THE EXCHANGE. ▼EPNE9PAY, OPT. 80, 1001. BKW8AT HOMK AMP ABROAD PENNYMLUMN. •CAR THIR OOLUIMN PON ITWIL* IRTKRUT YOU. *••• oont a word. Hot loo* than oli word* to tho lino. Ho Advorttoomonto takon for loo* than 10 oonts. Uollota. Kk>ond«r», Trout, or toy kiwi of Bok you way okooar, at Bty'ilnBow. I wil poaftiTely r»Hr* from tk* UTW7 bvdaaa* altar Not. lag My entire out At la for aak. Arthur Row. Oyatara Friday Bight at Ray'* Ire Huuar. Fancy Qureo OUtuo at Oaoierou'*. Loggrtt * Baehwhaat and Maple Syrup at Ckiaeroa'a. Hbtu yon II row do not batten »• o*» Mfltt aorUing yon want lu tb. n.» nf fn-W oakaa give aa a trial ordtr and m\ Tfcattakary. Baa tba lataot atylaa o> Hah Flo* at Kvariagtoo’a. B% Una of atmUng alltar ngnr ah«D* and man UuMaat a rrrj low pri» for quality of good*, only 8f> mli, at Brrrfngtnn’a Wa aarry tba boat llaaol fan*. crankara •a Um mark.:, at Tba Bakary. Rnginriag dooa haw on all rood. hM at Kr^agtoa'a Baa oar In# of oil Tar baba, only 8-t rt* at ICTNiugloii'a. Qaaan'a Tam Coen at Caorrva'a I.obafarM, Oxford Hauaagr. Bomdaaa Pig Vkrt aad Imneliaoa I tadiat Cuann'i. Aaparaco* Tip* CaowooV I ea» malt* yon any kind of *ak* you want on eliortaoiic* at TV bakery lUg line of wire* uoreftiea at End agios a. II yoe wear Hhoa* ro to w* Whitaker ft Bearan*. FW kiilah Cow with young call, (or »>/ H. Uty- Lytch. Fin* eoufceUonart** ol all kind* at The Baker . A sir* aoaorttarat chocolate candle* }*»t arrired at Tla bakery. Do yoe wear i’aata? It wi, m Whitaker A HaraM. A fine lot of fruit thie week at The Bakery. Mr. A. T. McLeod, of Rocking bam, waa in town on Monday. Hr*. A. 8. J. PerBBm vtattrd friend* in BennetUviUe last week, i Mr. Zach Norton, of Fairly, pa* in town laat Saturday. Mr. Jud Connelly, of Riverton waa in the city on Saturday laat. Mr. W. N. Sweat, of Laurel Hill, waa in town luet Saturday. Mr. Hiram Norton, of Laurel Hill, waa in town laat Monday. Mr. A. H. Currie, of Max ton, arua In the city Monday. State and county tax levy in Marlboro county for this year is $1.40 on the hundred. Mr. C. E. Patrick made a visit to bis home at Ifeunetteville laat weak. Mr. and Mr*. R Row, of Jock eon tipriugs, fire th* gueeta of Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Roe*. Dr. and Mr*. A. 0. Everett, of PagiMM, are visiting their moth er, Mrs. M. W. Everett ' Mr*. Alton Ramaenr, of Char.: lotte, to visiting her parents Mr. Md Mrs. H. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCaekill, of Maxtoq, sprat last Friday in Laorinborg. MrAJL B. Hardee, the wsfl ft Observer, ■ Id! (.lie cK^JiV week. . * 1 We ars note that Mr. Dnncan Leach had the misfor tune to have his lag broken in a runaway on last Friday after noon. After this issue the Exooakox will be located In it* new home next door to the postoAoe, in the store rsoently vacated by MeDofllto Bros. ' Ben nett* villa will rot* on a f12,000 ia*u* of bond* for elec tric light* November 14. Min* Kuby McIntosh Id&vw Thursday afternoon for Curri tact, N. C., wh«re nhn has^p cepted a position a* teacher^ We did not attend the Slate Fair last week: the Raleigh pa p*r» claim