.-k-m; i n I I I II 1 11 'llWllMil HI f if V li 1 J. THE EXCHANGE, LAURINBERG. N. O, , ta4attliePiitOfTtcat Laarlnbnz, H C asSorQnd Claaa9atttr . WEDNESDAY, J-n. 3, 1000. OUR FIRST ISSUE FOR 1900. Viia til's issue we bepiu soother gear's work. WhilS ISdO was not ll that we could have, desired, yet we hive the benefit of some expert ecce that we trust will bo beneficial to us in many reappcts in the future. Our expcii.;nc will enable us to do a afar and more conservative business in Ihe future, While it it; true that, tbe publisher's claims do rjiucomptre In size with those of the ; merchants, y he has mere of them at-d we ! lie ve that newapaptr mAn gen' rally would bo better off fin niyoi illy if they only exorcised as much ure with rcf ttPBoca to tfe extension; t ctedii as the merchants. , Bat, v do tv&t dcaire to create the lorpreistun ttA the Exchange readers aa a class ptipr pay. Wo have many who not only pay their subscrip tions buttneouragn mid stimulate ns to rene Wj efforts in variouua direc ! craUTul . io all .. the J.jjtfcttda who havbelj.-d nn on iu onr work and as we viri '. doubtless inalce this our business indefinitely, we hope to tue-rit public favor, so far aa we shall be able, by attention to business and a willingness at all times to utilize every opportunity for the promotion of the beat interests of our town ond eoun'y. Of course we rccognizo our depend ence upon the public for any measure of euccena we may achieve. The Ex change is the organ of Scotland Co, and with the co-operation of the pub lic, we proooae Iba1. Scotland's organ shall be second to no weekly in the State. The public 'will doubtless note th improvement of the ontaide page. The arrangement that we Imve perfected, gives us a paper which is practically all home pi int. Besides, we will eoon have new type, an improvement that has been sadly needed for several -year8. With this double improvement, we do not hesitate to come before the phblic soliciting their patronage and cooperation. Now friends, a Word to the point Subscribe for; YOUR paper. Patron. ize its advertising column. We stand leady to serve ypn in any w we can and may the New Year, just dawning upotv ux, one fraught with touch bap'piu lCBNud $UCCttH to tilt (oar a " ana EDITORIAL NOTES. The State press is beginning to boom Ibe campaign for this yea-, 1900. From the present outlook the cam paign bids fair tobe a hot number. The adoption of the amtmluuent means the. permxnmt restoration of white supremacy and nothing roore or less. If we adopt 'the A meudnier.t one thing is evideuta;nI that Is that white ruf.n, not only Democrats, but a"l white mtin who prefr to . -see the whites in the ascendency, most lay aside petty difference and factional animosities and unite in tbe solemn purpose to tdtify thit amendment. In this way it can, and we belieie will be done, but any divUi.m that may JUibemjlia ranks will probably result in defeat that will be a shame ud disgrace; Although the Scotland Cotton Mills have pot ypt begun work yet the ' mill U already, coiiaidered a success., .ThU can be 's?e.a from the ' reports on all sides with rtiferjncf to another mill. Another mill-is already being taikod of strongly. We me not prepaid now ttf say just whe'u another move in this direction will be made, yet we believe it is only a question of time. After all, this is the chief reason perhaps why manufacturing builds up a t jwn so rapid) j . The grbat trouble is makiug a beginning. But once a beginning in made, the pebble become more aroused to their opportunities for material development. It inspnes oonGdeuce, Awaken zeal .aud creates a healthy putllc spirit that eventually, culminate in Other industries and en terprises. And .while thinking ilong this line, would it not be a wise measure, a matter of protection to property, to say nothing of convenience, to take taps looking toward lha "stabliah rnent of a sysrem of lights for the town? Wcn no"tso -hy wesho'd pot have ehcric lights. Tbe rxpen eoce of othar towns is that stores nd olBofs can be lighted with electricity Cheaper thiui ol and every one knows it is saf -r and mote d- tumble io every reapect. ' . .