• T*» friend*of Hop. Ja*. Wadeefeoro, >*rt la » ahfafawyer aad a Mr, J. K. MaLawdribi la Mr. McLancaUin . hai "«y «•»* fa Scotland Conner who wkfa hb» raptem. .. ———■"■» i! w.tr.v » ■■•. iro protending tc podorae the action ol the president fa dfanfag with the negro, Washington, we do not he ifer# that the rank aad- file .of northam people agipt wMh them: Just watch fat .election returns from New Tork dty next Toeednj mgm. NEXT TUESDAY'S ELEC TIONS This k an off year in poU *tes bat aims states hold their local and state election daring off year. Among thee* anr Virginia, Maryland, Ohio Kentucky and Iowa. Theee ■Ufa* vote next Tuesday Cor govMoor, state officer* and Legislature. Virgin la Is surely democratic and Zaira ipi -Ohio republican while Maryland and Kentucky are fighting ground. Kentucky, far 1893, went republican for the first time J»d only last year did tfao jiiimoerate regain coinpL*t> .control and .then tho runjor .lly wnsgirrhlK, pip rvptibli horr,ol the dastardly cod THE FARM MB’ ASSOCIA TION. ^Saturday, the fin* tioo o# SroUaxxi, wan RSd ia the Tbie ■woflatlon i» „ —... ♦haFarmart' PluIMfitlri ant (be Cottbn Grow er*’Association*. Mr. 1>. Stew art, the fVmilmt, was in the chair. Sir. H. SluLean eilihaand the ranting hi a Sort speech. The main bueawm of this mat ing was to urguniie the county Mata hdiy. Tho president up pointed the following gentlemen n» organlwi ■ lor their respective townships. Lawral Hfll, Mum 0. t Hard In, Jno. C. Norton, Tom Rainwater, rater Rainwa ter, H. McLean, law nau Jiunm H. Morgan, L. McUuriu. •Mank” McLeod, J. BL Tee, X. A. McNair, Jeptlm Peel, J. M. Patterson, Andeteon Glbwon, J. Norton, Hugh Livingston, Uan Juckson and Capt. J. M. ttnmrtnrflli J. A. W. H.’ McLourin, W. *• McLuehi*. J, w. Jooee. J. T. Gibeon, W. lx» B. McliocWn, AhoJcmm, JpoM, Orahnmaiitl WSTjwk McIsMchlin! w! L Mnuwi, B. 11* Wright, Jus. T. Domic; U. U. boilth, U. H. Gib son, Geo. Hargrove, H. F. Glb sou, Hr, W. T. Fate, Frauds Gibeon ami • Jno. If. Brewer; Spring Hill, Alex Shaw, J. L. Cooley.* Wrn. Johnson, W. Q. Boio'Jno. McKay, J. M. McLean, E. L. McA'uir, Mathun Hender son, Too»8*nitl), Lunch McNeill, A. J. Connelly, J. r.McLuun aud W/J. Matthews. - Thee* gentlemen arc reqneeted to meet In their respective town ship* at the foBowing places: Lanrel Hill Church, lauirtabuig, Uibeon, Spring HiB Church, on duttndny, November 2nd, to per fect the organisation of each und •ssty township by electing I'resi dcot, Yics-l’ieskleat and dele gates to tiw county convention to bs held at Laariabuig, on But unlay. Number 16th, the third Baeardajr. Everybodj^that hoe interest is anyway in is invited and eoraeetly requested to be present with tbcau (Rutlmueti. Unit rnic is engaged' in mere An tile or other busiuoeiioce u>»t debar hint from membership! . Tbs ExciUNut wishes the lurm er* of .'Scotland much turraee in thtfiraoigimisatioit- and hop* it w«l be much b«Mtt to stmu.' nvxmsmsx a mot arrout An* «*om «< «M lor « bnai of “•b* ■riiiii Ait I did lot bar* U " *oj» M». C. b. Giaadia, th* pop -*n Of Oataria. X T. <«i Itolwsv A«uIimM idulntibif Ainw^ MitlHf'.blk a tab trial « ah* did k mrA tba momj «o briar ha*k th* bottfc aad I would rrfaad U» hhad la ini of a eoafh aribtw aad •dafcoi torto hay bboMta of Chaabcr tala'* Coach Hwaidy. laafta that a OHynbi.. nil lliu tnrttornao. «nt