« •• : ■ i - *** ATmM >U« ■ug* to patlmt doe* aet vast to be eared. Mr Met la shattered, i eM that Braaa aaa attee with hla IniaiiMaal Mar H ha aoaM dotestiee t# the altaauen aat aat Bok Ian at ear aare te at an* M M II be light— at Booker diail la Boeerrett. I. thoaght at Me ta ka ararra it doae ao I Ubootd •Terrehere hr white people aad hotats aad cbarehre and white Mha, care aad barter of* Id* MUl'wt'te'tMtt *te haate aad waald repeat at hla libwi. ( thought It waa teat eaa tut. hie tee t*ew Tort fnm aaM it eea ealqa*. T**«a I rtateWrU teat Cl sealant to ri'ed the doahr ON* at tea Baadwtah Mast* to the whit* haaat aar awr ha ^oaaaeaM looked apoa Bookar ▼aahiagtoa aa a Ma4 at aashaaaader or *M*t of a ferMge tee*, aad t kept owtblaktag aad keaUM aroead tor aa aapteaatlaa ar pateattea aatll it waa ‘’tscdruad that tea eaa* we* act VoW far to did a Uko thlap tote* wrrWay. who* M was Mraranr. sad M h*l bis afeMiaa to aetool •***h wo chlldraa at Onto Bay. I* *o ( *s*a It bo. Ha toa 'r “ ‘ “ *■ i_ _ Bnaairitfa an win IBB la lava with tor aad marry tor wtthoat batiap to alopa. That la (to finer <* Ihta aaw laaartari Ihta wtoas tan Bad a hopafii aaaa. aa opttoto. ahooM wait a (aw days aad raw lasts Tima la a paoS daetar aad If aat n and thia morntap n I was last wash, t ttynk mayha that It la aat n tod • aaaa as I thlak It to. By aatara I am a pood daa) Uka my pood aid Hod-Started Stock tr. who pwtly took eYrryhOdfa part who aa aboaad. Oa* day my tathar cams toma Tory mad with a an who tod attorn tad him aad whoa to raiatad hia priaraaca to molhar aha aaid: -Mayha tto mas didst anas It sod win make It aU “ Phtbar pat trrlttt '-;amd nllt tto oM dam If ha warn bars oa trial." Aad hi add: "WeO. I bars somattmes thosght that too mweh was told oa tolas.3 v 1 «tftl Mm U*t BoOMntt U *st» nOf a cool, miiiHhl mm mI ks <Ma*t tktak Art Ma o*.'cU] poa'tfoa ttakad hla artrua aal 4mb«bUc rttfkta. Tka «UH mm mia' kla koms—k* «Mla aa« ka aaaM aak A ar flkst sat ■kiiMMisur ka ilMMi It aw kata aaf rtarai at At aartfc. iktra a fooW aa—r. nay au da thu.—d — aa—it to to toun thry atm —ka kt«d, ■aad tatarad aarraato aad «* aaad tk—• Aad aa tka raw yrabt— aera on. tat 1 will aaaakiay aa— goodia aoaaa ft— Haaawnt Ha la a ornak tkta«*. kat ha la taariaaa, , aetf-raUat aad will da tapa ptaaaaa. Mytoaktoy . , • fato Aa*aaa tad a hard J* Mto aaaa. whoa* MaKaa tad not {•■ total oat tor thirty yaara. and ixsrj-z srss 3 *33 taa rtraia throaah tk— aad claaaad to—oat to a day. I battawa that Kaoaa k^s.-xjss.’ts." sa etotaaaa tka Aattaa atahira, U ka kaa to taaa Uta toil—at ritar threoak toaaa. Ikr thirty yaara U«!r a—ok mi m>mm tv. Ht hn jurt MPoimtr ad Mr. Vkatoa to tka kaad at tka tlrll —rtea aaa—ioa. ftalka kaa k— to— tka atomaatar <4 fraato, yarja •whim, tat ttmr at po*t MM«. the watehdtv of public offl *5*. bat bt n. kulliml bp potltl riua. Ht wUl mt) at deck m». for bt tad tbo prtaMttt art of oat mlad oa that law. Ibt rlctora will ao loa «ar it* aH tht apolta. Bat wa waat tha frtptdaat la let at rntgro bloat. Tht net problem b«lna to at aad will bt tttUad oa a wtto aad komaao baaU it tko fool paakoo tdttora aad praachon win let at aknw. tat we will wait iad watch aai mm goad people win pray tor deilr •taM—Npmr « 6m i*h“ i koraw't glrra ap Mr. Rooeeralt fiL If wa eouM only got him down kora for twa or thro* yean ha would become *o dlagaaUd with the aagro and an ftaet tatatr weafeat hire to to. Oar Ma^radloa long baa been tut the aortbera people who com tooth to #*• dooa gat (Mr tyco optatd aad MdtrMndtbt Mtaatloa. Not