THE EXCHANGE. LAORINBUBO, 1. C.J4N. *9, tWi«. PENNY COLUMN. **A» ™ COCTTHK FOB IT WSA IB Tummr too. Bans obb vmmr a too, ***** *<>■ lobs tbab 10 cam. .FOB BEWIWTU *. J. Edward. a^*mo gi!*u. £v iuu$aT0ROr'* jroa. • _B.B WHIT AE KB Cottaa Mi Oaakata at aS ptfeaa at __k. K. Laa’a. Oaar M quartan at W. L rttk „.«»*• t* taoaa »Bfc wha lad witfc a Mtahalftatfa rood. _ Poiltoy aad eUelhMtUtai quicker m yntfa. tLM aar Otter food. Mwt Ooaaahaalwtfci an> Optical ma ■Ua* at JEnaiaatoa’a. ItlLUa’atateadaitnaaa lor Otetea aad Ctekata 8ood»aaa«BmH..teatBntiacWa Ttetea*Baaa< ToUotHaaa ta towa, at teloaad at W. U njk 'ItetDVItt Baaa-tanan atlmtagtM*a. Coflbaa aad Oaateaa Irani tte ateaaaat to tte teat, at B.K Laa’a i teal at EtaHngtoa'a. Coote»ta kaa o< Prmtt'a Food tad tq» pnteanat fHaat Btaaa Daroa’aPatetaat Hatd’aDrag Btoaa • TtegnataadfiProdaaarla Paaat’a grarylttaa itia«i at KVid'a Dr^; Baora .te-rsirftt , BREEZY BREVITIES. Dr. W. T. Herndon viaited Max ton Tuesday. Mr. J. T. MoBaehin went to Washington, N. C., lavt week on * •. * Jaa. Morgan- haa Ac fa Am ■ aa salesman with/etr. J3mtwX Collage yesterday- ~ Mr. Colon IfcCobmfck has ae aa|rthd a position a* stenographer with li(. John D. Bbaw, Jr. Mr. B. T. McBryde, of Char lotte, spent a lew days - of this week with his uoele, Capt J, A. McBryde. Bhad tha new advavtiaenmt of Mr. D.C. McNeill. He talk, •boat an op-to-da&o Una of faa cy groceries. ' Mra Margaret McKinnon left yesterday morning lor Floral College to Tint the family of Mr. A. M. McKinnon. Mr. and Mra. Vance Orr, of Hasty, accompanied by MLmm Orr and Norman, apeat Sand ay with Mr. Dvnoan MaConniek'a Bmily, near Laorinburg. lfaMrt. Buchanan * Mortem bar* mo rad tbatr aaw mm from ap abora laaral HUltothe J. B. Cafconn ptaofe mar Ktmora. Tbay a*p«ct to ba running again bainrdva Mm Wi-Wt Immn, wbo haa bam aiMtfag bar mothar, Mm Morth; for admattea, rataraad to bor'BbaaOta tala'City, && ildmfc. Hor aiafor, Mba Bra Bo^acnompalmd^ v Mb W. a Boaraaa, nomtfo of.tha gmabt Wfcfeabat A JW ▼fliao, of this plana, haa aiVapt.1 sdaiaarattrepoaitlon with B ** f*0?*• *anr* Arj goods BHaoCOtmuboro, 1. OL, aadaffi mala that pirns his hosm altar Fahraary lab MivJL D. Sanford and rfsfor, MMs MUM* Maaford, amt to Maihlagh— Saturday to attend ths faaaral of thair oomia, Mr. ■ UMrMaaford.aho dtad Friday aWB^Tbofooatal aarriea* aafo «oMo*. TS7 sU!foir^ I^MtM^pysofafa Mr. W. T. Tyson, of Southern Pines, visited Hr. B. L. Stewart this week. Mr. Rod McRae is visiting rel atives in Cumberland County this week. Mr. J. D. Brooks, of MoColl, ie spending apart of this week with his family here. P. a Whitlock. Bnq., of Rock Ingham, wee line yesterday on professional business. Mr. J. M. Black, of Cowpwns, 8. C., spent a few days of this week here with relatives. ltsv. R. O. Kendrick will preach in Gibson Baptist church Bun day, January 35, at 8 o’clock, p. m. Dr. T. L. Northrop, of 8t Pauls, Robeson county, spent several days in Laarinborw last week. Miss Mary McKinnon left Mon doo morning to enter the Red Springe Seminary. Her sister Mies Anna, ooootnpaaied her to Bed Springs and returned home yesterday. The Max ton Bash& Door Co., ol Max ton. N. C., should receive a liberal patronage bom our people. It turns out work that Is noted fbr its lasting qualities, and ere understand that the prices ate satisfactory. Our good friend, Mr. J. B. Weatherly is secretary and treasurer o! the company and Mr. M. H. Mims is superintendent-nT the work a Don’t fail to read their ad. in another part ol tfaie paper. Mies Kva Miller, reader and bn well worth Aism foftowing^H taken from a rapfli -n_a ti •__ — K-'f] tJ>r a* A-«|U«UU ha congregation on ftmm ‘•From Jam. data, the total amination and by certificate from other churches have been 152. The total dismissals to other ch^eghea .god removal# by death,las. Namberol children baptiaed 06. Number of oouplee, (me or both parties befog mem» ben of the congregation, 88. 