THE EXCHANGE. W*UM» nur m-MMT . UkDaUiflJlUiTN.C. VEft.*. 100-1 v PENNY COLUMN. **» 0oum» roa it wm t*. Ti«*" »«• BiW Ml CBTF A WOtt, OAW «m oukl Ho Aovittmum ***** roi Lm mi 10 am. FOK E&HT.-Tbt M. J. ttdwtrd. i^jgHto IST^U. KVauK«TONWrci’' otVImUooomtormt by Mta Mary Nitar, * Trnrj’m Uanlm Mi ahnhlot joatamial at BwrfiaTiit,i 'aiattte '* Ci»ckM»)mt ««ai» < TwaV‘ lili a paekaJj^T at'thi TalmMam ha cm mat to oat dollar aadahal.Prtam A TUmc._ _ wo'i Dm Mon ^Hm^aiy wr Had Oonba.«Tl Codtat aad Oukata at all orlaoa at _ a a Laa’a. _ laadioth’a Oardao Bmda aad Oaloa Hawjoatmalmdtrmhct Klaid’. Dm* i«cailatosrtadltfar yoa. at tka Uafcary. aod whtu llk— aad Harij ■wd l'otatoaa at Mf-Nait*. K«r a food tootb-Uraab go to KW«1'« l>tSf fHora. U lor Um udCMUu. Yatartiart art -Ho tfclnf." w» kan tka Kaa—Prluaa A Una Niaa Hat of vatcbaa aal Silverware i« m mtltid lir w. L. Made. liaiw, Hoar. bar.~ Hardware aad Uoaao areaptflohlltfea a* MeXaire. tlat it Hat fat a TalaotBa. TMa —taa 700— l»rt tea k Uea. ilWHkaa boarktat Ylala'e Pro* Wawamititiiiid to ft. , _JUuBm aad tk dWU'tn»» the rt— p.wt ,, to Ike bfcat, at S K. Laa'a Vakatioaa. .re Bare poaelwr' todaj tkaa w«r tadow Prinoa k ibo*. •MCIV BHCVITlKIk. Mr. D. C. McNeill has A change of advertisement in today’s pa V*» Mr H. W. Malloy, of Wilinlng ton. spent Sunday burs with his family. Ur. W. T. Wright, of Gibson, was a pleasant Eunuson caller Saturday. Mr. Ed. Covington, of McColl, 8.C., «pent Sunday with his brother, Mr. H. EL Covington. Miss Maggie Covington, of Bonkingham, Is visiting the hun My of bw brother, Ur. 1L H. Covington. Mrs. N. L. Henderson, after spending some time with beri ■ 'mother, Mr*. Kate Thomas, and her Meter, Mrs. J. D. Shaw, Jr., wtamsd home In Charlotte last Hewn. McLourin & Shaw bars purchased a handsome new de li very wagon. Ur. and His. A. A. James will occupy the residence on church street recently vacated by Prof. F./. Wyd*. taat Thursday January 39, la llobeaon county, near Hratich Yills, at the reaideuce of the bride’s father, Ur. N. A. UcPhaul and Hits Ada Ucl^eau were hap pily married, Her. A- N. Fergu son officiating. Mrs. H. W. Malloy, who has been In Daosvtlle, N. Y., at the Jackson Sanitarium since Sep tember, returned borne Friday morning, accompanied by her ■•■ter Hba Effls McTtae. Her numerous friends here will bo de lighted to know that her health hoe greatly improved. Mr*. P. ll. Mangum, of McColl, died Friday night about 3 o’clock, of apoplexy, and waa buried Saturday evening in the Fletcher burying ground near Pine Grove. Mr*. Mangum was a daughter uf the late Ur. Nelson Gibson, and waa about 40 yean of age. She leaves a large circle of relatives* Un D. C. McNeill and children who went to Marion county, 8. C., lost summer to spend a low weeks with relatives, but who were detained for several months on account of the ill health of Hit. JJcNeid. returned home Mouduy night. Mm. McNeill’s lather, Mr. McCall, nocompained them home. Tlw little booklets giving in structions on tobacco raising have beau received, and can be bad free ol charge by calling at J. F. McNair’s store. Tho in •tractions am very thorougn aud are 01 value to any one contemplating entering to bacco culture. Cull aud get one. Tobueco esed cuu also be bud bee ol charge. We aie requested to say that the road supervisors lor William rous township will meet at Mr. Wm. F. Gibson’s rssldunoe Sat urday morning at 9o’clock. Al so Mr. J. H. J^ee, secretary of the hoard o f supervisors for Laurel Mill township, requests ns to state that hie board will meet a t Laurel UU1 Sat urday morning at U odoek, and that all overseer* ore urged to put their roads in good order and report at this