ro tfeej eireiM at lk-mx-tt*Me lm* ««*1 .' Mi** Uatti* Oib»,l, of l^Mirtl HOI, M)Mmt last TyfUlay lU t with Mr*. FL L MnJh. Mr. J. T. ikwtit! .u»d Ur*. I*. X. I Gobi*, of CoucLivo, wwv in tl*»! city iturt Wvjuoxluy. Mr*. Ungb Living*ton, of Fa u iM Hill, spent Wt ’IWluy nl^ht wttb Ur*. J. B, HLjCohiMu. Mr*. Dr. W. A. Moor*, of Ad-; am*villa, wus hi town lust Tu *-| Uujr. Mr. Cecil Moore returned from XoahvlUu last Monday night. Only a few went from her* to the State fair this y»jrvr, ifr. ahd Mr*. Julu^K. Fletcher, i of Adams villa, spcni last Taos-1 day with Mr. and Mrs. 13. H.1 Fletcher. Misses Blonnie and S.dlio Wright, of L'oocltv e, were iu town shopping- la*f Wwfc.i! day. Mr. Tom flisrh, uua ut Ta tom’e lory vat f*r»u» r*, was here lust Tueeiar nWb^ * Mr. and Mrs. -VoaE Bethea, of AdamsviDe, were il town Inst. Friday. ) Mia* Vmir* Odour 'w wi In the city last Friday fr >m Brights ▼Ills. It is bard to tell rhich is lb* bluest, merchants o> the former*. Misses Minnie oi d May Lhsll McGregor, o! Coud In the olty Friday shopping. Mr. Willis Gibson!went to the oyster snppar at MoColl lust Fi i day night. 'Prut C. T. Kooncd was La town 1 ist Week. Mr. MeVair, of Ijinrin-1 borg, was here hint flnnd ; v. • I Mr. ami Mrs. Andrew Adams,' of Clio, were in town part of iuud week visiting Mr. iuul Mi-*. 55. T. Qibaon. t Mr. E. 1). Moore Inf TV.*nnrtW vi|le, wn# in the cit JlBuud.iy. Mr. Oocil MnnreAroiit to A1 omavilU List Sandy. Mixaes li iry and Auxin Liles, o' Orig'.ttsville, we; a li*|v last lion day. . dotton niAde a i>iJ break Mon day, q! what it was Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Adams. •>! A A snvo viiltV-v^^i » * thv city Sunday. 7 tnnttflam uuvmi 1W -Ain n uoiKtiauiOgjnoA tiK^ra poojq JtvoX Atixnu uiAXwjK'uoiitUip HH«M|*ln«WT •*J3*t* ||« PUV %ZW£&V'3Z?2i!n& THM P1P8IM J MU. rok aRorr ns • phjck or onI Till* paper onJ tli Atlanta Twiee-a-Week JuilSal far RntyM pt Mw 1 ttt »wM Md «fl your loral nawrarhf 1C ft hath, p«yta« raty frtO* Mtor* tfuj- oo. pujwr •Mta. QLbtr paper ia writ rurIM LOO k«t by qptdad orrmaptmtatC • Pia mm fcMfoputhtbotVoi tboi^wr tfa*a ptfmt.«MkkCM lttVW Tn 10M tar Uourtio Want mW • paj*, •adttawfafit tMifHL ad you wifl kMp ap wttk tha tliaa*<« Tkt ■wrt-Wtrfty.'ooM^kw^m. ta tM^Wwop*. tte. '^V* ^ It la* paper #NM U» ffcvrfop. Mat of tba rMouraaa of Uatauft unJ ftw * rfttrr at It* ptwptr. ti»hytVr FnVilFirtfln #f MMr rriit lim ^ (jo^yp Qrowtft'ng$ urp. * ** f Uw »nl r>v*« fra ». tvt»* af tun tad am b« ahlml h^»V«%i»4«i.v a4 '* -I nU I «n» tiva, ».•« •<»*« J • I !»•*'«« N Ur» t^.a, 1 i?a Y.i miiKIm, l •*»*♦* vuV < *> U«'-* •.#>. a J v ■>!«.«. 1 l.*J »»7 lltaakial ikat I l«n Uai aaaa^hy :ui a«J :»* itu.w „ C,\f.TUki TkiH.fci.IS5. .. . 'iw n.'r> It tratt i.*» r T* MlJn. I uaU ikx >l« i >«r* fiM.rf ■ * • »^| Ka I wmuM Uiui kwujr l wm fan cvcli . I*,t 1 I#** • •*».•. a-..-' h « In* /'ma! '.’ir*** t^a I •«* nt«niM mV M) !k»Ji rrt •'. j i^, fa - . t .tr t,m r^«; Ki^vn it> im M; fawbn4 «w5*tl Vs* lA-h t.r* *V •• J • • ■ .*» II 4 I IMfil MM I Hi** (»««*•« — • »• •. v * • . I . •• t»> l| *•»«». *!»■». •*»> *«■*■ k* | lo« I >ui U,A >» ^ .! . I ' • -V| . -x ii -f . ••> i., •* U I ( N\v4 noun <»o .» . :'o. — • • «. • t ■ +, •..%,«•.*■. . k . i. lhili«*iHwt wl »» w. <«•>. ,s/ I* - fc-'V ..* . ■ it* IfaMlt* I yi-M **•. Kit SW.* Vbi.4 -4A* **• fcU * C*.41 rW«1 .4 ).