THE EXCHANGE. LAUftlKftUftU, 1. a JAN. 8. 1MM. ~I*CNNY COLUMN. ™«* Cbumn roo nr wax ». reimi rw. JUiw on cut a wow. oaw wnw onn Ho AMwiwun TA«U TOO LM n>< lo cum. A—rtnMwt. N C. __ Cofcc aid Cookote »t oft prim at ■_fi. E Lee’e. ^Prtane ft Btoc bin ‘'Juet Om lAlo*” In jnmhmtoatv ud Toilet Mom** at. , V*?» o< a*. «oA in., witdw WMmi Prlmft Mw’c. ^r Ue> lo Mooiigoortere lor CWHm _ AH the etfteowo “dowa-to-oow” tn *» Prim ft Bloc’ll. Bill Qapa paper *t Prloee ft i.’SSwrtJsTiar *■*-*' •*cczv •ncvmca. Mr. John HShaw.Jr., visited Balyfch Monday., Mr. J. M. MeCorrnae returned to Newton Tuesday arming. Mite Dora Smith rUltod friends ini01”1*' ^ar^nC the 8*# notice of Mr. N. L. Hander, derean hi another column, ad. ▼OTtUog a (oat not*. Him Juicy Humor, pf Tatnm, H-C, visited Mia* ft km Lytch daring th*holidays. . M^tef Parker and Mae Price, cd Aehpote, spent the holidays ukhft&ssBnib* l.ytch. .0.'Kendrick will preach ■ ttaptert chord! Sun day afternoon at 3:80 o'clock. ’jWrWWkh McKinnon visited at the rear'Rrf tWMSfeortf, Where apipytadr.a ,puepjoq .as orffwesr ^^ nniug rocuu. Jiao. John CfraMte Ue-Nslli, ••r Popular rsprrasati ye, left Mooday srming lor IlaJeigti. Thsl^gLdature convened yestor* Mr. H. F. |lc Pherson, who is baying cotton'far a large mill at Whitmire 8. C., spent the holi days at 'home is Lonrinburg with bis ibotber. Tafc-fixoBAxe* m pmwntsd with a turnip last mek, by Mr. Wrtgbtyof Olb^o, which WJ*» Wjftit* bars *mo th» Mans. Tt wsightd 6% pound*. Uiw J alia McQueen, of Uuten, I la vklthig Iwr sister, Mrs. J. P. | Wiggina Mr.undMre. W. J. ItaBola visited relatives in Marion. B. C, daring the holidays. Mlee May Patton, of the Red Springs Seminary, spent the holi days with Miss Edna Dios. Messrs. J. M. Bostick and Ed ison L Mason, of Hibson, were among the callers at Thb Ex obaxox office Saturday. Mr. Will Jamas, who has beem spending the holidays at home, returned to Horner Military School Tuesday evening. Bar. J. W. Wallace, of Harriet County, visited relatives in Scot land County during the hoHdaysL He returned home hut week. Mio Janie Mason, who has a positioD aa musie teacher in Bobersonvitfe, Martin county, spent Xmas at home und re turned Friday morning. - The stock holder* annual meet ing of the First National Bank of Laurinburg, will be held on Tasaday, January 18. Bee no tlce in another column. Mra Paulin# C. Wkcgioc, of Dillon, 8. 0., visited old friends in laurinburg during the holi days. Mrs. Wiggins was the widow of the kite Rev. Mr. Price, who wae'ab one time pastor of the Laurinburg Baptist church. Notice of Dissolution of the firm of Mrs. P. tt. Maeon.A Boa tick, of Gibson, appears in an other column. Mrs. Mason purchases tbs interest of Mr. Bostick. Mr. Bostick left Mon day for Atlanta Dental College to study dentistry. Mr. W. W. McAuthor moved Iris farafly from neuk McColl. 8. dark ton, on Monday cf this wade, where he has rented a farm for this year. He nyf ha expects to purchase property aad settle in «k-**—■— y- , haatly, If he Hkee it< wrdl enough {tftsr a .teens trial. big- mouth tiBck mm, wftlefc at* said to bb the fln*ft fl*h U.+g*h*, and food tb America, lftholfctle Mow* dO not tall a prey fo the native S*h tUer will na*t In the Spring dt next year. When grown they average about 15 pounds. Mr. A. W. F. Fetter, of Reid*. vSle, baa accepted a poettkm oa druggist with llenrs. Prince ft Blue, mad will move hie family to Laurinfmig In a month or two. Our people wiD gladly welcome them. Mr. Fetter cbmee to os highly recommended, hav ing had several yean experience aa'apreecriptlonlet in some of the larger dtka. . About all the hoy* and girie who tame home to upend Ghrist mas have returned to their pcbook. We will not . attempt to name them, for there are eo many, that we would be aura to mim some. Scotland, you know tend* more bdys and girte of to tehooTthah any other county In tba State, with th* exception of those coon tie* in which the cot leg** ore located. Muir*. Tatum, LSea *••€«, a general roeroaotfle has tate* in Gibeon, January let. tfr.