meeting. In fact a* believe that Saturday is the day for all the supervisor* in the meet. Capt, A. J. Caseedav, of tbe 8. A. L., was bare Friday com pleting arrangement* for put ting tn a aide-track on llr. R. It Covington's farm east of have, for tb# convenience of Mr. Cov ington and Mr. Rod McRae, who are going Into tbe watermelon and cafcetonpe bnslneaa oh aa extensive scale. We understand that Mr. Qoviqgton win plant about 180 acceat hie brother IL O. Covington, about 80 aoree; and Mr. Rod McRae about 40 new*. We aleo hear that Mr. J. P. McRae and Mr. 1). W. Hasty viU go Into tbe melon baatoese Mr. Matbla will plant about Mm same number of aerea aa he did last year. Quiet a serious accident, Which proved to be almost a fatal one lor Haury Jackson, a'oolored car penter, happaoed at tbe county home Friday evening. The frame of pot of tbe hoik} toga had been blown out of shape by the heavy wmd and Mr.-J. E. Phillips. Um contractor, decided that the beet aad easiest way out of his trouble would be to tear it down completely and commence again at tbe storting point. Jaekaorf was on the top of the frame tear ingloom some pieces when the thing gave way aad same to the ground, about _* "of timber falling Bead Mr. J. F. McNair's mam, mouth ad. an this page. Mr*. It. Bethea, of Lattn.8. C., U hers on a visit to her sister Mrs. W. H. Southerland. Misses Lillie Oill and Lixsie Dowdy ore in Lake City, 8.0, visiting Mrs. W. E. .-sr trance. The lad ice of the Daptiet church * ill give an ice creaiu and oyster copper iooneaf the vacant etoree on Main street next Wednesday night. After along fight for the Un ited Suttee 8enatorship Hon. Lee 8. Overman, of Bowan oounty, erne elected last Friday to suc ceed Senator J. C. Pritchard, by a vote of 188 to 31. Mr. Over man lea man of onqueetiooed ability and le wed fitted aad qualified to represent North Carolina with honor to himself and to her people. We are requeeted to aay that in the future Her, H. (1. Ken drick’• regular appointment* in the Laurlnburg church will be •Tory second and fourth Sunday morning and evening, giving thie church two whole doye hi every month. He will preach in the Qibeon cbercfa next Sunday afternoon at 8:80 o’clock. Edward L. Utley, under 20 years eeoteope for killing Hotel LSerk Hollingsworth ofFayett rllle,eeoapedfrou jail Monday night, rfls follow prisoners wni searched Tuesday morning, aod it wae found that every one had money the amount* ranging from *10 to *60. The Cumber land county commissioners offer *400 reward for the recapture of Utley und the Bbenff offers *300 additonaL It k said that Utley is worth *40,000 m his own name. Mrs. J. II. McNeill, of Old Hun dned, tbit oountr, died Bunder night about 0 o'clock, and wee buried in the family grave yard Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, uev.1 A. N. Ferguson oondocthur the funeral service. Mrs. Me Ned wae a devoted Cbrietoin, a mem ber ol tbe Presbyterian church, sad was highly esteemed by all who knew her. She is survived by her husband and four child ren, and a host of other rel*. tires. 8be wae about 41 years o(age.' * • j__ > TtoM OMMi to MmL Mr.J.r. Gibeon, president of tbe Scotland County Tobacco Grower* Association, requests as to say that titer* will lie aa im portant Westing of tbe associa tion In Field* Hall Saturday morning, January 17, at 1040 o’clock. Tbe main object of tbie meeting is to ascertain as aear aa possible tbe exact number of acres aI tobacco that will be planted in tbe nearly territory this year. It is very important that tbe association should keep In close touch with every acre, and you will simply be doing yourietf a valuable service by being preatat. H