««*« »< rf .* Jrr*, e *• One gives relief AMfiMl10iiWkr««ir4Ust4 ▲I 4rvtu.l^ L tw ■« ft. I ASTHMA CURE FREE. AHTHMAL.KKR BKI\nB INSTANT RkMIIF AXII PnRMAXRXT OlBE IX Aid, Caaka. RI^VT ABSOLUTELY FUFF. ON RRl'KIPT OP P08TAAT. Write Your Xmne and Addivr*whfi)pr and w/rmlerftt}. , . . ... i . Aftor^vinpr it carefully analysed, we con stars that Aethmulene ooTitjinn co opium, morphine, cldomform or ♦*tiw. Very truly yams KKY. Lit. MO URLS VfEOISLKR. r, » ^ . Avon Nnriiur*, X. Y.. Febnmrv 1,1901. Ur. Tuft, Drop. Mcdmue C o.—Gentlemen:—1 wrote rbieteMiinoni.il mini a mt.w of duty, having: tested the woi"k>rful eflwt of vow Aethmrlrne, for the raw nl A*thme. My »ife hoe Uxn aH.ictcd witn epnernfdte r.ethnm lor the pant 12 year*. Having ex!mu«d ioy ci)>r SKili hh well us ninny others, I chanced to see your simmo !*“ yoi:r iviidow« on 130th street, New York, I at «>«** otrtmueuu lairrie of Abthmntene. My wifecominran**! tokinaltabout, the first of Noviuibcr. I very soon noticed ft radical improvement. After .jvmp' ciif Ifottlf hfr ^tlimA han dlwippeurwi iukI &ho in entirely fiet? from all ttymptoui#. 1 feel that I can consistently recommend tnc ini tiK inc to all who wo oi II idea with this (JintieHniii^r lonr.*n«;.«etfiilly, O. I). f’HELlM, N*. I). /• i-v. : • Cu.— '.V;nit..ii*u«- u baK.-* I * I: l» V r'ii *:••• loy 22 y*nsn. 1 l»a\e tried nniivri-up wjusHw, bn'- tbi-v have ulj fnjjitl. fmiiut-osevom-iulv.rtieenu-.nt ami et.ivriel ’ wtth a bottle. I fonnd ix-iicf at once. 1 have admit puiriuusal vonr falls*izo bottle, anil I am ever grateful. I l^ve family of fonr cbil * ?’’ VI”f*«*»* !"'«* unable to work, lam now in the beet of health ami ani doing bu*Jne**every day. This testimony you run make encli uerofoayon soefij. Home mldrww. 335*Uivingtoij street. 8. HA J’flA Bb, 6? Boat 129th at., rttv Trial Bottle Rent Aheofnmty free ou Ttooeipt of Postal. ', TAt,r '»**■ THE JAC08I AXE I -^/The Axo for the People. Ivs Great reputation has Built up oft ***AfciT*4 A* >our^e.i|rr for If, » > n‘"-' iwdOH, *• l i?«outti rmoKT rrurrr, / wxz«acxi!vc3KFonr, nr. o. MONTEBELLO HAMS! The Finest on the Market x’SS&%££?&4fc&3 Eflf Brand Mocha and Java Coffer—4Hat b—Mocha and Java' aard by Jehdwatki*g *. Many other Fine Oroceriea at low Prleee. R«-p c (ml y», i • SiHf ® MAXOV JOHN Attorney At Law, LAUBIffBUttU, . . .at Mr OMm Hu. II. IUt ilmieaNu. «L PETER JOHN, M.S. 4 f^ynrum t $ncffrc*. OBnq i» tfc* rr«r of V[«Ui UtUg d(or«. I.AUBUIBOHO. N. a Dr. W. T. Herndon, Denting on.* otm- n«. Priaaa ,t Bt»«'a N.t , l>ra* tfcor* IJiuMImk omo.BhoiMll, RtakNnat n. lAUHI-SnbltU. N. U Barrett l Ibises, Architects ■ \ ’ - ^r^eville St. V.C I !•*-.}& 4 Piedmont Building, Charlotte, N. C. J B- COWAN. .... Barber.... 11* now »t hb old .buul on Kill Htrort. RHEUMACIDE CURtS Kfl fcU&I A.TIHM to »tay curio. Ttt W'-Jlmt *Vn:..lnr i»f 111* Mmirrb«* Century I A 'tnt.-Uble r. u.ji jioet. li'uly C***«*» ! AmU J il-A" Tl.o ytrul* t*l lilooil pun*. .* known. Unite uruli naJii.w «•* i*t of Uad'i:ir |>Vij. .iHer ih..r —oOjfk ui*l • "nn-R OS pn cm: I of ll.e Cuti I KK t f K■>. Sol l -h. Tukiuii K. C., br W. I. KiKI.US. rriciil. We are now situated ii» the ^tore room recently vacated by John O’Brien, umi are Cifprirg Bargains a* before in nil staple Koods. We are lumdlfng Heavy and Fancv Groce. '**'*«■ «Vn-n. Oats. Hoy, os * ‘• Goods, K