m—iMMCJoa.' Tb* erection of a hundeomJ W*T A«iltf*a on North Railroad 8b ty Mr. Jaaaaa fila*t ha. .d Mmhtothr appearance of *M**rtloa of cor city. The dneUtog will be occupied by Hr. K. a Cameron, who i» expected to bot« in this week. ' - ' b—abad dab has beta organised here, aad tbe 6ret; •a Friday aftaraooa. The dhu mood ie at the rear of tb* old Bh»* store building. m» arrival of a 1% bouncing* jxjybae recently gladdened aad brigfatraed tb* boat* of our •flnteataad aterer r~ttmertrr. •I. M. Batter, Eaq. 'Iffl^n*, ^ Ur,ncJto^* °* MM* Fannie Clarke, of Aber. dwa^aad Mies Lanra Me Duffle, o< Ooiambu*, Oa., epeafc late —dtfatbiaritjr, rteiUngMr. j. W. Pag* aod Mr*, a U BeDen Ha- Bmr Bin, who baa ban ** M*Baa> 8- C.t for aararal ■OBtha^ arrived ben Thonday and will spend a vatic or two with Irinde and nfativea. *a"««.Q.A. WVUmm, Alas. Mfchohoa and Tommy Blue. *Wtad Uontbern Pfa«a and Ifn*. hnwt laat fhmdagr. Mr* D. T. Wallace aboai ocaa trip to Carthage Friday. ^ M«- A. J. Brfanoo, Mr. and Mra. Jua. lilue and Mr. ■r. M. Liviggitoo, of IbUoity. , attaadul pnachfa^ aarvieca a* < Soaad’a > Grove hut Sunday. , **• y H- Livtagatoo, of Boot. J Uad, Thitad ban #rwt of the | i i i 4 - I I A _ Law Case The daily paper* not long ' npomda trU cate where aim aaadamediriaeconcern which . cam (Mr remedy oouU eatec* It aaama that the man had a. baaa cared, though ha had tab the manly. The drfmw % that he bd net taken the medic* loogenough.^ He did net gee 1. We allude to thh became Vhi" •BrUMwsBrs leave k to the mar. II then* comae bade with hie empty boty ami aaye: «1 took that bottle* Vinol, aad I can't aee that it & warn any good," era don't am the matter. We eay. or oar dS» aapw, " Sony that you happen i be among the few—here's yah doDarr " Thofcwt They are wary few h a acfcattfk^annaecwi compound of cod llvcred {greater mrrlicinal food hnewa), organ? iron (iron that eaa be taken up fah dm Mood and need), and a ml tabia wiaa. Itlei* *t Our Vinks, for VjboTa companion BCO. D. EVERINGTON Irk^ write* “For tw^va jmm rn»»p far «*ot a Lirrr and w* diaorcL, i* awtrie Bietwa. !**■ mtSU intend bj aUdmcgWte. On^BO ' ’♦ r «; AHhfcmS 1*4*1* I Cksfetj ACMdrm. An incident in omuMctiott w*tt»' l*gWe <*the lot. W. G. Quakeo hash, of IrfnrSnbojv, li w ii totwtohkaeto bn well worth thn toiling nod remembering. After giving ep hU school, to which he had devoted tbs atrenp th of his manhood, bn en gaged In the insurance boaioees, and would hare made a fine eue ctan of iti bob some two years cgotowae stricken with para lyflfc; which so impaired bis ■pesch as bo unit him for hk bnekese. He had aonranlatad eoae property which he bad in reeled in the cotton mills about town, but which paid no dirt dsnds. A half doeen of hk Mends, easing hk condition, qttktty deposited into, the bank •828.00 to htn credit, which made th* way easy lor him. A meeeeg* W»* sent to him that ftfentbjCI erne exhausted a like smount would he pieced at hk dkpussl, • He did not live to nee thsftetdeposit. W# recite this b**hnt in ale We, now that ha ha*goaa to show the manner was. A man most lhwa ktyh end wnaeilsh life to grin a eoDBAsnlty like this; end Uakowealso the value of sin cerity and honesty and ebarity thrss characterietics which adorned the Uk of William Gra ham Qoakanbneh. CASTOR IA Ihtf Utd h4 awu^ fli KM Yw Im Alisfi Imtt EXECOTOM NOTICE Harfnc qaalHM a* lutltai of tto «etou> o< Joptba. (Ulaiua. toaial. n bcrrbj Khrv motto to ■ all ponoM to ar Aoo| aokl aatate »aj ha iadabted to l^f I ttotr ibli doriy wrtM. «*a or baltn Mawb tod. 190*. or tbto motto vH) bo ptead ia bar of tbbMowqr. AH pnaoaa ladabtcd to aid rotate mrr loqotatad to aiako hnawdtate pajiutot. A. V. (Mbooa, aod Urlt. H. 1008. A. P. Olbaoa Hxaentora. ABMIWSTIATOI't NOTICE. LAND MU' HOBTH CAROLINA,) UHajwrioHWt. BcoUsad County. | Haloee the Clark. J>. T. Oaaee sad wife BrttfeChaaca, Too Htada had wife IMe RtsU, Iaaa Chany sod wife Divinity Chany, Jo Mph Cherry, and Urn. Jo*. (Wry lVfeeOnny, Oany Prewitt. Wal ter Prewitt, Lola PrawMt. Loni* PnwMk. IatUa Prewitt. BafHe Char a^sreAa'asz: By virtue of aa order of the Superior s^iiaftrsBAatt ■laatuaar will oBar far aala at pwhfte oTnoaday. Aprtfa7th, WO?’ £f lTfel h.th.to^o’rf fcssrttfx tolkowla* tractolUod, to-wlfc IdfeW aad bate* la the eooaty of Jfeotlaad. wnaneoab tewaehlp. kaowa aa the J. D. Cherry aetata, *-rr—~tair at a stake when the aeatnaUae WTtha Praha ■ htad erasaae the Carollaa Caw WJ railroad (said Graham load bow affilaa a Jia w ldSa'iSuie'S* itt sooner, thea a 4«» 13.73 ohahnto aataka.thaaad.7h to a ataka. than a M ehalaa, thao a 3.78 -hataa. thao a 73 •.^tTAalai thn a M w l.VSB 840 to a ataka, thao a 18 wSuhalaa to *£?**• * wUJWtoa ataka, thea »•? w 807 ehalaa to the CoroBaa Onfeal raBroed, thea with aoid rwO rwid a 48 w M ehalaa to the htglw tof, - dL JOHN OMaWKILL, HUSTLING TIME With tanner* will soon be here, aud the question that arise* is .wbel? SSH *° ba7 °°r eoppUes lor the year to the beet ad ran. tags. This question is easily answered. I hare been. ==IN BUSINESS THIRTY YEARS— And ani sure that I am acquainted with the needs of the people of this section. , My line oL-JmmR. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GLS8 WARE IS COMPLETE. Anythin#you want that comes nuder this head can he found at my store. .—■ — FW&5X0'H“T,“dI'“tT a™-*-. POLITE AND COUBTEO08 8ALESSEN. F. B. GIBSON, GIBSON, n. c. * N. F. PARKER, 111 Market Street. ‘ Wilmington, W, C. The Finest, Best Selected, Cheapest and LARGEST STOOK OF FURNITURE IN NORTH CAROLINA. w - Oat™ with quality and quantity. At the bottom with low prices __jjlAinOMDE«SjiEC«IVE MT PeBSOWAL. AmWnuM. OPTHALMOMETERI The new and up-to-date maottne. Come and have tout ere* u aminsd W lu glaeew fitted by ue are guaranteed to glee per feet eaUefacttoo, or money refunded. DR. EVERINGTON’S DRUG STORE. SESSWTi M iZirg g wa** *° desl«nate some of g ^ ,h« »» wm £ pood things we have in NEW 8PRINC GOOD8 and hope that when you ■ to ehew you what we have. oda to deecribe to <mj ones satie » have a DIO, and tbe past week’s ire we have n OOOD, selection of >r is the history of this business reached the proportions that it has »oar new line come in. We urge thing yonr spring porcini ess. Come We will Uy to setf you, to be sure; lit, why ot coarse yon will not boy. ion OOVfLBTE. IS AND LAOE8. meat of the very beet Lacee and ■ot wait tor freight trains. These n% therefore, about half tbe price rsnoe ie yours for ths asking. .. Tb. “Ready-Made” Cloth l u* buaioen bw ahnnat bacon* a thin* of tbe post. There ia not one aait aoid bon atoek now to wbeee ttwn war* fire, some ma am; and when von come to think of It, it'e about the beat thing lor all ooocaroed. Thar* are no odd* andende left on band to take up the profit* and aometiraa* 2°*W •“^,a50^.P*oP** «*** anticipate their want* tea day* ahead. ’ B yon win do that and loon ns yoor shape for about two rateotee . wawffljpiaraatee you a at that WILL SATISFY YOU ia every particular from any oue of a •election of four hundred aamjilee DOW on display in pur atom. Aek any one of a lam nombarof Colored Hammer Hhirtsl We here a selection that we are Drood at. The best aOnentfued ooedollar shirt that to possible to doyta this oonntrjr. Ton wfll do ereO to sss otu- on* dolUrSott of Hndsr. wanr. It ■ away ahead at anything we hare crer shown belore .... A?,of **»■• Maenfartoiw, tiiatia thsr are not ffsdae mak <w qM etaod by “Barbowr/’ he We also bare Taylor Oaaady • «• mbtt&BS£iGi£?tS _ reach, either. And. fay the way, ^SKoSM5® «*Xr-r»uih»aiLV^«J ^^HHMllMUlMiHHtMaaHBaaMaeaaavaaBM^MBaBHHMawwB^Maa^^Mi^M * fcff .law|tton * lot of other things that we hare, bet ttito tiding 1>A* gotten longer now than m wanted S' ^ •"op* •*** include* more dMfcrent articles than any storttetweea Chariot* and Wilmington. P*j2*rir almoat unanimous patronage, and we wish to say now that our thief aim 1%* TBXt TBULY, / "■ JOHN F. McNAR

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