warttwm caw. fill. c. w. reoanT " DKimirr. OOi» attain Otar Hilda Drag Htore No, 87. pi W. T. HERNDON, ” U DENTIST. _ uAu«nfBi)Ra, n. a *“«•’« to* Store. OOm pAat, No. SB; teafcUara. No. T8, J C. UcNEILL, •• ATTORNEY AT LAW LAUMKBtraa. n. a OtorottrlW, l!n« Star* J W. COWAN, •* __ BAKBER. Eawythlag aatr; Srafcel— aaraW »|AXBY l. jou n, “*■ ATTORNEY AT LAW, uttataat aa, a. e. ■ I*Nlcre, >o. a. hAwa No. 8. XU D. B1ZZELJL : ~ "'. attorn NT at law. °*»»•'Cauda) attosioa Rtoa. to all Ivitobto aatmtad to r 1 «f* J. MATTHEWH, ' * OtTICIAL AOKtrCt EE VOlt ROWLAND OOUNTT. _ RnrBRTON, N.C. AIIoaRap—ptfr attidad to. —V-- ■ I fMhOMdhi KekTiekk C—frarii Hbm, 4. & Draksford, editor of tbe York Tin* Yeoman, printed a four column editor*! artiote feat •eek ia which he announced that tbe paper would suspend publi oatioa with the current issue. He say* he wiU go to anothe Btnto tO seek a di votes, hAvLig been driven to desperation by lying gossip of women in his Against the chastity of his wife, be says time Ja no word of re proucb, but, like ildooln Dean, he believe* it is imroond for imh and women to live together M leguJ prostitution. “In this a3l b*«p|.y emergency," lie eojiF “three couna^ are opm •Idde, whiskey or " hn^too much to take' .. . rpreferoble-4* ‘ ' v. ltmMotttvtMkae wbefeaals de ulafeofthe charges ngulnst hie character and be »peake of hie critics as “eodnlbaisanis/' Tbe men, be enye, who hare criticised Li* coarse have led notoriously lieeatious line. He declare* that hie town Is infested «dtk social ■rpia and theft gossip has made him pnmdUiteiy gray at the nge of 83:- » « Drakeford will apply to tbe court to have a receiver appoint ed for bfe newspaper. He will also ask for tbs appointment of a guardian to core-, for hie children. 1 * ’• ; “lean tun* ago ay dofafckfer au«l» mAwooU. 8h» ootfclMjl et pal— BP. tedHtaalklatM wougk. «4y aanritlag to.4lnstioao —4 two dariak*«•*««■—4 aJtfcJefot* go toarfcool IWhiM.Mi tMMdrto imor«r«iiiV" ■4 OONZALU 3H0T BY JM TILLMAN. Wmmd ■ Iwwiurt Cevtaar at Soak Columbia, 8. C., Jan. 1&.—X. G. Oooaalea, editor of the State and one of tlw moat prominent men In thia city, woe ahot and mortally wounded about 2 o'clock thia afternoon by Jamae j H. Tillman, Lieutenant Goren ur of South Carolina. iDt tragedy occurred at tbe corner of Main and Uervais street*, directly in front of thy Opera Horn • Tillman, wbo bad been presiding over tbe Ren at*. left tbe capital when that body adjourned nod walked up the street. Oouxales bad left Ti)e State office ut'about tbe ■ame time, on hie way to din ner. At tbe oonMr of Oervais and Mala they met face toface and Tillman, stopping abrubt ly evluimed. "*I nave received your mes •**>”T-Qotekly drawing ills pie. tol be fired point blank at Ooo talea Mis aim was efisctive and Ootualee dropped in hie tracks. TVbuJIet entered- ti igbt ekfc paaied completely (L igb the stomach below the *, *nd Cmeig^f on tbe opp- , W As quick y u«> > the wounded mau wag| niel d to a T ilium p wax. immediate . \\ lasted y.! take* first to Um ota tion bomm.tbm.M.Js. Jail and jF .ilulov% it cnodktut SoutU both w » sen. In-000 raliu.miM ootaoie xur iwi Gomalkw aocuacrf TlTlmuj Of ntn baaltng *hmde that oolieetK ed for merit in KrigtM^HlBee^ and •iipilar attacks, rBSde bj Mr. Goosalee, through hie paper, ac cord log to Tillttiaft’e own etotn meat, defeated him Cor the often ofgornrpori . - X KirnMiif