THE EXCHANGE. pt'uuaKcn «*nr ni/Mii .-AI'CUNBOKW, N.C. MAIL IS. 1004. »£NWY COLUMN. . .•>« iin.u«» ruM rr will in you Kavan orr estrr a wimui, "«* OHPNIL No illlWnWMUT T -'*■* MON LAM TSAR U» UNITY*. l.RtriltoNNA Vtm’m U»r>W Hwis t«mwl Nl Krsrtirt—’n. _C«nm to XrwUgNio,'. Drt* sun, S5S5SS ky twpropw flttod ftim OnNiphNi MKAtNMi ol PaUa Unaakw *» rrtow A BWn. f*jjii*r ■»» IUnoI Cowl*, w. L. JQo to Print* 4 bins’* lot NMBmE ij^ta* NNd WnB hirio NtJ. p. Ban S&. (%E* stotolitwlYrikwkU KWidiDro* i ^ Fkpt Bru*b jou’t* bmm lookiac for At Yrimcm 4 «—»«._ ,#otM*r^fc r>to yw, MmImS watobaa ud Nwwm kstiwlwdhw.L nS,™ ~U4 et BtowWM, no m>b—, Cb«i aa, ata.—atJ. p. ^ Paiat yoar hcM« j An a^MtUw* bought at FWi Diet B*ot» an faaraataadta ll . OotoJ.D.Haoferd (or Uaraaoo tba bwt WaU Ktato mada. *o r» wlih lv at l*Hne» a Bb« «. Anothercnr form and extra henvy Saw Mil) Moira, also a few Ilk* driving ho rare Just received. _. L. Weill. Come to my stable* for extra doe Horses and Mules, ii Well'. BREEZY BREVITIES. Mr. Clyde CaJhpun, of Clio, 8. (L, visited his uncle, Mr. Duncan MeCormnc. Mr. A. P, McLean, of Lumber, ton, spent Buaday bars with his mother. Mr. 1*0 Cameron, of Bocking? famg; sprat Meedey- hr-tomr with nis father, Mr. A. Cameron. Mr. Thompson, of Raleigh, spent Monday in Lanrinburg, the guest of Mr. J, D. Drooks. Mira Christina McCormae spent last week with relatives hi Max ton. Mr. Jno. McKinnon came np froa Bed Springs Saturday , evening asd spent Sunday with • his father, Mr. L. D. McKinnon. ; Mira Christina MeFadyen, of Bed Springs Seminary, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Agues Mcdsachy. Dr. aad lire. A. C. Everett, of Pigoestppent several doye with Dr. Everett’s mother and return ed bouse Tuesday morning. The visiting attorneys attend ing court here this week are: Meesm. Lockhart, of Wadeeboro, Morrison, of Buckingham; Me Oramiek, and Cook ft Cook of ■Aston, lira Alexander WBUame and MJ*s Fannie MeBryde, of Ooro bMkod oeopty, attended the i^her’k4«r ^^Pro^' °W?Q. Qittfmlrnih Mr*. Flora McNair, of Lumber Bridge, and Hr*. Mary MoDod ■M,of Harterflfe, & C., who hare been rkitlng Mr. K. R. Me flaaey’* family, returned to their nepeetfre home* Toeeday mors* MP We regret bo chrontck the ffl. ma* «i CapA J. F. Maloney, wbo k quiet alok at Ho tel Morgan. Mr*. Molooey arriv ed from Henderson villa Taoaday morning to be with him. Wa hop* ha will aoaa ba out again. The reader’e attention k di rected to tbeMrw advertkhmeat , gf Meeeri. Tatam, Ulee A Co., ' k thk weeks paper. Although thk popalar firm k pmctlcoJly k ite infancy we hear that it le already doing a thriving buei ... d* . *f ■« 1 . Dr. ICverington returned from Baltimore Friday. Attorney 4 no. T. Smith ol Lamberton, spent Thurvdny in Lauriuburg. Misses Futli James nod Kate Gruy Allen spent Saturday with friends lu lled Springs. Judge Neal spent the lattor part of lost week with his family here. Mr. J. W. Woodard, of Old Hundred, was a pleasant caller yesterday. Rev. A. A. MnOeachy will preach in the Methodist church D**t Sunday evening at 7:80 o’clock. Bev. and Mrs. A. A McOeachy, of Fulton, Mo., are visiting Mr. Modeachy's parents here. Re preached for Dr. Rose Sunday night. At a meeting of the town com missioner* Tuesday an ordi nance was passed allowing the Bell Telephone and Teb^rapb Co., to rater Laorlnbuig and es tablish an ofloe here. The March term of Civil court convened in Laurinburg Monday with Judge Oliver II. Allen, pre siding. Although there wereflity or more cases calendared not n jury cam was tried. The Hamlet Real Estate, Trust and Loan Company has been Incorporated with a capital of 15,000 with headquarters at Hamlet. Mr. A. C. Cowan, one of the Incorporator*, was a for mer dtiien of Lauriuhnrg. Wc made an error lost week in the notice entitled "Sole of Per sonal Property." We had it that the