Mr. Owen r*. Lore w.u» in the city Friday last. Mr. W. D. Blued, of Lumber* waa in the city on Saturday. Mr. J. D Blase)! went to Lumber ton 1 wit Thursday. I>r. J. B. Bivens, of MoCaH, spent Sunday in town. The Methodist prayer meeting houthae been changed to 7:80. MMaXateHamar has returned m a visit to McCall. R. Watt Stewart, of Hamlet, *t Sunday with his mother, Mi* EL A. Stewart. Mbs Mary McDougald opened pohHe school last week with SO pop&e eoroUedi^i-^; v,'; Mise Goldie Ritch, of Lumber. ■Urn, spent two d*ys this week with Mr. and Mm G. M. Whit. ■'EM*,--: tcer**.' ;# '%•’* ■ ■■ - * ; - - ■ . • : ■ ] The render'* attention i* cnl ■d to the blgdiepluy mi. of Hur. ty Schneider, of Uibwu. Material* for the new Baptist tmieooag* are being pot on the ground. The parsonage will he located on the Church lot, Jiwfc South of the Church. There will be a meeting on next Saturday, Septemlier 28til, of tho Farmers' Protective Asso ciation to iec<*iT» the report of the delegatee to (lie State Con vention which met September 33th. Our buggy offer is still open, though the big «d. I* crowded Wt this week. The ticket* are guiug; you had better secure yours, Remember, the chance cost* you nothing. Cept. \V. 0. McLaurhi, Mesurr L- if. BfefCinuoir, Walter Leitch and other* attended the Confed erate VstonuM Re-union at lied Springe last Thursday;. they re port qaLe a crowd and good: time all around. W# wore show'n the plan* of the hotel to be built Ur Mr. J. C. Morgan. The building will be a beauty; the ground door will contain a laygo store room and the hotel office, dining room and parlor, the second and third; stories will contain 33 bedrooms, i The eutire building will be sap-1 plied with water from an tdevw-j tor tank coutniiuitg 3,000. pnl-j Ions. It is so kite bi tlio season, I however, that. Mr. Mojv-ui fears I that it wilj not be completed be fore spring. On last Snmlny night Mr. J. D. Medlin, tits efficient night watchman of the tdwn discover-1 el a wonld-Iv burglar in the! yard of Mrs. Agues Myers. Mr. j Medlin hailed him. whereupon '• the rascal took life hosfe and Mr. j Medlin 11 red at him live tim;*; he' whs uot ue ir enough to discern ‘ whether the aihroumt w urhitej or a'gro. About- a week prevt-j 009 to tlife, Tom Myers l,e.ird n\ burglar in the house but lie-1 fore lie could light u lamp the.' burglar had escaped. Such sco.iu-1 dials will uijet tlioir just fate 7®t The regular meeting of the 8cmtland county !*tt>tcctivG As sociation wtt$ held IasttautarJfty afternoon io the Field’s Hull. The meeting was .opened by D. S. Htewurt, the president. The following officers were elected for the ensuing yeiir, For President. DoupUd Stewart, for Vice Presi dent W. H. McLuuriu, lor Secre tary and Treasurer, J. JI. Pat tirson, for Executive Committee, E. Qillto, W. L Mason, J. 1). Mc Lturin and A. A. Leiteb. Ail no tubers prcrwut seem.’J entiiu eeustic aud reudily paid their dune quite a umnitor of now mctn bere wore enrolled. The coudi tioa of the cotton market was dfapjMod and tlie meeting wan inclined to the competition at this place wan nut fPjfHcieufc to ensure tiie-fdll price of Ihestaplc. Messrs U. UcLeau and A. B. Sbaw wore elected as delegate** to the Ktnto to lie held at llaleigh on Kept 23th. A meeting wne called for noxt Sat urday Sept. 28th at« o'clock. TH* PjUf-AMfcRKMX RSTOSITIOX WILL CLOffK OCTORKU Ult. * TboMwk»hanaf>«TMt«d tbta Mar. .!m! ******** ***** la ardor U> permit/f ry rf;Ii«n In the territory trarm by it* line*, to take tbiatriy, thj araionnt A?r Uae Roll «r*y Ium pla»*4 ia efeaet a rata of prarO rally one taro lor tlir round trip to Hjt (aloaad retora, tfefceta cm mile ftaptam tar JW to October JOth, iadueiro; tlck tayaod to rwtara wltuia’ twmty day* from data of aate. TUa UVrnl foocr* akM abotUri taoet with a Iratny i~Mpon » *» the part it th? tmreUaopabbc. and maty w.i! 