tmmtitn' Wooden never oeaes. A ma chine hue been invented that wiL cdfc, paste one hang wall bacef Theneiria of lurebtioneana die. covertof aeema to be ■ unlimited Notable among great disooTer toa to Dr. King’s Kew Weooverfr lor Consumption. Itbaedoaea world of good for Weak lungs sad waved many a life. Thou sands have need it and oonqored Grip, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Consumption. TMf gen eral verdict toi ‘fit’s the best and most reliable medicine tor throat and <ttng trouble* Ever? W)c end |1.B0 bottle to /guaranteed by all Druggist*. Trial bottto • r.•• Maa In* Te .1* Ttair *«T At ••rr - , flkMki .Chicago, tvnnati, 110.—la a. sssbfts*zm£ lailltnoie central ear wu being loaded wlthfhihMga freight lor Hew (Meane; .The box wae aix fcatloogptbm laa».high aryl tfcne lift wide. In the box ,wa» fftobgh tbodtplMt-Um men a bfe Jug <tf watea. ‘TbW side' op and handle with care/'wan the'-; WecriptWa <4 the top. Machinery W »o*'tn& bed tWt way! fad an hwpectdr; depMed to o£ef the box to fMT what It eoataload. Whan the top wan ripped of out popped ) Me two ooenpante, • ... * •, a TW Q( FT-,. - rmnW., L teOMhadiiMKNb *"* Wuehi.igton, D. f., January IS.—Onleae the aigoe fail Ptua hlant Rooeevelt ia on the vergi of outburst ugainet the iniqu( Uee of the negro Republicans oi the Sooth. Since tie took hfa now famoue flop from the “lilt wbitee” to the “black and tane," the question of the negro in pok ties baa been ahoved at him in w«y poaeible form, until at laet be wae wearied of it Ttw latest is an investigation of the political methods of tbs “Vo«o< tbs Troth Coogree ^onal Districted Georgia. Rep "•••uttlvs Fleming, of that die trict, called the attention of the rontmnster General to a system o* Blackmail and bribery that was going on down there, In which certain negro postmasters wvre implicated, and the Poet naster General sent an laepao tor down to look into the char gee made by Ur. Flaming. The Inspector filed a most remark, able report with the department ae a result of hie investigation. Ip which he said that he had »*ia«d negroes on the ooanty committee blackmail a poet master by tell lag him that if be did not pay them so much money they would file charges against him and have hiiu removed. Other cases were reported in which commltteoMo bad refused their endorsements for Federal oBore unless a cash price was paid. • when lie beard of this report htatfmat eept lor Seoetor Bepreeeoto 7 . flU told Mr. "““•W A> reporting tide iQglft^ <**rwrt.-» -he Lad rtc* to <jh« wlyto Ilanffuagw, and to pot a stop to i■ wi nil in uwib .or. «W»j thee* uue I jo ^*rw»her, and the *>fgo aL. _,,a*Pted content With of the negroes that tbStyhoTjes were outrun. It happened that William Pleoger, of Atlanta, aooom pausdby several other promi nent Georgia negroes, am bow pn their way to Washington to insist that Mrs. Jane Awtxes, postmistress at La Grand, a white woman, be rsmovsd and a negro pot is her place. It is tWr intention to give the Presi dent to understand that if be does not do this they wiU swing the whole Georgia delegation gainst him in the nominating convention. The indication* are that if this dusky delegation goes to the WhiU Hones with any bluff or bluetsr t hey will get the hardest tall la history. Boetdh, Mae*., January 16.