long ago •ho editor of a Baptlat paper la Nto Tork aald that tht aoeth waa not ready for It bow, hat the tlata weald Men emne when mieoea emotion woaM be found the beet shtattaa of the race problem. Aad only laet week the edi tor of a rapaMfoan phptr dedaaded Mr. koateraM aad mm Oat la as other gta •rattan todal eqtallty batwaaa the rm cm would ht ualrareal at the ooalb aad It waa weU to Mart tt at tht whit* ho nee. wtth aaeb ■altgsaat loole wt taa do nothing, for they era too far <J». Bat they had hatter shinny on their own aide—BUI Arp la Atlanta Cooetitnttea. r. a.—I am tntlM that Mr a. Park aad othara kin com to tha raacoa at Nancy Bart aad hare aatahUahad ktr m a fact aad btrolaa la our htatory of tha revoiaUoa. We eaght to kin « •tale hlotortaa to record aad pcaaarra these thlata. fifty ysars from bow •ooobody will ha cayiat that BUI Arp waa « myth, and I wouldn't Like it. B. A. N. B.—We read that tha Americas Missionary Aaaoeiatloa at Oletso have tad a read tha prcatdaat and com manded socle] equality hetweea the re cta. It to shout Uas bow tor tha U a aad tha gray to embrace again. Let brotherly lore continue. B. A. Latsr from the float. Tha aalqae las vaalehad aad Beoaarelt'a tapere bare haocme multifarious, ubiquitous aad ridtealeaa. Hops far a season bids tha couth tarewcOI To yowr taata. Oh. Isna.! Call off the dogs, rm going out to work Us my garden. B. A. TWo tnoldew PIN. KboxtUIo, Tax, SpaalaL—d. Brie tot. Taaa, apodal toll* of how a faibtr aad bob to Diekinaon couaty, Va., drove back about M “recmlatqn" wko had waroad the mb of Uetr iU;u Tko bob oad boy ttaUoood thoiwoolTno to ika carrot of the boaae aad thou the recototore opened Cra. they return td it with deadly ala*. Arrtactoa aod Bab* trta. two ■ tea bin at the party, wore taotaaUy killed, no aaaeaa of tho partlea attoahara hare not yet bate learned. MM Goaad By • Strike. Tray. If. T, BpactoL—Tba Mob*irk Knlttlac Min. at Ooboaa. to Mia. ov b| Ml strike at tba knitters ud iiladara. Batarday tba man demand ; ad tba* a aaa wbo had baaa dto charged tor wbat tbay cials la a trivial offaaaa. ba takes back. Tba I demands of tba mm war* redsaad ! ud tbay wait work, meals a a aaa I [Bud an at operation* and tkrewts* oat ad toflmaiBl aboot Rt mao fNtQWHZNT ffOflti ZJ Him Okui la tnaktac Sown ftlcbard Orokar ha* aaa* AM to tta Oark IMataatteaal MWtto rand. Aadraw CaraaaU baa accepted the aaMMtlaa ta ba lard raataa at It Aadiawli UmJrerattjr. Mn. & ft Coaaar taa aaflad (Tea* id, OiL, as tar war to tar baataat. ha* baba darted ofjta Opltat* s mmmm. wiui, v i rm HUfMiMoama Whereto PM bstoeta aad Mow It Pm* In Si WkMh, Hnry Hiln write* ol the neby-throated humming-bird The >mw wing birds builds oa tha ap per tide ot a breach breach itocr aitjr aboot the tiac of the nest. The aa*t b beautifully Mtcd with fiaa whit* vegetable dowa aad atadded oa tha oct bda with Am Ihhene aad miaatt week* •i bark lake tha knack itself. They do not aacaa to retire to ** daded place* to boild; they are at ec centric hi their choice of a netting place aa he their at tart and habit*. Seat rappttt their neats an near the gardens ar etota they rieit; hot that is hot often the can. A few magic vibra tion* •< the wings, sad they ar* tar aeray in a few SCCood*. The tut MU 1 found was on the wtn end of a branch ol silver poplar that bun* over a public road; every carriage-top that passed under k was within a law feet of the ne«—the last place in the world where I should have expected to find such a neat. I should not have seen it except that I was sc