Md r^tatteu‘2 I PtKovaaoBftfidii nrluarfr awn ttowd. Ih&v* bMund of tat fair dtaytowfr tail cropland wxwa with ft few <Uj» of the 'rnmamuiid work oa^hii bow "«•» which, when completed, wll be an ornament and attrac ts to our tow^KVbteher oo*Wjqualified to execute th dutfc* of tbo position. He leone of tbe most brilliant youug dm vl oar country, aud is brother of Hr. Jonathan reels, the able youngattorney of Lao Hu burg. Mr. r. B. Oitwus, the "uU •Usd by” has pointed Us doe. ble story wooden building eouth Of Mala Htreet, aid will n|ien thanht this fall a special Has of Lsife numbers of oar |MopW niw daily goto* to JacUoa Knalnow of/nixgm. Mr. 8iuk*s at Mtuming, «• <*., ii studying telegraphy utidor Ur* M. V. Orr at tliln (dace. Mr. W. K. Eogtewinn, tbs etti ciaat Keaboanl Agent at this idaceepsnta few days tost week with Ut father hi Chatham eooaty. ' Ueaara. Thoo. A. Huckabee, S. P. Adams and IVIrr U Newton have recently been elected trun tna of the Boykin High School. Mm. J. K. White aad children are apeodiag the earn user at Ueudereonvillrf, X. C. Mr. Walter Wood hoe ee, of Tadkin Co., N. C, la apeodiag a few days with relative* hi this Hon. H. IL Xeertoo ml Ben. nettevill* delivered *& eloqnent lecture loet Sunday Morning at Boykin church on John Wee ley. Sunday afternoon at Antioch church Bar. C. EL Peete talked oo tb* life aad character of louu derof Methodism. « Mr. W. E. Caldwell has been absent for revered daye estab lishingcotton need agencies. The Qfoeaa mill expect* to do a much larger hnafneai the coming era eon than ever before. Umeox, K. &, July 6th. The ‘'Children’s Day” eurnleen of the Methodist banday School at Gibson took place, July 5th, «t©:80 a. ml, aad the following program was rendered: the nnh <uaonv 1. Anthem Choir. * . '.’•it: Talk by the Gardener—G. 4. Prayer. 5. Motion Exercise—Waya of the Daietee1 Lena Baxley, Baby Newton, Lixxie Gibaoa, Willie Gibeoo. O. eoug-tYUM oo you i»y7 By DaWes and Forget-me-not a. 7. Dialogue—The laatoa of the BonHRok Bed berry and Hester Llvingcton. 8. Song—“Standing Troe”-* By Sunflower*— Kiigo Gibeon, Jim Pate, DongU* Baxley, Carl Perry, Laurin Gibeon, Perry Adam*, Everett L4vlngeton. 9.. Scripture Exercieee Sor Bxm of the Ultno—I itiie Gibeon, Jock Pate, Joeie Perry, Eula Sywaore. 19- Baag—“Pore an the LD iee”—Cboir. 11. Ettcdee—1“Johnny-jump up*”—Lawrence Gibeon, Willie Sedberry, Claode Adaaic, Cul tnwth Sewrtoa. 12. 8oeig-',How tbe Violet* Wake’’—Anno Gibeon, Bailie GBwoa, Xaaie mad Hannah Gib •on and Mattie Newton. 14 Kxercke—“Tbe torget-me Dote”— Rena Pwrry, lues New too, Mildred Gibeon, and Bar nice Wright. . 14 rmnim 14 Tvewlw “BttdeTteee"— Owi r*rry, I Anrfn Gibaoa, Per ry Adanwi and Everett Iiv%gw atoa..''-':';.'-,-.1, 16. Recitation—“The Thora TiW’-Beeter living***.. 17. Boag “Lead oe aO tie •ayf-Cholr. . 