1.4*-^... ^ j - - frtis. 9* —aoy* Ol eftotkm and l**V weather not much pnv gy y* "»*• ftrt w in guttering crops. dsgssag ft A. Wataoa,u&d W.W. UcUirt ^-«WUSS!K srayris^sa They would give them ticket* and arrange them between their mss-ip sms: eame thw would go off ^ SSJ/ffiL. •»,&;£; ■hffro did not reeent it. ^ _h Wotaon suffered aeTMefo last week with a bofl on “■AwJ, but woe compctwatcd tybatogateyd Justice at the *wuee. it ft Esquire Watson SStSSiSft1* ol“ ”• *• WUtwnyut Matthews was nmntog some laud last week be , «a in u yellow jacket’s sett. it .Taaraaagyg nodhsnttiuaad on the tarrifl. At dinner ha explained it totha women at length. .After dinner » naard them in an animated ftftMw, bat ton ad they were JjMM^tba astths Lbatumibad. 'Mm Hearton Haatar and dilid rm risitad John’s Station this ■adr Messrs. J. D. JotfeaTj. B. 1 Tom want to OMUsatMl Belton, children of ! Mm WO! Jonsa^ sntartatoed a Mfta Hattft Orr ft speudlim mahtimawjth bar blotter, Ur. m Uir. TW i»bJw> crop* at this war hangtad^ed man, horta Ttw that worked aad wan Tfcar* wfll be man/ Mm Fannie Smith Is spending **"• **y r,tb h“r cowa^llSS BMMAB I ork. |*Wttl alSM at^Cslsdopi^ were pteelj. Tbe seal sad^tiVityof work* TheatUodaoee at our Union Baadsjr fetioollaM Bondav of flkoaawho could not go toCnle -a’sijaaar^BS !f». yytf* Brtinitr eome Cbristains era receiving light, Afcwcaanof fmrat 1WWL _Oauam. Rev. C O. DaBufe filie his ket (conference year) appointment at Kneads Groveth* Sto Sunday. AH on account of ISc bacon. w*ws reaches as of an to ter artfag “Possum hank” On last Thandav night several of our dtfawis deckled that they would defy the meat tract, so tbev ■allied fourth, nine persons strong, with four dogs, one axe and no gun. After walking through swamps and over log*, •to., about two hours, thev beard ooe of tbefr old hounds ■tike a trail; toeo the others all fcU in and such a time for about teu minutes when the dogs be gan to bay. Everybody went nght into toe thick swamp, with out regard to the way. The dogs had two 'possums treed up btg block gum's. About that time the moon went down and it begun to rain; still they kept cutting the tree. The rain be gain to poor, so our hunters hud to start. Now which wiyrf Lverybody knew but ouch point edu different direction, so with one accord they started, but soon everybody was lost. They began to get fully alarmed and wet, and culled a caucus. They toes made one supreme effort and succeeded in getting on high ground. They arrived home wet, but wiser men. Tho boys are ull sorry that Theodore Roosevelt was not along. 4fr. 0. R Duncan, hoe suggest ed that the next Good Roads meeting for Scotland county be held at Laurel Hill, more partic ularly at that heavy sand hill about X mile from town. AH hands to bring a above] and trv hie hand at actual experiment. * Wednesday night, the More House at the Richmond Cotton Mills was broken into. Money seemed to be the object, as the cosh drawer was broken down and opened. They suc ceeded in getting |10 or *15, eo wwhrar. The ettact was care folly planed and executed, show ing the econdreb to be artists in that line. The educational awakening is now an in full force. We art at last realising that universal edu cation Is anrreaaHy lor our peo pb, and also that hi our higher mstitntioue of learning we must pnpdnca the best ncholarehip and “Wsia libraries, laboratories, and gnat teachers must give scholarship %e chance.—Edwin Mims. CAsnrom a Ik Dai Ym kmSnfiitpt I I I I I I I I I ■P tk* tMatM Ttuy bum wood, BO ha ►*v?> *»1Entire Xo daagtr iffjovr plant* rrwwlag. Thor satwamjlH otter ttOTwi. and burn Ww» hwf J. L UOLLLAND. ■ ■ - ■ v • tr/fyun- t i — The Ihried Assortment f, of Goods I hare on baud should receive you attention. Our store hai never been bo com* plate, every shell is fall of good vaiuee. Nothing ever gets stale and musty. I sell them to fast. Everything has thqt new look, that erood teeh taste. To be good, grocerfss must be Mid thots the kind you nlAjA find.at . £ $. McDuffie. oppoMvfc post orncc. P. S. Anioellneofl’rokery , and Glassware going cheap. etttfM 09T SALE. Froa BOW util oar cottra tUttk of iSiddomt, wwotettw follow. i ‘ ' i of *1.60 Hum of *4 60 Himb. o**T.60: . nor ■Maf *10,( M of *1 7MS.00 1_ Mt of *17.6o UantbML Biidla apd al oth*r (food. In onr Ur* MkfMNdiirwl. CAROLINA HARRIS* CO. \ V. U BUNDY, Uium. AwbSi-s.