cidentally looking as Into the tree, and I saw. protruding over the aide ol the nest, the tong, fine'hill that happened jwst then to stir. Ike nest might have been passed hundreds of limes and been taken for a small tkxx unless that be tn^td. • - —*— ... These birds lav bat two egg*. tiny whist morsels The young birds when first hatched art dsrious little things and feed hy ltr;crtl*g their hills in the mouths and throats their parents. As the food of the pefwti is compoclJ of nectar and fine intents, it ia easily made ready far the Unit ones’ tiny stom achs. \ Nwmdiiii "Why da yea (peak (0 alight Lofty 0f that cmiacmt iciantiatT “I didn’t mean to apeak alighting!/ of him," aoawered dm young man with Urn atriped ahiit front, "Bat It doe< teem peculiar to me that . man who known jam when the next comet will arrive and Jam how far it It to the moon ahoold ha to utterly ignorant when it cornea to a qsection of when it’a time for dlaaer or what train to take to yet to the near** town."—Be,tan Tmtlcr. FlTlfHiiwIyta. MImmihim aaaaaftat ln( <tajr*a mm«f Dr. ntaa'a Oraai STX! Manta* way toahltaw vitbont baak raptay . «W- Wtari.w.»a^bta,»TTa? WcaMUn. «taa.a)6*pata,—S?Btaatta.*aatatal« ^Jgba ataatai* l|M fata Mata ta fca aw* portion. Batik, kn award** tkm fold modal* to Walter Bate * Ob, Liu had, Dorchoatar, Man. for Ik* *o putortty *f tter Broahftrt Oocoa aad an of tter caoaa aid cteulate prop* ration*, and tba wUuw *f Oak rabtilt. Til* k th* thirty -** roan kidtoat award ncatrad iy tons fro* Um ctaat oxpoaitten* to Boropa ud Laurie*. “8o Tloatan baa at laat got a Jab with Um corporal loa. ahr "Tim. and a good aaiary ba gala, too." "Tar doing nothing. at eoaraar “Tea. but you muatat forget that b« brlnga a IlfatlBa of axpartaoca la that llna."—Bldhntood Dtapateh. Cara a* Mba Cwaglailaa. Maay j- aith HtHtH doa nA; mlblaildafnaidmlu. ftagaabt fr *o traabla iHw treaifc* aw if Impair mo pa ond ohna aha, Th» ba oad hah ■hoc Id bi nhd oalp la door, bat waMc wit: Ivan heap. A UUU nattea-ullov K itnudd nop ba aMd ofMr Ik both hi rottoa Uoabto._hath Foaaam. Oarr BrHtoh pariak with a papula Uaa at St# or oatr la eoaapalM by law to mot a pariah cooed], A (allow iaaota 1 abator joat bacooaa ka tuflcra front boBa. All yuuia aao alike to Fortran Faanaaa Draa^naJkoy^j^ni^aU Abaci at ana boiling . Qraooa aaoraga tea loat top to lir bad. «co teat ad toahaa to >Vun utl aii toto tan toebaa to ltoaaia. OaM paoa waao Irat toada to UM. Tkair aalo today ta ljoo^M a year. Baw'tTMaT Wrod* Om BoM Dolton Inut hr •ay taaa rt ounk Otl —»»l U wwt by HaU'a nttoilli Can. T. J. dBm A Oo., Treat., TtMa, 0. Wa,tktaiiwd|ail,btT* Wyn t.l. Ctoa aay tar lha lari Uyaara. tad baiton Wtoaar ftrthr btaarabla I* all baalatn traanrdraa rmtimmmatony All to tarry tat amy oWfk tioaaudahy Itorlm. Wag*Tmi,WbttoaaU Dr*(toto. Tototo, foam, K»—*» * Ibirn, Wlialaaala StiffStoS^^nhSfctatotonnHy. art. WallS FaMlytlito an tot btal. frJ«“iUra^Sr*U £5U^fc*tMrty£*r day*. A oratory *40 it taw ana atoatto "UojrtTl Reginrr." now completed for the r«u 1000, givet the number of »*«• »dl wrecked, loct end not heard of. and broken up In thipjrardi. i> t<a. none of te» than too ton*. Of tbetc. tod were atctm«r* having a tonnage of agfi. 304. and tailing craft. 