14 Benedict ion. PeheU Piewnle Gibeon tifbaoa. Qw»w >ail IruhtaghMi *md a ■* highly wawi by «■ athi paaala. lnlhfeM. th* 4lh gt Jaly, Mr P**4 Mri «Ur. w*a akamrad Is * nH< M—Mato*tli t My la Ota— by tb* oolnreri people. Tha Cbareb. H* —feaadUdd KoMowa tratoroH'm com biaad, ihwmI hmIm pmtM a Mnwy <* wi-h-iato. wbMa tha — ar taT—i nThaae ball, .n'their P«**h —th ol town. Tatam. «Ub — aad Hamlet teams participat'd to th* gam*. (fetal* Unto, aaadartur «*» the I la Balm aad (Waaia train tuhl tha* ha tank ap 1 TV tkkria. TV Han hoard — aa •smrakMi from Ham hat tae UMteoa aad raaare. Boom hTkat thrlr way.aad tolaaala U. mar that*MI eaaaroa tha tnato. abito at Wat awi aa raibbal troa tbta aanl. maktog some thin* Bka 300 or*rum la tUhae* aa Jal; feh. Ha* ut*t a— the eoleitd paoyht nraa suaedtagty gaud, aad not a atocto irraat we* mad* Hama that large ■baker. J at* la tha fete—a a yuaa* while maa kwaa rtoath (batata*, baring too hsafe kafebad “Old Jobs Barley ****•" had ta be locked ap eatll he eoa ctaded tobaqelrtaad rataraboam. HI* Uttfat ft- Ha earn* kba *U.7.\. Tom FHfcy amalaf tW bHpM. ■hnwfal eoantMuuw* of Mr. Juaothaa We, d LuvMaiy, *m man oa oar dam Me «a* trcmapaabii wKh a WaattlH. Marking yoaag Udj% who da Had aeraral ol *—«■—rrrfr lada teUlh aoa. Mr. Me wad oa aMetly “ucaat/’ Warn, ao ha atatad. TW paapla at U Woa are alwaya «bd toaeaJoMMhaa. kw every au, woaoaa aad ahhd la tkb ecrtion an hU trlmtU. ^ TWtirla atarh talk of politic*' rtefa, aaart hoaaa dh|aaa aad dirty, deeper om inatkkaalluM H a ha oat way aaa Moo. Itiaatraapahowamh oaadMoaa aaa paaaail oadexbt, whaotka people kara Mta thatr powar to afcohah'aad ■t^MHMatkaav A^wwjaty. Mata at araaal« thank, poUtlealor ■trial ahum h oaarortky tW aadaami aad napeat at othaea, aad a* Mall k akaoWMy daatltata «| atWi.^nl H than la anyth! ocoo earth that I do ad ■taa aad loro It b tadrptadnee at thoackt aad aothia, a barbae avpoei Mca of the prlaatplaa at Mbaaty aad aa W*p. » te aajahtbCUoa at tymaay and ol naa. to attaaap* to dfaxata thr podey, tW aatiaa aad l-aml bckdattoa ol thatranttoo at bdowaan. Joat aoah Baa TUWaa aad othata al Mo kkmL TWyroaaaay aad Inrtrpatdnei ol aay r fatty ahootd overthrow each aa la chMttoa^U* thaat W dicta ton "la Mr. Pnd tfilaoa. of Braaettarilb, tea (cam to GoUabotv, vLm to toa a poaiUoa oa tto Ooldaboro HaadUpht, a wwHf paper of that city. Mr. Jaaaaa Bitwia ttfbaoa, aoaof Mr. 4. P. Hfhaoa. haa at a* podtloa aa fin* aaddnt la tto Boattoru Xipmt ofla m tto dtp oMTHadaptoa. M. 0. Tto ihaapa ml vroo^ ia tto JUu TUi ■a* trial warn up wild, tot tto rood paople of Of zlaptoa aoaaty, 8. C.. will ao* ao coaiptoteP atattfly ttoadmv to acquit tto Bold Mooted. eoaanUy aa* flrinaalaa, Than nay to wiitoiala aad poatpooaowaU, jwl there irrn will ■* uioaciriL. TtoChldtaa'a (toy baadaea” at the M. M Chard, to Uibaoa Buuday warn I f 1 ' mm. llooday night came '• While we wwe pot it will do good and in u good growing It in tnjKxwibk' foi |mo)4u to t«U ufcat the weather will be. many dnye ago 1 lieard three lien—nil above tl*e nvot age iulutelligcoee—eay k wne going Jo be dry. Wiko Mien tlicre mve Uvu two good mluu. Pnibnljy they trill reriee their creed, t Mieed| Fuuiiia and Knte Mc Millan Bud Mury and MatHa Wateo^wtteocied the Midsum mer Wafting at Jackson Spring*. Mbs Mt^y Wutaon attended the autiHncrwbool fortaachera. Th« Others to*# oil ret urned. Mr. James A. Johnson mine in last wa« from Booth Hill, Vo., to spend the summer. Miss lranda Johnson, of Cary, is vieitiim bar grandmother, Mrs. C. W. J tuson. Mrs. A W. Livaruiouand liltla daughtw, Kutli, und Miss Bailie John sort of Norfolk, Yrc, nr* visiting I their fnthrr, Mr. Wil limn Jotrumn. Quite l number of our young people Went to the Antioih pic nic JuJ* 4th. They report a warm leeeption and a good time, f News dams am source in this section ft present. Not a bear, wfld-eah or a new baby bus mode itf appearance lately. i “Lcathehhkad.'’ COjPEMSED STORIES. It U dot often that aa outsider geta abe^d of • a PHuburg man af wriiMi, hot occasionally they eeora against path other. The president at one of -the largest trust compa nlee a fayr weeks ago completed the nmrehaes of some valuable ooel lands By paying am old farmer who Uvea ' tf City eareral huh* dollars. He seat tor bis trust company, tying this man In cash, said, “and it is s One a big deposit for . Make blip a Hu4»*4 talk fbr the deposit, are you getting , _ per cent," said the farmer.! How muoli will you glveP* “Undo the drcumsUnom we will gira jam ?% per cent," said the cashier, j uhlng oat a deposit slip. The fa mar ailed it oat, took out his chsaft book and wrota a check for a half nagUon. The cashier looked at the ehpek in omaacmeat “Why, IPs on osu own comnaayr he ex claimed. ■* “Of copras it in," smiled the farm er. “You're bad my money ell the time, bat it earns that 1 hare not been vetting nil the interest to which I am entitled. I am glad vou sent for me." ■Mm* *r Mwrk Flee. In soma eouatrie* walking ■«<*« are manufactured from shark fine. From iU. aids of tha animal is ob tained a bather suitable for making •word mips and many fancy erti daa.' Sharks abound ta the coast of Nicaragua, and Hr. Oottscbalk, the United States consul at San Jnoa dal Nortsw suggests that the fine, backbones ana skins might with advantage ha imported into the United State* for industrial parpsaca/ Tha- killing of sharka is OMMCkfsd fcy tha Niearaguaa flab ary iavi. and there appears to be no zsss&xr**** . For * l»w •»»» try rWaharUin’*) * lirrr Tnhlrta. Tk; IxTii OMlt il^tirar nU tba 4i*«rttoa. nr**, lotntfca ItourrHaml urrraut bOVo «t Utfca. f«r Ml* hr t’rloca* Rlnr. CJA C- TOKXi».. WaU. ^lbl>kHwfcw»m»>W<l Kodo! Dyspepsia Care Wwhwtelywwt UWiT T4 LOAN. Aant:ixw.t I txi» wwa uit»m*y to land dm nj.t.r .\nt *>rnn'r lu uniua Inxo ♦IUO x;. Hoary I* John. THE UNIVER8ITY| of North Carolina. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, LAW, UEDICIKE, PHARMACY. (tar huiwlml nnd ft«kt ariiulaiBhlpa Krr* in twikw ud to ug. ut ■Utton. lawn, lor ll. aradjr. OUM (tat iitiXT*. 114 I»»t»u»tow. Kf* DunnUortnt, Watar Work., CV. tral HcoUn# Xfmtmm, Ubntry 40,000 YoJoiim.. Vail treat, armdtrnlr aad protawlonnl fapartaeat*. brjtfn. W«pWmb,i 7th, 10OH, AthlrM. V. »*. VKNABLK. P raid oat. CbnfMd Hill, N. C klOBTCACEE't BALI. Hr virtue of the power of rate «oa U'oaJ lu th* mortgage deed executed liy W. r. Krana an«l wile, JompUae M. Emar, to George Tarry aad A. L Terry -lard th* S7th d-j of Fhhnary. 11>0i. aad recorded th* ft th dv at Feferoary, 1003, la th* Hegtotar’* otBc* oi Hooh lan ‘ county, U Book B, nag* oa* biodrvd and aeven. the BMoed mortgage*’* will, oa Moodey, th* third •lay of Augeet, J008, at the eoert hone* door, la the tnwa of lanrle bnrg, Hcntlead eonctr, at IK o’clock a., i-rpow tat poh’h- eaV. to th* Wheel l-Mdrr, lor raeh. the Inliowlag land etl uated D raM tuwt. deaeribed aa tot l-twa, tn-alt: Or (hr vwt ride ot Main c: tret In and town «d Irurrinbuig, be B Inning at lhaanethwaat corner ot th* Vaeoa and Cobh lot auil meatier with aa d KttSaikW 47 crt. more or lam. to M. H, IlciCar cdnwr; tfaeae* with hie kit 8 08X E 7o bet to hb corner