THE EXCHANGE. HWJXin CTBMV ntMUt LAUtUNBL’lttJ, V C. Al'KU,l>. IBOC . PENNY COLUMN. •«*# rmm Ov.irMi m «r wot. ib ■maaiT too. Ratw naa near a *ou, «M onn Mo AnymuBon ran ni am nui lo cun*. ^Ooa'oliledMa Cw" ot FWhfa Druj Wo oony tfca rogolor Iba. cl momi olao port irtgu Mho * **»*Jtaa of Haobot ud Vlotot Tol oow Ppwdwa ud Fahaa, aA lUV DraoStoa* Oo«A wlt* toa mad to to* prvprr toaaa to kow poor apaa tartad aid f-X'”!!* **WJ,»* B~da«to«’o -wsarss.,sas^,“““^ _Parta Braao aod ‘'AbatTDaolfc” far S^ruiitaR*”* T*b*eeo Wo»*‘- •* ftHil POaDlipl HlCtoMQuittr' »oo» Dr.gat At tw cB, Wt any tbt iwlar 11m lrnllj ►Md la la* Wt 4rac starve. Priaaa 4 'tea * ladlm* ablet waist aaCalaanrtat tMa wa» at IVariaaana’a Jewelry Blow, Ateisr-1*"- •» vXistrJrsvssigx 4awJry Stai a aad art om al tbelataet SSk* jfKsr ist at Brartegtaa*s JawaWy Iter t«Wi Ownia Bach 8aa4 Po tMoaalo»MtebrP.t Lytah. TOB 8AJLE.—ThiM CUvte—« ta It I tte waat tn bay a nc4 JfTtrf MU It Cow. D. O. Witgbt, _WbaaaTw.C fteaii * Mm amir carry tba porest —4 baat gaafltr ol dr^o._ BMCEZV BftZVmCS. Mr. 1.1* Holland baa a catchy .hardwaread. in this issue, . Mr. W. L Maaon. of Conclave, wit km Monday morning. “ J%kTMa Tt Tillman’. 1^.1 W«et tor Monday of next week. . -TheBoard of E location will meet Monday in the office of the County Superintendent. Mince Alike McCormick and Florence Wooten, of Max ton, were here chopping Tneeday. The attention of onr reader* in directed to the new advertise ment of Mr. J. W. Maaon. Miee Flossie Corpew, of Max tow, visited relatives here this On account of tioknma, Mr. F. B. (jlbaon wiu not prwit at the meeting of the Board of Comity Coaimketonere Monday. Mr. ). B. Sanford le able to be out ob erutebee after being eon •aed to hie room for a couple of i min hj milling e mail k hie loot. Blsem Man McKinnon and Bdam Btae, of foe Bed Springe Seminary, spent Saturday and Baaday with their parents near ** Mr.1 Marytn Lytoh left Met week lor Parkton, Bobeeoa noomq.jrbwy tm wffl form this year. He has purchased stage farm therm r Tba Lord’ajfhappar vIO ba ad mlniatarad at tba Ihraabytariaa bint tart Sudajr mooing. Than wS baa preparatory mr 4lMrakMftd- OB^k Saturday moralag at 10 o'eioeh. ' Mr. Floyd Bloa, of BaWgh, -apaaiataw day* with ntato and frtanda baaa laat waafc. Bo laft Monday moratan for Lom barton and Fayattartila, whara ha w* rlatt nlatiVaa lor aararal day*. Mr Maet Canton ratarnad Taanday monrinR from tanar far, S. C., whara ha vWtad bto •Mm, lira T. fi. FaiwMrfurh. Mia Fon(%bo«b aaaoiapaaiad biattMaaaafrwV rMvH P* raataban. • '■ Ur. J. J. McHugh, of Ohio, : wan a pleasant visitor ia tbs City Tuesday. I Ur. T. U. Blood's timly moved Tuesday to tbs Ivey reel. d«nee on Church street. Tbs Ladies’ Book Club met lest Thursday afternoon with Minn Mb McRae. Messrs. Rod McRae and T. J. am went to Wilson this week as delegatee to the Grand Council of the Royal Arcaalum. The public school chDdmt ase raising funds by subscription to bay a large flag, which wUl be placed above the new school boose. Mias Georgia Mason, who is teaching near Lumber-ton, spent Saturday with her parents at Conclave and returned Monday morning. Mr. J. C Ray wOl conduct hie lea aad Cab badness this summer ia n nicely fitted ap building be hind Mr. R. E. Las's atom, which waa bnUt for that purpose Mr. 8. B. Garter has bean ap* painted mail carrier on raral roots number 1, which wfll be etarted at Old Hundred May 1st. Our subscription list ought to increase at that point after this route ptarta. Miaa BAs McNeill, wt*> is teaching at Hamlet, came boom Tuesday morning on amount hi thatUasaaoi her father, Mr. L. McNeill, who waa quite sick lor two or three days. His modi tioa, however, ia very maeh Im. proved now, we are glad to im port. Mrs. Will Lytcb and little ohfld retaroed last weak from a visit of several weeks to her rela tives in Mootbrook, Fla. Bar sister Mias Rosa Belie Bfetinak, who attended Bed Bprh^e Hemi nary two years ago, amoww pained her home aad wifi vMt Imre for sometime. We sympathise with Brother McKsnris, of the Max ton Chief, in hie recent mlafortana We hear that bwrglars entered hie the first and