-S. K. Lilee, a member of the Arm, book-keeper, and Mr. J. P. Gibson, of Bennetts rills, 8. ft, la hand salesman. The 8ra> experts to do an extensive credit fur nishiag buehiess. Look .out ter an anaouaeamant from them In our next week’s iasoe. Mr. Edwin L. Barker, who wu to appear fat FMde Ball Moo daja%ht Jaa. «tb, with fab Montagu* pMja,waa compelled toeaaodfab engagement hare, ■4 adrUfal other* to thh Bodth, oa need oat of th* condition of fab throat. A telegram to tbb Meet waaneoeived ftaodayroom lagr gtvtBg Maple time to no tify our people that he wooM v - :• * ~ . Mr*-C. A. W*eUa ndra v kited relative* in Florence la*t week. like Mamie McNeill, of Rad Rpriogw, u vkiting tba family of bar uncle, ilev. N. McN. Braith. Mr. M. L. Xinrrieon, , of Cog. liac poetoffice, in upper Hoot laud, warn a visitor to Laurin burg Tuesday. Bar. L. 8. Ethridge and family moved to EUee, Moore county, last w«*k. Lanrinburg regret* to lose them. Meeere. 8. 0. Good ale and J. E. William*, of Patrick, 8. C., viaited at tba home of Mr. A. J. Caaakiay during the holiday*. They exprana tbemselree a* be ing well pleoaed with our section. A lot of lumber belonging to Dr. Peter John, and voided at oboat *100, woe destroyed by Are at Ur. A. A. Jrunes planefaig mill yesterday afternoon. The lumber was piled up in the old fashion dry-kiln style, getting in o condition to be ran through the planer. The mill narrowly Tries Te Omum l«. It’s the old story of "murder will out" only in this cose there's no crime. A woman feeis run down, has backache or dyspep sia arid thinks it's nothing and trim to bide it antii she finally breaks down. Don’t declare yourself . Take Electric Bitten, at once. It luis a reputation tor curing 8 to much, Liver and Kidney troubles and will revivify your whole system. Tbs worst forms of those maladies will quickly ytold to the curative power of Uectric Bitten. Only ode, and guarateed by all Drug, gieta K«wa reaches us that Mr. An. drew Thrower, who lived on the Bucbsnoa place near Lou rig. borc’, a year or two ago, waa huirdsred and robbed, in or near Maridlan, Mies., on Saturday, Uecember 30. We din unable to get many of the (note in the ease, only that he wae foahdiu an --* “***--' pMtaf f - IT* h**l and body gave eufllcfeut evidence that be had been foully dealt with. Be was taken to a hospital, aad died la a abort while afterwards. We are informed that be didn’t rally enough to do any talking before be dial, and the most Im portant facts in the case are still unknown. Ur. John Thrower, of Virginia, brother of the deoeased*, bad just reached Rockingham to spend Christmas with hi* mother, when a telegram conveying the sad news waa recieved. He want on to Mississippi, but his brother was dead before be reached Mm. He accompanied tha remains home. Tbs deceased was about 33 years of age. »»!»—■ It is axoaotiooal tiJ find a fam ily whare there are no domestic ruptures oocnalonallr, but these c»s be lessened by having Dr. King's Kssr Idle Pflls around. Hun trouble they save by their gnat work In Stomach and Liv er troubles. TBeynut only re Uevayoa. botcora. 