MONTFORD'S COVE Union Mills, R-l, June B.—A wed ding that was a surprise to raany friends was that of Mr. Elzie McEntire, the well known son of Mr. Fred McEntire, of Shingle Hoilow, tc Miss Verdie Mae Arrowood, at tractive daughter of Mr. G. Mack Arrowood of this route which took place Eriday in the office of Regis ter of Deeds, W. 0. Geer, at Rut.h erfordton with Rev. J. W. Hoyle, Jr., of the Methodist church performing the ceremony. Their many friends extend congratulations and best wish es to the young couple. Mr. Millard Hall has been quito ill for the past few weeks, is not im proving, his friends are sorry to know. Born, recently, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elynn a little daughter, Agnes Angeline. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Stott are the proud parents of a fine lovely girl, named Mary Sue. Mrs. G. H. Hemphill and children spent the week-end with Mrs. Hemp hills' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. ( Queen, of near Rutherfordton. Mrs. A. J. Wilkerson spent few ! days last week with her sister, Mrs Emma Hall of Chuckey, Tenn. Mrs. i Hall suffered two strokes of paraly sis recently. Mrs. Hall and husband, Mr. Elijah Hall, are former residents of this community. Mrs. Hall is the daughter of Mr. I. E. Frady, of this , section. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burgess and ; children spent Sunday with the latters J parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Nanney. Mrs. Bremman Parks has been ( right ill for the past week with j German measles. Her many friends wish her an early recovery. Several from here attended the; memorial services sit Round Hill Baptist church, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller re turned home on Tuesday after spend ing a few days with Mrs. Millers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Newman of Mt. Pleasant, N. C. Since the first of January, 1200 hogs fattened according to the Shay method have b-en sold by Edgecombe county farmers netting them $lB,- 019.13 in cash. 0 ! our Home ■ Owned Grocery 1 Friday and Saturday j SPECIALS '———■—■— i ; FRESH VEGETABLES White Corn, 3 cans 25c No. 2 Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans 25c Cabbage, home grown, lb. 3c Green Beans, lb. 5c oe Pineapple, best grade, large size 25c Fresh Peas, lb. 5c Pineapple, No. 2, tall 19c Bananas, lb. 5c Pork and Beans, large size 19c Garden Beets 10c Pork and Beans, Medium tall, 4 cans 25c Lettuce, head 5c Fresh Cucumbers, dozen 25c Va " Camp's Tomato Soup, 4 cans ... 25c Fresh Tomatoes, lb. 10c Fancy Syrup Peaches, large size lsc Large nice Oranges, dozen 40c Pie Peaches, large size 10c Golden Bantan Fancy Corn, can»....15c Fancy Syrup Peaches, small size ... 10c MEATS. Nice lot of Special Meats of all kinds. We guarantee to please you, Western and j Native. No storage meats used in our market. Fish, Fresh dressed, veal steaks, 1 veal chops, pork chops, native Kingan smoked meats, the best money can buy. 1 Try our native pork sausage. If you want fresh meats, buy from us.- 1 ] 3k 3 Spring Gold Flour, high grade, fancy High grade Santos or Santos Teaberrv 5 patent $2.65 . 5 - 1 coffee, in the bean or ground, the T Mar Grade, Superlative Flour, best 3 money can buy $2.80 best money can ouy, lb. 25c 3 Strictly high grade Rio Coffee, fresh If y° u bu y hi » h S rade coffee try it. 1 ground, or in the bean, 2 lbs. 25c Your money back if not satisfied. Will pay 25c per dozen for fresh, clean eggs, 25c pound for colored fryers in trade. We paid out over $25,000 last year in Rutherford county for produce. We buy from you. You buy from us. Jones Grocery Co. i-. FOREST C'.TY, N. C. HAS FINE COW. j 1 Forest City, R-2, June B—Mr.8 —Mr. W. V. Harrill, a resident of the Provi r dence community, and one of the s county's leading farmers, has, he says • one of the best milk*-producing cows '» in the county. Mr. Harrill says the ~ cow in question give 31% quarts of milk per day, or one pint less than eight gallons. In addition to this, two pounds of butter is made daily from the milk. 9 ' BOAT RACES AT LAKE LURE START SUNDAY Summer boat races at Lake Lure J will get under way Sunday afternoon " June 14 at 2:30 o'clock when a score } of fast motor boats from Charlotte. Columbia, S. C., Asheville and other • North Carolina cities will enter the first race of the season. Roy W. Parker, of Asheville, who ? is conducting the boat race in coop , eration with the management of Lake Lure, announced that races held st the lake this summer would be run | in heats. I SALEM NEWS Bostic, R-2, June B.