•swash Km* My 1st r;: Notwithstanding the fact that tlwr price ol cotton la' out of aO proportion to the prices which cotton doth is, commanding the Southern cotton mflls mem to be prosperous. In our Valdosta dfepntchsa yesterday it waa qta ) ttd that tbc Strickland mQW bail Just declared a dividend of 8 per cent lor the last six months and bad porebused 300 baba of cot ton at 18 ceota a pound. That W certainly a good record, much better than nay that the miBa at the North can show. In the North mills are closing down rather than pay the prior oottoo command*. In the Fall Strrr district three corporations huve already shot down and It i» announced that seven more wiM do so this week. In *0 parts of S»s England mQls are They cannot make money at the prest price of cot ton. No doubt by closing nntC the harvesting ol the new crop begin* the market wffl become quite bars of eotton products, and prior* wifl advance. With batter pricas lor their product* the mfUe can of course alord to pay mors tor oottoo. duet at present the outlook lor the eotton cron ien’t at all eanonrnging. The weather he* »ot been favorable and the in dication* are that the crop will be short. In that event the price of oottoo will not go much if any, below the price that pm. watt* at present. Tip mills matt batrs an advance in the prices of their prod nets. There . will be an advance^ of course, if the price of eotton continues X fact that Heathen mills am ensuring; and the Northern, mills am rioasd indicates that the Bouthem mffls have an ad vantage over those of the North, t/ndoutriedfy the time Is clone at hand when the balk of the coar ser grades of oottoo goods win ba made in the South. CASTOR IA The report of the conditions of all tbs national bank* Of tha country on the 8th of June ahowa, aa compared with tha same date last year, that loana Bad increaeed $198,000,000. This Increase m stated to ha one of the largest oa record, ami la accepted os a very striking art. dean of tha growth of business operations of the country, is other striking and encouraging ; ; fetture of thla report h that tha ■resmaB banka of the South . hare contributed mow than their share U> this expansion of Tbabicwrei of tha business operations, which means tha he oreosa of aaalth uf the people, la so startling that It is diBcult to grasp its fuB import. It is here, howorer, and eoattaaee to as. pa ad. A «MB boy at Mr. HpurRmi’a Opto tho aoowbody glra tkmt "ItSLn^Bob.7 rvptimJ Mr IlfUllllLJLUL Mlllll MVmA * ..f sgs&riL *°* f<lt,IIM mmShbkMmkmpm^ar&n FOR THE UTTLE ONES.; A J|eC— Do«*t go into the water eoou i * * — aw for at least too hi after a hearty oae. The aiaia forts of the body ajuet be in the the water aa well a* the eioteat «h» proreBta or ntar4s the |Mttn proeaaa Ooa*t go hi vhea toe tirel ash it a real aleaeata. Driaa k a dbUghtfttl ^pas time twder W ! swim too tar. &aap wM tha limits ef your known stranB sran on a “dsrs" eiccpi in caswB saoscymt seed. Batter aaaBiia IB dais than taoogh wstar ta sink ye*. Dnrt yraan oa war avid. health by going fat toa often aor wbia yoa era too warm or tha wstar is too cold: Don’t mw eat af the water so ahffled that rear lips an Mua aad year teeth clutter aad thee ak or •tend areoad. Stir, and stir Urate, vatll war blood, whfch has stagnai •d a Uttia, bagini to met and yw gat warned by its normal cireula Bm. Don’t make any falsa motion or Mlam aa If Beading help when yea do not, far year eempaateao will aaaa tears nat to teller* year ato nal* wbteb may afterward be dm tested whea yav arc in actaal dte traaa. Banmater tha boy who feel ad the shepherds by etjiag. “Waif, wnUr whnthare was aowetf ami who waa ladt to be tan by that ayd aul when it aetually cam hacaaca tha shrpbrrda did act baiters his Bhuliy, don’t ge near the water whea it aate tnma ona*s “warty*’ teath on edge to bars you do ao, no