96c, at all DraggieU. ,0‘ % AmMhM tonOaf at tirWipia. Hear Booklngbom, last Satur day, Jamas LoOrond was. acci dentally shot aad instantly kill ed hy Henry Doekerv, Jr. They were returning Iron a bird hunt and stopped to net ik a 9eld on the «ige of town, planning for ths next day's hunt. Dockery tripped back: ward, became unbal anoed, and it iseapposed hectutcbsd his gun la a movement to balance himself Both the loads taking Brand,s neck; curing death. LeOrand was the eldest son of tfcelate JnmssT. LeOrand, udwuabout Myean ofage. He wn at booM from Trinity High School lor the holldayo. Jfhs hoys warn fit* traelnp. • AlADMhM.*.;. It U with n lealii^Jprofound sorrow that ws cb' tBo the sad death of an* offi«|Bi-in bog's brightest uttd nioi'Ti'iomtJRjf young men. . J William Randol, A 3r. th* youngest son of Mruldllrs. W. K. Me Each in, died i flhe horn* of bis parents in L^rflcburg, on Monday morning, UAnber 29, 1003, at 8 o'clock, iveaum of death being typhoijAar. Hs was sick for fbout three weeks, and although everything wan dons that dons by relatives sod the <W| ;™i ■kill from the b**ini«g of tbe fatal attack b* gratify grew worse until the sod. 1 Though a rao* My of lem than 17 y«nr» he hml itteloed ue<] held the friencmlp of all claeeee-old and yoi|g-h*Thig that kind aad alffpe agree able disposition by which be was known, end by wfafh be will ever be mubared bg^tloee who knew him. < j The numerous designs from ■bow tat part the* in which be we* hat.. Large meant of white enroot cinths, end paragu|ln of ptok <4r vine, from “His I A beautiful white ooraa cinths, caHaUiwe, usporague turn ptoyweeof Nava A large bench of wl tiona and lams tied white •alia ribbon, from If teas Annie aad Harriet UcLeaiJ Coo Ever, ett, Emiga Jti»k,*J|ie /*viqg. ton, aad Pat A harp iwriAPflBMi' oaraa Tbe^^^wySH||j^Vx>aatne gat gdWhtt'tfrdwiyMattfr -• isb He wet teMil tbbrCUy 80,18. 80, abd tAe'tbeKatxt'lO yeaaa, 10 moatbi abd two days old, The funeral service*- %tfe etm dueted -by UffcBevi' l. M, Bone, D. !>-, and the ■ taflrtDeaa mmh made k tbelaoaidbqrf ceme tery, on Tuesday, tfaa 80th, at 4 o,clock. . • r .* ' Tbs erpraaalune of aid are numerous, aad the (enure com munity swfmda tetderaet n» patby tooths loving parent*, Ate and brothaS^-jand' other reUtftw. - ; ; . ^ ... . Dto* 01 As Mm*. .. Emma (Jill, the 0 months aid latent daughter of Judge aed Mrs. Walter 1L Xeftl, died Boo. day night, December 28, at 9 o’douk, -of pheaeumooia. The ■ervlcm wee ooaducted hy the Her. L. & JJas eey, and Urn iutorment took piece In the Laarinbiw (tew. tery. The eloee attention of loving hand* and that of the bast mad tool skill, was to no avail, and •ftsrthrseor lour days illuces death lettered toe Uttte sufferer. ‘■Tbe Lord giretfa, and tbs Lord taketh away; blresod be the name of the Lord." 1W Hoard of UaoMkMnqwsfettoMe borto* «oai|dotaw to Mtl Mon m» Board aut to aUteod U» oMaUaa Hoe da*. bat tv enter Teredo* tuMrad. 11* urdar of Board. U. U JOMk. to. Hapt. HASTY mwa Mr. Tom BaMard, ot Ahtnw, ▼tilted lito sister, Km. U. X. Orr, daring tha holidays. Miss Bosy Bhofar, of Parktoa, ti spending com# time with hsr ■titer, Um Dm Vlooroe. Ttiore will be another an ter rain man t by Mies PanBoeKor man PHday 16th Inst. TWpro oaada will be lor palating tha aehool boom, tha sameernrad fay the imt antsirtafain—I not Nig sa Orient. Rstnsmher theBnhn— Friday, l«th at 7:80 p. m., ad mission, 10 and 15 osnta. Um Wilbart Alley, at Rich mond, V a. ,ti spend ‘ngeome time with har sister,Um7 B. Thomp son. i raw * mi., rmra*aAW, J||pp|Pip|f|p| T»*y tolWwT««^>4>f a^aato^ialfcwr J**m*m*mm lU toM 5lito>tMif»«i J5?S!wrr!^f!t aSfc *FANCY GROCgOBS. ^ Sea Our Giant Colbe MUL to ttoMantoJ^rf ^OwlllMtoltoXr'to*»*£» MnTctoft wtowrfto—*mMi*.ltut,ai> hw to In»M»l to !».»«»—i. ViiMhintovn«]r9Q,MMmiiM«. TOUMFOIMCnM, McLaurin k Him. hm mumt. ' -rmatna.

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