'I'm ♦>:(*•» aral tlvnuotr^* of the oyyortaoity of’ aUVxbas thb. U*s and Urn«at at ttspodthma. •r. w. a. o<>»*. Mr. Ww, Shaw lijrtcb died at the bum* of hi* mother, Mr*. M. J. Ljfcrh, ub Thu mi a/, Septem ber 19th, Mr. I^rteh wne jnet 1« year* Of age, end n well, thought of young man. Hewae • mm of tba late Martone I^rteb. Tho interment ru at the Lytch family bfnyfng-gronnd, Rev. 1. M. Bom, a a, iMMUAdihatTmflDU (tmih her P*w«w*») her* «n4 mete nilai **•»» fW 4o*u«m jmt v^nthtr. I ImV* «mmnM TKKTUlXA **» m»«meai mere m the «UU. Md II UfCM r. VAtBBh Ph. 0., hjyv trotaM*. HAST! ITKHfh Mr*, (!. V. Fry U .on the sick1 list thin week: but in now better. I Hhtn Thompson, who bus beeni quite sick with typhoid lever, l* slowly cob vflleeringr. Mr*. Make McCall an;l daugh ter, May, ore visiting ct Mr. Mar dock McCormick's home. Mies Chrtseie MeCorniic spent the week with her friend, Mni. J. 1>. Msd lin. A recent copy of the Lnnrln burg iixvhange con tabling brief notice of the Mny Tewksbury Mission was placed in the baridaj of a sou them friend with the re sult that a nice contribution v-*ns seat to the founder of the wfciJ sion. The came item ecut to n distant western state btougliii still greater results. So the Ejc change has, unwittingly, been doing some Uouie Missionary work; been laying up some treas ure wher “neither moth nor rust | doth corrupt” koh“Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of those,' ye did unto me.” The May Tewksbury Mission in doing a noble work—and May “being dead, vet apeftketh.” Owing to it* being cotton sea souour school is small. but our teacher. Miss Lucy McCormick, hi getting on nicely, and w» hope will soon have alurger number on tho Itoll, The cotton crop is so near a failure thia Reason that strenuous efforts must bo made to gather as soon wi possible. j Well, Burely we ought not to grumble in view of the blessings that have 'wretolor rested upon onr section. •The Temperance Sermon proa-! chetl by Her. N. Wilson at Cale donia an Sunday was of un»s ur.l; force, fall cf practical ill <» tratiom; nn.l most touchingly did the pastor plead with his p x> plu to let tlw» uccnrsed thing* alone.. After, the sermon, some one ( v stranger to us) ferven* ly PI-&: ei that God would ‘/dost j saloonr, distilleries & r.” Would it were «o; but how cau it done so long us God’s children —cliris U am—(often eren tho “watch* inoa on the tower,,) show in the most way they possib ly could (liy their votes) that they wish them to continue busi ness? “Consistency, thrrn rrrr-rc jewel.” The liquor business will quite business when the church really* desires it—not be fore. CL'TS AN!> EnniSE^.liUiCKLy UXA1.K0. Ch ’X 1 e - I'ein Dntoi aapif-.l to R cat. bru.-r, bum, unnkl or liiw'lojnry w it iu-tantiy o'l<vy tSo pain Rad trill KvrJ ihr pni-tw >u Ivw fim# tiinn any other iCKiiwct CiiIcm th« h’jnry i» nnr wsvi-tu it will not hte a mar. I*ain Ihdiu »!ro oatt* rlimnaiirnt. norain', Kwriiiojw ».i| U’u’j**.’