-'llrto-ver that rosy.'be, our etiecU are badly in ne d of Oni fort ' Vf ishi mination. .If wo ein til'it ';'.' iu th eiecttic ) fti io, Siy -ill -m ., t.i to have toiw fort of liM)f.. 83,000 GASH PRIZE CONTEST. THS ATLANTA CONSTITUTfON'S GREAT OEFEH OF IfcOO. THB UOTTO BECEIPTS AT NEW ORLEANS FBOM SEPT. TO APRIL FULL STATIS TICS GIVEN FOR YOUB GUIDANCE AN UNPARALLELED OFFER FOR OCR READERS. 7 ha Attanta Constitution offers a j3,0005as.h prize contest for January, February and Marco, 1900, as follows: To tha person sending a veailv sub- saription to The Weekly Constitution, together with th correct estimate on the cotton receipts at Nw Orleans duiing the first sevtn mouths of the present cotton year Sept. 1, 1899,. to Apul I, 1900 $1,&00 if estimate is received dur ing Jnnary. $1,000 if estimate is received du- liug February. $G00 if estimate is received duiiog March. The above are for the exact esii rute j there aro beaides these six prizes, ranging Rlong, $500, $400, 250;$150,$125 aud $75 amotinting to $1,500, that will be paid out ure for the fix nearest estnmtea to tli New Oi leans cotton reoiipts at any time during the three months of the content. But you hit it exactly dun ring January and secure tho full $1,500 prize check. The Conatittition believes setnebody will hit the figure exactly aud ex pects W pay out the full amount of ,he prizes offered $3,000 in all. 2n a Constitution contest upon th same subject in 1896 Mr. R. T. Toole, of Capels JMh, is. C., Lit tho exact g ures and received a check for $1,000 as his prize. Mr. Poole did not try to weil hiuiaelf up at once, but vry generously paid off a mortgage on his lather's borne place and with the bal ance he very wisely elucnted himself at Trinity college, Durham, N. C. He is cow doing well in business in Aorlh Carolina and lives still near hia old home. It is needless to sav he ia wai in friend of The Cons'itution. As a guide In making estimates upon the Sow Orleans pott receipts. The Constitution gives the following figures compiled from statistics of the past four year. N.O. recta. N.O. rects. Total U.S. sbasox Sep. 1. wholfc yr. crop for Moh 1. Sep.l-Aug. I. season. '95-96. 1,620,974 1,812,167 7,157,346 96-97. 1,936,587 2,102.470. 8,757,964 97-98. 2,432,315 2,576,165 11,199,994 93-99. 1,854,153 2,130,296 11.274,840 The $3,000 contest is an express contract to which The Constitution will stand in every particular. -.Yet it hUB -itu Yhturo 'eGaply an , advviti- nieufr by which The Conslilutionj com bined with i Thfr tauduburg Exchange for only $1,75 per year, may be better known in thia community. Send us the subscription to The Constitution and our paper at the advertised price of the two and with it your estimate on the New OiJeam port r;eipts, and we will forward all together for you Ou April lat'we trust a $1,500 check will reach some of oar aubacribers to help make times even more euy round about us. Witfi;snch a great goneral newspa- lr, covering tbe world newa and world and national questions, vou will, of "course, ned the best ajJ livest lo- oal paper, giving current local topics and the latest and best news and freshest comments upon events of local interest. We trust- this combination secured by The Exchange and the Constitution will b found best suited to all our readers The prioa is mere ly nominal when the service is even half considered, only $1.75 including your estimate in the Constitution's $3,000 cash contest. To gut the full benefit of the high'prize fud in your anbaotiptiou now so The Constitution may receive it during January and record it to your credit. Alake yout 6gures very plain, unmistakably plain. Address all orders to The Exchanp, Laurinburg, N. C. ury note s under the sherman Act pay able in gold. 4. All silver certificates to be re stricted to one, two and fir dollar notes; legaal tender quality of eilver dollar not t-ffected. 