THE EXCHANGE. . array nmur. LAUKIXBUtte, K. C. JDLI 0, IBto~ PENNY COLUMN. IUad tola Ouunii roa rr wili. » vor. Kami oaa tan a worn., wim #ui». No Aimtnmm •AJtxa roa lamb iu> 10 uam Ja»t»te tKa date of OstIam*^* lteteara^B%^lCxo«nloa b-um btbaou . 0”' Chaa^agoa MWt U tha warnaat Ba*li taka at J, D. Haalord'a Tka UtUgjriMiaaad BioaLtfak waatkar. WaMara Baal and Bauaaga kart oiTko at J.C. Bay a Btaaaoa'a Ptewfc and VaalU Oaaia and Caeut Borin atrrod at t^rcrtngtoii’a KoaataU to-day. Too SrtB ktearoaraatl jrvodbj* Tbi^ u‘ *■ Baaa Ball Uooda at J. D. BaiJord'I Oar Soda water la that ipaittliv driak that braaoa. Prime* A JUu*. AO klada of Fountain Make are be tas eared at Krerlntton'i Xaw |\na —A. Hood To ha non Twine at J. 1>. kau ItnO'a—17 ante par pound. . OwCIiii r H on am la a hammer and hlutbeepot. Primed Blue. 0.000 Em ken been obtalaad Iroui 8& Im lnlUO day* by the uaa ol later aational Poultry Pood.-W. U Flrkle «—ra»0eaalt;try I*. Oaa Haadrad A poaad trait canaairao awy wltb each banner aold by J. D. VnnOn a ad Peach Cbaam acred at Etniitaa'a Fountain to day. ~Aalee Hnn ol plain lampa nt J. D. Han IoN’k Oar Palm Bunak OocfctaOa an raat thins k*ana Prime A Waa. Try n told and ratradifa^ drink etui Maw Fountain—Bmrinjtoo'e Oor laaBrans Soda can't bn bant.-try one -Prince A Mae. U yoar (auk ar» poor and in bad kaaltk, try latarantloanl battle Pat. »n*r^K la the beat. W. L. Flaida Froaan Fruit Hbecbet. the beat thate made, only He, Priam 2 Him. umy your irih, yosr chUdroa. or your raraal heart to WOa agtoa oa Ourtagtsu A Cameron's Rig Kinnlua It haraa UCfaaua at AtBOa. a.. Jsly **. _ - ‘■'h*, Troat aad Fioasdsru at Bay » la Hauaa Saturday. lea f>aaai aurrrd at Ray's lot House Saturday 'iSSSeS&Se* Tour Wruda sregpiug so Corine tnn A Csmrrns'a Rig Kwuaku frata Qltuon •o W Unit agtoa. July SB. Oar odd driuka latiafy, they loach tha ^otr-eoM aod dalkioua. Triocu A Wo*. Fur a good pair at apacka. try W. L Fields, wknayau caa gat yoor ayaa par tartly IM at tha lwwaat poaaiUs prim, rooaldariag thaquahty ot the goods. Priasa A Btss's Coco Colas stand shuts without a pscr, try ona aad ha maria - aad. Ptueklawry Cordial lor dlarrhcra, craw pa, eta., at V. U FWds. BREEZY BREVITIES. Miss Annie Meta Buchanan Is ▼biting friends In Wilmington. Judge Neal baa returned borne from Washington, D. C. Dr. Dunlap, of Ausonville, N. C., visited Lon rill burg tbit week. Mr. J. M. McOormac returned to Newton, N. C., Tuesday even ing. Mias Florence Wooten, of Max ton. visited friends here last week. Mr. Jim Morgan, of Bbannon, Bobeson counts’, is visiting rela tives and friends here this week. Mr. J. F. Lockey, and little son, of Qoldsborn, visited friend* and relatives here last week. Mrs. J. 8. Matron k and Mm. J. & Bliteh, of Month rook, Ha, are visiting Mrs. Will Lyteh. Messrs. J. W. and E. I. Mason ■peat Band ay and Monday at Wrightsv ill* Beach. Mr. C. E Patrick b rkiting bb mother la Williamsburg coaot>, 8. C. Mr. J. W. Mason has an at tractive advertisement in this Wa am glad to aw Mr. W. 0. Wsbbont again altar several oath's illnssa. Mrs. J. W. Coving bun la visi ting bar siaiar, lira McPherson, of Max ton. MMa I'aresil, of llirrotngtism, Abu, 1s visiting bsr amt, Mm. OoMa. Mias Msggis MaPbamoa, of Mgttoo, rWcad niatlvea bam tMa wash, and returned home Wsdasad/ morning. * • ' A number of our pnoplo went on Mr. Frank Gough’s Norfolk excursion tinijy. Jliwljllic In'Wl Wednesday rooming to visit relatives in Wilmington and Houih Wash ing ton, N. C. Miss Margie Whitfield Wt jee trndaj- for Hot Hprluge, N. C., where she has acceptor) a posi tion os stenographer. Mrs. Alary ft. Woodruff, ol Mansfield, Louisiana, 