. K?»r xrIo i*y 1H lVinroaml Blue, bru^i-it*. RIVERTON ITEM*. TIw rainn have come, the flood** have de.tcendfhJ, the creek in on a boom, iHitl a lot of hay m mint’d. I Cotton was not much injured by the heavy nuns and winds licet week, pvopably on account | of thorn not lteiug much to in jure. Sire. T\ A. Tewkebtiry, who \r,ta adjudged insane some time ago, was taken to th-jHtote Hos. pittU nt Morgantou last w*nk. It 1* hojied that she will soon re cover. II -I Ci:«Kl> UP.fcHROMC IMARMHORA AITKK AO TRAM MJFKKRIMJ. • “imMn+i for tOjAMwItHfoitm HmUow^A rShSi, Him. > k~t «tMM •» mtmh thm •»! MOMJT mA rribrad «, »»<* tfou I foul fit J.T" UMtl 0MU 4o mo IM onLfolr^M mA*m *»»»< Irat by mdMw« 1 >n rnfo«ti< u> And » toufo a Ufo'» (Mfo, CfofobMi I r.4/, MR «ft-r tokfof om muirtly m»A A Ifo 0» *moA mtitk Ifo Mafow iAri M to fo lyn* A At rfofo. form I tow" K«r wfo by Or* Mr. * M*r, l!UA))ii(llinA)» H UKMCliY A WHEAT VAUj^^a 'S*9 uX* or tW* rom«Vr- **> tMto nml KL*2I ■■* i * wlftMrjTcherr. It. W MpMtaQy pHied hy Loth.„ n cw*h, mn it •hrny. 4orJ< ,r,Hk MW »»d«4 tt eiwUE* utfoplan, or otSrr tortnlol d«*. It Bay V, lTW1 M eaoR. ^ “I ■*** *W *»*• by Dt.PriwAI^, DrufcTtW.. A GENERAL ®XODUiii«OT?lBNOIlTll. 01 ^ **«*> *™. thodw.-ritoaHuM.ln Mr^trrr, lwtirrthrdj^ tl.rrcslr. • >rt* o, thj North V, th. ®o*oUk,,u. Ut»o,l(j *vw W, whoaii ehww, ft„uru ^ m|n., Vr,wa:W ti» body f w.o* r^roilrt Tk-j ^^ot a W tha .H „, thi* V.udJ,m,t.o,r*U OB, mi *** r.„.l h, tailtnx •)HfmKd w|.j, th2 v*.hraeriT.<dtVwtro:n YVh-tlur liiwqr hw. ^ H r„a Md **"*''* mr m«« 8»Vj>*rO Air Li» i'^ t ur roprr*ntat.T-. ,rho Wrf, w.thfl*u«v. t.Ww U V,tUf &, mtal r ,, tb*pn*:le*bHHarol <*u th%t ,oatl. d.h-rrnl r^t «ajl remoi<!r I XORTH CATOUKAXito^n,.. .a m kajiu l f B.-ion, th« Chrk. J.jha D. Caittjrqu, Puuu<jg W. J. Syki>s nnJ w;h», p Ini* K*k,'*; li a WWtvl m-mmv • 1 ••ml «vifc, Hatv ‘a,MM0V* WlUiu M«L'*:!. li. T. and A.'). M«C*a a.i.l K£ Jfr AtcOatl. Inliiu .8. dch-atf^.^* “* Wr.l;> R/AUSItare.«1 Take u«M'.> that tl., aWo etarra arclon, 1110 an* eoratwijcd hi* «?, w Vtin!o «'1*’"; lonrt ol utotlaxl «X *? ^ ‘-•Urk ol tha' nort ^ .til..Coart th»t tta pm AA*r * ca i»c ol vrion ansi t-.JI; *1 ? -tAT* ^ •«ry pwllj to-tho ' non-vr.d J*nt* o! the 8 u.f iwnd to V»l) hLT Idum'ilturn in aall Us„ ,tr on i *i»r ■>; Oc.otor, lwiT^ Vf 1 a..a anj.vtr or denuik ♦ Jl l1oc‘ A-M ••! of rha which 1BkHl'-W11 or ju.l*strn; will In. gf***} I to the |i.-.»Avr oT tao ttcr<“v,ulK b> »• d ih~ tl.«k“" . cotr.'aoa «.C jafi U., l.| •*r" r. " CQVIXfiTON, :',tpiWor Court __'o a. A <-ouury. I xt ^«^X CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC: I have Just- returned from the Northern Markets where I purchased the moat complete and up-to-date line of Dry Goods, -Notions, nothing, Sho.’s, Hats, Cups, Gents' and Ladies' Furnishings, Trunks, > umboii ami Grippe that f have ever showu in Gibson. Dress Goods! Dress Goods! i *. i■ J-*^**^1 *'onie and give nr. a call and be convinced that we have the most com juete bnc ol tb.evrctvaa, Cas'mr.T m. lirilluiutinea, Serges, Crepons, Plaids for waists. Buit lnjr. Duck, ftat<»*n.*. Sirk Flannels, Flnnellotte i. Ginghams. Percales, Calicoes, Out uia>«. at. unheard of prices. A!.-:o a beautiful line of silks for L: die; Waists at prices that will astonish you. A word to lbe wi: e i.i nuhi' lent. o • I, ■VUV1 sv’t,(‘ " u>j! Homespun nt 4% cents per yard. Culieo at 3)4 cents per perd. J pairs Boy i'ants for c< n s. Fiidueiln.s nt 35 cents each. Pins at 1 cent per paper. *\«h11js nt 1 pur pap-, r. i icc Lames’ iSkirts for only id) cents each. Gluiiilng! Clothing! We invito your special attentinu to our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. We have tne largest and most up-to-date Hue of Men’*, Boy*’ uud youth’* Suite that we have ever put More the people. Men Suita in stouts and slims from $2.00 to £15.00 each. Boys’ Suits from 75 rents per suit upward. We have a large line of Men's anvl Boys’ Extra Pauls, all sizes at prices to suit everybody. * * I Jackets and Gapes. We have just received n very stylish line of Ladies’ and Children’s Capes and Jackets, all sizes, at prices to suit tlie times. Come