Miss Ruth Doggett, daughter of Mr. and* " Mrs. B. B. Doggett, of Forest City. received the A. B. Degree fiom , Brsnau college Conservatory, Gain?s ville, Ga., last Monday morning, June 1, at the graduating exercises held in the college auditorium. The Baccalaureate address was by Dr. William F. Ogburn. Professor of Sociology at the University of Chi cago. j * i Eyelet batiste, all colors,' Courtney's Ten Cent Store. i ; * c help us become the garden spot of the \ ?outh, and this can be accomplished by a united citizenry joining hands j for the betterment of the commu-;} nity in which they live. t IT T r> A vvr 16 Pages 96 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance COOL SPRINGS i TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS j HAD RECORD YEAR i A Short Resume of Accomp lishments of Local School f° r Year Just Closed—A Splendid Record. | Cool Springs Township schools j have just closed the most successful year in the history of the schools. 'The word successful! indicates thai; the attendance, the quality of work, ■ the number of promotions, and tht* achievement of the pupils have been better than ever this year. The num ! tei" of promotions and the grades. made on the ; ote Lests agrees with , the above, stammer, t. . , •j The average daily attendance bus ied on the membership ranged from j86.5'/ to 98.6%. The average for 5 all the schools in the township aver ! aged 95.1'*. r l his splendid atten dance shows two things: first, the parents were interested in the wei j fare of the pupils; second, the qual'- Ity of the work was good. It takes 1 interested pairons and capable teach j ers working together in order to j have a good school system. i Promotions. The promotions in percentage i ranged from 80 r /c to 92'. This rec i ord is unusually good when the meth jod of figuring the percentage is > understood. The pupils who had en tered school this year and had not moved out oi the district were count ed on the membership. The average jfor all the schools ranged around •89%. This means that 89% of a'l ; pupils belonging to school, that is, all pupils in Cool. Springs Township on May 22nd were counted. A num .pupils dropped out of sch-nJi !to farm and engage in other kinds of work. If only the pupils who were actually in school had been used in figuring the promotions, the percent would have been much greater, i State Exams, for Seventh Grade. This year the State Department of Education gave the seventh grade in all the schools an examination. It was gratifying to know that all four elementary schools in Cool Springs Township ranked far above the av erage of the state. This examination shows that the seventh grade pupils are ready for high school work. The efficiency of the schools in the aca demic subjects can be measured in a large way by attendance, the num ber of promotions, and the ability of the pupils to do the work in the next higher grade. The elementary and high school grade up extra god along these lines. School Band. The School Band was organized this year. The local school system has all the departments of a mod ern up-to-date school system. The boys and girls have an opportunity equal to any high school in the state. The band was the last department that the school lacked. The school band will give a public concert with in a few weeks. An announcement will be made in next issue of The Courier about the concert. Honor Students. The following boys and girls made an average of over 90% during the four years in high school. This is ?. distinction that very few pupils are able to make: Von King, Guy Vess, Pauline Er win and John Blanton. Teachers Attending Summer School. Many of the teachers of Co"l Springs Township school will attend summer school this summer. The state will not increase the salary the next two years. Also the depart-' ment of education notified the super intendents and principals that it would not be necessary to go to sum mer school since the increments stopped for two years. However, a bout twenty-five percent of the teach ers will attend summer school in or der to prepare themselves better for next year's work. Parent-Teacher Association. The Parent-Teacher association rendered a valuable service to the schools during the past session. Tha association accomplished many things but the outstanding piece of work was that of feeding, clothing, and furnishing books to a number of boys and girls. This made our at tsnclancs show up better. If thes? (Continued On Last Page)