1m visiting her brothers, J. T. and M. U. Hitch. Mrs. Ed Duchauau and two children, and Mrs. N. 1U Mcttaa chy are visiting rvlativos in Lumber Urklgw Mr. und Mrs. W. II. Murphy, Jr., and children, of Morven, Oa., visited relatives in Lnuriuburg this week. Mr*. Bailie Joyner, of Char, lotte, visited her [wirente, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. II. Murphy, this week. Tho Seaboard Railway Coin, pony is enlarging the waiting rooms ut the depot at this place and making other needed im provement*. W e were glad to sec Mr Usu ry Jerome Stocbnrd, of Raleigh, the North Carolina poet of Na tional reputation, on onr streets Tuesday. Messrs, llcctor Ucleau and F. lfc Dundy attended the Tem perance t'onventiou in Raleigh this week. They report a large attendance and an enthueinetlc meet lug. > The Sunday Schools of. Wil liamson township are reminded to elect delegates to the town ship convention which meets at Springfield Methodist church, July 17tb, huL Miss Agnes AIc( leach v bus pur* chused a lot from Captain W. H. McLourin, on the north *kU> of Cronley street, near the l'mibj teriiui church, upon which site will begin at once the erection of a school buikliug. The cantdoupe season wili open np in l<aurinbutg in a lew I us jrestanlny that tlier would commence shipping about the middle of next Mr. J. M. McKinnon has pur chased from liia father the acre lot, upon which wus situated Miss Agnes McOeachy’e school, and is erecting a haudsoinj rtwi deuce thereon. He oxpccts to |iiave it completed by the first of Auguut. By invitation of Bov. N. H. 1>.[ Wilson, oi Muxton, who ho* beeni confined to hi* room with fpvw for some time, Uev. I* 8. Miuwey will preach iu tlio Methodist church at that place Sunday, therefore there will bo no preach ing service in the Methodist church here on that. day. Tho Bed Springe Citlxen says: “It is gratifying news to his many friend* to learn that Mr, 8. W. Wright, who suffered iui entire loss of goods and fixtures by the late fire has rewumpd business uguin. Pur the prv* snt he will occupy the store of of Mr. C. a Wright.” lira. J. B. McColumn who lioa been very sick for' about two weeks, tvH are glad t.» learn, in much improved. The family ex preen theineclviM an being very grab-fid to their neighbors anil Mends lor tiir- many kitr'n ’em* •bown tliem during Iter illm-M*.— Red Springe Citlxen. The Scotland county Pension BoahI iw-t Monday, with H. H. Covington, nhnirmnii, W. II. Me Laarin, Ik Ik Wright'Void Jep. the Peel*. present. Only seven applicants for |*neloue were received and passed upon. Six of them were eoldlem nnil ono widow. The Hoard will hold an other meeting on Moud ly, l ily jfft. Ww owe our. thunk* *to» good friend fur n ln*f*v t'ultliuge which wan hroutflit to rlii* ofttw Monday whil* tho •.|le*»r wn« *wi\jr. TImi priii tyrA fiiW.l to eittnli th# namnof t ur gyuiw oiw friend, nnd wu would lil;« rmrj much to know who In, m. W# hud on*-fo irili of the mb. bnge for din irr Tu,m!u,t, an I If Um "bill of fare’' at «wr liou*« maabw nnohungwl w*'H nred MOtlwr cnhtiu|p> wboqr Hot-ur 4*7* Dr. P.C. Mclvsr la visiting rel atives in Moore county this week. Mi** Margaret Vleiver, daugh ter of Judge Me I ver, of Carthage, is visiting the Misses Coviugton. Mr. H. H. Covington and lit tle son want over In Hicbiaond couuty Saturday to attend a l>ig picnic at El kerb* Springs and to visit relative*. | Rev. Dr. Hose, of Lourlnburg, and Rev. H. 0. Mill, D. D., of Maxtoa, will exchange pulpits next Sniulay, July I2tb. The "Glorious Fourth" was coletimtcd in iAnrinburg by about 200 colored people. An interesting programme had been arranged, consisting