SS5* pCOTT & BOWWB, 409 Purl SC, N. Y. ALL OVER THE HOUSE. That M«tf MW be (aid to kora about it any •I the flavor of tba in term ting and mH oH yet e woman baa invest ed for bar own urn a quaint and in* rnaioaa method of that homely household rite that set* it upoo a pedmtal far tba time being. She baa arranged what aba aula f porta hi* ironing case, and it la aa abapia and aaeltd that it wight to be widely iHaaiwnlnatart for tbq-aee of those who must flit from room'to room ha tba muring season or who" awe e ball bedroom and a gas Jot And bo* many woman and girb bn perfectly w»U that unlasa they aaa bare the wee of aa iron occe* aianaBy their loan dry bide will ra up into a terrifying amount. TUI tbe ironing con all la made may. Tba first t bing necessary m tbs cam at tba persen h a aaat and order iy arrangameni of tha stocks and'aula and hnndkarchidk Sib* bona, if they could hart a bit of a pressing between lundt would ra new their youth, and stockings and Mies name in far their share of Mast hoarding places dUtlnctly my, "No ironing and washing af loawd.* Thi* is to stem the tide at raaog woman who would pal into tho ntebana of bonhomie or would monopolise the bathroom. Withe sat bowl or ordinary basis tbe tiny aaeh can be wrong oet and dried, wUluiMoUgbaa always bees the To mahe e earn purchase first of all a tittle sadiron, and yoa will find A Urn JetMset sort of company. It la the king pis of tba whole box and fat Jast two laabm long is tbe had. to to apeak. It is haaxpeoaira and has a remov able handle and is exactly like tba grown wp ifoa, only my small. The aaaond raqsWto is a stick of wax of by ef tho bnt knows gmdan - The third roqvdsita is a mwll bond such aa say ton east atom keeps for bread catting, sad the last k n aqnarw of (endpaper. These with a small traveler’* I test ing lamp complete tha outfit. Tba whale may be phmsd in a amaO wooden aUiwh box aai packed hi the tnmk along wkb tha ether need fuls for the toilet. b(W> Tm Cakaa. Wbae Tiaiting ia the boma of aa Rp irtblnroiaaa.1 had for taaeome •» tho ant doHiiaw to «*w t bar* erav teat ad. nha a wn> rniawdeat for tho Trdtoufr Heme Companion. She called them Eng Geh currant calm.' Tbo recipe ia aa foUewa; .Three copfab of Boor, a ptoeh of aalt. two heaping toaapooo taWof bakingpowder,ano-bal/cap fal of battar, ooa aad a half capful* of currant*, too table* poonfalt of flMly eboppad candied orange pool aad milk anongh to make a aoft dhagh. Mia all dry Ingredient* to gether, aaftaa batter, ud dripping md »mh wall late Soar; add milk aaongh to aaako aoft deogb aad roll Oaf to Sowed board Ul a hoot ona balf tooh thick; eat ia round* tho aba of « taa pin te, pat fa a grcasad tin and bake till light brown. When do*#, eat la two and epread tbiokly with better. Berra bat Tbaaa Hwdto dto£*eart£lr££d!" Tbo Garka and handle* of ebony brathae ahoald be rahhail oror with a my Httl* bailed 1famed oil after weeWag aad than rubbed with a •all daater till orety radar of aO wmSBmewEm ”” " Mrdnd ry litttoal*ghtlyl^btcl^d whttfag ebeaiid ha aped, #r K b apt to bare a noaty wtdta mark on taa weed, which h ratramaly gSfaah to taana la hraahiag the wbittag off after ckamtag be aaerfal oat to omteh tbo abtaf, for oaoa ecrateb adk b apaflof - ••Steening In • Thwndersteon. Two German aeronauts, Dr. U). A* t*d Mtnt scant Hiklobm ndt, re eoatly had a remarkablo oxperieao* la tae bear! ot a thunderstorm. They ascended from Tagel at 3 o'clock ta tha afternoon and, nam ing through a mist, came tathWnlj. Ate a thundercloud. Prom a height: of <U0 foot Uw balloon wan shot a aoila upward, and than a* suddenly it dropped half a mile. They nuke the cunoua statement that although they did aoT see the lightning they were deafened by the thunder, while pelted with rain, bail and fleet. The balloon leu pod end plunged so swift ly that at timaa the cur was so a level with the gue bog and tbe tow rope, was above their beads. After aliput half ea hour of this experi ence the baboon fell from a height of 7,300 feet, descending upon a thick wood of beeches, brioches of I which broke the fall aad saved the thee of the odveatorera. lawns Figures. Few people have aay idea of the enormity of tho insurance business of tbe Uaited Stolen. It not only •weeds that of any other country, but in twice as great aa that of all tha rest of tho world combined. At tha present time there is in tho United States about $13,000,000, 000 of life insurance in force, in cluding asamsmeat - basic ass, say* ledWs Weekly. This means over $180 for every man, woman and child in tha country, or $800 for ev ery family. Tbe annual risks writ ten by tbe fire insurance companies are estimated at $30,000,000, which la $390 per capita,’or $1,330 per family. Thus it will be seen that every family In the country on 'an average ha* inamranc* assets of over $3,000. _ • Maximum Vote* of Land. Tho maximum value* of land In tbe north Atlantic state* mire reached in I860, end the falling off during tha past doeade has been specially marked. In the south At lantic and south central state* farm values reached a high mark in 1880. The heavy drop of ten.yean later reflects the havoc of civil war. Sine* that lime the trend of values in these states has boon upward. In the west tha valnes have rapidly ad vanced. The only apparent excap tion H the last decade. Bat tho low er figures for 1900 am do* to tbe bis* amount of cheep land thrown °^«o to the public.