•**_ 4 P«b«duniBat‘nit] ■7. i • .• w i Would You Like to Feel YoungAgain? Old people certainly have had fc*lhp that thoaa below fifty hardly anihiaaiul It la discouraging to find that Mttk tasks that ooce wen way are wow sexy hard. Mny aid people are lame, nearly all are weak. Wont of all b that feeling of languor, of inability to act. of weariness at trifihw Nothing win wake the old yowg ap*. hot Viool wfll provent ninety-nine oat of one hundred oM peopfc front/Witty m ML tact* B bo bum bog about it We foond out about Vbtol and tried b every any before we decided to rft mi thr imrHt nd fimintm Now wq believe that almoat any tired, discouraged old person who wtt take a bottle of Vlool ad fad better rfcht away. It wffl increase tndr strength, apnedt% and brighten tbdr spirits. It does this by ooarnhing. In old paopkt the digeadoa be comes feeble. Vlnol supplies quick nmriahuii lit and helps tbe food to nowish. Don't blame the old folks far being bine awl croon Take home a bottle at VmoL Money back M it kn*t helpfd. «eo. djev|R|nqton, Mr. J. M. Bostick, >ow a stu dent at tb* Atlanta Dsotal CoW Bmdujr and Monday, ^hoiaa Mis visit was a basi ®**> LJ^, lhmr, of Laorto boig, was a visitor to oar town, Saturday afternoon. Tba trm of Horst A Bebnstder baa disbanded and departed. Ur. R'p. LOss and bride, have ooredinto tbe Mm P.B. Mason *r5^ad Wiag'-frot’Unu? St. to tba Oil MU, is now receiv ing the attention that it bat long needed. It will aoon be la a Mr condition Iqr banting over. Mr. and Mm Koab FT Gibson bare returned boa their 800th aw trip, to polats ip Florida, and others of interest. Mr. Qlb mii's boose M oot yet finished, bwt when eofnpletsd it wfil bs a model of baanty and eon veeMoee. Mr. Boyd Fletcher warn pain. foQy hurt Saturday afternoon by by Weked egcwetr lathe tracenred, fortunately, and 1m b|>*7 M not h aarioM one.. The Mock of frroceriee of I* W. Odon^waeeoWatpablicaaetion ^hi toSntodny aJ^oML^ *■ | ioaT ol^S ■^Kh. f Bed town. Ml* Alee Urbgetoa, of Old Hundred, ie nailing bar abler. Mm i. B. of Me bSh totL ^T?b(U •ad*d denar ty barlag H fnfcted m eent|y<rtth abeantlnl ehadeof lw"i wm twu. ewrmaB. Mr. ifckSl**tee.wfao has bta T»*t» ■C***0€Bi'Ume. issMght tfbetter wsEopebewQIeoon bewteL Mr. Orr bos lieeo trans ferred \ Qibeon Btation, and Mr. Iiti o(-—, has been ■at to iaty. We hope they wffl be Jfch phased with the ebanga' Miteia Fittnan, who has had sapience in tenching, will go to Sion next week to taka change music class. Mrs. My and little daughter hare retried to Richmond after a non Us plwisaut stay in Has ty. Thsywere accompanied by Mr. J. 8. Thompson and son, Caspar., Mr. Wil Hasty, of Dowmore, ■pent aetpal day* with bh aunt, Mrs. Lae Hasty. Tbs etertaitinieut lor the benefit oftfcs aobool bouse was a (Might*? social affair. Mire Norman wtarne sincere thanks to aU wbS assisted her in mak ing a tuevm of the occasion. Oasot Uuhtsasant features was tbs iieair’" interest manifested by tbs jtetlenMa of Hasty. 8uflJcient#>oa*y has been ob tained tolpnt the hones. »«*y torching indeed were the •crvieea A Smyrna Sunday. After a hfertaeafthing goepel ■rmoa. the bdored pastor lead a remit of the 80 year’e work ol tfe church. Only God knows the fall meaning of these many yearol "burden-bearing”— bow the tUrhetween pastor and people- M| only lore be be twmn theqpthe few yeare that wifl be'giem them. Too much cannot be^ttuf thelalthfnlneae, the longingUlndnaM of Mr. Far. gnaao, and ha fe dearly loved the ^iu congregation. Daring U)| 80 years, about $16,000 h\* been contributed by the church far various pur Poem. Of the $1,500 con tribat edfor lore%H mfeeicine, over$706 cam* from Woman's AuxU Mb. Jaoye Gra in 1878 thww menbere scroll ed; now, Tpspite of numerous death* and.removals, there are SO. For 88 years Mr. James Graham Jme been Superinten dentof theSunday School—Dever weary in vraU-dofag. arar ftjaonra e trial of the "Boy* Wprid'’and "Glrt'e Com panion," qnr .Superintendent has decided to continue tbeir oae. Good dean literature is a vital TieoueitT low the young folks, and tins* two pap4s are all that eoald be desired in this re spseb^sd.'tb* earns time, Aost comparatively little. Yesterday (18th) ttabad soms new reeruits lor the *Mth Cm toy Pledge Sjjj^toggnwmda” Wa .earnestly ✓ Boom day, fsr ahead, but sure ly rfttijgg, the efanreh will taika pAW YOU 1001 yom.qw l«oa* *"* ■■ i L HltUMI bar stand on the aids of right sourness; then we will no more legalise liquor traffic than we now legalise house-burning. Even now, n little light is break ing. A petition for sterner regu lations of the trnlQce is being circulated. A petition that will be signed by all who realise the dangers that menace our boys. Think of regulating the inure ments of a rattlesnake. Only one thought—cut oil bin bead, kill him. We wouldn’t even con fine him. OnwHYKR. Raleigh, N. C., January 90.