of bicycle ruciug, enke walk, baseball, ste., all of which was carried out very tfuccesrfully. The prise* offered— consisting of a bicycle, $5.00 in gold, and $8.00—were duly awarded. The day passed off quietly and peacefully, and was very much enjoyod by our col ored Mends. Who la Ho 7 Who la it that moke* Fewer gallon*: wwim-loader paint? *»•«* MUnii t-k. a MWi Karty «d cart roaadpatlor,. bBJo«Bwaa aadBrat Uaa. UaBriu'a bit Ur Karl/ Blaan dManat Iron other plUe. Tbajr do gripe aa<1 break down tha maroi braaaaaf tha atoanacfc, Bear aad bat rare by (rally-ttrT tionaaral girl.* atnagtb to Kaaa. Sold by W. L. cn«)am Infantum. • - \ TWa hna Ion* ham H»l*f aa «fe<f iWaioat u<| fetal tlaiaaaa , In wUfeK la'ante am aat+nt. It ana ha roml. bnan««««, whaa^raftata trratai. .1)1 that l» naa.amty la ta unflaatw lala'a Cnlfe Chafer a. aa4 l *nm*r aatf aaatar oB, aa m* tetain, aad a aai* to aatotp Pitaaa* Mar. • MmUm Dm* W Mm. ■-“hi M-s. Dorm Uviugntoa Brin von, wife of Hr. A. J. Brinuoo, of HoBioaa. wan lunnd dead in bed last Monday morning ut tbe home of bar father, Mr. P. H. Living*tou, near Laurel HOI, whatw aha waa v biting. Tb* cause of her daath ia supposed to be heart trouble. Her husband spaut Sunday at Hr. Livingston's and returned to Hoffman late|in the after noon, where 1m won at the time of bar death. Tbe remain* were tenderer laid to wet in the living*ton gram, yard, Toneday, July 7th. A legion of friends extend tea dor sympathies to the bereaved husband and other relatives. ■ f* always daaywosa 4u aot istall In thssaiysKs’s Ilk adN yaw fears Mad IfeWltt'i WHofe Haaal Naira. It wl wfeao array thing 4m Wla-H has done tUa is ttiirMsadn <M mmm Owhsi Mn^eiWr. Mm Ellen P. lkmdy. of this plA«*. whose serious Illness was chronicled fa them column* some weeks ego, died Monday morning, Jofy 6, ht A o’clock, aod wae barfed Monday evening at B o’clock ia thacfey ocmetfi), Her. L. & Hamby ooodnoting the funeral earring Mm Dowdy was a member of tbe Methodist chatab, and wad an ardent and tircfees Christian worker. * She is eorricad by three daughters, Mr*. Freak Blue, of Ashpole, aod lilm|t Ltssfe and Jimmie Dowdy,of ^auuiabmg. The deepest sympathy of the •"tire commnaity ta extended to the betasved dyngbtem AM H CURED ■ ;rirann ■ mu iih k nwrttiadarff ■a food la U&m Ink. Klkt Mb It Amy* and ladaaiar Un «a-' —L^1 at tM animal Mm of <km xmon and MUm kid tv m aatH I ami Kadoi l»mM Cara—4. a Khan. Ooppall Tvzna, Bold bjr w, U ftaIda a t-o-tf -r oa The Nov Yorker «rtu 1& the midst of eq^ocident non ported with tho Hotiron building with . ote, when ho no later bfhte Bootes Mead. otV' ho sold, “you unit boro hoard of ovr Bootes buildln* that BBagloodo bump aaoiaftr ■Emr hportfof*^" ^WoH." Mid tfcpi Bootes moa, "vhoa tboy won pattlaitbe loot ■tooy on o workman tell ofl tbo top. Boom time Inter I «t> pom or along *bo' street wboa a howiboy yelled: ‘Bttawl Foil ooeoput of tbo aecd *Mtr I alerted to nod the report ted wbot do yoo think? White 1 WMModlpf aomothiag dooppgl with "What m Itr inquired tbo Nov Yorker. “The-warkawa. HFd int roaeb od tbo rrooDd.” Tbo Flatiron otory au from Nov Took ana dleat. — PhUodalphte »_* Vrt lou ago • Saw Kagknd alee tyical augjaeor who got a needle Hack into hi# log twisted mm wins about a pise* of iroa mi insist ad tha wiraawkba dy aana. Tbaa with tha magnet thu» ■adaha prtlad tba Mt qf steal nun tha wouad. Abort tbs n* tins aa anwttaa ta tha Van blast ■7 j**i is OaUfocsii wtsfgjuat ta tba tarn by somabto steal from a brakes toaL Tha aargaoa .gjauttaateg capable oMK»2g*00 nS mat hJt** W at tba'kay'a fam, whnthsnsMtataf MtRatsalCaw art of tha woust aa promptly aa if U bad baas'aaat for. Vow If aeaaa oaa would invest a nifsrt that would pull ali van art at a boyb fia fm thousand* ofyouag would rtad and mill htatwawaL . KKxnr;_>^MA ^JBTIOt TI TAX HTUJ tantnth* aecoad Moods, l» 4*lv, IMA-’tartaeparpeaaoftvvWaK Uttsi *^!!if>f'hl<l11 «taotaal ta them. iA tarns kavlag anmplatati to Rah* wB mshu tham at tta* ttma. B, astir <* tha Boast Jal/kta- IBO*. 