that a greet success and that the crowd* were ths greatest that evsr attended any Fair at Raleigh. Mr. W. J. Edward*, of Hanford, th* well-known banker, wm the gnc*t of Mr. J. U. Covington on lost Wednesday. Mr. 8. B. Bundy, of Mounoo,1 was iu tlw city last Wednesday j to attond thoBivens-McColliUHr. • ring*. I An old and valued friend, in remitting hie aubacription writes crop# very ehort, cotton 40 [wr cent, com oO percent, Pena n failure, Squirrel* 90, Coons nnd Oppoaeoma 100. So you we we will not perish if somebody will furnish a dog. Succaas to Exchange. — Among Widths who r! si led the^ State Fair last wreck were Mieses Janie Macon, I’attio James,Har riett Me loan and Kate Allen nod Meansb Bob Everett, J. C. Mor gan, Shelton Monroe, Pector Mc Lean, Fairly Patterson Dugnld Stewart, Jus. MoLnnrln and NWl O'Brien and Dr*. W. T. Ucrndou and K. A. Blue. Capt. 8. M. Thomus showed ns I •onto of the work of the “sharp shooter” on cotton: an average •talk was fairly well fruited but three fouAhs of the bolls had withered away from deadly bill of the sharpshooter. Capt Thom as on one farm mode, lust yoar, 126 hales, and it was not a good crop either, this year the some farm will not produce os much as fifty iwdes. And this, we think, is the case with a majority of the (arms of this county. On last Thursday Messrs. L. W. illxl J). H. Cox, of fleimst,U vill«, sere Indicted before F. L. Bundr, 3.1'., f j? violation of M*e Slate revenue Upr; the defendants hod Uvu sdHng musical ins tin. menu in North Carolina without liceiiHt*. Tl'.o di ,'eiu e set up the claim that only soliciting was done in North Carolina and the actual sale Toole place in South Carolina os liir goods were ship ped to their North Carolina cus tomers and that the defendants were not liablo to taxation un der the inter-state commerce law. The state, however, contended that the goods were shipped Into North Carolina in the defendants own name and that the actual sale was in North Carolina. Mr. Bund/ bonudv^ir. D. H. Cox over to next term of con^t. Mr. L. W. Cox wae dbmrbfsed. Mr. B. II. Cox gave boud for his ap pearance at court. MatMr'i Warm Syrup. B»t worm nmdlelM. ChUdna Ilk* it •o well tk»y cat it oa bread. EVERETT-LOCKEY. Mr. D. J. Everett and Mia* Mnrjr Lockey wn% unite*! iu the holy bonds of matrimony ouloat W'edneaduy, October 23rd, Rev. L. S. Massey oflteiutiug. Tits wedding was private, witnessed by the family and n few friends Quite a numlier of handsome Kmts were received from ds wishing then a lung aud happy lilt. Mr. Kverstt is a wcll raiown building contractor end Mia. Everett is a slater of lir. J. r.- Lockey, the spinning-room bosa of the Dickson Cotton MU1. Tns bride and groom drove to Maxton wham they boarded the eats for guMMttavine, tlw home For mrslm, nrWUng* mmt ‘ Umn to Mrthlar to food mm (hmmbt*. tal«*r Pda Ratal. Tr/ it. For ml* by l>m Frlae* ft Dim, drufgtota. . Dear Excdaxoe:—Though hun dreds of mOss away we arc lead to trader our eiousrs thunks to you for an article published in yonr raloabls paper, that was tha maana of bringinga snug lit r.ia ram to ns. Tim