it ebonld hap pen that you osonot possibly be here your*etf just write your number of acres on a alipat pa par, aigu your name, and hand It to some oae who will bring it. Several important - matters wWbedMoueeed at tbia meeting. BEST YET I ! JUST ABR1TED. ************ A few of tbs nicest . moles I have had this . season. They are not cheap. . This kind never were and never will be. Will eell close in order to dose out. - Ootne and look lor yourself. ******y*^**** Respectfully, W.DflB. McEachin, . • -▼* • The board of county ooenmls aioners met iu regular menthly —eelan Monday; present, Meeen*. AJpx. Jones s»d y. U. OUieun, ■od J. A. McKay, oh airman. In addition to the usual rou tins business tbs board dhcpes ed the matter of budding the bridge over Drowning Creek (Lumber River) on the line. be tween Scotland and Robeson. It was understood Bpbwotf has agreed to furnish 9800 to. wards buUdlng ths bridge, and It is eotisMtsd that about 9600 will be required. At tbe meeting Monday our commlsBoaiw agreed that Beotland would pay bar proportional part of the whole amount, which would- be one-flftb, our population being about oue-flfth of that of Robe eon. Tbe balance will be ruined bv private subecripton. The follow teg is a list of tbe Jurors drawn to serve at the spring term of rival oourt^Qfatt eonveheeoo Monday, March jDth: Henry Parmer, P. P. TUftprt, A. K. 8haw, Geo. W. GoWryo, Steven Heeeonee, Augue Peirley, J. B. Currie, A. A. McNeill, Jno. Barrington, J. A. Msdlta. A. P. Fletcher. J^C. Mason, Mj T. Mo Oregor, J^^forbte, 'Duncan R*9benw>—“. IfaNeill aod Harvey LeoRr. lHtfttai baviaK lot*. ctmrnem lor Mia via *> wall tea MOL Wo WaOlalra mat imcicm>x 1-16-tf. for •Pf* I rc THE BIGGEST LINE - ' 1 or—. . . i BOYS CLOTHING EVER OPENED IN LAUltlNRURfrl J (GRINDSTONE) ) BRAND ■ * «»Mlim THUT WOU.WOWT. , WE SOLICIT TCUE TEAD&fiT i THE AS IN ALL oioum RESPECTFULLY, I. F. McNAIR. RpraxTOM mat , Bev. EL 0. Kendrick preached *4good eennoa to a huge cos* kregptioe at Spring* .Hfll Son day. it le unfortunate that oonntry people do not hsTneooM way of regulating their time piec e eo that they will ran together. We notice people coming in «vory tow minntaa daring awvi nee, and eereral of the Monday ffeimot touche* did not arrive nuSTthe mmbtom were *hImoet over. Better move yo«r dodo bp brethren—don't be no elow. Mwe Louiee Font wna thegoeet of Mimea Fannie nod Katie Mc Millan from Friday utM San day. Wehopehervfafe to oar eommslw d©we>iei* vfl beam The Literary Club of Bay View School met last Friday erecting at the home of Mr. Duneaa Mf NeflTa. 0»L Pickett,, of Alteon, wae making a tour of the neighbor hood aa book igeet laefc weak. We take ydsooms la rnnwil tog hie book. It towel worth* dolor. mock for temperance tegtslatkm in Scotland Co. We hare never known tv wave of enthusiasm for tenperaace sweep over the state ee we are vrltnesting right now. Finest Line Fancy Groceries saasassssin Laurinbufgzzzzzzzzi ... ***!«*» *h*ji.w wish to talk to you about this week. Her* are eomeof theartjefee we have to ofcr. Bead the list carefully, note 1 prices andqnnHty and see if yon can match them in town. ,jy SnflgfeTOfr ca SiVS?SSS& -“■Heizw’e Tomato Keteh-up, Hein*’* loom Picklea in kan.nrStMd sour, Candied Cherries, Stuffed OMves. Breakfast GeraS/*Jf Usd*. J?*b P°*» Lard, Royal Roar, Graham Flour mad Country BTOuud Meal. Mountain Buckwheat, Apple Batter, Leapt’* greeervea Dameone and Appricots, Leggetts Premier 1 lb. package of A FRESH CASE OF THE CELEBRATED BOTSTEK’8 "■■■BmcAHDT JUST ofehed. manmam waA» fresh and prices ate reasonable. Call to see oa < orders over phone, No. 48. Goods delivered promptly charge,* • ^ ..7 McLAURIN & SHAW. A