HMMIgai !■ ■ ■ MMlMimklMllM •'Akr.Dood basso roan, wfflbemUoriu hwg on Saturday, January 101 He will have with him several varieties of tobacco seed, also printed instruc tlons ae to how to grow, cure and. market tobacco. He will alwo make a talk on the above subject, lu Field’s Hall, at 10 o’clock. We hope that every man who anticipates planting tobacco will be on hand, and get nil tbe.inlonnatfon that eau be had from tills source. Mr..Dodd’s ability to in etrncfc us on the subject of tobacco ieunqueetioaed, and we are rare to be profited by his Visit. „ Don't Ask ns about "Fewer QoUocia: Whim Urmt 99 JOOBMOMaL. 'Mtor.m.lemc respite Jordan wiB toy to nae# kb aequuin, tance with the loyal readers of Th» Rahetm. and wish all a happy and prngrssslTs New The animal faetire Christsea* baa ana* aad reiy quietly, but yeatly enjoyed by a* tbe“bhw. stocking” Scotch of old Laurel SI180 a*btfcl?’ drtok* lagor.ahnntiag aceo or heard g>. 4* tt* «k aad TWO* people amm io hkwaoneto the coqcIu. non to pool their good wBl and give la rotation fine tarkey dm Jborimed, endow people are glud to aaa sued own him aa one of oar natives. Of coarse the return bone of sB oar girts and boys to spend tbsbolmayuguvs nevjUfsto the * ’ Tbs festivities of tbs season were dosed by Mr*. J. C. Hodge*’ Sumptuous New Year dinner toa host of frfcods. 1H went away feelings that they had a Joyous beginning for 1903 One of tbs happiest episodes of ChrMntt lor .our flection, was that Mr. Jfc T. Currie stole away tram tbs bachelors’ sod hied away through the plains to €q nbsrtauri oa Christmas evs, sad at Harford Joined bands, ss they -bad previously Joined bsmts, WlliniiM'KeithiviDsHe Dsas. Tlisy were nnitsd fo the tor, In the preeiuei of many (Heads of tbs plighted eoapla liter tbs bsauUfsi ceremony tba wfcif, p n nrf sail bisails wore in vitefi to fbf brills'* boom, The Problem of a Tired Mothef On of the marvels of our time ia the way hi which the average mother carries all the burdens of social, benevolent, church and family life. It's no wonder that nerve troubles attack the mother — bow can she help bring nervous, especially while the little ones are so troublesome! No woman am endure the strain of her housework and two or three little once unless her digestive powers are unusaaUy good. She can t manufacture force enough to stand the strain. We can suggest one thing that will surely help her, and it isn’t a drug poison cither. It is Vinol, made by a new process from that wonderful remedy, cod liver oil; k's a true took. Vine* is pleasant to taste, V goes right to the spot," nourishes and helps the food to nourish, is splen did for nursing mothers and all tired out home helpers. I have found it safe and good for aDag children. With Vhdax to correct the ounsriparion, k has put whole families in this place on the road to health. Used in time; k saves nervous break-down. Your money back if jrou don't dad this trsa. QEO. D. EVERINQTON, DNMQIVr. Ua3 Onlrra SvppBfd, pi arrbottlv, Cspw Prrvmid DOTS AND DASHES FROM LYTCH. Good by* Haul* Clan*. A happy New Tear to all. MovJofraad dinngeing houses ie the order of the day. MU Lizzie Lytcb luxe returned to Littleton. Female College. Mr. Makoo Warner, Harford, visited bar* daring the hoMdayV.' ’ Misses Marr and Annie Parker, of McDonald, and Mim ‘Minnie l*rice, of loon, spent last week with MU Bailie Lyteh. 1>y We are glad ho note thatjfo John 0. Forbia who baa besaenl feriug for several day* vith rbnematiani is aome better. ; Very enjoyable sociables were given at the home ot Mrs. Maej Blue, Omaburndro* and Mrs. Ml ;J. iytch, in honor of vtsltbto and frletids. The partieipont* are coder many obligation* to Messrs Joseph and Ralph Gibeotr for tbeftr excellent mode. Mr. Belton Lyteh kft Monday lor Oak Ridge. ■ x. Among those who called to eee the new roller mill during tbs past law days we note the follow ing: Messrs. Wiight Parker, Daniel D. Wright and. Ed. J. Caldwell, of Gibson; Ur. Author UcGeaehy, of Robeson Go.; Mr. Ed. 8. and Florence Lytcb, of A. A U. Collage; Angus Fairly, Mar yin BmRh and Ralph Qtbaon, of Iswrinbnfg; Mack Smith, of Chapel HSU; Mieses Dora Smith, of Laarlnharg dm Mamie Mo 1MB, of Red Springs; Hsllie C.yteh, of near this place with visiting friends Misses Porkers and Mias Price. Ur. W. F. Mongma waa mm ia this part of The Old North State several times daring the holidays. - 8*r«nrt birring eapneend a da ■fa* to (H the m* floor nlQ ia optntloa, Mrv IX (X I^teh re quest* ooto slate th*£h* wM take pbo amt* shoving any oaa over the lafli oaa—t Ttadiy. a OeeS t«mrtn4«Mii. “IImi 10M teat tee ate ea Ctea*eteateMahateaiieer Zettete rw—1 gy .1 fcwu-. Wflminjbu* Jsa. C.