Bible says, "Tkjjr that (rive to tha poor lend to tea lord.” So good deed wiO lose its reward. Ws ask a Massing upon yon for this kindly Gratefully In His sseviee, Teacher* or Mast n w. huST*"' “““ y Columbus, Qm. Tee Excha* to bftr* bam some i hie ieatitot ful for that BIVE.VB-lIcCALL. Chi la*t Wedneeday evening at the residence ot Ur. T. C. Bundy a very pretty wedding ceremony waa performed. The cuntreeting purtfa. wen Dr. J. Ji Bivens, « well-known dentist of UcOolL B. C., and Mias Willie McCall, ooeoi Laurinbuix'e most popular young lad ice. The ceremony was at six o’clock promptly lJr. K. A. Blue and Mum Beulah Cameron «iad Dr. W. M. Kennedy and Uia« AI1k> Buudy were Uieattendants. Rev. L. a Massey, tho officiating cJergyiuun. Only relaUvse and a few near friends were present. The unde and groom left imme diately forthehomsof the groom ot Wingate, N. U. The nappy couple were . the recipient* of many beautiful and ooeUy pree. emt*, and they carry witn them “• wUhoa of a host of friends. They will make their I home at McColl, a C. I LlfTTEH TO UQ. Moray L. John Lmp | In burg, N. C. ®r- Hatch words and phrase* may look wall In adrartlanatats, bat tkay do yon ao food. Don't brip your paint to i w«ar. I* ft 11. baa mot* laad and ring In It than any other painta; bat tta gnat ioatara la that yoa add mask od to it. Don't pay a paint prim lor Uumd ou Whan yoa aankny L. ft M. aatul-paata, and tjMn p4d oil lor wkiak pod ha repaid tka proper prtea Aafc Mraan i'rlnre ft Dint tor full polar earda cotnbiu Uoa book lata. HrafMMifirily rrmn, LOMOMAN ft 3J.VBT1NK3, Taint Maker*. SCOTLAND COUNTY'S FIRST COURT. The flr»t court of Sootlond coujitr opened Tueeday morn ing, October 2flth, Hon. Geo. H. Brown prodding. The court wont over the docket and eon-1 tinned n number of caaeeond ad journed until tide, Wediimdar, moroW. The court wae held in r ielde IlnJI, our court hotiae not! being quite completed. Judge Brown make* an admirable pee-1 aiding judge, fair und impartial. Among the rieiting attorney* are Me*em. Joo.. ,!)• .Shaw,. Sr.. Cameron Unrriaon and Jno. W. leGruod. of Itockingbmn. and lion. Jua. A- Lockliun,uf Wndee boro. threr d*r» ami afehta I. miffrrWi **“■>» UBtohJ fruB on niUrh ol rV.lf» ujortiaa l>ro»*1itj>« l.yr»Unirrmci:»b^n' ! ■»r» M. K. T»«rthrr. eb*!; o« Uw di-a-Vt ] rourt. (A-ut nrll*, Iowa. thought I Bbrnild su rHy di... «nd tJriKl a dn»»» dl! h-rout nuxUruK-* but bR tn no purpoar. J Brut lor a. hot;> ol llnunlvruun'ttVJV. Cltobni ami Di(irrit:i*f< B-tvpdT iid there doaor ic&nrwl.rar outr-ty” Th> rruuxly W tor Mb by Dm. IVbob * Wn*. UPPER SCOTLAND. Tho potato crop la said to tie fine thU year. Jack Front gave ua n abort call—etoyed Junt long enough to give the leaves a beautiful varl goted color.' Scotland'a Brat court lan.great curiosity, Judging from the ac tlona of the ettiwme, etc. MiajKw Clyde and Juanita Mor rison, of Maxton, visited MU** Muttie anil Bessie Covington a week ago. Those of our citizen* returning from ths State Fair report it a “high kicker.” Has J. W. Bailey lost lUs hold on reform? Pnldio school at Rnend’e drove Academy began Monday with llr. John M. Wright us twachor. There woe some pea-vine hoy marts in thissoction, tot), bnt we didn’t wait-to measure the vines or count ths loads. There Metus to tie nomethlng wrong with tbedever.poetmMter at Laurel Hill. ■ He take* one I eolhl hour to dine, at tinea Our social word U very dead at preerot. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to appoint a board of •trntagyto look pp and plan eom e ■aoceMdnl way of long winter inu. -to Ml •• Vouf Lit* Worth M Con’s. Oossa Bilans, woksow that yoa bass bsm disappointed maay siako oas wow aVort to bs mH. (touch * Kwbts Ryrap baa sand tbosaaada asd it win care you. Coasnmptloa la tbsis shH at tbs food Material that afcmld go to sapport tbs body *«] soctaia Mb bo lag abanshid sad throw* od la thbttao loss oaltw. To wrawoai* this wasts ol rltal lows aad raster* lb* -rsrllh—it In tbs system Is Its sHtanvl oosrss, Is to oars. Tl»ls is aasoapiUrad by (looch’* I osaloaa %mp. It saaitoli eooghs. night sweet*, ■pitting n( blood. mnM Is theat. tadaiasd throat nad taaga, dtt hesWy olbtrathlag.b*acy wagbassecso panM with capMtferettos, aad parahad ■pa Ws know yea bats ban* dlaap FRANK THORNTON DRY GOODS GO.. ^FAYETTEVILLE, K. C We wink to thank our frieud* through thie paper lor their pnxt patronage, and extend to each and every one of thorn a kind iuvltation to vttt our BIO RTOTtK during our Fair, Nov. 5. <J. 7 and 8, we jvill. take good care of you here—and will bc'giaJ to eee you ail. , COK'T BUY YCUR WRAPS UNTIL YOU VISIT TIE FAIR. W2 ARE SITWINS A LARGE STOW OF LAWES' JA3XETS, AITOHMILE 03ATS (K DIFFERENT LENGTHS. LADIES' REBLAHS AMD LAOIEi’ CAPE3 Of EVERY DEKRiPTIJN AND PRI8LS. I iW Fun* ia Iluiu*ian Sable, Blue and Elejrant Fur Capra and Fur Kedtwear. Excluaive Fur Noveltira are fthcavn here. OUR (CARPET DEPARTMENT 1h stocked with mi elegant line of Velvet Brussels, Mngnet. Body Brussels mid Tn gruiu Carpets. Also a full line of Matting and Bugs of every description. Oil doth* for tU« floor 80 indue* to two yards wide in large assortment of style* and patterns to belwi* from. Don't full to set ua lor floor covering. THE BIG DEPABTMENT STOKE, FRANK THORNTON DRY GOODS C0„ FAYETTEVILLE, W. O. N. R —Lftdipa’ .Ration and Toilet Room on first floor for oOi; out of t >\rn ffnents. $130,930 STOCK OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SHOES 1b mure than in neces sary to select your from, but we will ,sell you just as cheap os if we iuul that huge stock. Our goods sere bought atiowest prices and we are selling them the same way. ' Give us a call before you buy your Dry Cood89 Shoes and Underwear. -A. -A-. JAMBS. NEW STORE. WHITE FRONT. a .—nr. a. james,__ **%!