The La r VfL’.i^] LAURINBURG, N. C., THUB8DAY MOBNINQ, DECEMBER 11, lfrQfl. wonumuL mm T\B. C. W. REGAN, - ** DKN'ABT. »nr rUia l>nx ft tor*. 'PWowa No. 87. HR. W. T. BfCRNDOiV, ' " DIKT1BT. ucninon, a. c. Mm * BWa Dim Moca. OMi^ho—.Ho 85; ,«4a..«rNo. 71 jf C. McNEILL. ' ‘ »• attorrry at law. t LACMJTBUM, B. ft J \WWAN, ' BAHRKR. KW7*Hl orar; *lrr~T rlow aaarlea. MAXCT I.. JOHN. attubnry at law. Wu. uoaicLU • ATTOHNBY AT LAW, OjBo» lo Court Hum. (Mtltttai-Joa W**o to OB b*ml toHaaa —truaftA to WJ. MATTHRWB, » • OKFtCJAL _ AURYBY BB TOR BCOTLAVD COUNTY, RfrRKTON, X.O. iMkpnoptli MinM to. NOTICE! ^Ot rtow bhrlht Ibpalr o< B*o0n not noEiNfl a mauin. V* haw oar Oak aed Utcfcor? ‘ f||-f k—|-|k> fcaat tlMkar—Uoa ol tfcaEft*. Ta* «■ ahraja Co4 a trat ika Ut mb aed pBrtf 4 «rwk'bu, M ym m work wltfcoa* wahte* mj WM b^al kMi y o|l ton* Iroa *t OlakiyfcBBaHatfm. T. II. BLAND* SON. H. T. HOBMAOAY. r in b«. Ptefcj ol 18,000 bUI-poeU aday. The women ' and boy* who do the work get •ixtetq cent* for tea hoar*. y C ‘ . That glace e*o be dieaaad b °®a'of the latest and moot Wlart Uagof-di»ooe*riM it ha* been feoind la England that aonve of. thegiaaa la the window of York ('athedral, which U Ac^tUx&h #Krp&S&K.*S the. hop* at airertiog thin ••»»•*■*■ B, which if **cribed,to o fcwgu*, portion* of the giv.-** hare been removed. \ _-_^ » . • . Xw., Dw. 7.—ITipib portloiM of boundary lines of to* State of Texas an in dispats, Uli?HLH^itS^c in tbs State Cwd of work wxfer th* of WH. requir ed tb* Interior «o ’toS'll and rath1 ■ tunas tbs ni oi TSxta,- frost •o«»y. ltw2Hu5deS!S* that tbs tarn lias- &)nlf> gW* Tssas a strip 0# sUbV njUnlftf •bft - Indian Tenltory, bat th* report makes tbs start fcycafnlatk* aad fixes tbs 4 strip at land three.. forth* of'a sail* vide, te&Jag ofl that wnoh • - ***• °* Lipscomb, Jfawpw*» Wheeler, ■ Coiling*, worth and . ChlMns* oormtiee, atMUfataefUfi MUe**** ofn^OOascM, Which has wV [tappers qf 2g£2iZt2i!iLE£Z WsOStSaOt^JC ■Vl’lQIa MldJqtai^b* bad. as ■MmMmsm m *» to b* wsrbsd, Wm.n.M Mur T«fc TP. Wm Is U1 Indianapolis, Doe. 6.—Editor Jennings took the w itness stand today in hie suit for f100,000 damages against prominent eftiseoa of floletn, In which he charges whiteeapping and libel, and his story of his perseontiog, though told without auy dramat ic pose or other means to make it Impressive, was one of the most sensational ever Iward in a court room. ; He began by saying that he was educated at a university, travelled in Korops and took a paet-gradu ate course in a Ger man institution, returning to this country, and after teaching school awhile, he purchased the Democrat, a weekly paper at Salem. He soon found that the country wrs governed by a ring, and that all the wealthy influen. tial people were iwttted to each other by marrts#» and raa the county prsttyMfSh as they P^Mflwths offices being handed sbpol bin 16 Urn other and si) the badness being done by the sssmbers of the ring. He believ ed this state of affaire was detri mental to the beet interests of the people as awboleaud be«tsr ted in to break up the ring. Then the persecutions against him began; the merchants and other businee m*u withdrew their advertising