on}/ thing th^T tampered with was the editor's fiaata If our informant In right they carried off ids knife and seven ‘•brownie*,” Artemus Me Key, colored, eon of Ephraim McKay, died lion. d«V morning at hie father's home about a mOe from town. Me had been subject to fits for quite awhile, and ws understand that during the Inst math or two of his life they had to hasp him chained oil the than In order to protect the lives of the other members of the fataHy. We call the attention at oar whw to the laip and attrac tive advertisement of the Frank Thornton Shy Goode Oou of Fayetteville. Tbcee people carry a faurge atoek at agythhm ie|ajr iaahl^ and they have eome good ftww to tide eertUm-be mow they don't miad nrntor Mr. A. J. Brineoa, of Hoff, mam, wee In f iwhtwg Bator, day. Mr. Brtoeoa waa one «i the aumber who raised jrotor malona on a very extensive eeale to tide eommonfty Inlt year, and warn ptedlet that ha win be hare again In 1B04 If It la poaetMe for him to aaanra a |gti MUh> hie lor hfte boafaMeo Heeaye he Mrary oonremleotiy and nhoa. antly located at HoSama, bat la partial to Imartotouf aad her good people. - The $10,000 worth of- bonds, Maned lor theporpoaeof InataBf tog a fight phmt la tip town of Lnnrtabnrg, were aoM Moo day to Meaanl F. ML StaBoid ft Co., of Oattaaooga, Tana., at par raloe with a premhua a» proxtmattag BBSS. We hope the eootvnot tor the work wBM let atooee, and that Mm plant will be installed aaeeoaaa poe rfbh, Mr. J. T. John, Jr., d John Station, waa hart Tamdajr. Tha Board d Coast/ Ooanrin rioatrt matta wnalar monthly aaaaioa Monday and tram—ad roatiM hnaiaiaa. Praaml, Mr. J. i MeKtsjr, chairman, aod Mr. Alas. Joaaa. Tbo otfcar maaihar ad Mm board, Mr. P. a Gfbooa, waaaot aMa to attand on account of atahaa— Tbo Mon Mm MHMp d ttmrtag tha t—maat oa Mm ooart hoooa aqaara, bat raaanrad tba rtsbt to barn an Martihf to aajr aboat Its loonMoa uTTMiiw. w.—win. unoimw, u. a • Doarflir: Hm'i an intarwt 2£$a!if».e&s §eEgSS[t £wa i£ s^ki z gt\"&*3'S?£i Pjaaa Alao to Ha. H. a Bte isrrtftit wmaoHarian to tba gal. k>n. and It waaraloaMat TWa ingoing to ba a lot <4 tti. paint oaad in Lanrtnbaix. WbM it gatsafooUbold, tt navar ■MWnal4MtM HM lago* kflMUD aara nongr lor AW pa. ’TVTfco^j oc^ P. «. FMdaarikoarpalni. ■ppotatad by tbs Board of Cooaty CoMairaioom Moaday to ooMpora tb* Board U Ate •orator tbatr raapratira toym. in_, X •BIJW, w. a Bala B. L. McNair. litteHauHlX, Monro*, J. Me N. Pattern, R. E. La*. VauuMtedolaA. MeKtfH, V. F. QiUoo, 0*a. W. Wrfcfafc Thte fraM—on «■, ao doubt, *1 tb* jtan mB, to whleb day bora tea appoiaM, and wfll tab* gradt aara •• and. lagta aeoarataaod atefMara. tatMlroai tb* rarfam town, ■hip*. I I I I I MTY U TM * p*r BtnnettsriDo - Dillon XarbLo Works, J. W. McELWEB, Proctor. • 1903 FRANK THORNTON DRY GOODS CO. MYEmVIOC, NORTH CAROLINA. ^Imported tfrrii^ Prom Goods, BEAUTIFUL VELVET, BRUSSELS, WILTON AND INGRAIN CARPETS. Largest and mo«t complete stock floor Cov erings In North Carolina. May we contract to to oorsrjronr hornet Samples sent. Yesterday's steamer bi eonfrignmedse of Mattings '' ^ ' pan that has ever been to second floor is devoted to %SSE§ Gome to the Grand K. of P. Carnival and Street Fair, April GO to 26, iidartn. SIX BUS DATS AND BIX BIO NIGHTS. Too M» always welcome at our atoms. Ladles reception rooms. - We have opened n NEW CLOTHING STORE in tbs Bnssnthal Buildiow, 114 Hay Street, Mr. Walters la dam. w# can doth© you from bead to foot. Department Store pnoae prevail. Ho did Goods. All How, Fresh and Stylish. * MM¥M¥¥*M************ **************** FRANK THORNTON DRY ROODS GO., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. SOME MB SEE WHAT WE HAVE! h*J *'”"»■ U-, THE FAMOUS "GOOD STOCK ’ SHOES » ,btsiSis!rSS&5^^^rr CONCLAVE, N. C, Just Received!_ . ■ r ,\ < S! BBeBmH dbbbb >. • • 150 Barrels Flour. Coflea Cheap By the Sack. Food Isis, Hay, Shredded Stuff. Fifty Bags Meal-Lew ‘Price for Gash. Lots of Other Staple and Fancy Goods at . HBN ?r. - J ■ .* /*_ vjSWi^JCS^rlvr^au; ff >• y • ■-••' vy a4-* \yo:'*Aiffcc.jSawMil McUUIRIH & SHIV. ,. • . #

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