-WhOe inmabemaf the family wore at chnroh la l niglit, burglars m -tMpyl thmwidence of Bev. R. B. -John, prattling elder of the Wfl. mingtoa tfstrict SI. E. chsitb, and stole aVxit |6 from a trank on tbs eeodtd floor of the house. Entrance arts effected througli the back, door mid a lamp was takes boat the Hall down downstoiBJUKl left in tbe room where thwTieft was committed. A servant vho was discharged the night hHprr is believed to have a hand in the affair and a wai runtdyf been waned for her arrest. : Ask to* doctor about “Fewer gaUqos; apars long*.” I , % wkkb ; Back to. tbs routine of sveiy day work, latter the holidays. Tbs -*—ririr w-*•""!—1 tbs tnta:-lphg- sroos bsen die mantled, had broken toys scat tered •very- where* remind us that thd'fcstirnl which is pe cuUarly-Jhfcch Qd rcna’ is orer. The lUfce^tioii Monday eren ta$,Cbe by ilia* Kate R. McMillan's Wbbol, was well at tend*! add' much enjoyed The little echbol room was nicely " * tobies filed with weire ia pYotWflrtV-reeitn n - truths ettodents ’ fdsniftjft df the oo Cfljdon woe Wyrt-fh ndoUnr V t H *TT;* T] -joww fojM Who pw-bytiielr pre. a few days atCbrietnyie hove rettowedo them we note- Mlee NetA McMillan, nl UwJI.P^O., RaMgbi Wr. J. A. MeM QlanMPWahe.., Foteet, Mr. Jnmee South Hill Va., lUn Mary Johnson, from the Graded School In Thom asvlfle, Mr. Wayne McNeill from Judeon, 8. G, Hon. J. G McNeill, and Mines Mn**r«»d Mnttto Wateon, ol Raefetd an 1 Ltimberton, ic spsetlrely. llr. N. D, Johnson who visited j relatives bare last week, has re turned to Ms school ut Bt. Pauls, U**x, Oif4- XJrfegiton and child ran spent Xmas day near a family reunion. excuse so many v tfbs “tutet" crop Is UwOmpB to^ be diecuned. hot It )sst ocean to am that a neigh bor mods Bata Baga .turnips —.— 60MB>COME! xL' Gomeeooo or you .. will *®t ‘-liMtfttfKvgMptMiAre fn Ao*fe* yeta the best VlMML^rarjoid her* I - kir* them from £00 lb* } OlMBf round and look ,4*09<»rip«E. (Hhairttert^ns good, bat : kk-i A f • * _• V.^*1- >*^22 ibis year that weighed from fir# to ten lbs. apiece. He soys the way to make thaw U to thin them oat to a stand like cotton. Many of oar fanners are put ting up new tenant bouses. Con stable X). W. I*. Smith ie building two. Tbie Is a move in the right direction. It ie next to impos sible to get good reliable labor under any circumstances, but quits out of rbs .question with tumble down old tenant houses. I once heard of an absent mind ed man who went to tlw shoe maker to have bis boy’s fret measured lor a pair o( shoes. “Where is the boy?" said the shoemaker, -‘Thunder,” said be, '-I have left him Lome.,’ This was almost duplicated by one of oureporte a lew days ago. lie went to curry hie clothes to a washerwoman, and on reaching his disthiution found be had left his clothes borne. L&itucrhcad. Ask your lawyer about “Fewer gallon*; wean longer.” The crowned head* of every nation, The rich was. poor was sad inhere AU loin 1* pay la* trttrate to UaWltt'a Little Baity tUarrw H. WUUem*, Han Antonis Tex., writes: Little Baity Rieer FSe am the hat I rrer sasd In wy tautty. InekiWtsUsgfy iseowonsd them to reney body. Ttev earn Constipation, HUHoasneae, Mak Headache. Torpid User, Jassftee, sea tana aad sO otter leer trosbka. . W. L. rule OBUON mods, lnteodad lor late week.) I)r, W. T. Pate ha* pnrehaaed Mr. J. 11. McColmauV store aod dwelling bouses, and llr. klcCol man baa purckassd property itt lird Springe, white he will move bin family In a abort while. We regret to loea tbetn from our town, and with thetu weU. • llr. Z. V. Pats, of Laurel Hfll, win open a large bueireee ben about the first of the' jrar. llr. Pate b well known in the county and erQl hare-on extensive trade In thb section, rjWgw H h!» been here Tor fo^HKa, now a member of the ffloilin. 