personal property of “Jeptha Peel*, deceamd," woald be sold at auction, when it should have been “Jeptha Gibson, de ceased." The notice as it ap pears this week is correct. Our correspondents are reques ted to sign their name to all communications seat to this paper for publication. We do not want the name for publica tion, bet as a guarantee that Che state meats contained la the article are reliable. We have re cently received several communi cations and could not publish them on account at not knowing who wrote them Young, the man who killed Williamson «t Hamlet about 1*° wseks ago, was brought hwn Rockingham Monday and placed in Scotland County jail lor sale-keeping. Richmond Co. |all Is as sals as ours, so tar as we know, hot this action* was asked lor by the proeecutioa on the grounds that the keeper of the Richmond county jail is the prisoner's brother. The Postmaster at Laorin burg has received from the Mo re inley National Memorial Asso ciation a limited supply °f tbs Certificates which ha vs been pre pared for distribution to con tribe tors to the monument fund as souvenirs of their participa tion la that great enterprise. The certificate is a beautiful work of art on which is given an excellent reproduction of Mrs. McKinley’* favorite likeness of wm nueoand, together with ft picture of the McKin ley home in Canton and of tha White House. The wording be low the illustration. Is a* follows: "This certifies that—— has contributed to the fund for tha erection of tha national mem orial at Canton, Ohio, in honor of William McKinley.’* The workmanship and artistic affects are of tha very hlghmt order, tha gnat house of Tllfany 4 Co., New York, heiag tha designers and manufacturer*. The supply in the hands of Postmaster Cooper is a portion of tha first edition of tha certificates and Is eent bare to enable those who harp not as yet contributed to movement w9 receive souvenirs direct from tbs office of the Asso ciation or through local com Ur. Honor'd Peeden movod Lb family to tire Buchanan place, about two mile* North of town, Hominy. On ncconnt of their late arriv al we are forced to carry over to next w«ek’a ieeue an m terse ting batch of items from Hasty. Night Operator Dunnaway, of Hamlet, was instantly killed yesterday morning about 8 o’clock by one ofj the last trains coming into that place. He bad joat quit work and was nnuMng the railroad track going to ward home when he was struck by the train, which crashed him lifeless. He leaves a wife and two or thrss children living in namlet. A professional patent medicine swindler struck town Monday and robbed about #18 or #90 from the crowd that gathered around him,—to take in bb "aUghtrof-hnnd performance.” Wenotim that the same fellow bus visited Maxtor, Monroe, and Chesterfield. 8. C., nod no tailing how many more place*, during the past week. The amount he took iu here was email compared with ills lock at boom of the oth ur places, Ilo always uses his baggy as a' platform to speak from, and whm he has flnfcbed "sewing up” thecrowd bo thanks them very kindly for tbeirliberal patronage and drive* to thenext town. The D’Vtdgni* Company under the management of Cowan Bras, gave a performance in Kields Hall last Wednesday night, and to eay that it was a “bum” affair to be called a show does not be gin to express It, They adver tised very extensively, which made a favorable impression up on our people, and we had enough faith in it to write an advanced notice (speaking in favorable terml of the perforin, once) printing and mailing about a hundred papers which contained the notice, Weu need ay evening before we went to the •bow. It goss without saying that the balance vf tbs -edition did not contain the notice. Thee is a certain finally la this county that makes more butter than they can ass, and they sell their surplus regularly, which