— City ttegiatrar MoGleoon, fat hi* Mutual report, filed to-day, aaye a lew things that will be inter seting reading, to Houtbernera, as weH aeto many Bostonians who are ruRM over the appoint ment of«colored lower to o* mittlMe/ • Mf. MoOtengo's report •totes that there were thirty-fire mle ItoyMr! Ih l901i > there were thirty-gve sdeh dnfooa, and tbs JCtorll RWMR-Vr" ito /ton part |g thirty. In nearly every eane it was a white brVd*, only abeot-ofte white man marry lug a nagrb woman. Root d the caaen were amotur the bet terdaee, moot of ilia brides h» ing domeetka thrown in eon inet with nagroee tbrdngb that employment. One bride, how ever, wae * widow and a ateno grtpher. There seems to ba^mUng on the part of eomes vena the part of eorne merchants, ’it a news paper ha* no busim&o make ' money. Why not? •*> la the , oioit exacting basfeU in the world, the mast tryio in evepy way. It means long lure and tha greatest oars in itmooduet. Tbenewepaper has he entire pnbUo to deed with, t has to deal with all the oraw in Jhe community, and % do Ale ■on awfully require* Judgment and much patience, ftas power, and Ant power, toje ereditoi Jowallen, is near] always for the pnhlie good. Qn^ioMofvi tal concern to home pJpl# never lafl to And tepport <bm new*, pwpmw, and Ale t.V, without ■fronmeratioo, oftoHrltbowt a word of encouii finest or thank*. Tha po bilker aprode his money Hberali/kto further pro|ecta, as every b-Vr knows, and tha comaonlWb Par gives a thought to tha tester of cost to him. It ie not mid oat of thepahiie pocket Jreiy com mantty needs newqapme, nod the way to have tboi ie to ** list A making Ms beslDSna proAtahle.—DniW Hon. _i_ Wrtttn tor Thu Exakutl*. • AM*^4p. Mothers, upon jftoan Altars tow top dadiatu' your eUU 4m? DolbcurHMw of you aar*fcawefaadrui*sry to be a toother, aad look i<oar nhlldpwn? Too huYenotaeoTrefet idea of thie matter at afL y Was it drudgery »o Haaoah to make thorn HtUapoote lor 8am •al? Was itdrudj'ery^to bring ap that ehMtor Gf*l? Hire to the tree aad oob^vmtosiow of Udif road kins' ‘or agitiua&tf woman's righto, dr managing aril government. Hannah did not try to do any of theee things; what did aha do? 8ha trained her ana lor God’s work abd the nations work, and there to yonr duty mother. Yoar bqitnses to nokto try to rale church and Statotbnt-to be qneen in the home, to train yoar children, to asod fourth sons whom God win honor. That to yonr honor; that la yonr glory, xoo may m poor—a nyothar fat an haabla boat lit mAylmtfcatyoaarraayfog to youraalf: “Hare am I rimiin cribed; I hart to *Ugr bar* aB tb* tiro* and oook for tfatoe Hi tie oaaa, wash and mead' tbair clothes, it takas al my time." Be faithful to God and dedioat* that little one to. Uod; this ia year duty mothers. A Subscriber. (steaded >■* Uet weak.] Un. U. C. Covington and Mias Mattie Visited relatives near (Hbaoo last week. Miss Berth* IJvlagstoa spent last week with relatives and friends in this commoaity. Mieses 8aIlls Covington is rtai. ting her stater Mm J.W.WaUaee at Chalk Level, Ji-Q. Mr*. Flora MeNsiU of Raeiord visited Mm Evelyn Qibsoa 1m* Mtas Julia and Blanche BaL lord wee* the guest of Mtaa Gib aon tanlay and Sunday. Mm Gettta McArn spent Sun day at her home near Mu toe.. Mr. Major Livingston neat to Qibsoa Saturday. Mtas Verdi* Outlao of Suatar. S. C.,Wvtalttagst Mr. A. J.Gaat pbsU’s. The 'young people enjoyed themes Iris very pleasantly at Mr. H. T. Gibson's last Friday even lag.

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