-; GREETINGS „,_'*?u are hereby summoned to be and to appear before me, THE LEADING OUT ITTLR akd CLOTHIER, in an<l for the Connty of Scotland, ou such day and at such hour ue will euityonr oarliant convenience, to take testimony of facte, why I can furaieh with the jjreateat satisfaction, and at the lowest cost, such articles of apparel as you may stand in need of, vix: Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings, &c. 500 SUITS or FINK FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, asd 800 FAIRS of PANTS, that omit be eold with in the next 60 day. ”AUX> BRAND” SUITS, of the very beet fabric*, mode up to flt any niie naan, equal in every particular to any tailor-made unit coating $85, my price $18. I also have a line of the unis brand that I can sell at $7,113, cheap at $10. In fact the boet bargains In Clothing, at all prices —from the cheapest to the beet— that I have ever bod. Those who eoiuo first will get the best ( sdoctiona. MEN’S ANB BOYS OYEICOATS. This line has been shipped and will be in iny store in a few days. BOYS' ABO YOUTH'S CLOTHING la any style, qnality and price. Bring the hoys and have them droused up. Ton will be mu-prised to know how j email the cost will be. Don’t fail to call und examine this line before buy ing. I am prepared to fit the boys with a Hut, Cap, Pair of Shoe*, or any thing they need, at prices that cannot bo duplicated. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! I have one of the largest and most select stock of Shoe* ever shown in Lourinburg, at prices that will aston ish you. The famous “Zeigler’* Shoes for Ladies are beauties, and will oat wear anything yon can buy. And they don’t cost much either. My line of Trunks, Valises, Ac., is complete, and the prices as well as the (roods will please you. RATS! RATS! RATS! • I have every style of Hats that I is known to the public. A freeh uevr line just put on my shevtw nml it Is useless to say that they niuHt be sold. I lun marking thorn down 3G per cent, lower than you can buy the same Hat* 1 anywhere else. Come in and let mo prove this statement. HOSIERY AMO 9MDERWEAL Mo>cr More has my line of Hosiery aud Underwear been more complete. You cannot fail to get suited, and he pleased with the price. Come and look at my line. It te no trouble to show you through whethur you buy or not. SKIRTS1 4KIBTS SUITS! My line of Shirts will please yon, unices yon are very hard to suit, . Any style, any price and * all sixes Como along and make . your selection before the stock is 1 picked over. NECKWEAR, COLLARS, (IFF, AC. A beautiful line of un-hotfate Neckwear, Collars, CUB* Etc., is now ou exhibition at my store. Everything in the line of Oento’ Furnishing Goods oan be found here, and if you are a judge of ! goods you will never regret your visit here. Anyone wishing an up-to-date tailor-made suit is invited to call and examine the lurgo display of samples from the Globe Tailoring Co., Cincinnati; also Bchlom Bros. & Co.', of Baltimore. Correct measurements guaranteed.' w. w. WHITEHURST, THE CLOTHIER. * • - » . , Listen To What We Have For Breakfast. _ Breakfast Bacon, Oat Heal, Buckwheat, Grape Nut*, Cream 'of Wheat, Maple By nip. Force, Foetnm Cereal, Tapioca, Gold Band Harne, Mackerel Mullet*. FOR DINNER. -.-s i. Cheese, Maoearoni, Bweet and Irehpo tatoe*,' Tump* and Fruit* of all kinds. Canned Yegeta kinds. N’nlvob Peaches, Nabob Com, At moris Keystone Mince Meat; FOR SUPPER. Boast Beef, Lunch Ox Tongue, Sliced Gold •d Chicken and Tsrkey, veal Loaf, Book for pan cakes, with onr 100 p4r oent. ’* Soda Crackers and Waters. We are anticuplpag the pleasure of filling jour thanksgiving.... ORDM»Hb£«ta« cni Celery, Heeded Raietae, Clean Corrante, Cryetalixed Cftroto, Orange and Lemon, Pare Ex traewof all kind., Wult <>>1 as at SmKSmp^^hSJ^”000'”01 “d ”T")rtll,“« *m ■'::: mcuurin & shaw ::: awgw?l»»- BSS2J. .*•#tfci'jj** '* * ... ■{ * * v »• '/■ . ' / •’ »C t . SPECIAL SALE PRICES onr tub Largest Stock of Dress Goods ever '• Exhibited in Scotland County. , We hate got the goods in our store and they most be sold. Call and look at our stock and see for yourself the rariety we hare on our shelves, and then yon will know why we an making special prices. Too many goods and they must be sold. • - ■ , ^ Wo sredodng out a large lot of calicoes, from 8to _ A beautiful line of Sicilian Baiting, Sharkskin, Melrose Cheviot, Cashmeres, and Worsted Dress Goods. _: A large variety <d beautiful Flannel Shirt waist Goods, percales, JBtc. Large line of Drees Trtmings. ■** UTEST STYLES III NEHIWEU popular 111 -- Keep our rtore In your mind when yon are ia town looking for baigafna. JNO. F, MCNAIR, * . * - . t « r •

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