—Rev. J. N. Snow preached a fine sermon Sun day night. Preaching next Sunday at II o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. I The Missionary Society met Sat ! urday in the Gleaner's class room. J Mr. Johnie Carlisle, of Berea, Ky., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Martin who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Washburn left today for their home in New York city. The hail storm that visited our community Saturday did much dam age to the crops. Mr. and Mrs. E* N. Washburn. Jr., visited Mrs. Washburns parents, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Philbeck. The young girls that are home from college are Misses Jessie Philbeck. Lillian and Alice Washburn. Cotton hoes. Best grade, 65c. Farm ers Hardware Co. THE FOREST CITY (N C.) CoURiER ! WASHBURN NEWS i Bostic, R-2, June B.—The Epworth | League of Salem church will give jan ice cream supper at Washburn ! school house, Saturday night, June 13. There will be contests, cake (walks and string music. Every body is cordially invited to attend this occasion. There is a good time in store for all. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watson, of | St. Louis, Oklahoma, visited at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Weast, ! Sunday and Monday. , Miss Jessie Philbeck graduate of ! the Asheville Normal, returned home last week. j The missionary society met in the Gleaner's class room at Salem church Saturday afternoon at 2:30. A very interesting program was given. The i following members were present: ' Misses Jean Andrews, Buleah Phil : beck, Annie Lou, Lillian and Alma Sue Hamrick, Burga and Elida Greene, Alice and Lillian Washburn. Vernelle and Layettle Weast, Mrs. C. E. Early, Mrs. Chalmers Weast. Mrs. E. N. Washburn, Mrs. Robert Martin, and Mrs. Clyde Hamrick and our pastor, Rev. J. N. Snow. Miss Alice Washburn has return- : ed home from Davenport college for ! the summer holidays. Mr. Hubert Cooper of Shelby, ! visited home folks this week-end. Miss Vernelle Weast spent the week-end with Miss Burga Greene. ; Miss Valoree Philbeck was the dinner guest of Miss Annie Lou ; Hamrick, Sunday. Miss Jean Andrews is attending i summer school at Davidson college. Mr. John Carlisle, from Berea, Ky. j and three friends from Boston, spent j a week with Mr. Carlisle's parents, j Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. E. N Washburn at- ; tended the graduation exercises ot | their daughter, Alice at Davenpott college, Lenoir, N C. Miss Jessie Philbeck graduated . from Asheville Normal college this \ year. An outbreak of blight on pear and j apple trees in Caswell county has j cut the prospective yield of these : fruits on a number of farms, re- | ports the county agent. ON TRIP TO WASHINGTON. I { Spindale, June B.—Mr. Luther Sh&rriH, popular clerk at the local postoffice, left Wednesday jfor a vacation trip by motor to Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, returning via the Shen-1 andoah Valley route. He will be gone 1 about two weeks. MT. PLEASANT NEWS • Forest City, R-l, June B.—Mr. J. S. Morgan, who has been working in Lynchburg, Va., spent the week-j end with home folks, i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pawson, of- Yorkshire, England, were week-end. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan- j Mr. and Mrs. I. Biggerstaff, Mr. j and Mrs. J. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. j Norman Morgan and Dan Smith were j dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ? gan, Sunday. Mr. Roland Morgan, of Northwest-' ern University, Evanston, 111., return- j ed home Saturday for the summer j holidays. | Mrs. R. W. Vick and children, of j Sanford, N. C., and Mrs. Laura John-; son, of Rutherfordton, spent last Sat-j urday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed j Miss Nellie Morrow is spending j this week visiting friends and rela- j tives in Greenwood, S. C. ! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. James, of Caro- j leen, were dinner guests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Robert Reed on last Monday' evening. Mr. and Mrs. Max Smith spent ( Sunday with Mrs. Smith's mother j near Union Mills. Miss Eva Waters, of Asheville, | spent the week-end with her parents.; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Waters. The following college students > have returned home for the summer j Misses Reba Matheny and Flora Mc-. Daniel, of Asheville Normal; Miss' Reba Price of East Carolina Teach- j ers college, Mr. Glen Toms of Berea ' college and Mr. Forest Hunt of Boil- | ing Springs college. The Mt. Pleasant Grange will meet at 8 p. m., June 11, at school build-J ing- i More Double * Doesn't the fact that twice as many automobile own ers prefer GOODYEAR TIRES to any other make ap peal to you? Isn't this positive proof that GOODYEAR is the best tire made? A recent analysis of the preference of thousands of tire users established the fact that GOODYEAR was the world's best seller. If you want absolute tire satisfaction at very low cost we can suit you. Liberal allowance for your old tires. Rims painted and mounted free of charge. Ciiffside Motor Co. Ciiffside, N. C. i MT. PLEASANT I "i [ | Mr. Vassie White and Miss Mattie Toms Are Married —B. Y. P. U. Picnic Locals and Personals. I J Forest City, R-l, June 9.—Char !! acterized by beauty and simplicity I | was the wedding of Miss Mattie Em-j ■ ma Toms to Mr. Vassie Morris White j | which took place Saturday evening jat 8:00 o'clock at the home of the 1 i bride's mother, Mrs. T. J. Toms, i ; Rev. J. W. Jones, pastor of Mt. Plea-: | sant church performed the impressive j j ring ceremony in the presence of a j | large number of friends and relatives J The bride wore a lovely dress of! i cream lace with accessories to match I She carried a lovely bouquet of white | lilies. The bride's only attendant was j Miss Sarah Holland. She wore a•; | lovely dress of nile green chiffon.! ! Her bouquet was white lilies. The | groom's best man was Wilbur Hun- i 1 nicutt, of Snelby. He carried the ring j 1 Mrs. White is the fourth daughter ! {of Mrs. T. J. Toms of this commu-; I • J j nity. Mr. White is the eldest son of j j Mr. J. E. White, of the Floyd's j ! Creek section. i i Immediately after the ceremony j ; the couple left for a wedding trip, i after which they will be at home in i ANNOUNCING THE OPENING DANCE AT BEAUTIFUL HILLSIDE GARDENS AT LAKE LURE, N. C. SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 13. Music by Ceke Moore and his orchestra 9 till? Script -51.50 Dancing Every Thursday and Saturday night. Thursday, June 11, 1931 the community at present. Mrs. White wore as her going away cos tume a tan crepe with accessories ! to match. j Miss Reba Price returned horn ' last week from Greenville, N r » " -* •« | where she attended school at E. C. IT. C. ! Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Davidson spen ! Sunday with Mr. Barney David so.-. ;at Cliffside. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Matheny, j Miss Flora Matheny spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Watson, i There was no preaching service : last Sunday, due to the absence o: ! our pastor, Rev. J. W. Jones. i preached at the Durham memorial j Baptist in Charlotte. Last Saturday afternoon the in termediate B. Y. P. U. had a pic ■ nic at Golden Park in Alexander. Mr. Roland Morgan from Ohi) "5 spending a few days with his par ents, Mr. J. S. Morgan, j There will be preaching service Saturday at 2:00 p. m. It is regular conference meeting. We hope a laree ' crowd will be present. ■ Miss Ava Waters who in I Asheville is visiting her parents. Mr 1 and Mrs. J. S. Waters. ! i President Hoover's praise of ad- I vertising finds unanimous agreemer.- j among the newspaper editors, ever. hard-boiled Democrats admitting he is right.