5. Establishes a division of issue and redemption, to which is assiffued all records and accounts relating t-j the wsue, redemption and exchange of th several kinds of United States money 6. Establishes a permanent gold re serve fund equal to 25 per ceut. of the total of greenbacks and Treasu y notes outstanding. 7. Directs tbe Secretary of the Treasury to maintain this reeorve, ami, if necessary, to sell gold bonds at not exceeding 3 per oent. pavable in twenty years, but redeemable in gold, at tho option of . tho United States, after one year. r 8. prohibits any transfer troo the Treasury general t'nud to the division of issue aud redemption that will re duce the general fuud below fifty millions. " 9. Greenbacks and Treasury notes to be redeemed iu gold at the will of the holder, aud to be mid out again only in e-xchange for gold. 10. Resurveund to be used to maintain parity, and, to do this, the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, exchange gold ciu for any other money issued. 11. Piovidea for coiuage of siib bidiary, worn or uncurrent coina, and repeals the Jaw limiting issue of such coiu and fractional curreucy to $50, 000,000. 12. Provides fur tho issue of United State. notes and Treasury notes in denomination not lees than $1, as the Secretary prescribes. 13. Increases the issue of national 'oauk circulation up to the par value ot l)oi.U8 deposited to secure - tuch circulation. 14. Repeals the 1 per cent, tax on national bank circulation, and substi tutes a tax of -1-5 of 1 per cent, iu the aggregate ou the en pit!, surplus aud undivided profits of banks. 15. Authorizes tbe incorporation of national banks oi $25,000 capital in towus of not to exceed 2,000 iahabi. tants. Financial Bulletin. ik JWDER il ILL EXPLOSION Removes every thiug in sight : so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don't dyuamite the delicate machinery of your body with calomel, cm'.on oil or aloe pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do tho work perfectly. - Cures Head ache, ponstiputioo. Only 25c. at all Drug Stores. li v 1 . 'I- THE CURRENCY BILTj. The following are tbe salient features of the Currf-ncy Bill agreed upon by the House CommitUe, which has been at work upon it for several nonths. The bill undoubtedly refieats the ti nar oial policy of the administration, an t will be pressed for passage at the present session of Congress. 1. Jakea the" "dollar of 25 8-10 grains of gold tha standard unit of Value. 2. Declares th it U bonds now ex istn g nod hereafter to be iajni- I shall bv .! : in Sol 1. ' '3;;-.Vakes ill groenUucks an l Tte.i - i NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman who is lovely in face, form aud temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her heal th. 11 tkti in weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervonB and irtitable. If she has constipation or kidr ey troub't, her impute blood will: cause pimples, blotches, skin eruption, and & w re! cued complex jou. ii,ieotr Bittern it. the best medicine io the world to regulate stomach, liver and 'kidneys aud .to purify the bloody- It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velveiy skin, rich complexion. . It will make a good looking, charming woman, of a run-down invalid. Ouly 60 cents at all Drug gtore. BILL AIIP WRITEi ABOUT N. C. I have judt returned from good old iVorth Carolina a State that T love because of its good peot.l", and partly for the same reason that Alex Stephens Said he loved his little d-:", "because th- little dog loved: him." I am nev er more honored thau wJwn I go to visit Kip Van W;nkle, that W. Irs viug made famous and Joe Jefferaou immortalized. The g.0d old Stat waked up long ago and immortalized herself by bending to the mil war more soldiers than any State of tbe Confederacy, not ouly more in actual numbers, but more it, proportion to population. And she would do it again. The confederate seotiuient is btronger there to-day than anywhere that I know of and I "am aelnally afraid that the old Veteran are getting ready to riaegnin. Why, at Wades- boro twenty six them, in old Confed eral, escorted me to the hali. Koine of