4- M. wmi LX, ■L■ ' .. OsskofBoart) • .. .' - - - GOOD BREAD! - GOOD BUTTER! ' : OOOO COFFEE! A GREAT COMBINATION! ^jta.takrttrt NanqrDafcp, «MV MMCTMUtES A ..mulit. ’ Mawta Ik* ptaaie staaoa. Utaa « tkar basket at _ the BAKERY. I*hasa Kb. M tar prosptlMhatp. , FOt Uii. $L» r~ m '*Tk.*.*jKtcisn*co.' (Hhaaa, R. a momiur motm. IWikmI—Il»m> the AtorhhoU WRRtliMlHl Ontewiau vm w hriihi RWhe* Hri, UntabetR, R. ft., 4«Jf 10 o'elaeh a. » J. r. ReM.MIt, rmUent. •Nh 8EAUTY OF A FOREST FIRE. la epito of the feet that thou ►unJ * of '49i!nis‘ forth of tiiin»Y wee Using OwarwjW Uw tnoute ul Walno my Uiai the recent f»reet nree on If ere Hill mountain fur nkhod e gloria m end awful mwcU. da «* — *-TrttT ■ ■niitaln if tta Samoa rearing In all the ivy of a demon. Here and there nuaiirh of the focuot, an •Heme, would he iilbooctted for aa iartaai agaiaut the eky, iu breach * ■fbnr M with rowi of tier light*. Then * giut of wind would nun Siblnr-fc- izxU' tm It lacked like a bum boiribe! kap from thie charred, naked true to another, and then tho apactaclc «u«U he reperiod, with a aew rie ttoa. Oa tho other ride of the inoua E*“=?S= agafnat which anui aai pnrerlaw Lowiataa Journal ! It isn't often that forarumeni of Acaa «o n-bagRing, bat there la a striking instance of that sort in the navy department at this time. There are five vacancies ia lb* corns of dril^sngfnsers, and it bastasn takTtW *A bSk order of ability ia raqtdred. HU tna^ bat tba par ia net bad lot nnk and allowam* of n later liea tarent end an paid ft,rOO at the ataat, with an tarmooa of rank and pay aftyr ft*n yetis and tan years' sarrioe. Ia the Utter ean the an anol pay la IMOO. dwlittaf eiril engineers start with the asms rank aad are paid flioo at drat, incru** ing to ifclOO altar tea yean' son ka. Ondidatos mast net be lam then twenty-litres yaara at in, and tba inawtomma limit for M oak naaaa la thb-ty-fi>c years. j •4 deiflag I Tot looked mnl t» deeth etuu eBer. Bride Tot. George trembled eo I wm dretdfnUy efreid he'd leee »4 run e»*y.—New York —1 “ ■ ' _ V^P -Hot did old Herdfex e»*ey Me^jrif through the Thoueend J. ^J“Kotreiy weU.^ He ^ut iaellhij ; OLDEST AMERICAS WftffBL> A Now York poor roceaUy ». i»rr«d uJitorialljr to Dt. Banal Miiliiir ui f i^fUatt tal xt IMaw and ottll is active po^Miaul IUb[ ^srvJBul .i..t ,..- -,.... 7^7, Sfiy^aSvSJiSJgi "***&"{****. nkt nr.l.on and - 1*1« U MM* auJ -i a# Ml ~ ' pen have boenhfai „ aatbapafcUtiaaBaPr ^ ^ iav of all York Mail sraiKfiaBta i 2ft£u,£^5S i»rth* WkilltnetamVcnuum *° **" alatM °* -idSS'I ml'w Am S». 3 ; ■ : ■ ; i : : sms! sms! sums! * ************************ We have just domd out*the "left over" stock of a ; Shirt. Manufacturer and propose to sell Shirts at 'y* t: MNnHUH We mean this. See the stock and get the prices. More Shirts than was ever shipped to this be fore at one time, but The Price Wee Will Move Them. i We really mean to save you one-half the cost of your Shirts. « ************************ ; JOHN F. McNAIR. ... . ... ias*a3»H«ffi&ta , ^ JUSTRECE[VEt^.^OOO Yari. Em The greatest values that ever owe to Uudnbwg. Call in and inspect mine. TfOUJW ALWAYS TO PLISAAB* J. W. MASON. , 9TOHK IN TOWN. * ■ / >•/ MOltUAX BLOCK, LAUUINBURO, V. G

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