£ • ■ ff^T ^ISSSS the leadere u< thto paper are al to favor of the -:MWk>abilL Wehope eoa* may nh Wo want to make tbto ' ilnip ill i i Thto to oae time that orory awof yon may do ‘ anuthfafc to Mp the temper nice pie. Bit dowa and write the Am who tepreewto yoa to f lagUtototoTaaB aA them •* their eapport to thto ...loom. It vffi coot yoa oaly too oenfta in money aad a too tninatM fat tinjH, and if enough of there tottoao am wrfttea it will £ee»e the day. Potitinniui are itotfatop ait the time for wuer: <■: *mm the U t a*, all auto a litttc. S9V. If every body leavoe :«* pot for eowhody dee of cowee nothing «» be done. X«ro tottwe are worth twtoe oa not that w*"* •now, if^rwy; to Xorth j 8 i ■ i MBj, or for e MHO, bat a pyrene Bietoe etowa row voted, or lor owwi yoa mm mm mmm, not ^^VMtheaeme, _jjjftjjS FOR THE LITTLE ONES. No. a NMri Hay Make a IHMar ana l.ian ta Brawl TM iffwtw k »o rirapte Out nr Ur ti mmage ingenuity mi mhaii. Tube half iacb strips of Hf htrahot wood ad make a frame 6 inchoa in width by 8 inches to k# and boro MM to the frame all around tWfeur lidos one! ■task apart IMh the hoiee with rrtf Majrhoorwith linen thread, eao bach eqoare. To one ride of the f»—, hafthfil^ tmfmm | null i jItM o£ vood htTUiff s Milan inoh wide and deop neat tbo Make a atrip half an fiaah aaraaiu I to slide in X a lot and letTbl about thirty Inches long, (to act aad- of (ha atrip, at right angiet, fata a piece of tin half an inch [ aide aad ran and a half ineha iou& | With a hols about the riaa of a pin I hood in tha upper end. It is batter | to paint the tin black, ao as to jto fl«r wh a ilraplc tripod by wir lag three Ufa to. dnufapiaMof wood, through which ton a tola to altar (to nun to man u> aad ton, to —aai of a rod to which It la attorned A wedge or a set aerow mmt to used to heMtto rod in plaee. * To an the mantes Ant lay off tto paper oa which you is tend to frame, ■airing tha line, quite faint. AA|—t tto tripod ao a* to bring the frame at the hlight ad yoar aye took through tto peephole ta 4a tto atrip to sat tto pnptr view at tto sane ta to attached, moving tha frame hock aad tartly m^moy Jbe Is dirtied into forty-eight aqaarse, thaMtoibeing olaarly ■anraii by tha aato ta tto ftoaaa. Begin at tha eppar left head corner of your paper aad outline to each square wtiat yaw an la tha oorreaponding mm ad tto frame. Warn tto mb setae baa bean nafliaad that, ahada tha ahtnri aa toat two can, oaths wood; than with atroaarpm notion suddenly, oa tto rota, and it - xprfttovioUn.Ha fffl^hy only aatodaiim die A UTTLE NOMSEWSE. Hm • Uttle Omi W Mnr faM la a Carta* Leeaftty. The Judge, the sheriff, the coroner •ad the chief at polk* of Dcd Gulch were enjoying a little game of poker. The pot wm Inga, and there m cooeiueraUc excitement The judge callcd^tho ebaziff, who caenelly rc "I hold her aeea. What do row hour . . "I hold a howto knife,” promptly returned Gw Judge a* ha marcetred • fifth ace la hia own hand. "And I hold ■ gunF exclaimed the chief of police aa ha realised that ho wne not entirely deetitute of •ate himself. TT The eoraaar quickly dirad under the table and waited. Presently whan the smoke of battle bad been shared away ha crawled ont. "I hold to inquest,” ha comment ed, “and I guaaa that takas the pot.” —Chicago that •a Rada *t Her. ■ - - - ' "Remarkable, but aometiines the greatest foota Hava tha moat beauti ful wime." Tan flatterer!" fln» AM to the Jt*a* Tear up photograph of tha faitb laaa creature. Figura up ha* much aba wna eorting you anyway. Bora up bar loro letter*. Reflect upon bar numeroua faults, including uu alwaya evuWnt lack of good jpdg ment If everything eke fail*, why, Jam forget her I—Syracuse Herald. - f|iu„l, . * »« twnwiiPi •jmpuut/. Footpad Hold up yeur bandit Belated l’edmiriin—All right, but