— Qorwnor Aycock is worried over • sensational report sent out from Atlanta to the effect that he had written Governor Terrell, of Georgia, that if he would grant & pardon to Fred Chest nut, who was sent to tba peni tentiary for robbing an express train, be would pardon any Georgia man in the North Caro lina penitentiary tor whom Gov ernor Terrell might moke the re quest. Governor Ayeock say* he mad* no each reqnest, but that he merely wrote that the boy was of good faintly and had an aged mother who wan anxious to get him home, and felt «ure that a man could be made of him. An especial ground on which tbs pardon was asked was that the Georgia Goveoor had already pardoned the princimdl lathe express robbery. *qr Governor Terrell writes Gov ernor Ayeock that the sensa tional and fains report started from a jocular remark In the pre sence of a newspaper reporter that he knew of po Georgian in the Ncpth Carolina penitentiary for whom be could ask a pardpn in return lor the one asked by Governor Ayeock. * Applications are eomikg A rapidly fromr* various counties asking aid T^md the $100,000 SflBte appropriation J to make oil public school terms at' least lour larjcwapporMor year. It ie eta) | the Superintend ; etruction, w» are received, IBUl fiUlKOOO «BT not Wing all the ecbool tar me to the lour month*! limit. Ln2t> vecur It required only about 9*5,000 of the 9100,000 ap propriation. Omrmm Dsm mm* mam HeMtar, Hwimn, fcnnw, Sera#* ul«. In. 8ead no money—simply write and try Botanic Blood Balm at our expense. A personal tiiol of oar Blood Balm k better than a thousand printed testimonials, ao don't Imitate to write 'Ion a free sample. _ IfyonsoBerfrom nicer*, ecaema, scrofula, Blood Poison, cancer, sating sons, itching skin, pim pke, boils, boos prune, sweittngs, rfcenmatiam, catarrh, or any blood or skin disease, we ad rise yon to take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Especially racommendsd lor old, obstinate, deep seated eases of mngUgaot kPls tbs poison is tbs blood, cams where alt sis* falls, heals every sort, makes tbs- blood pure and rick, gives the akin the rich glow of health. B. B. B., tbs mostptTfsck blood purifier made. Thoroughly tested, lor mass than 80years.- Odets $L par huge bottle at drug stone. To prows it sens, sample of Dssertbe troubto andfty For sals la Lsnrlsbaig fay W, L. Welds 20 Per Cent Reduction ON ALL OF MY WINTER GOODS I - buck «« Wool Drsse Goods, Waitings, Silks, Velvets, Cordu roy*. Apliquee. Braids, Laos*. Embroider**, Insertions, Hen’s and Hoys Clothing, Overcoats, Pants. Underwear, Comforts, Ac. 1 will mention a few prices below which will give you an idea of the Big Bargains Ton Can Obtain Here: Good Calicoes lor only.*...4e. yd. Good l’ercals 1 yd. wide dard colors worth 10c mv pries...~...-....6c Good Heavy Outings worth 10c. tuy price. Good Worsteds worth Itfjfc. my price...8Sic. Drapery* worth 10c. my price....Tfie. Dotted Bwiss tor curtains, worth 15c. my price lSljo. 10-4 Sheeting worth 80c. peryd. ray price.,.WHc. ‘ Chaneei Table Covers worth 75c. toy price.'..49c. Good Heavy Comforts worth ♦1.75, my price fl.86 each. Two Spooln Good Thread only....................6c. Self-dosing Umbiellns worth f 1.26, my price... .75c. Anyone needing anything b the Dry Ooods Lina will do well to see me before buying, for I will certainly save them money. I thank my customers for past patronage and aqliclt a contin uance of earns. 1 J. W. Mason THE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. MORGAN BLOCK. ’Phone 88. LAURINBURG-, N, C. IS IT A BUGGY YOU WANT? If so don’t fail to see ns before buying. k WE'CAfiEY A FULL LINE From the cheapest to the besv Material and wortdnanship guaranteed. BLAND & SON, UWIWUHO, W. C. Bwtf^Cjiin. 19—'iWy WO clow. TU the Jodg« Be». taming rad " Tfenfcun at rV«old not com* ►2* tun ber*. 1 inerev, do teHiog what the Jury wfll do. The epoch of Mr. |A ydktt appealed to ej4iy map fu>7 to y He cited raeeefa which innocent m ea hoe been convicted. Tomorrow may tell what the veeddtwfllba When Mr. Ayd ieit^aaed hk^emch, dome per* eons in the audience applauded. The crowd stood epeilboand aad Betmed to him. Mm climbed ftpoabaeksafeedtsaad women crowded ia the aielea. Mr. Ward hod commanded great respect bat Mr. Aydlett* being the last speaker aad for the prisoner, drew a large crowd. CASTORIA He gentle ud toat with «W dren. Beware of the tret disagree ment. "• -v Beware ol maddkee and tale i Jfcam to apeak fee a gentle loB^otvofce. 3 W.L. FIELDS 0tOU*» lU MM. The Xi pa etmaewlpcnl CUIaadme kta wfcea la a—4 J eWatealal taana GOME! COME! Gome soon or yon will get left...,. I will take great pleasure In showing yon the best Mules ever sold hers. 1 hare them from 800 lbs. to 1260 lbs. posse round and look «*• $400.00 HORSE. Others left , as good, bat cllPOpCT* Thanks to my friends lor past patronage. ************** WJeB. McEachin.

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