5M. of *QQjt7* ton nage. The figure* ambnea the world'* (hipping lout* for tb* pear. Mrs. Ellen Ripley, Chaplain Ladies Aid, Grand Army of the Republic, No. 7, 222 10th Ave.,' N. E., Minneapolis, Minn., Strongly Endorses Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dxax Mm. Pink ham :—Your Vegetable Compound cured me of ulceration of the womb, and getting auch a complete cure I felt that the medicine had genuine merit and was well worth recommending to other tick women. “ For fifteen years I have been your friend. I have never written you before, but I have advised hundreds of women to lake your medicine, in fact it is the only real reliable remedy I know of for a tick woman. “ I have not yet found a case of ovarian or womb trouble which hat not been relieved or cured by the faithful use of Lydia E. Pinkhara’s Vegetable Compound. “ You have brought health to h** kniaofjonjen In Minneapolis aa you have no doubt to other* over the country."—Mas. Ct-LF* Rifi-FY 90000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LKTTKR 18 HOT OKHVIXE. When women are troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weakness, leucorrticea displacement or ulceration ol the worol>, that hear ing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, tankacbe. flatulence, general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they should remember there la one tried end true remedy. T.jiHa E. Flak ham's Vegetable Compound at nooe remove# such troubles No other aiadicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine bee such a record of cues or female troubles Refuse to buy any other medicine. Tha Heat Tkroaa ad Britain. The English King may be taid to hate three throne*, of which the ft new and moat splendid it perhaps that at Wind sor Cattle; the most frcr]ien:ly used one is that at Buckingham Palace, and tlst troc Eaglith throne (so designated keen use, seated on it, the Sovereign re ceives the Ambassadors, in slate) it the one at St. Junes' Palace, I-ondon.— Lady's Vaiisiw. There arc ti,?oo hotel 1 in Paris, In which there are on an average 2404300 twit.* WINCHESTER "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY LOAOEO SHOTGUN SHELL8 nanhml all other black powder shell*, because *cy are modi better sad leaded by exact machinery with the standard brand* el powdsr, shot aad nddhog. Try than n*d yea sriU be convinced. ALL e REPUTABLE 0EALEE8 e KBBP e THEM **t*}wcd from pltott'fetiowA to set moat 'bone* ' fiaalltr on tie »y«t*o. • Ti fet Hi/banefldnl effects ■jjp*' b\iy *Ko ^orvxiirvoTMan-ufacturecl by CaUeim TiqSympC* Ik. Ky. •*■•* ^r»rvki«<!«,c*l. j*w v.^y _jailer.- ’ I £*APUDINE ®| rvaai Ihthi IlMiMkt, Riartltla. ul UOK UADACBZ. U la At*o ImlAtr laflwa. Mo oMaol oo tka kaorl For >Ma ol aU Dro« klnavo. \VE CURE CANCER AND TUNORC ” AVe Use NO Kslfe, NO Plaster. Wapita so rala. rhad no Mood. Waaara )0« IUCFOHK TOC Pdf. *• *ra a Or ad oat. o« Two M dleal CollaaM. Va wane you to trad our BO Pago Rook, Vo want ibla “ad” larlaaad Is wrttlag in. Vs ara Da. 1. Rlu Duiru, Riobmoad, Vs. Villa a pascal today For Rook Pros. 45 PIECES ur.iK FREE a'vea away‘Blirwjod form t* ULr d«ce Mr r*4e an4 o*l*inp»a o4*u i tUi»aa In © cry '*« u La i rvn mio« M e(» «r. tmm •W. H«n4 »>(VMtl|hin ir4i< Hlcdmon*. MiMfl ( a, VNimitoK, t*.C M«ruu«ia ib>« paper. WOMEN ! SUFFERERS ! WriUtater r««<n' cJUTAIDAIIALr rs« f>A« rw» r n>•**». al iiur*. UlrmtJM. PimAutbw, /*-«., UMl »U IBM. Ei*. * utova cn . *«m ock», Sondi laa. I SICK PEOPLE! Mr liMil Uc«« kalf> fo» or aowy ttlaaiioJ, Aall-FiilD Hllla.lor lay Fals^V prrboClo AMV.Mtl.rUL lor Oil'a, IV.,. Ar., ttc. Utvlvl fill., far tbo Ota >kI Am. tv. Wohoo rau.fsr th. Stow*htad Uror.SIo 1 atcars Fill., for CoaiUpruluo, 21a. *. C. PIUEST, M. U , Newark. Ohio. i I I 'I t*e swift MEarowir no •TOOK rARM

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