la pyobahly four or lire pound* a week, to one of our business men. Last Saturday the famllUr old backet which the batter Inva riably comes in, was brought to town by two of the young lad. iee of the horns, and handed to the merchant. Pretty soon ' af ter the ladies left, the merchant had a call for batter, so he goes to tbs bucket, takes off tbs led, and it vu fanny to see the blank look on his face, for he had about two gallons of batter-milk. Of coarse the mistake was made by putting the butter into the wrong bucket. There was another little inch dent which happened user by sometime ago that we had de cided not to mention, bat it tsso closely related to this oos that ws cannot withhold it any lon« Them wu ft certain geatlsmao canvassing the county esQM* ft essrawgri greftt uuprovetaent on the oU way of churning. While out on hie eauraee one day be wee talk* lag up Me chum to ft house-wife, explaining fo various ways, tbe valuable point* about It. Tbe lady did not "take on" to it ae faet aa be liked, eo be insisted on her gutting eome milk, "any kind, sweet or eour," and be would take the butter from it in 80 seconds tram tbe ttme be Star ed; Finally she brought the milk and be commenced churn lie operated tbe churn 80 - aao. orida, then a minute, and then 80 minutes but still them was no butter. Tbs faet waa when tbe lady wmt into the pantry to get the mQk she > skimmed the cream from it, and of course all tbe •bnraahe ever sold before or since would not bring butter from that kind of milk. i ‘ ‘ [ | Tk■* Talking about not 1 j TteDMbtfPHt W.a. T- ‘ 1 t! Our community in sodden <x urcr the death alone of Its m<»l o«ful citterns, Prut W. 0 Qnakenbusb. About two jean ago l*mt Qnakcabasb bad a light stroki of paralysis, whicb canned him to give up school. Afewmonthi ago he had a second stroke and Sunday afternoon at .% o’clock the third stroke rs n>>, which resulted in his death •boot a o’clock Monday after noon lie was stricken at the Olena House, at which place was hit steeping apartment, and from the time of his attack till death, be never regained epoeck or consciousness. The funeral eerrless were coo cl acted Tuesday afternoon at S o’clock in tbs Baptist church, of wbidi be was rscognised na one of its moat faithful and active maorim. Her. K. 0. Kendrick, his beloved pastor, conducted the services, assisted by Hers. J. If. ltoas, L. 8. Massey and A. A..McOeocby. The latter who is bow located in FtiHon, Mo., and is hers oa a visit to bis father. »m a pupil in ]*rof. Qoaken bush's school daring lib early school jnsam. 1U talked of the deceased principally ns a teach er, speaking of bieexcelleat mode of training the boy* ander bis caw, bis gsoeronsity to the poor who mew not able to pay tui tion, and how these shared hb kind instructions and moral in flosoc* the same as the mote fortunate eons and daughter* The remain* were Interred *it the Southerland burying ground Tuesday evening about 5 o'clock, where peasetnUy sleep* the rtv mains of hb taring wile, who preceded him several year* ago. The scene at the grave woe pa i tntoc. A gistt moo/ of Us I ecbool gMa, wbo loved and re •pectadhta, with tears trfck Ifcg down their cheeks, prooeed ed to scatter violets on the arave, UfetreQy covering it tram head to loot. Then th» Pro#- Quakeabush wm oae of thoae cheerful, nnaddah charac ter* which are numbered among the lew » every community, and be hie death Lanrinboig Bootlaad eonnty loaea one of its jjjgsp I JOHy F. McNAlR. I opth)m_mometer I The m«« and u(vto-drite mitcbine. Come and hire your mjm e». rnn toed free. Ail shewn itted by m mb potnutoed to Riw per fect mtWtoetloD, or money refunded. DR. BVERINGTON'S DRUG STORE. sort ▼•luobt* tad MoaitW CkfUnpatiMM*. Knt weak «• wIB dnoUnnr* ol eolunM to actfcdM oa th* Ul | y 0i^ '

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