before aaaiwbiug me I may aa well tall you that I met my wife down town this afternoon— Footpad—Bey bo more, penL I’m a married maa myself. Here's a News. , • _ m Omnapah and aaBoar and tha otherbnh hod nay, Whom* the difereuca? She jrho in bloaUhg with health aaea Dr. Khar's Kew LifeTjfie to train. rll^erticmaod lSui affcLtipL Hon. Try them. Only 95o, at aO Oroggiata. . PI -„-- - A LITTLE N0NSEW8E, ru« ml WH Oleoma Freta * Windy CUy Jm (mi Bigg* Did old Crowells leorehia wife w*U off when h* died? Diggp—Bettor tH, I imagine. Wlaem—Dow year wife (it op for you wbea you or* out laicf Miawn Not much. 8h« ley* for Boms (stopping ecqoeinUacw)— I eay, old man. 1st me fire you a pointer I— KaaWB (Wealing away)—Don’t want it; bo place to keep a doc. Don’t tike dogs anyway. Cltiaui (of BuatisTitlr)—I under stand he in a tragedian. This town will only stand for comedy. Advance Agent—Vdl, it is a ceza ady to saa bin play tragedy. Pat—Oi congratulate yea, Hoik. It’s a fatbar Oi bear yes do be. Meih—8uro, an’ it’s two fdthan Oi’m afther bain'. It’s twins, b’gor ^ — Yoaagua—llow much a year dom ft Mali* for the support « a wifaf AKsS—AnyVWo from $300 to **Voungun—Can’t yon give ssa something more deGnitef Oldnp—Yw; all tba husband baa. —Chicago Kewa. MILS. U S. ADAMS. WIHE—CABPttl CASTORIA The Kind You Havo Always Bought | Thirty Years j CASTORIA W»a*i>o •»nnw. Mtuaaaeia TABULES Doctors find A Good Prescription For mankind One gives reli^K SEABOARD Air Lunt Raumv DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, N<*« Orieauemid Points South and West. HfcfflC. BtYcMiti, 23,1138. SOUTHWARD. Bette M LeBMfVMA.f RB IM&pn l»lo2a : imz LrieSllcall.SAL7lesTpa Mil* pa Lt t'aatab'ip 8 A L ll*Opa flUpa Lr Sortiu. . UUa »lHpa Lt MwAnia, “ IMaa 41 pa Lt JteMafc. 416aa DUpa I.TSatfi’a AlAaa SOOpa Lt HaaWt, T»«a tUpa Lt IXaaHa. 1 “ lepftaa 1840«a ArRTiaiL “ es&pa tUaa Ar JackaMTflfe, " TOMpa H}w ArfcAapaaUaa! " r IlMaa a>'leaps, lt XaarT’k STraat 1 BAaa_pa lt 1-HUVSa. - 1414 aa I HI pa L»Vn» I k.a nMllil RWlpn_ LTUi.t’a^sIHV. TTBgpS LT UTij', - LThuruYatavALaj r, ~ LT ViMou, LT NortiWL _ ____ LT lloSamai, " J8*am IMpa ■.TNolHek. 41Baa S4»pa LT H airl. " TIOmii >4*pa vJ WISm'jrtww, " <«>pw AtliSartoUa. lo»3ao. UHtapa LT llwwr. “ 1«M>a IlMaa LT tiirmamod. “ ISHTpai IlMaa i.t AtJt*a», HftXpa.ftMaa at Atlaala. t “ AMipa IMa at Aupaac,, l!a * C Stupi» at"liatma,C. tiOa. TsUpa IlMaa at kfont«t>'», A * ♦ h tt'JUpa Ittps at MaSUr. L A N . tiAaa _ZZ at Near OrWaa«L4 X T 86 aa___ at KaAhvBW.acaaU. HH»aa 4*6 pm. at Mrapkh, ' iii,,. k8»»aa, NORTHWARD. Ku. M No. M i.t IJjjgp NOOpa LT^aakTjNr. Lt _\k» OiWut, Ltt ilcpm ™. lt MoMW, La N l*4llaa _ LT*!* 'tpOB’ftAWP »i»M 1 oops I.T Ms-oaTTTufAjL NOUas 4 VO pm LT~Aari«ta. Ck ITuTL.fl >s ZZTZ lt Atlanta, t ■ A lay 13i>0bmb NOOpa atAUbm. - X87pa imps AT U two wood, ** S It pa IMas AT ttwtw, “ 717 PM 4 lias I.T 7*a^wtti\ “ f*T PM 801 aa ..7wti£ti*ton, •—»aspir~zrzz LT Ham 1*4. “ 1040pm "Ttfam LT a^ViPfci”- ir*i£a »44am i.t KaMpk. - Ulaa 11 Was LT Ha4s oa, “ lOlas USOpa lt Norfloa. - • 50 am 1 4sfm LT Wrlrtoa. A00am XOOata. lt 1‘oramniik- 71»aa SUm at Waal’loan aw km «Ma uliilCmnipiT_♦ A 80 as at Amt T’k. ( D*aoa —„_4 AM pa ATl'tt pUa.-YrA.* IMpa Il6» A» Ktw York - ■ 8IIpa »Na -TCB KU LT Taapa. a a L NT 8 00pa OOOaa £7044®^-TAOaa >«a lt Jakarta?, a htiimm TMpa LT HaraaaaA. - 140pa l»10ra lt Cotasbia, J “ ■ 7 01 pa MOaa LT Hanoi*, •« 1040pa IMa l.Tflo’th'a Pta’#“ 1188 pa IMa lt IlaWrk. “ IMpa lllMaa lt Haaaoa, ~* x or. am 1 lOpa »Mk “ 04ftaa IMpa lt PilaAui, “ Ilia 407pa AT WrbmoaJ, - Ilia 4Mpa at Waak'koa. w a ay lOlOaa IMpa at Baltlaon, r a ■ 1181am 11 *4pa lag O. M. WHimiCU), .. ' • - ** I *•' “MURESCO.lt . f ’ I » * ■ LAW, nil OR ROT. RKtKB TO Lumberton Cotton MB* Scotland Cotton Milk, AND MANY OTHK1IH. ^ tonr