Courier Invaluable i Advertising Medium! Forest City Merchants and Town Boosted, Through Columns of The Courier Each Week —Indispensable Aid to Mer chants in Planning Sales Campaigns. - i By EARL HUNTLEY. "The Forest City Courier as ; Factor in the Upbuilding and Growti of Forest City and the County ant * • 99 its Value to the Community. One of the direct effects The Cour ier has had cn the upbuilding of busi ness ir. the town and county has beer thru advertising. A merchant ii • putting on a sale; he runs an ad in The Courier and the buying public is informed of the event. Suppose he couldn't do this. He might dis tribute handbills. But experience has shown that handbille are more or less impractical. More often than not they are cast aside without being read. Here we find The Courier an important factor in .putting over sales events. Successful sales mean better business. Better business means a growing town. Then there is the routine adver ;ising. The public is kept informed of the goods the merchant has on hind and the prices. This stimulates business. A milliner gets in a new line of hats; a hardware a shipment of aluminum; a car dealer puts some used cars on sale. There are people who ihfrse things. But how * Digestible ' as milk mßoi ii n I imiv Bi KRAFT^^ Velveeta • • • • e • this delicious new cheese food melts, slices, spreads! How its full, rich cheese f flavor blends with other foods! Meat, fish, eggs, veg etables. And it's as health ful—as digestible —as pure whole milk itself! Try it today—for cook ing and sandwiches. Your grocer has it in the half pound package. BABIES are Upset BABY ills and ailments seem twk» as serious at night. A sudden cry ftiay mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea. How would you meet this emergency —tonight? Have you a bottle of Castona ready? • For the protection of your wee one — lor your own peace of mind —keep this old, reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. It's gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. It's mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated oecause of sluggish bowels. A 1 druggists have Cast oria. a are they to know about them? An ad in The Courier tells them. The ! Courier serves as a valuable go-be-: tween the seller and the consumer j to the mutual advantage of both. I 1 ' In the building up of community j " | spirit and co-opdratiGjn, whiqh is • r,ecessary for the growth of any town, again we find The Courier an ; indispensable factor. It stands four-: ? square behind any movement that; is good for Forest City. The Courier j 5 is the town and county's most-effee-. i tive booster. The recent "booster" J edition is an example of some of the j ' things The Courier has done and is j 1 doing to advertise the town and county. ! 1 Considering The Courier, not as. • , newspaper, but as a business enter- j I prise. It has a substantial payroll, j iThis money is spent in Forest City] ' | and contributes materially to the j ( upbuilding of the town. The Courier has exerted a steady- j . _ l jing hand on business conditions 10-j cally in these recent times of stress. The part the newspaper plays in determining business conditions is all too frequently underestimated To The Courier goes much of the credit for making Trade Day a sue- | I cess. Considerable business is brought j I in from the surrounding territory. The Courier is a factor in bring- i ing new business houses to Forest H City and a factor in putting them .1 across when they locate here. When 1 the Surasky Stores decided to add ' this town to their chain, Mr. Surasky i immediately hunted up The Courier - and arranged for an eight page ad-1 | vertising supplement. Despite the ! | cost of such a supplement, Mr. Sur- ! i ! asky, an experienced merchandising 1 man, knew it would pay him divi- 1 | dends. Thanks to its newspaper al?y, 1 i Surasky's had a gala opening and 1 the town has forged another link in the chain of progress. ! So much for The Courier as a ] i factor in upbuilding. Let us now ( : consider the value of The Courier j jto the community. I First comes it's value as a medium J 'of distributing the news It is "our" j newspaper. It reflects the life of the j ' community. It chronicles the births > deaths, and marriages, the doing? of the neighbors, and the other things) that make up our lives. Suppose the American Legion or some organization is putting on a play to raise funds. The Courier is j first to tell the story to its readers. ' A football game is to be played. . Again The Courier. We depend on ; The Courier to keep us informed about those things. ■ ! The Courier enables Forest City people, who for some reason or oth- . ier are temporarily away from home, "I "DU bring Ethel" Do you know why she wasn't welcome? She herself didn't. Halitosis (bad breath), the social fault no one forgives, was the reason! Yet no one need hava halitosis Gargling with Listerine instantly destroys mouth odors and checks infec / tion. Use it daily. Lambert Phar macol Company, St Louis, Mo. % LISTERINE ends halitosis |i Kills 200,000,000 germs THE FOREST riTY (N. C.) COURIER AN ULTIMATE CONSUMER •X'XyX'X'X'X'X^-X'X-I^ffgSgßfc'X-X'X'X'X'X'^X'X;' ';'';«i&fei6o' ■•• ::: i *" s _/• j •>> /•" '. This baby in a drought stricken section of West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers cf the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the pact year. More than 2,75C,GC0 persons were fed by the organization. jto keep in touch with the home town. If you don't think this is a;, valuable and appreciated service, j ask' some of the boys and girls away at college. Or one of the boys in the Marines or Navy. j We think we would be justified in j saying that The Courier is the