Shear had bui one. aim and tome one leg, aud they were all solemnly proud,t.f their recom:.; They circled hulf arouud me on the' platform and reminded me of the- grand eaudhedriiu that. Moses tells ns ud to gather at the tabernacle. Thry have a Tam many Haifiu the village, where they rendezvous and refresh their memories and keep alive and l-uruiug sentiment, 1 do hope they, won't rie agaia. NO CURE NO PAY. TW is the way all druggists sell GHOVE'S TASTE1.ES CHIL TONIC for ChiUs and Jalaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in tasteless form. , Children love it. Adults pre fer it to bitter nauaeatiug ionics. Price, 50c. A druggist in Macon, Ga., saya: "I have sold a large quantity of Mother's Prieiicf, ar.i have never known an in stance wher8 it has failed to produce tbe good results claimed for it. All women agree that it makes labor shorter and less .painful." Mother's Friend is not a chance remedy. Its good effects are readily experienced by all expectant mothers who use it. Years ago it passed tbe experimental stage. While it always shortens labor and lessens the pains of delivery, it ts also o the greatest benefit during the earlier months of pregnancy. Morning siciaess end nervousness are readily overcome, and the liniment relaxes the strained Scte3, pertnirtihgThem to Expand without causingdistress. Mother's Friend gives- great recuperative power to the mother, and her recovery Is sure and rapid. Danger from rising and swelled breasts is don,awty with completely. Sold by druretsts for St a bottle. THE BRADFiELLV REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. Sead fot our free ill;jt rated book fu expectant ontbent -VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Are grand, hut Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them ; also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped' 'Hands, Chilblains. Beat Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches, Ouly 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. So'd by all Drug gists. Under and by virture of an order of the Superior Court in a cau-e therein peuding iu which H. W. Malloy, E. C. ialloy, and J. C. Jfalloy are plaintiffs and R. C. Uamer and P. B. Hmer are defendanrs, I will expose for sale at pub lic auction for cah, in the town of Rockingham, N. C, at the court house doar, at 1 1 A. 2. Keb. 5th. 1900 t!e loads described in the complaint, beins former ly the lauds of the dower of the widow of Dr John Malloy, deceased, and em- V .... iiatA.i..r;i!..n :a Said sale is made for partition. . Maxct L..Johx, Conj. December 27 1899. ' mi&iws uUiVl mm We take pleasure in calling vour attention to a large aud varied Stock of 31EN'S .YOUTHS' and BOYS' CLOTHING. Suitable to the coming Season and now on our tables for traded Our usual lines of IE3i!!L"3 C5SL"C5fS. sSZ 2Pi"OLT! AS9ULl.JrJ. generally are equal to tormer stocks. Please Attqrnr At Law, r 1 LAVaCIXBUn, . sr. c COMMISSSOKER'S SALE OF LAHD. Under and by virture of an order of the Superior Court of Richmond County,' in a cause therein pending wherein Lillie L. Johnson, J.. H. Johnson, J. T. John, " Jr , aud Wtfe arp-petitiouers, Ex Parte,! will expose at public ancvon.foiiQa6h at thp cougt the 5tb, dayof Febiiarf 100, at 11A. -1., the lands described in the peti tion, being the lands-ot the estate 6f Edward Pattersop, deceased, Said sale ting id'ajb for partition among plain- tias. : Maxct L. Johk, Com. December 27 lc09. GOMMISSIQHERS'S SALE OF LAKD. Under and by virtue of an order of Superior Court of Richmond County made December 9tn, '1S99, in the matter of L F. ' M cDrtiiald, Sarah Ann JcDouatd, J. Wi ; Da via. and M. D. Davis, petitioners fix : Parte, I will expose for sale at pub'il auction at the court Iiouh doi r iu Rockingham b'b. 5, 1900 at 11 o'clock A. M.t the iuuds described in the petition of the cause, , hting the Ixnds of the estate of Catharine McDaniel ( Vic Donald) deceased. Sni-l sale being made for partition, ' -Maxct I John, Com. December 27 1899. Executrix's Notice i Having qualihed as' Executrix of the will of P. R. Mason notice is hereby given to all?pTrsons having claims agaiust said estate to present rhem, doly authenticated to the under signed for ayment nd settlement on or before th 20ih dy of December, 1900, or this noticH wi!J be p'e-idcd in bar of their recover'. All person indebted., to thp estate are r quested to ui .ke iuiiuj-dia'a' pay ment. . .