of a | lot coo rayed to Mm by Andrew 4. Hr I not In. to which eoertynar* rdnniin ! U bare atade: thence with mJd lot SIX tv SJ bet to hie comer: thmeoR68X 2 IV. Ire* to natal*! thence If SIX E 7S bet, Burn or laae, to a etake; thence X#8X« 810 bet to th* beginning, nr 'tec aad excepting that lot nf land em braced la abac* ileeeriiirtna 87 hat. 8 iiwhee wide and 100 bet deep, oa which «ld kleKay b now erecting* beikltnw. which I* not Intended to be conveyed Thb lot of land b bergnea the atom now oeewpted hy 4. U. Parlor and the ..Id etandof W, It Pvaea/ Thl. eal* b made to mtlefy above etaWd Burtgage. ' XorS—p«a. to on m» AT TIE lUfTpiS* Soma Dour* mad VMm, Wlr* Clotb, My Trap*, It* I'lcka tad Hbm. 1« Ibtman KMraan, Hammock a. Grata Cradle* anti WALTER A. WOOD’S M9WIKC AMO REAP IMS KARIINERY AT A BARG AIL It wtU pay yoa to got aur |irkc*. J. L. HOLLLANO. •too It*ward, tioo I'tw iwuloil of Nib |M|ar will Ur pleased to laara that tint* ia at bam oaa fraartnd diaraa* tost adaacr bx> naao xbh to cm la all it* >UfM and that la ftlanrh. UoiTt Catanh Can b the only ptwftive cure now knows In th* medical fratmiitr. Catanh bring a eaartkutiuaai diware. rrquittm a ton ■tltatinatl treatment Hull'* Catanh Cor* b Ma« iatmolly. acting directly apod thablood tod naroaa ratteen ol tlw systsen, thereby destroying tlw foundation of tlw disease. and Hiring tlw pa ttea t ntlwifl h by IraHtilng up tlw eoaetll allow aid amisting n«tiur* in dir log Ha work. Tlw proprietor* hart to murk lakh la Ita curative ponwo, that they offer Our Unwind Hollar* for any roar that It tads to mm. ikanl for Ibi of tcwtlnoataU. AI timer K J CM KNfcY * OO , Toledo, Ohio. Hokl by liruggiaU. Toe. Kall'r family P1U* art the hc»t. The Varied Assortment of Goods 1 have on band should receive you attention. Our store has never been so com plete, every shelf Is full of good valued. Nothing ever gets stale and musty. I sell them to last. Everything has that now look, that good fresh taste. To be good, gron vise must be fresh, and thals tJio kind you Always find at J. S. McDuffie. ! I'. K. AniecHneofCrnkery | and Glassware going cheap. WE ARE STILL BUYING AND HBLIJNO THE IIKHT IA)T OF GOODS WE CAN DL'Y FOR THE 1IOXKY. WE ARE SPECIALLY PROUD OK Om FANCY GROCERIES ANI) candies. ijorna hear from you. I D. C. McNEILL. •a* l*hono No. 11. *• The W. L. Douglas Shoe (1IVK8 SATISFACTION !!! WHY? Tliry art mtwir lion the beet material udbj tti beet wnriinanehip. BECAUSE They ore eaiv wearing HUoe* aui an made to (It the lirit. They nr* tin JU58T and w 111 unt wear all other*, 'eeeeeeeeiv^enweewviv An Clojpvnt .Vnnr IJne of (haan Shoe* Just Kcoolved by ._F.J B. GIBSON, - - ---- THEM ROTTEN TIES AGAIN I ft ■ Soino Hail Hoads may have rotten ties, bnt yon will not And any rotten leather in our Harnecw Bri dles, Saddles, Whips, Ktc. We have the cheapest and host lot of Whips ever offered for sale in Jjanriubnrp'. • Laurinburg Harness Co. TIE NOITI CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AID INDUSTRIAL COLL£S£ fcjyll ____ __ __ 1<fundiiiLu hfitri ham tkniiKiUiiifcMiMat'nuSmul Blfoar implMn. >\w.*U*Wa»doO»rlBh»»att», S<14w* ^ CHAS. D. MdVER, Prest, Greensboro, N. C * ■■ • - 1 |* _ {pvK&W.V**,-,ta\ •' hteMwi-*'*/•. >.'■ V.w&M&i'&FirV&S'• ••*'••:•• ••; • Y*/.' » “

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