best j 'single force for progress, better; business and civic betterment that J we have. A weekly newspaper is the J best force any small town can have. ■ The Courier has attained an enviable position among the weeklies of the , state. It is a credit to the commu- J nity which it serves. ARMISTICE DAY '! ! PLANS COMPLETE' 1 Celebration In Rutherford ton | j On November 11th Promises f To Be Biggest Ever | Held There. i i " Rutherfordton, Oct. 26. —The pa- \ rade here at 10:30 a. m. on Ar v mis- ■ tice Day will be a feature of the big ' celebration. The parade will begin f forming at 10 o'clock and be led S 1 down Main Street at 10:30 o'clock, 1 by one of the best brass bands "n * this section of the state. In the f parade will be decorated cars, floats, ® etc. Every mill, firm and individual is invited to have a float in the pa rade, or a decorated car. i For the best float, $25 in cash | will be given; second best sls' j Best decoratsd car in the parade | $lO, while $5 will be given for the oldest car in the parade that will run. Senator Cameron Morrison will deliver the principal address in the court house following the parade, i The Legion Auxiliary is prepar ing to give a free dinner to all men who served in the World War. t In the afternoon at 2 o'clock there will be a football game be tween Central High school and try on. This will be followed by a colored box:ng contest between Jack Cunningham, champion of Eastern North; Carolina, who weights 173 pounds, of High Point and Ambrose Taylor, of this coun ty, champion of Western North Carolina. This fight will be to a knockout and is in charge of C. S. Royster and Dr. A. C. Duncan. The fight will take place at 3:30. Tennessee Mosely will fight a negro from Chesnee for 6 rounds. There will be a battle royal by local col ored boys from Forest City and Rutherfordton. Three aeroplanes will be here to j give stunts and take up people, l There will be string music all day, I besides rides, shows and otha; numerous attractions. A Fiddlers Convention is being planned for the 5 night. t The committee is busy now work ing out all plans for the biggest Armistice celebration ever held in | Rutherford county. There will be ample police protection and many free attractions. Schools, clubs. Boy Scouts and i other organizations are urged to I take part in the parade. | Make your plans now to spend | Armistice Day in Rutherfordton. North Carolina Negroes Support Farm Program Negro farmers in North Carolina the program j his year and gave whole-hearted sup port to the agricultural extension js-jrvice in all of its plans, j "Not only did the Negro citizens I f this State grow food and feed fcrops to the limit of their resources jthis year but they have been indus trious in conserving these crops for |lise this winter," reports John W. Mit i chell, district agent in charge of farm demonstration work with Ne jgroes. "In visiting with the 16 local Negro farm agents throughout the jState this year, I have been impress fed with the efforts made by our col ored farmers to follow the extension recommendations and to grow the food and feed supplies needed. We Jiave secured a number of excellent fr3cords which tend to show the prog j QUIET YOUR This^elightfu !MRS. Alice Fischer (picture above) says she is "the hap piest woman in the world." i. "I ojten used to wish 1 9 t was dead. Couldrft sleep; couldn't enjoy myself. It seems as though I had tried every nerve medicine r>Mde, but without any benefit un ) til I tried Dr. Miles' Effer i vescent Nervine Tablets. They certainly proved their \ worth for me. I am the hap piest woman in the world and 1 don't mean maybe." Mrs. Alice Fischer If yon are Nervous, Sleepless, Cranky. •, Blue. If you have Nervous Headache, Nervous Indigestion, take Dr. utiles' Effervescent Nervine Tablets, ess made. With so many of otfr peo le occupying the position of tenant armers, they have not been able to j o the things they wanted to do in very case; but, there has been a; oticeable increase in gardens, in 1 ay production and in the canning nd drjgng of fruits and vegetables.' J Soybean growing for hay increas- ] d by perceptibly this season, he says, | nd some growers report hay yields j f two tons an acre and more. Many £IHJEJ To the People of Rutherford County We appreciate your ginning. We will buy your cotton at the top of the market. We will buy your cotton seed or exchange with you. We keep plenty of meal and hulls for exchange. Perfect ginning, prices right, and the right kind of service. We certainly appreciate the flattering business that has come to us in past seasons, and if you will come to see us this year, we are sure that it will be mutually satisfactory to us both. "WE SERVE WITH SATISFACTION" Forest City Feed & Fertilizer Co, PHONE 132 FOREST CITY, N. C. Seasoned Experience In the solution of business problem-, nothing can take the place of experience . The banker's experience covers all bra ches of finance, and extends back throi years of contact with new and comp ov situations. This bank is ever willing to giv 1 you the benefit of its time-seasoned judg ment. J y t ;* t However large or small your business interests, you will find it of great adva age to do your commercial banking he: e. Union Trust Co CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS Thursday, October 29, 1931 olored farmers report havir ■ T \. r 11 •?> irouj 0 to 100 chickens in flocks i I d for the winter. Fall and vi nt * r ' ardens have been planted ai,^ o uncommon thing to find .p --(phich have canned from 250 uarts of material, says Mitche '. Th grinding and cooking of sorgr . fcyrup has been noted on ma- . r , jhis fall and there is a com.: fcztivity in planting small «■; j n ar , egumes for winter.