natter hew mash ateanra yea might ret oat ef it- faker do with tem^pr.i.em yamilf ttua ha a a a 1 ■ 'mmrnmmmmi Watt* law, aad on the rerjdap that law become operative etaoke waeeeea twain* boa the bale which the euakea mountain left lu the laadecape. The inference la that the eiaoke from tbeeank ca moon tain indicatee that moonebine operation* here be gan- “The mountain euiu did efak,” aaid the letter hi qneetioa, “and It It either a rohano or a etdl. The people up hm are aerroue about the matter aad want the rereeoe depa^apat to makeaa iaveethratioa.,’n^y^ bjpowNl^iytiiii~^Ni^4i traveling hard oa man and b«—t. Heavy rains meaataud, aad the dost eoold not bs re moved without destroying the roadway.)It then occurred to an enterprising tndlvidnal that U aO of the burners would atm. tribatostiaw, aad att hands *s ristla laying It oa the roads most traveled, there would be a “For ymn fate ni aftar km poatiapouajy,” arrttaa F. A. Qo» to»ow.jnw>ja faladlock; Eqo*»r good for Burn aafal aUBDrea^ caoU A special to the XcweOhaer eer, dated Charlotte, July lag, myt Hear Bobineoa cfaorah, he Urie eoarty, Hew Mm John Wilcon with her three chfldren. Late alght about 11 o'clock two at* grace paaecd the Wflsoa horac aad stopped. One went la and grabbed the roangeet eUU, tee lalmt at twelve or tbfriteeo moo the old aad raa fa the dl* raeMoaol the woods. The other negro went la another dine, turn. Mm Wflsoa ran biter the mad, bat oooJd not oateb him. She wweeiil, bot hsr eriee o*Jy served to quicken the pace ot the fli dug negro, gheraanatfl she mm eonpleteiy ethe rated, hot never overtook the aggro with ,te» them wtnraid home gad gave the alarm and aeversl peo ple wait la search at the negro Md baby, bot aonld not learn anything of either. MmtytU* m rawing the ehfld was feaad la a dgep hollow, come rtltecaee from He mother’s boms. The flttle oae wwa late havhyr ^aried a«f thor hot Mated la the The War'll* Dn*k water and get typhoid hw. Drink mBk and get tu hwoolonfa. Drink whfekey and grt theJinMaroe. Eataoupand fgt Bright’a Diaeoae. Eat oye terenhd acquire toxemia. Eat etgatabka and weaken the ay*, teen. Eat dram and talc* to pareakt. Smoke cigarette* and die early. Brooke cigar* and get catnrrh. Drink coffee and ob tnlu oervoae pruetration. Drink wine and get tbe gout, lu or drr to be entirely healthy one miwt eat nothing, drink noth ing, eon ke nothing, nnd even befcrn breathing one should ere that tbe air In properly eterih feed. . ItelMI *■»*■*%*. The «totjT% laid that Lincoln waa on* day walking through a Md when he eaw that he was panned by a mad boll. The manat object ot escape was an old Mnt start and Lincoln made lor It with lightning spuxl. Reaching it before the bull caught bin he eocnmenceoced running around it with the bull In madpurnuit. ■kfter •evtrml rarolutioD* Lin. ■xnn aiaoorerea inat Die lot bp had eorered the groui iuter than he had hoped and bright Idea had ocearred to hi A leer mori ntridee brought h within reach ol the boO’e t which be chijtcfaed, and the t want lying around (aster th It soon began to daws ap bbbaBafclp that he was tbs pi ■wd aad ha began to belli with bar and dieappo'ntraei when Lioootn exclaimed: “fl here, dam joq, too began tl dgfct; i didn't” An Exchange aaje: a count ■dniatar bA a eertaia locaM took pnwiat leave oI I congregation in the follow! P*tbetic manner -Broth and ibtorn I came to aajr go* bje. 1 don’t think (Jod lot this chbrch. hecanee none ol y ever din. _4<tenlfc think jrou lo bamnw I dm JOU. i doi “ Hcauae y --• Tcom . i-gUl^ooMy bolt \ 3£gtLSL?