said look for yourselves is all we ask. SSiaSEOJESSU «30C03SS2SJJ Our Shoe Department is complete in every respect. We have Shoes to suit every body at low down prices. We are agents for the Celebrated Seitz Shoes—the best In tne world. I hey make your feet glad. MATB2 HATS! lwvvo the most myto-dnte and longest wearing Hats you will find anywhere lor the money. W'e have a line of Mattings and Floor OH Cloths that we are closing out* at rocK bottom prices. A beautiful line of Table Linens. Doilies, Towels, Table Scarfs. Ghauoul 1 able Covers, Buggy Robes, Curtain Poles aud Window Shades going cheap. we also carry a full line of Fancy and Heavy Groceries, which we can save you money on. Get our prices; it is to your interest. If you want to buy a nice clock cheap, we have it. 8hrewd shoppers and clow fTi) *9 their inteivst to stop at this store to do their buying. OLR MOTTO: tj aid Goods, latest styles, lowest prices, everything as represented* YOURS TO PLEASE, SCHNEIDER. Gibson, N. C., Qspi. 23,1991. Phone No. 32. wwm ni scm, • : PJtAVK P. WYJHr, 1 o. K. Men *r, - ) Prlnclp*'#. M,,s * ATS CRCY ALLEN, Primary '_ “•**• r. P. WYCHZ, Mualq. Fall Ter^ Cpons Monday, Sept- 2. TT?PAGES OFFERED; EXPERIENCED WOlSpKF ^4Vk^IiPARTMfcNT«- THOROUGH ultK- U£ ASONABLE RATES OF TUITION. F°r 1 uFther information write to or Bee i the Principals. V*<*VVVVAAAA<V»< >^*^*rV»V»y^‘><VV¥VftAAA..j TAX. NOTICE! ■i on tfce da.v« nnm ' State and County er 2nd. ir It. li. ith. . LOfch. (Vtcslw i-iiik. promptly and mttfc liifr •if **• *** Wt»ot*i«ft«(my offering Indutgnnc*. 1 W. D. McLAURIN, _ _ Sbrriff Heotland County. Shiris, Collars, Culls and Neckwear. J-OOOvCO _ We bare |uet received a complete Hod-fttlilrt*, Collar*, Cuff* and Neea«rCar, a> d would be glad to have you » »pect ibout be ore y.»u buy Jo nr Summer need*. 1 7 ——COtfPLEJB LINE OP-«. Men’s HOSE IN'ALL THE NEW SHADES. enr^J C“n ** “Jxt}W *«*••" 8hoU for ladl..; Ible tb* • ‘l» beel that can be had at tSnueneeof -earn r**1 P*t °n“B* €nd • <*» Reepeclf lly. .McNair. MW Mock id * j JMSON SPRINGS MINERAL WATERI Good Medicine the Year Round. TU* tiugona remedy for Indigiwtioe, Low of Appetite, Kidney Nd PUifdtw Tronblca, Kbcmnatfiun. i» now regularly on the market. It in bottled in the Tory beat etyle retaining all ita gaaaee. It haa idimd hu. drode of anfferer*. and there ia not one single caw of tail are recorded agminet it. Price: Caae containing one down % gallon bottlea, $8.00, t o. b. car* Jirtiog Springe, X. C. $1.00 credited upon return of empty caae. - W. L. FIELDS, Druggist, Agant, Laurinbuiy, N. C. A good Pump and Outfit, Tinware that i> Guaranteed not to Rust,— the only Tinware worth buying,— Enameled ware. Cutlery, frah’e auJ pocket.) Carpenters’ Tools, Mill Fittings, such as Injecters. Valves. &c. W.igort and Buggy material. Bar Iron, round and flat, Sewing Ma chines, Bicycle Sundries, Carbon Paint for metal roofs and iren work of all kinds, MURESCO, the best wall finish on the market. I keep all the above and manv other useful things that are not mew.' tinned. It will be to YOUR INTEREST to get my prices be-' fore buying elsewhere. I am selling very low for cash. Respeotfully, J\ TX SANFOBD. X>. 2MC. Osborn’s Wfmpcr^. 3MEowerS, Rakes, dfco* Lightest running machine* and aa good a* the beat Alao a fal grades^ HARDWAkE on hand at .. Holland’s^, FAYETTEVHlE-OAVIDCOfl ACADE MY FOI BOVS. Prapomto^, Academic and tVdentiflc courv*. Hoard and tnttioti moderate. K/uulty of, Rood teuehm. Term 0 month*. I agio* September 1*, 1001'. JKO. H. HIMPHON, I’rindptd. .. ... „ S' ° l^mwer. >ajwt ter Ilia, N. C.

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