—Mali in's stage Man*'tie* eieofca. The Eapmr itaaaiak, among hit athar hobb:e*^ uw-grcsi -internet, in eioeka. and several chronometer* . have recently been imported from SwitBjrtand by ICUg, buTSwJBiatP' viaer, which vary no more than tix aeeondt in two month*. Baa Ha kounan has also ordered ecromt eo rions mechanical dock* from Swiso Arms for prcaautation to tbc nagnt and th* empress. The most remark mbit of thorn is a. greet chiming dock to imitate that of St kfarga ret’a, Weetmintter, London. PMqr Hie. Oeteo. Kmaat Scton, whose atudka of animal life have delighted to many leaders, for twenty year* baa bean nating by word or aketeh ovary mall tan ka discovered. Among them are innomartbla footprint* of wild animal*, mid of which bo gives Mr*. Scton credit for obtaining. She ka* often gone into an anhufi cage fn the Kew York aeo and, with the keeper's aaatrfaena. cajoled the creator* into walking to and fro on light brown paper which wonld now its track*. Vary Uto a Ml • | In a Bloemfontein journal ap peara the fallowing notice: MARY MAC LANE MD A TIP. the little foible* of the young t«dy from Botte i to one which I* told br • former mo- • ret ary of fHmand Cltrenoe Mad man, who lunched wttb Uary Mac Lane at a downtown teeUerant re cently. After lanch rat over **n\ Meehan* taid to her friend: “Mo*-, you jut let me fix the tin the way 1 want.” Then llunr signaled the waiter and, producing a quarter, Mid blandly: "Walter, 111 metch you for the tip-* With a look of aatoaishmant on hi* face the waiter produced a quar ter and laid it down. Mary won. Then, with the tame calm air, tha continued: "Now I’ll match you for that quarter." VIeohankelly the wtosndod wait er deposited hw quarter. Again tha luck favored Mary, and the quietly pocketed the ooin. "You me. my deer," Mid ah* to bar companion, "we really do thing* batter in Butte.”—Mew York Times. cupboard for wa hour, and when they get a litO* angrier I’m going to play gorog into the lions' cage.— Sperc Mo menu. He Left. The Roamer—Would this town welcome a wabdcring minstrel? . Amber Pets—'Well, that would depend on he* soon he wandered.— Denver Nows._ a **Tut, tail You sre not going to fight r .. •• < "I ain't F Didn't jer Jcet hear him 'sail me er blamed aristocrat?** •—Lila What Is CASTOR IA Oateh Is m ksmloM mMitot* Aw Ontw oil* Am* RHto Dwpi Hi aooOUay Syrups. It is Pin wot It •ontslM neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Sereotto ■nteteeoe. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms •ai alleye Feverishness. It euros Dlsiriws end Wind OoNo. It relieves Teething Trochlea. cares Ooastlpatkm Md nstahaqr. - It nstnllstes the Food, regolatce the ItosiMtmd Boweh, giving healthy and natural dap i. ««aoiss CASTORIA always The Kind You Have Always Bought in Ueo For Over 30 Years. RHttNS TABtJLES Doctors find A Good Prescription For mankind '< _ viiifPi mnOA MktrMHn) wjiM>i»h(hmwi«'iiiyw>ai 9 - _ A . _ Ripens Tabu tea are a common tense, effectual cure (or dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn, headache, con stipation, dizziness sod all disorders of the stomach, Hver and bowels. They are intended for the use of ■ten, women and. children everywhere, and have proved beneficial in the majority of cases. It it not defined that they will perform miracles, but some of the cures which they have effected amount almost to that. Easy to take and prompt in' action, they have no rival as the best remedy for the every-day ills of namantcy, V 2 I ' To My Customers. I 1 hare juat received a new line ol shoes, stationery, crockery, tinware and groceries. I am p re paired to give you the low. e«t prices. Call and see me be fore yon buy etowbere. *********** D. I WEIGH. “MURESCOU THAT DOES NOT 810W LAW, KAL «| MB. TIKPEB TO Lumberton Cotton Mills Scotland Cotton Mills, ANl) MANY OTHERS. For sale by McAllister Hard ward Co., Lumber ton; J. W. Carter, Max ton; J. D. Sanford, Laur inburg: Excdsor Hard ware, Co., Bennett* ville, S. C., or at wholesale by N. Jacobi Hardware Co. SEABOARD Aim Ioms Railway DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Mini lei Tart, Tup, ItluU lev Wail ud Potato Soitl ud Volt. IN EEi'ROT APRIL 18th, 1008. SOUTHWARD.

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