-. This 15th da of Dec 1899. . " Octavja.&as'ON, Executrix. Jfi.xcy L. J,.h.., Au; T6i 1 -- , a. GOOIJ ADVICE. P. T. Bariinio oncf said i ,4If you have $10 to- jiut to good. put up $1 for the arucl't bO(I" th other niu ior atiydfliiiifi' JL ;carn..r .alk, to any nnm but the pHotfr, l.The man that can stick typV and iri I iVe. morning talk to a thousand f.f? pi Wt.ile i aa, talking to one is thft injin I an. afraid of, and ,. want him fpr my fisieud." CCilSSiOHEn'SALE CF LAND. By virtue of a drcite of the Supe rior Court of Richmond C unty made iu the cniie of N. J. JcDt.cald and D. J. .1 cCormi.uk- and wife W. A. McCor mick Plaintiffs Ex parte, the uudersigued couunis.io:ies , apointed by ssid decree, will un il,e 8th day of Jauuaty, 1900 11 o'clock A. M iu the town ot Hasty, N- C, i front ot the depot, sell to u,e hight biddf-r for cash, the followingiands, viz.: That, lot of land allotted ib 'Ixmisa Mo Donald in the division of the lands ot John D. Coing,on, ueed, containing 40 acrea. Sai sale is mad- for the purpose of making partition. ihi. 8th Dec, (899. - - - - Jjfo. D., Shaw, Jr Com. atop in and examine tiitui or seud a postal card inquiry. We Send Goods per Express on Approval, Returnable at Our Expense. 5 Jfail orders have prompt attention.' Respecfully, The Long-Tate Clothing Company. 6 SEASONS WHY THE EQUITABLE POLICIES ARE BEST : 2. S. 4, I Because tbe Equitable is the strongest life company in the world, I havinjf nfr.a cirtu million il il ' r: rtf uni-nlnj ' ' Because surplus not only meaas financial strength, but is also the fund from which dividends to polk-yboM ers are paid. Because during the past ten years the Equitable's Surplus earnings have beea larger than those of auy o.her compauy. Because during the past aix years the Equitable has paid each year more than $2,(Oo,00() iu dividends to policyholders. Because the policies cf the Equitable are paid more promptly than those of any other company. Because, for the above reanous, the Equitable's policies are the 'Government Bonds" of life assurance. CALL AND SEE For both Life and Accident. Office over Prince & Blue's Drug Store. GET MY PRICES BEFORE BUYING. 3C T. 3"0"SS,EXj-3SC; Charlotte, North Carolina. Or. W. T. ierndon, THE MORGAN IRROW. KPfln NO Hf U l SiiJS Sit ir vnn iior tiisr ir iuy mt mil f uying a Harrov Would be Glad You Wou!d Look into the FleHts of this One Before Piscina: McNAIR: Office over Drs. Trince Blue's. New Drug Store Building Phone No, 13. LACRINBuRG, N. C. . - . I C i t I 6 I i? ! fiejtorawfxv. 8.11 KAI. u'-h t'orsl.35,: LI J, Al-Is,3Jt.Mn'' sprigs n-- ; THE an" d 'Wm4ns'r 1 ! ' J NT Farm Library af tmeqaallea Taltie-Pr3.ctlcsl p-to-dae, Concise mA CanicrelistTO SaB4,,t ' asmeiy mated and Beastirally Ulascratsd. By JACOB BIQGLS N. 1 BIQOLE KORSS BOOS All shoot Horsea a Cammoa-SenaeTrcaUsa, wUh rm 74 Uluatratiooa t a ataoifeird work. IMoe, Sa Ciala !. 2 BJuuLB BERRY BOOK . Allaboat growinjr small Fre& tod aad Isavn hov ; eontalna 43 eotor&a liftHke na(cdtiedcKia of all ImiIIh varietiea sad too other ilhftratlona. frlco, ssCeacx. Ko. 3 SIOQLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry; tba beat ?witry Book laasfateneit teUecTcrTthiiif; wHhaj eolorad U-U3ierwaotii rf all the nristapai breeds; wjsb 109 otjier iiiun&atioaa. Price, so Cents. No. 4 SIQQLB COW BOOK All abont Ccw aad tbo DUTy 3Sasi 1 VjreSsjr t t?t faw: ceotaisa I colcce-i likJiW reprnatiOBl trfWcli iwvsd, wr2i 13s other instsfcratLooa. rfc,siCemta. No. f SWENB BOOSC Jos cut. An aboat Res Bm&ag. 9tecSN, Sta jay. Xtoeaa. etc. Cootaaai oetmSa ui Ibaif. iw oKirvauB esuks axe 1 aihavtean esormoea aale Eaei, West, Kortft a Scuta. Exerr mm wiut fewna w n Caiekes, or grovrs sitap P?tjlU. ensfjai