*« Mass n&ssfffls Alarm ft eoracthinf d7ite.nriS podMJJHUi difrerent • • • e • »» ;♦ , If you can be convinced by riaina why ml tm9 frum us, comm, we will convince ]— ^-i rirjiljl!7^|il^_ for UXOURWBAH la now on nod oar Use at oOUom ladawL fur Latiica an<l Child ran ia np*io-dato at ssiaul bunli If you am looking lor READY-MADEDR&SSEHLanr carry a fun lino of th«£ w ZMUlUnery. A LINE THAT LEADS. Hats tbit coax JAMES’ MILLINERY are always abreast of the workmanship aad material*. TRIMMED quality and finish, par Trimmed Bat t'. ibe leading feat a nee of oar bu tinea*. JACKSON SrHiibo rittNtKJlL WAItlU — « ■ ■ Good Medicine the Year Round. TMi fsnou HHMir for iadlgmios. ham °t AppaUta, KUmw aad Ml» TTBrntta, Kbrnmatlaa. fa »wr — tib mmt*. It fa batlU la tfa my bat atjfa nfaUm a| la mmtm. It .ST* W- L. FIELDS, Druggist, Agent, Lavrinbanr, N. C. Shifts, Collars, Duffs and Neckwear. « __ / . .. r n • ’ • ,* ' ■-oaauca-— Wa ha*a jort raceired a eomplau lina of Collar*, Cut. —■» Mick<Mr, ud «mU ba |hd to lUaa r»m 1 imrt dwilmn m « your SJumraar naada. —COMPLETE LINE OP ^ IN ALL THE NEW SHADES. inwo«l« phca in town yon CM bay “JulU M.riow” Sfcoaa for ladier _ end 'he B «ioaiconliacf*rawo>tb«M ere tbc beat tlMtMbkiw tjmpHM. ThaeWogyw. foe pee* patronage aw) aoBdtiaJV^M^ inajoca M aawt, wo arc - ^ Vary lUrpectf lly, ' J. F. MCNAIR. N. A Oall—d aaa mt mw Wck of BCOOIBS AND HARNESS. I Don’t E?sp Ewjfa Ira Nasi But If you Need a Good OOOK STOVE*. A good IVnp and Outfit, Tinware that ia Guanuateed aot to Rant — the only Tiawara worth buying,—Enameled warn, Jtah e aod pocket.l Carpenter.' Taoia, Uifl Fittiaga. Injector., V.ilvea. Ac. •* Wagon und Buggy material. Bv Iron, round and flat, chinca, Bicycle Sundries Cabnn Paint (or mitai work ol all kind., MUR ESCO. the beat wiRftoMi on_ I keep all the above and many other uaefat tbiogi that an wot rara tinned. It wiK bo toYOU* INTERESTto gat toy fare buying ehevhete. I am rdtliag vary low far ca*. CT. X3. BA.3arFQ3Eg.3D. JUDGE WALTER NEAL. (xjhroe JovraJtL) A writer at Raleigh who sign* b unself “lUioniBbury” has talcon Ida second ^tum st prsdicrtious concerning nomination /or tbs Supreme (Vurt. Among other things he wire that Judge Neal, the popular appointee of Gover nor Arcoclr to the iadgship of this (ftitrigf, will not A nomi mrted to mceeed hlmeell Oar inform utioi at preesnt is' that Judge 5se) will be nominated IT,” writing w Charlotte the opinion not be ncnn aiinarif. We llootnebnry'' dter.' Solar bio to learn n entire eat p.ilar jndgc. Hootnebury” U bead gear. f* any bow? ifid of Lon it.—Monroe Enqilm. f ^ baio»~~ »• >*w m Ml* «t T*n. PHm» * Dm', sru^jttnrsr^sS ttegassjSsz J2»»^ t^’.«wrt.pwlwl a*«. Don’t Forget The Exchange’s $60 Buggy. ♦It ia absolutely free to! the successful subscriber. Just send your dollar £na iMi .iwiifimn imy where from 1 to300, also naming a second and tliird choice, aa the first number may ha already selected by another party, riieee tiokets are going fast. Better be sure of your*. Ton in tend to subscribe any. way; why not now. The buggy may be seen at Rose’ Stables. Land for Rent. lWd.«kf »" 1 iiuUV S ShSL'S"^ **" ff P4™^*™ lor th* mr Wot. or lor » torn of 4m Twuft, •« irmv •win bw4. u T , 0*U,K'W MdSommjf, D. M-0”b<m»’s Harrows. Brfckford and "-Tira Mil xx. _a. asr id • s. executor’s Notice, i *• **rtTT&y^T-"rV * *J»ta w*» «fr«u «■ al ^ inp> Melfcs UTZf?4a>r *•'*?* ^ ^ *tk *•? el Odeler, 1ML or * . • / 'Tv ' '•.. ; **' 'N-T'.a.. r-/v>.’3

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