N Thursday, November 12, 1931. r- r 11 BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK The helF of friends will make this column more interesting. Pleas* call 140 and report items for this column. All news items of interest to » men are welcomed. V r ied T. Withrow Takes B .de in Pretty Fall Wedding. \ most beautiful wedding) took pli-ce in the Trinity Lutheran : vh of Des Plaines, 111., on Wed nt - ay. October 21st, at eight o'- . in the evening. At that time 3i - Dorothy Elizabeth Forman 6, ar young lady of Des Plaines, be :ne the wife of Mr. Alfred T. now, well-k"nown eldest son of M T. J. Withrow, of Forest City. ' :umn leaves, in their gorgeous l fia. ng colors, were festooned from! the windows, ceiling, altar and all' coiners of the church,- making 3 m striking setting for the wedding ce? • mony. S mewhere in the distance a clock struck eight. At precisely the same moment the soft mellow tones of the organ pealed forth the fa miliar strains of Lohengrin's -wed ding march. A few minutes later the maid of honor, Miss Dora Folte bercr. gowned in sheer autumn flowered chiffon, carrying a large bouquet of yellow pom-poms, slow ly started up the carpeted aisle and was met by the best man, Mr. Fritz Wettin. The bride then entered on the arm of her father, a sweet picture in a shimmering wtyite satin princess sown, with a veil of tulle and point lace. She carried a huge bouquet of white pom-poms, flecked with pale pink roses, that matched the pale p:'rk -atin of the bridal slippers. A >n ;r.L of pearls were threaded through the soft waves of her beau tify.! hair. As she gracefully walked up the aisle, the entire congrega tion arose and paid a silent tribute to the bride and groom. At the altar the groom stepped beside the bride, and the impressive marriage cere n.ony was read by Rev. L. G. Bold. After th.e ceremdny the bride j ana groom slowly walked down the aisle together to the tune of Men delssohn's wedding march, followed by the ushers, Fritz Wettin, Jr., and Evelyn Loatch. A reception was held at the home of Miss Dora Folteberg. which was led by seventy-five guests. A d&iicious bulfet supper was served, and a huge wedding cake, some thirty pounds in weight, was very much enjoyed. During the evening the bride and groom made an escape, not with out a few mishaps, in the form of tricks to kidnap one or the other However, they did succeed, and left to t:ur points of interest in the East. Mr. and Mrs. Withrow will be at home in Des Plaines after Novem ber loth. The newly weds received many lovely gifts and a host of good wishes from their friends. * *- •» Miss Margaret Evans will spend a week on a vacation at her home in Abbeville, S. C. * * * Misses Ottiloe and Kate Long spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Robert Hair, and Mr. Hair in Pine ville. * * * Mr. J. M. Burkholder and son, Jo .Jr., will attend a football game in Athens, Ga., Saturday. * \ M' - Ruth Doggett spent the week with her sister, Miss Dot Dog > it. in Asheville. it- * * Misses Ruth Reid and IneiJ Gra ham spent the week' end in Asheville. * * * Mr. Howard Magness, of Weaver ville, spent the week end here with i-- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Magness. * * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey, of Shelby, and Mr. and Mrs. Adams hisnant, of Iron Station, spent S and ay afternoon here with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Dorsey. * » W Mr. Herman Holt left Friday for :ia?e City, Va., on business. ♦ * * Mrs. Chas. Z. Flack 'and two children have returned from a visit to relatives in Mullins, S. C. #** > ■ Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Harrill and Misses Winnie and Jennie Davis spent A\'dnesday in Charlotte. m * * Mr. and Mrs. Grady Carpenter and children, of Gastonia, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. F- T. Davis. Miss Ruth Dorsey went to the Rutherford hospital Tuesday morn ing to have her tonsils removed. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dalton Jeft! this week for Baltimore and New I York, where Mr. Dalton will pur chase new goods for Dalton Bros. ♦ * * Mesdames W. L. Horn, Cecil Grice, A. W. Falvey and Miss Mary CrowellJ spent Saturday in Asheville. * * n Miss Sara Bailey spent the week j end at her home in Anderson. Miss j Elsie Barber accompanied her to j Clifton, where she spent the week end. * * * )■ *' Mrs. A. M. Glickman and Misses Minnie St owe, Verla Richardson and Sue Harris were shopping in Char lotte, Saturday. .. * i Rev. J. W. Williams left Wednes-; day to attend the annual conference of the Methodist churches, held in Asheville this week. » * ♦ Miss Emily Hilliard, of Cliffside, was the'week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Asbury, Jr. * m -a Mr. Hague Padgett, of Charlotte, spent Sunday and Monday here. ♦ * « Prof, and Mrs. Joe Hamrick and Prof. C. Parker Poole, principal of the high school of Fayetteville, spent a short tima here Saturday, enroute to Asheville. ♦ * » Mr. Salem Suber of Winston-Sal em, is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Suber. * * * Master Billy Kendrick. who has been in the Orthopaedic Hospital at Gastonia for several weeks, has re turned home. Billy's leg and foot is still in a cast, but he is able to be out and his friends are delighted to have him back home. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Carlisle, of Fayetteville, spent from Satu"- day to Monday here with Mrs. P. D. Harrill, Sr. . / * * * Mrs. J. F. Alexander and Miss Margaret Young left Monday to visit Rev. and Mrs. M. F. Moores in Winston-Salem. Miss Young will also, attend the State Southern Baptist) convention being held in W inston- j | Salem this week. * * 9, ! Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hewitt and 'Trilby Hewitt spent Sunday in Johnston City, Tenn. * =!» * Miss Mary Meares spent the week end in Charlotte with Miss Louise Umberger. ■* * * Mrs. Sue Freeman, of Fort Worth, Texas, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Freeman. Mrs. Freeman will spend some time here visiting relatives in Rutherford ; county. * * * j Mr. W. L. Mcßrayer. of the Flor ence Mill office force, has been con fined to his home for several days, ; but is showing improvement. POULTRY EXPERT COMING. I Dr. B. F. Kaupp, former head of : the state department of poultry and | a nationally known expert in this , line, will shortly hold a short course :on poultry in this city, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Classes will be held daily at the high school for the agricultural students ,while evening classes will be held at the Forest 1 City Hatchery for adult men and women. JOHN GILBERT COMING TO HORN'S THEATRE John Gilbert in "The Phantom of; Paris," will be the presentation at Horn's Theatre next Monday and , Tuesday. Lefla Hyams and Lewis j Stone will co-star in this picture. Here is as stirring and surprising j a drama as the talking screen has ever shown. A new kind of dual role with a grand murder mystery. It is j ' one of the year's best pictures. See ! lit. * , - i Number three tin cans $4.00 per ' hundred. Farmers Hardware Co. THE FOREST CITY (W. C.) COURIER WOMAN'S CLUB ! I I Literary and American Home Dept. j An interesting program was giv-| en by the Literary and American! Home Departments of the Forest! City Woman's Club at the November j meeting, held at the home of Mrs.! T. B. Lovelace. Associate hostesses j were Mrs. A. W. Falvey, Mrs. Carl Baldwin, Mrs. Hague Kiser and Mrs. I G. A. Williams j The subject for the afternoon was [ 'The House—What Constitutes a' Home." Mrs. B. B. Doggett chair-j man of the American Home Dept.,l presided over a brief business meet ing preceding the program. Mrs. J. F. Alexander gave an instructive talk on "The House" stressing the value of home owner ship, giving practical ideas on choos ing the proper location and places! for the house. She introduced Mr. | Shriver, interior decorator for Ivey's l Depart Store, Charlotte, whose sub ject "Romance of Cotton" was of much interest. He displayed samples of cotton and cotton rayon drapery fabrics in marvelous colors and de signs, a number of which were wov en in North Carolina. Mrs. C. H. Verner in a gracious manner gave readinsg from. Edgar Guest and Doctor Crane, following with a talk on the essentials of true home making. The program closed with the song "Home Sweet Home" sung by Mrs. Bert Moore accompanied by Mrs. Arval Alcock. The hostesses served refreshments at the close of the program. The attendance was large including several visitors. * * f Music Department. The music department of the Wo-1 man's club will meet Thursday, No- j vember 12th, at 3:45, at the of Mrs. Jack Michalove, with Mrs. I. J. Edelstein and Mrs. Lee Stein as joint hostesses. Final plans for our community! Christmas program will be made at j this meeting, and all members arc urged to attend. BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR j MR. AND MRS. C. M. CARVER j j j Rutherfordton, R-l. Now 9. —The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carver surprised them with a birth day dinner Sunday, celebrating their fortieth and fiftieth birthdays. Among those present were Mr. and j Mrs. J. H. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. | J. H. Rollins and children, Mr and j Mrs. Arthur Hoyle, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McCurry and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson and children. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore and | children. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wright j and little daughter 'Maxine, Mrs. j W. H. Carver, Mrs. J. T. Huntley, j Mrs. Maud Hoyle and children, Mr. i and Mrs. W. A. Bailey and children, j Mrs. James Hyder and children, Mr. j and Mrs. C. M. Carver*, Mr and Mrs. Virgil Bailey, Mr. and Mrs.! Leonard Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Al- j bert Hardin and little sons Herman, and Linwood, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hyder, Mrs. Elizabeth McCurry, Mr. W. C. Hardin. Misses Connie Tate, j McCurry, Kathleen and Mary Katej Wilson, Emma Huntley, Cathleen Bailey, Ruby Wright, Reba and Ruth, Carver. Messrs Branchville Bailey, i Guy Carver, Tony Scruggs, John and Gordon Tate, R. E. Mcßrayer, Ar-j thur Goode, Hicks Hill, Mutt Dan-1 iel, Fred Q?llahan, Earnest Ciiam pion, Roland W T right, Fred, and Ro bert Hyder, Ransom Kiser, -Nathan. Davidson, Carl Biggerstaff, John* Green. Bob Wilson, Milburn McCur-1 ry, Tom Gregory, Clyde Moore, Lu.-| ther Hamrick, and James Carver. | All enjoyed the day very much ,and ! went away wishing Mr. and Mrs.! Carver many more happy birthdays, j COLORED GIRL BITTEN BY YOUNG RATTLESNAKE | Margaret Johnson, colored domes- j tic in the home of Mr. M. Goodman, i was bitten by a rattlesnake Satur- j day. while working in the basement of their home on West Main street. Margaret at first thought that she had been stung by a bee, as no par ticular ill effects resulted. However, when again going into the basement Tuesday. J sHe discovered ja small snake. She ran and gave the alarm, J when Mr. L. F. McAlheny, an em-l ployee of Saurasky's, went into the j basement and killed the reptile, I which proved to be a young j snake, about 18 inches long. It is} thought that, the snake being so j young caused the colored girl to suf- j fer no severe injuries. However, ■ When the snake was killed she sought medical treatment and no ill effects) followed. GIN DESTROYED BY FIRE. , I \ _______ I It was reported here yesterday! that the Luckadoo gin at Sunshine I ■was destroyed by fire Tuesday. Noj particulars eould be learned. • FLORENCE MILL NEWSj Mrs. Ida Morrow, of Spmdalej s>pent the week" end at her sisters,! Mrs. A. C. Hudlow. j Mr. Harold Frady and family • spent the week end at his fathers. } Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie. Hardin, Nov. sth, a fine girl. * Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence! Newton, Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, a fine! boy. j Mi. J. B. Hardin and family spent > Sunday at Mr. F. H. Jackson's, at' Green Hill. j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips and \ family and Mrs. Joan Toney were' visitors in Henrietta and Cliffside,j Sunday afternoon. We are sorry to know little Niles • Green is sick at this writing. ! Mr. and Mrs.^S t . S. Doggett and family spent the week end at Mr. J. A. Modes. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hardin, of Stein's Dept. Store 0 * Save $9 on that IL/ NEW SUIT FALL m MODELS WITH p|H W EXTRA TROUSERS f ■lll Fr sl6.OO YOU say you have to "make your dollars count." Well.. sir. . a year or two ago you would have been glad to pay 525.00 for any one of our Suits. But times have changed. Prices are down and this offer is giv ing you a "real break!" • Models featured include rwanky peak-lapel smart-looking Single-Breast ed types. I n Fall weight (Woe 1 Worsteds, Herringbones and many other popu lar fabrics. Browns, Blues and Mixtures.) \ / • Stein's Dept. Store Forest City, N. C. f Cliffside spent Sunday at Mrs. Hjr ■ ace Hardin's. f j Mr. Bronson Bennett and fami'y |of Avondale, • spent Sunday at Mr. j Broadus Crawleys. j ..The friends and relatives of "Mrs. i Cindy Rich and little Colleen Craw jley gathered at. Mrs. Rich's Sun-; I [day to celebrate their birthday. Mrs. Rich was 66 years of age and Col-1 I ' een 3. Tbe out of town visitors were ' ; Rev., and Mrs. H. C. Kiser, of Boil jing Springs, Miss Thelma Jolley, of . Caroleen, and Mr. and Mrs. Baxter 'Sist of Shiloh. I Mrs. Theodore Johnson and chil • dren spent Saturday night .at Mr: j Willie Goode's. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Toney spent SPECIAL > Permanent Waves 2 FOR $5.00 I THE BEAUTY SHOPPE 3 S. A. COLE, Owner. J ■[ SECOND FLOOR OF : THE AUG. W. SMITH COMPANY : Spartanburg, S. C. , ' :he week end at Mr. Sammie Toneys. j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Freeman : vistied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dech. Sat -1 urday. HOSPITAL CHARTERED. ••• - • - Charter has been granted the For est City Hospital of Forest City to conduct a general hospital in all its phases. Authorized capital stock of $100,000; subscribed $3,000 by Dr. Amos C. Duncan, Dr. C. H. Yerner, Miss Myrtle Hemphill and Mrs. Belle Duncan. It is expected that the new hospi tal will grow to large proportions under the guidance of Dr. Duncan and associates.

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