£ away to a hetfl place. I Mire been called to » eanpuuooi a ptntt«>tlajy, <— mvj Um Lord bare mrrcy'>ot yoor ■oofr, Good-bye. “ **• Klad Too Ban A) .raja lWfK, sad which haa haaa la aaa tor area 80 jeera, haa b'oma the etnatnxe «C All Counterfeit*, Ialtukw aad •* Jaat-a* pood” are baa toja li ioufn Unit trifle with aad endanger the health er Xafhata and Children Experience against Rxpcrlmenfc, What is CASTORIA OMtori* to a harmtom atotitate fa* Ctator OU, Para, parte, Propa and Soothing Syrup*, it ta Plwiant It •aatataa Neither Opium, Morphine var other Noreotio anhilaiioe. IU an to lta guarantee. It doatroya Worm •"I nUnya Pevertahnoaa. It curoo Pinrrhccn nnd Wind OoUc. It rellerea Teething Trouble*, curie Oouatlpntloa and Flntuleaojr. It aaatmUnloa the Food, regulator the i^a^hnnd^Wniroto^plrtng^ healthy nnd natural aleop. GSNUINK CASTORIA ALWAYS bre Always Bought [Over 30 Years. CRAFTS Eureka Liniment. Thia Liniment will remove apevin, aplint, ringbone*, and nil cartflaginoui growth* when applied in the ear liar atagea of the dlaeaae. One of the moat common lame aeaaea, however, among horaea dad mule* {* —in of tKn ft—ck tendon, etufed by over 1 no for chronic kinds. «c scratches Ashcraft’s Eureka Lini toot an equal- Three or four applies* re this disease in its worst form, the wonderful antiseptic qualities, the ment should be used in the treatment s and sores where proud flesh is pres* both healing and clsansing, entirely iu parasites and putrefaction. Ashcraft’s RureVa Liniment must re should not be used on feverish parts, i • counter-irritant and stimulant. I bottle. Sold by IARTERS FOB l Square Hound “Nissen the Best Wagon Made. you will alwnya buy thm “NISSKN." aaa tlww «h«n you mwl a Wn^ou. \ND &, SON, IBUBO, N. c. "ESgfflSSSl* MU FM IMi! I «Hfl Mhor «HMi tally to aay n*n* fl«y ta i»*»tar fmnani, I Uwartatol to Um dairy baatarai ptoxi to tow *» mum ■4P at tlw prapto, W. M. urcm'KTH. taataw. Mot* Mata Ht I SEABOARD Air Like Railway Uabla Dally Sarvloa. | W«ei In T*rl, Iuk itluu. K*v Orttui U4 Nila Santi iri fm IN RVrKUr AfKIL I*. |» 7 ■UDTUWAKUl Billy Dally . ___ Ban hvH. f* E"rl"\ '• >1 ** *• »*»«•• L*. MUaMpUa, “ If*pa. iHu L». BaMaam •• * 41 pi IMaa £». Waakiaptaa, W. A Bytatim l*44aa P MmarndTkAJ^m, UU,u lltaaa I'.Njilan “ 111 Hr 147 E pRrllaa, I M aa til pa p Baailacaia, “ 1 *1 •« INn p BUM, “ 4 ta la 1 M E p N«alkan rtaaa « ago an l«E pBiaM, “ Ilia MWpa P ColiaWi. J • loooaa UtaCa " Mpa IHu AOMkwatHta, - t H ya lllaa ArHTAwMM nil Ao Vaapa - falaa f* T-wT.**,M.T.r.*».tfMaa Alia L«.l' iMiAla, ' to Haa ll Si mb tTKBaawok l.i WiBh'loa.H.BW.0.BI .. |Bia p. hOalKUL 1*1 pa l£ p. VaUaa - II41 pa UMaa iaba S — #1 L«. Opuihaa Pteaa, “ tttaa 111 pa Lt. BaaM, tWaa 10 40ya t^wussstss; —nrS tTctSSS; = DMw iiOu ETiSSi rfs~ IS tiaa. ::5 as *».Aavara, a * *. O. itfpa...’. telC^iulfc...;. Ili, UHlfc gepggnra aI. MUiniiaJl.i-^A a.L a m «a A ttpa AEM.iapU. “ IMya liiSi MOBTBWABD Ml/ Mil Lt. VMI4AI.U ttL. BM MM INn Errata?—--g nS isstei-iv^ i5m am,. Lumm.o. 4t.q i»U«a ,...TTT. tassy ■ ^ lag-igg g.-5sr : ‘.as 55s LT. <*»rk>iw, •■ nry~niTa LT. Wllal^fea, 1 J I Mm „. LT.II.mM, ■« WHm film F- *«—•> fl ii »»• nris passu : {grass East -• «•r .'SB Ar. Portaraoath, “ INa IHm ir. w^v w.'l m..'. nfe UMIIa«l.AAro... f>Ma» A».jti*t%V.O.D.AA.O»......... jlHfa Ar. j>k^ *.j>.kSrr*U pa ' »T»m Ar. Mar Tort, « llipa •« m —- JmTE E75T lt.t—m. uu^ i»a M»— 1*t. HA AhimIm - I t la IHia -*-rg~m ill pa Ies**. sreifr LT.MMpfc. •' IMa IlSa EBT = -t»=T ISs - At.Mm< “ (Mia lllE Ar. WMkiigtBa. WAIMI llaa • M pa Ap. Baklnai*, PXA II la niw Ar. PfciiaJMpMa. - •• I N pa |MM Ar. Mavrork, “ I LI pa (Sal Kma -♦ Dally, axaapl A— JOMnl *naa. |ImmW |ul C. L. McKay, Ap*L MAXTON SASH A DOOR CO. MAXTON, N. C. WHITE TO US KOK PRICES OX DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, ETC. MONEY BATED. • Bennettsville - Dillon Marble Works, J- W. McELWKR, Proprietor. Mono ments, Tombstones, Tah leta Etc., 22 years experience and in business. Designs and prices furnished on application. Vi, Vi. Pate, Mgr., Phone Oft. BrnnittsTMa. H. CL B B.ThompWM, AethorlMd Bus—a •tire. w. u rmm,

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