01 tha 170 who wen member* only 10 or 15 n aieeed to majority river.’* S5£s?£ ***"0* in 8tom*cb tod LJy. •rtroaMM. Th*y not only n DBATH OP CAPT, g, n. THOMAS. Hi DM Verr MMly SiMdar N%m TOyTiM^toHtVKi. The eud death of on* ol Boot laud county’s oldest, most high ly neepeoted and influential citi ■eue, Capt. 8. U. Thomas, oeour •d very suddenly at hie house two miles from Launnburg, 8at urday night about 9 o’clock, of apoplexy. He woe In hie 78rd year. The unexpected news was shocking to hie host of trieods here, ae he made hie usuaI visit to Laurinburg Saturday mom iug and appeured to be m perfect health. Saturday evening he ate a hearty supper, retired shortly after 8 o’clock, and wo* lying awake conversing with hie wife when the attack came. There were no eigne of pain—not even a movement of the body that could be noticed.—The first thing to Attract the attention of Mis. Thomas wai that be bad quit talking and that hie breath ing seemed to be diScult. Mrs. Thomas summoned her mother, Mm Winston, and her brothers, Messrs. Harry and Ben Winston, who were there on a visit from Dakota, hot nothing coold .be dons, asl death cam e is about 16 minutes. The Interment was mods in the Laurinbcrg! cemetery, Monday ^o’clock, P.,M.;aod thefaneraleer vices wen conducted at tha grave by the Rev. L. 8. Uaa*ay. Tbt Dill^xtran wan: Al^wrn. L. A. McLaurln, Peter McIntosh, A: L. James, J. F. McNair. T. T. Covington, Peter McRae, U. li. McKinnon, W. H. McLaurln, D. Z. Hardin, John Bine, J. W. Oumichael and R. N. Moon.' . Copt. Thomas had an sx tea ttys acquaintance and gas high, if esteemed by those who knew him. He was a most eoeoesstul bosiness man, and his bnsteem ca*sss should be aa object lesson To aav young man. -Wfc-- ~ *b*rhsw*sso. m the meffhottie bo«i l-Tajetterttk, at wfcieh [T . Tr\ * *** w. He ; > to Charleston, JLC., aod whs associated (a buml oms then with Mr. (1m. W. Wmiarna Itwaa wb«n be Bred in Char Woo that ba enlisted la the civil war, aod after a brief ear. vtoe was made captain of lus company. - He returned home after the war penniless, but he still pos sessed that energetic spirit, which made blm one of the wealthiest men ip oar county. He was a devoted husband aod a kind and loving lather, and la bk death our county and •tats loses one its most valuable citizens. He k survived by hk aged wile hod two daughters, Mrs. W. 1. Henderson, of Charlotte, and Mn. John 1>. Bhaw, Jr., of thk place, and one brother. In Mother column w publkh Ufatai the program ol tbe'ft&b bath 8ehooi Institute" to ba held in ttaa Presbyterian Church Frfdar and Saturday, to ba too duetad by the Bar. Dr. A. 1*‘ PhUHpe ot Biehmood, Va. The people otLaurinboif and Soot land county should not lone the opportunity ol bearing tble die tiuguiehed speaker. Dr. Philips is a eoa ol late Bar. Dr* Chartee Phillips, lor maay yearn Frol, ol MatbamaMes in . our Slate University, widely known and honored by maay old students ol the Doireraity ia ibis eeotioa ol tbs State like bin lather Dr. rkdlipe oocuptee a distinguished plaeetn the ehnreb.'H» le at the bead ol WILCOX GETS 30 YEARS. . '• ^ . Just as we go to press (Wednesday) news reaches here over the wins that the Jury in the WOoox-£n>peey case had rendered aTverdict of murder in the second de gree. and that Judge Coun cil had sentenced the pris oner to 80 years in the state prison. v It was generally heUered about here that the1 rerdict | would be either guilty in the first degree or acquitaL Judge Council stridently believed the prisoner was guilty of something, as he put on him the Maximum sentence for murder In the second degree. DOT* AND DASHB TfU^MLYTCH. Part of tbU week 1mm ban rather dlangraeable. 7aa many bar* doubtlaaa obaarrad. Bar. 0. B. Perry pfrachad aa exceptionally fine aefraon Sun day from Jobh 14-% Hie op. pofatmanta, tor tba pf>int> #fll bain tba morning of tbaaaepod and fcwrtb 8ondaya la aacb month, and in tba afternoon on tba drat and third. V ' Mr. John ForMawtapmad from a riait to bia parent* and rate tiraauenr Elarbaa Spring*, l**t week. Mr. and Mr*. Oao. Wright want to Laariaborg Tburaday. Ur. D. C. Lyteh wfrehoeed a fine bog from Mr. John Forbia laat week, which wfetebed whan dnaa*d404 lba. ^ Aa on* pearl t£roogh oar lltti# Tillage h* beatetb* roar of tba beiiowa and ehuaTbf tba an. yfl oooa more. Mr. TJX. Bonra day, Jr.,of Loarfabone. haaan capted a poaUiow^rSb 1). C. lyteh, and ia botfly engaged lo^teg Iron for the "Mpa" ■ ■ 1 ■ —. » ■— a AMTIM SALE tf tPEBSBAAAL r.- t' . “• Z:£S~, ■-■ _L . oomroro wuTd^ tO* UIB. VmM DIOCMOX 1-lS-tt 1 S, Vi . ! . ' To Ctit Down Ktpomet . ■ i , ■« -4 miiminsiiMC •• IMXfM, ILfl^ v ° - r»» DOOM, ItM, MOdLomM, muck rM, .WO, m**»*mm*.~ • TmmwfVwiB w.o» p». hM’A s •»* MATH CT mm* OONZAia*. Columbia, & C., (Special).-At 1 o'clock Monday afternoon Mr. N. O. Gonsalee died at the Ool oaUa Hospital, where he was taken Immediately after the ■booting last Thursday. . He was unoonedoua whan the end came and tt waa rsiniisr The morning paper* bad In formed the public that hope had been abandoned. A few minutes after the end came It waa known all over Colombia. The whole city 4s deep in sorrow. There is no apparent anger, no display of indignation. Boon after the death of Mr. Oon. Mies, a telephone meesqfn* car ried tbs neve to Capt. High, the county jailer, nod apprised Ool. Tillman. It le stated that the Utter received the lntefllgeooe without any expression at regret or betokening any amotion on* way or the other. . He was nek. ed to night if he would makes statemeat, and replied through hie brother-in-law, ex-Judge Buchanan, tbst be had nothing tossy. i Washington, IK C., Jan. 19^—1 There was a tearing by the Seo ate Committee on the Jodiotiy today on the bill recently la trodwsed tqr Senator Simmons, at Xorth Carolina, to create an otber Jodgrehip lor the fcmrtb Judicial Circuit, which rn nnrlace Um States of Maryland, Virginia West Virginia, Xorth Carolina, and Sooth CuoUua At present ^W'hnalT^ *I°r There la batons other drouit which has only two fudge*, the Flret Circuit lor the state of Maine, New Hampshire, Uarea droette and Rhode bland. A majority of the Senate Com. mitttee la himr "*—ittTrg the JWMjn4nmhlp^(«e4ted’ far V Bmntor Shunone’ ML ; Ufa r A Us* propotetloa. Ofao m to oos, yet absolute bites to two. Tbs snuil boy gets it for aotb iag, thsyoaog aao bos to steal it, aad tbs oU onahas to bay it Tbs baby's light tbs low's priTflege4 the hypocrite’s mask. To a yoaag girt, faith, to a aad to aa ’ - 'r.\ n $ i FANCY GROCERIES . TH0NB48. ___^ J „ . ' I d ..■'■—■ik' -j-L ' 1 1

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