to aeairisiit away foe the EKJOLaEboKST Sbe est If reiilaff fca&gaa. aaM9larPAfe8 CtM. asd caoular Oexm&ZBM BlOOtJg CCWa fea& Address, VA3&m SiFURTSAK. Tittt ttrnrut" 8" Office Telephone No.' 21. Resi dence No. 7. . " IMPORTANT NOTICE ! For the b- nefit of the ublic gener ally we take this method to waru any one who anticipa.'es bnyttig a Piano or Org.in from one A G. 5'..vr-r, bu has benu sailing the Prince Inatruiuent in Richmond and R.. beauu Counties at various prices Parties have paid from $225 00 to $300 00 for the name Instrument We do this fW ;oe high esteem we hold for .our neighbors aad appreciating the many misrepresenta tions they are subject to. . Very Respectfully Submit ted. W. F. lk'LLOCK, '-46-t N. T. ftlcLEAM. PETER JOHN, i.D. Physician k Syryeon, Offico between Bank of Laurinburg and Everirg ton's Drug Store, LAU1LINBURG, N. O. H.iTuckerMro. GRANITE & MARBLE WflffiS. CEALbES !N ALL KINDS Of OHAhiTE AND MABBLE MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, SBQH FEiiOiHC &C. m i mm. P. O. BCX277. WILMINGTON. 1ST- C Branch Yard at Coldeboro, N.C i Ur S. M. .Wright. G50S0H STATSCH, N. C. JSTers his professional services to ttia Deople of Richmond and adjoining -outtica in the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, &c. With many yea:s of successful ex'j rieuce lie feels safe in paying, t!at taken in time, all cases ofabo.e nr.med diseases readily yield to his treatment. mum Cures all diseases without the use of medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cures where every thing else fails, li is needed in every family, lor it will cure every weakness or ailrneut. to the most persistent chron ic " disease, and without the, nss of a graiu of medicine. Thousands ofpeopl all over the United States, from private-' citizens to Lawyers, Doctors, Piuaehers, Suprvme Judges, Editors, etc., even Croved . 'ji ' Kurope hao given writ. en tjistim-.Mi.iiils of.these facts. Buk of tes'li.ijuiiials, vith price of intrmepts sent IVeo. Agents warned. $. ( 0 to $10.00 a day. . BUBOla & VVJiBB, 512 4lh St. Lou eviile. Ky. We Want Yoiir Same For V P A S TI .VI E," fi-e . fir igb test leatTrjar'a a(i Jarnfly''' !uarr4ri story rtoll humorrius pa'rw' out. Nr y rtfiU ijuiniiOus nrr ard itetii!g te;rures for ail. Special ilf:p,;r tinnt of valuable intpr -.nation for shrew. I mui y jaSke-s nti uaoiie'v" so vers. 16 . !rgn f'fe'j only 50e. ! year, cn Tiil six months fvr lOe its Htuo j)?. (joiii Watched, Ours Bici c:r, yp.wing .Yiarhii.it s, JTodaka, Graphophones, .1nsital lusirumfBt, ic, free for a little mrk t ml eti cu do Addcees I Jie Pastime. Cb; -Louisevillf Ky. rn Eellabla rson of -. t-.tcchtntel or jnveaUrs min dtslrtng a tHp o Hie 1': ris I??:po!i!tion, wita ssed talarv end wi. i-zuinitt wrta 'ilia i'AXEKY KC tiltI, Bcjtlmova, B4. ?3 VUVKU U0WM I AM OPEN1N& At ".Make McKay' Old Siand MULL. LINE OF Family Groceries, Vbere 1 will he glad to see my friends .""and. neighbors and in fact . '. everybody. .ire being bought at' lowest cabh prices, aud vt ili be sold at small profit. Respectfully, 0. 0. MclNTYBE. Cavetts, and Trade-Marks obtained, andnll Piit- i cat business concucted tor Mqocr tc Fee. I Our office is Opposptc u. s. Prteht Office Send moael, drawing or pnoto., -witn ataer-p-f t-on. We advise, u patentable or not, trea ot i chuffro. Our fee not due till patent iaaeenrcd. S A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents, witJr cost of same in the IT. S. and foreiKncounUlaaS . C .J J sen. ec .auurebs, a 3 Sb 0fk VeHiilStfTj ttWw-at 2. Opp. Patent Office, t 'aSHiwaTON, O. C. ywwy -y VW " Curo dyspepsia Digests what you eat. It articlally digests ths food Md Nature In st,rengthonlr.2 aad rsocn truoting the exhausted digestive or gans. IS Js tbe latest dlsooTensd Signet out sacS tonic. No other preirat4c-B can approach ft in effideney. li in , ?tacfcy rsliSYefl and pennancatlf ear BickHeadaohGaatralglatCreiap&sBd all other results of imperfeetd'eiloau Hreparwd E.t OaVfiti AC' Se0 STW. L. Firfda, DruUw.

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