: i i I I : ' ' ; flesh aad fltatM Bepnena Court on this subject, are: ' “1. Subscriber* who do not fit* express notice to the con trary are considered as wishing to wowr thstor whwiHnrim “a. U subscriber* order the dhconttnaane at their period i to eeodUem untfldf the dase “3. B aabecribera neglect or iden to take their periodical heat the pnetollne to vhlefa they*1* dheeted they art re. lpooaibls untfl they have settled their MB aad order, ed them discontinued. An exchange gives the follow ing valuable point* on good roods. Good ronda bava a 1000*7 v*d nsto tb# fnnnar as watt is apoliticalaad social valoa The difference bat— good aad bad road* is often eqaiva hot totbaiUtaeUM batman pro fit and loot. Charts* Bummer ones mid, “The road and schoolmaster art ♦be two moat important agents in advancing cirillaat ion. Good roads raiaa tb* valoa of farm land and farm products, and teod to baaatty the coun try through which they pass. Bad roads oqnatitato the great art drawback to rural Ufa, and for the lack of roads the fanner aofltr more than any other das*. Good roads, like good streets, maka habitation aloi'g them moat dmtrabla; they aeonomim time and far* In transportation of products, redoes wear and tsar on home, harness and vs hick* and snhaaes the market value of real astute. Life on a farm becosics iso lated and barren of ■—m enjoy Rants aad piasarm, country people In some oommanltiet sui fsr sock great disadvantage that ambition is chseksd^Daryqr weakened and industry paralys ed. ▼beAw TltlhhiThwWWVW According to an estimate mads from the latest census re turns there are In the United States 40,789,007 persons over twenty-one yean ok). These an divided educationally about as follows;' Class 1. Without school train ing --—-4,689,408 Class 9. With only . common school training..82,862,591 Cl*** 8. With common and and . high school . training *«**...I. .9,166,857 Class 4. With ooUcgeor higher education added._1,071,201 ' Wi6*a WBo tn'Aitasrtcargtres s Hat at 8*000 psraems now living in the United States who have become famous lor some work of importance to tbs people of the country at large or of some considerable portion of It*, and on eflort kas been made to da tannins hod many of them 8,000 distinguished ertl—sbslong t6 such of tbesa classes. Ths 4,689,408 of class 1 furnish Ths 82.869,591 of darn 9 far-' ■1st.* i —... ■—......, 808 Ths 9,186,867 of class 8 famish —w—m »—.l,94o Th* 1,071,201 of class 4 fan nlsh...—..;...5,768 It thus appears: led- That an uneducated chfld has out tiiaacs in 160,000 of sttamiaig distinction as a fac tor In tbs progress of the age. Id. TSata common school education wQl increase bis chan m nearhr four times. 8J. Than a high school train* ing will increase tbs ebon res of ths wanes sshool boy twenty tines times, gtvtyg Mm eighty seven times tire chance ol the uneducated. 4th. Thai a college education increases tile chances ol tbs high school boy nine times, giving him 319 times the chnnoe^of the common school boy anymore than 800 times tbe chaocs of the untrained. Is it a so prising fact that of ; 7,863 •'Hotablee” thus gathered together 4,810 proved to be full graduate* of collegesT WM Te OenoeM It. - It’* the old story of "murder will oat" only in this can there’* no crime. A woman fool* run down, ha* backache or dyepop sia and think* it’* nothing and ' tries to hide it nntQ she finally breaks down. Don’t decwve you reelf Take Electric Bitters, at once. It bo* a reputation for curing Stomach, Liver and Kidney trouble* and will revivify your whole aystem. Tb# worst forme of those maladies will quickly yield to .the curative power of49ectrio Bitten. Only 80c, and guorn teed by. all Drag. giete ; STOCK-OWNERS i ■ * . «* 3 52pm 5Mam arAtUata. 1 “ 400pm T86am ar Aajaata.CaWC 640pm _ aTSacoa. C. ot Ua.-TiOpm lltftam ar Moatco^. Aa W I' ‘uiopm 435pm ar Mob IK La K 3 5.1 am JZ ar M«w OtiwaaLAH 735am _ *r NaahrlB*, urairt L 130am 8 BO pm arTamapBaT 41<">>»m 3 80 am NORTHWARD. » tt* b» Umnpb:A, »'r»»U 124A00p«a ArAtkras. - >B7wu 1128pm at Uramwovd, tlApa lUui ArChmmr, “ 717 M 41Aaa> !•»" iWiit*, 5 V iff pm Aolajb b» Wjlm6*%j«7^ gjppm ' -JL'-C. Hmlrt, “ 1040 pm ■ TV)»T) 301*2 TiSOpm *S3« Tiaim: BjSym:^ xi naltlmoia. p'arno —.—_7T^ by Mo*tk’o rta’au 1188pm V50am bv BaMjth, “ ■ 184 pm 1140 am bT Hradwaoa, “ 806am 110pm •by Norllaa, “ 345 am 155 pm by Paterabarc, “ 518am 40f pm \r HUbmoml; •• H85am 458pm Ar Waah’toa, w a ay 1010am 28«pm at Baltimore, m 1186am 1124pm' ar PhXTpbtM, e a a 184pm 246 pm at Saw Ynrb. p a a 418 pm1 030 aa> isdSrsJSTMsSfe.. <> u.vflmocut, . A pot. “MURESC01! ; TIATMflt MY MOW LAPS, PCAL II It*. .. , . nm to . . . Lombdtton Cotton Mill# ' Scotiand Cotton Millar AMD MANY OTHBR8. [i, For sale by McAIHeter . r Hardward Co:, Lumber hiburjr Kxoelnor Hard- 1 wa», Co., BennettarlDa, 8. C.. or at wbokaak by N.Jacobi Hardware Co. e* •. \, J mm*nm ^ifinnMHMiirA^ a