patronage; reports P* brutality to his wile and chil dren were circulated; atteuips were made to injure his credit; he was expelled from the Masonic' fraternity on talas charges dud 15sdafdV THf the Piedmont Table Company. For seven years he had .labored bard and hnd manngwl to accumulate out of hie earnings about 9600, which he kept in the Vrgy of bii; trunk, and whidh bo hadeonatad and recounted from the -fleet, os the pile grew larger, thinking of happier days when hfc money would buy him slot sad build a little house, thereon for he and his wile, where they would live tree from rents and ~r lotto Hone from landlords. But thank hap py dreams ore of the past, for Joe, in a moment of deieriura, dtetroyed the money. _ f Washington, I*. C.' bee. 7.— This nforniojf at 1 o’clock ttrads SSSSukS e* * S?,nu,r *&'%*"*"* wmi by WUUe* Bails/ orertumiog wa oflstove, wbioh exploded. Balky it la said, was intoxicated juod coaid apt wsks his .assay aod was burned to dsatk. Mis body wa» aimoat uarsoognuabie. ... Tbs steamer* Shiloh HadSehroa on tbs railway lor rape**, narrowly escap'd. .destruction. Tbs dm broke* put V>kss morning about 10' q’ciooh and gaswarog •d with* two ajreai* aad grays da«>>yiy»a,—d ai to the «<*r**»: »*»•** aa 41m mammoth grr Mo rTitr“M1L whan $100,000 »- "* ]hb», ty waa dmaroyfl*” * * *~* - DU To* Sms F«r o’clock ip- hie opart meat in tb* Arlington Hotel. The immediate , cane* at death woe amnia. ;• ' I KtahMOKMIAr4 0oM». J Report of Clerk Super ior Court OEFICECLBRK BUPKKIOB COURT, DEC. 1, 1009. To flnlnnan Board Gonai*. rioonu. Woof land oouubr, N. a I rnpeetiru^jr rvporfe tha ini. Ooroan, mu 1001. Thoa. J. Ottiaon wfanun wba» T. B. WrightBbarif vhol* D. L.JuekaoaU.tLwhofa woo................. ••»........... 00 W. L Ermtt witnan •fade fan- B 10 Nomtua, 1001. M. B. Bnrk witnan wbofa ' faw*...w.M«.»......«. 9 90 8otUra* Graham witom _ wnofa faau..................... 1 10 Ifarrfak Da rid witnan wbofa fan.____ 1 in kUaw, 22, IMS. BmiwlaUaaU. Blu», Jr., ComndMontr for tr,'Tntt_ al«mvV Lb_ tausue hm Ewwett dark-770 94 EU Smith Guardian of Robeaou Smith, * tin.--- 99 85 Mam, tum 1002. W. L Btmttl OaL emL 1 80 Aran, rune, 180f.. WmaoaOibooa wfteaaaX ■ «08 CLDnSn D.8. arfeob a K. hmmm mitmmm aboWlaea.—W.._ 1 80 NoramaaTUM*. 1M9. Jin Mtlaiuh Tiltiaaa 1 to IHck WafttwHaaaaahuS ahola (mb...._ 8 in K. u. « a • Hu i r " •' jrhotefcaa....-. 8 10 W«. McNaiU arhofa baa— 4 00 J.C. Uaao.CoM. teUaO. Partition_.__8 85 4'^ .» Land Pent for »-fanU Jbm Cck, Chaa Vox aa4 J. W. Cox_10 18 MOUTH gJ^OLQCai Q,~lTrrrCbrkNcton) Oak Bupaaior Court of aald eounty be&tdoljruaoira aajratfc* lore ts^mstessfi Bmwa and aabaertbad balora roathia lat darof Dae. IMA O. H. MiailhJ. B«. of Daada Ex^oSoio OartTto Hoard Co. Com. «xt, my bead, (mud ahoaioars •m om tauaa of niiiaadhm aukeelnbon* Hadj^/bwi tug, itcliing, aoabby akin, waa afi rua down and diacour^ad, bat Bouuric Blood Balm cared me pwfcclly, haalad afi the aorea WOon tMd my htata." (km. A. SWBf-jsaSaa boot pntpa, JSBfr akla comd perfaatly by Botanic Blood Balm obatinate oaaaa that have i aaiih ad tba third etaga. ^,rw troobbaad Mnhmdteal advise Amt in eealtfflrttar. " , F°"\r*» Hr w. BA "Wp#. ^ mancwmijML^ me jpra '«