1*. it ttason & Bostick, baa Bold his Interest to Mrs. Mason und will leave Gibson Monday, January ft, tor the Atlanta Dental College. He has many friends bets who re gret very much lor hits to leave. Miss Hay Gibson is home from Wintbrup College, And her brother, Hr. Jam** B. Gibson, is home from Chapel Hill, where be is taking the University law oourse. MissKdith Gibson, from Con verse College, Hpartanburg, 8. C., Messrs. Bruce and Malloy Ask your grocer about "Fewer gallons; wears longer.” SAW YOU looking nt o«r window display a few days ago bat jroa did’t coma into taa stor*. Parhnpa woo didn’t am what yow wnoted. It is anite We csn nut ft Bpafl portion of oar, HARDWARE to the windows, hsrdh enough fSAX ^ta^sstjgisi bBAfentB to oak m lor what jroa WAot.. y ■ U MltUBL UNDEWEAR! UNDERWEAR!! COLD WEATHER IS HERE! 1 Imre just reoeired a full and complete line of Mens, Ladies, Misses and Children wool and cotton Underwear also a new line oil Shoes and Rubbers. * Bee my line of Mens, and Boye Hate and Gaps in all the newest shapes and color*, which hare just arrirsd. Wrights Haalth Uliswf tor m wort* *LS» MMh my prim We. Ladle* wool worth tl.pO Mih my prim NO*. Ipdim wool Darvmr worth *1.»3 our pribs Wo. ChUdroos wool iTodwwur tram tSo mmh upward*. Good mm Hliooo only 73* p*r pr. WWo Gomtwpaam worth |1JM took my prho 15*. I<a4km ifaly rood* skirts Iraa Mo ipavdt. Good booty wright ooalorte. b% talao, worth |1.M ay too 1 yd. with thobooh oaiyto payard. 9-4 ghtetiap tbr bat qaoltty only MSfc pa yd. Marta and Doited Bwtea lor wtodow oaloteo boa Be yd. opwaoda. Good soalHy White n*ao ter tedho watete worth 95c ay potea 90o pa yd. Gall and inspect my line of wool Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets. Antiques, braids and Linings of all kinds, as my prices wffl inter est von. My line of Kid Gloves, Cashmere, Tarn, Buck-skin Gloves ana Mittecs are irolnorat bonralna. » We call special attention to our line of Embroidery*, and in* enirtione I have some attractive bargains to Oder in Mans, Youths and Children’ll Clothing, Pants and Over-coat*. . Tonrs always to please, . J. W. Mason. THE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. MORGAN BLOCK. ThoneM. LAURLNBOTtG, 3. C. Ask your Minister about “Fewer Gallon*; Wears Longer." Gibson, from Trinity College, and Mr. Jno. Feds, frotn Chapel Hill, ore at home spending tbs holiday*. Mr. Noah Gibson and Mies H. Malloy Adame, of AdamsYUIe, & C., were monied on Wednesday, December 81. Doth parties are very popular, a ml hare a hoot of friends who extend to them many good wishes. Gibson High School dosed for two weeks to taka Christmas. Mins Annie McLean, teacher in tbs primary department, went to her horns in Laurinborg to ; spend the holidays. Mr. Will Gibson, who is at Chapel HOI, taking tbs •Univer sity Medical ‘ bomeJor Chi ■ •Her. (1. B.*' _ Met bod 1st pastor^KocbfrA here Sunday morning,, and at St. J ohn* iu the afternoon. We wel come Mr. Perry aud pie family, and hope be will do much good work in hie new Held. Iter. J. A. klnaon preached bin farewell sermon hers last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Henry B. Gibson, who had. been working in Maoon, Ga., tor the past tour years, spent the holinays at his home. Mr. Edison L Mason has sold bis stock of groceries to Messrs. Newton ft Thomas, and has ae> eepted a 'position as salesman wHb Mr. Z. V. Pate. Ask your blacksmith about "Fewer Gallons; Wears Laager." ; p.. — -mm ■.. . Merint "Omhir Mother—Why,, children, vbetV all this seise sheet? • Little Frsddy—We’re had grand pa sad Uncle Henry locked la the espboard for an beer, sad when they get a little angrier I'm (Mu to phyjdaginto tba lions' saga— ITRER MMT IfiCALS. Cftpt. J. F. Maloney is on ' Dur streets Mr. R. D. Phillips, of Al bion, Fla., spent Imu with bis family here. Saturday was the biggest trade day of the year in Lsurlnburg, it being the first Saturday before the first Monday in January, Messrs J. C. MeEachln, of the Navassa Gumbo Co., Of Wilmington, and Angus Mc Eachin, of Albion, Fla-fcMMpe,. home to attend the foueral. service# of their brother last week- •, ' The county commisetopfi* regular monthly «icwiMqtii>4ey.^ NnjMsmrtHi <**% wt4 rw» f*?b»4h iieee rfliirwitnrtf* Messrs' James and Ate*.1' McDoagaH, of Go!hrnbiar<atU visiting their titter; Ma «. D. Everlngton. 1 V* ; Bav, F- O. 8, CartL^j^f Ludiberton, is visiting here. ‘ Wait for “Fewer gtdkxne; ween longer." Brick! Brick! trick!

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