The Taur VOLUME XXII._L^TTrilNBOllG, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER PROFESSIONAL CAIN. T1R. W. T. HERN DON, ~ V dkxtoot, UlMSBUNlI, *. C. OHk* om Frincr ft Nine’* )>nm Htorr. JJkTc. W. REG AX, u UEX'mrr, ORh»> an ataba ov*r tWdi Drag Ktnr*. Trk^itiiiur ft7. JONATHAN FEBLK, " Alt—» »T Uv. LACH1NBUK0. X. C. Olttfr om ITinca A Rlwr’a Drag kStorv. Twbphona IOC,i -JUTAXCY L. JOHN, ■“ Anutitr at Law, l.AUItlNMOUO. X. C. I’lionaa: Offw 31. rraidrace 0. WJ. MATTUBWg, • Off rial Hurmynr lor Beotia ml Couaty ( vmtwrox,.». c. All nalla |mui|l(l) aWxatlr 1 in J D. LX)WAN, «• BAICBEil, Kmytiwt mw ; llrwt-Hnw arrvirr. uvokt oa rnic oavanao» or Tm nrsi mmu im 4 umrnmt. or LAPUWU»Q til Uw ftktUl Of Sforltl OtnSlMA.Bl tlMI flllbj H» Muteau. Jm to*. MM. RJUOT7BCSA Lnito MMIDImiiwiU ttflJWtt Omintu. w««?«4 ud fOMftriut Mi M V. K duod* M mmrt otroMUilw*. *■» m Vx mkmti u« U. to BnuK M4 to puftlf fcouM foffwKwro **i fUtorM. S in uO In«« tran KMln»l l*ato tool iw MfN MM*) If. I» M Dm* fra* BMffvwoS nunu Milt. )Uto M N.>IM tft OtWr KMlDMi SO « l‘nv«l*Ml MP*r MMTMunr. D(*luh MlOMU. MO to I A«r* Moocr Rfwrrr to Bui. tU: *t>#tow. to.wr oo Lvd tMlW DOMl. to *» 10.WJ7 Ml Be irayKoo fund wit* U IL Tnw titwc U pwr «MI ot tfifwNulM) Bjf 30 TOTAL. nun to UAULmS* O*141*1 HOC* to l&dOO to ftasuftL*. »»...*_* ,J°— uituaaU 1X1a* X.IIW.I kMt aula. nnt<M*ni uu oo law u Tnw Ciat».lCT m4 S.vtw, IU. i.iua HriamMli 1. fi Indlwlaul Oauutiu «(IOa*< ka rWrt Ifl.Wf W TOTAU XBJTT B | Xl.laa* XotUOliWw ■ _ county of aaotiaad . f I. Thca. J. OU1 CMMf at IM tkm aaaw« tank. Ac inlrnalj raaar nu tM .tow ttti*. I inrat k Uw Ui Ik. km at ai lantalM Md wtt*t. raos i. aiu. uiaw Mgnfftai tai .warn la kafora a. tky :«Oi An otiwa. WN. I*» A. JOKBS. Xutarr PaMo Can..*—Aiwal my* i-~ Oar eng a try Iriaadi ahould nawar toil Tq kqj or onl«T through the mail TKETN1KA." toa If rawly Alia Tha bill, tor taaahfag oMMwn’a Ilia. “TEKTHIBA” Aida Digralinu, Regu |»taa tha hnweia of children of any age Mil atakrw loathing aaay. ami txwta ou ly 33 aaata at Dnaggdat*. i 9f CD S2. — a dp IP z I m i o s 3 i jo ~ r = m s > w z i ~ Op* > s o _ n lr 2 .H I —■ a 3® GAYLORD’S 1 STORE IS HEADQUARTERS FORI DRESS GOODS. j Ubo. O. Gaylord is always oo the lookout for bargains and CHpcinlly in baying goods that lie can sell clump. Wo inn showing 4 colors in colb.ii iCt amine. it makes a copl, strong anil «et\ icabjo dress It is 32 inches wide and worth 18c. a yard. Our price is only 10c, We arc also showing three colors hi silk striped cash mere- They were goods formally retailed at 50c. a yard. We am selling them for 10c, a yard. Wo have nl«o two colors in voile, a gray and a tan, which you see in oar window, goods thnt were sold at 30c. J picked theta nu at a bargain, and I am selling them at 15c. a yard. Wahave lO pieces of fine lawn, in two colors only, pink and blue, that wi* were* selling for 10c, and which wo now wont to close • ont at 5Jfe. a yard. GEORGE O. GAYLORD, WILMINGTON, N. C. ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR TYPEWRITER EQUIPMENT? Tff «n ^OLIVER" $od jour troubles wffl ccsSe. J. C. CRAYTON, General Agent. CHARLOTTE, N. C. lift ... WS TAKAS NAY MINT SttS IT. , Muil'.wl Inm Lul (Ml.) Thereat* n-ituml through out the ground * several places of amusement, etc., upon which an admittance lee ie fixed, other than the pike; Morocco ie rvpro moted by a typical street and to separate concession*, iu one is to 1 'u seen the largest horse in the world, “Morocco, ” weight 2809 lbs., admission ten mute; iu tb« other is-to bo seen Jug gler*, gun spinners, twicers, and native dancing girls, ten cents admission; the Philippine reservation rovers forty acres, und contains one thousand na tive*, with their natural uur roundiugs, admission 25 rents; the I go rotes, the “dog-rater*” from Luton, occupy a separate portion of this tract, twenty *vr 'cent* extra is charged to see ' them; fifty cents is what it cost* you to ride on the big Kerri* wheel; if you ride during the day yos get n complimentary ticket wliicb entities you to ride at night view tiie illnminatkui;tliie Immense wheel isia 985 test high, contains JO can and is the or rtguu. when) made for the Colum binu exposition at Chicago in 1893; a crystal cave, reproduced fix in one in Wyoming showing the formation of sUihigmltes^tc.. 5 rents tulioionion; ’ twenty-fire rents i* tiie snm which entitles to view “the wouders of the Mo lar rays” a machine deriving its motion from the sun’s my’*, i* sn interesting feature; a boat ride of a mile on the lagoon* in quaint Gondolas, reposing on the resonance of the gondoliers, lute will prove refreshing, and cost* only 25 otatg a tower feel high wherein ie contain ed a wireless telegraphic appar atus imibnu-es the largest sta tion in the worbl coate yon twou ty-llve cento to inapoct it, oom ll>«‘lvi:ll ilMMSOgex atr MtfU! to in:iny of the large cities, wire lee* telephony ie also dimioastrated; on a ten acre tract is reproduced a section of Jerusalem the “Holy bit.r" shotting the llnwqun of Omar, the ciinrcli of lie holy sep ulchre. Solomon’s temple, cruel flxiou, tomb of Christ, Mount of Olive*, garden of Oethseinane. the ecoe homo arch, typical streets und mitiree. The dty is sur rounded by s trail, everytolngis Cushion**! utter the original and designed in Jerusalem, admit tance twenty-five cents; if you w ish to “get off tbs earth” you c-ui do so iu a captive balloon, wh’ *f uaceiids about 1000 bet lute fifty cents; several soft driiik .-t. i,.m> ate to 1 %< locnd thrau^n. 1 fbs grounus, but no liquor* are sold. In the above I have mentipqed . about all the object* of xtuiusemeut etc, upon which a price of admittance is charged. WV will uow get to that part which is “free’*, tiler* b something magnetic about the word free which is sure to at I tract attention. as visitors enter the Main Ar» uint * magnificent garden l* pre sented to their view, one bait mile swgy la the hell of festivals, ife dome larger {ban Bt. Peter'* at Home, 280 bet above, the ground; it’s ooloaade* 63 feet high stretch oat 750 feet each way divided into seven section* on eucb side, hi front of which are sculptured figures represent ‘n* In allegory tbs fourteen 1 states and territories served carved from the Louisiana pur chase; from ora ter and tiro efdee three great cascades pour floods of water down a sfevp elope; the cMitrnl scries of c net odes |« 800 bet long nod 1BQ bet wide at grand boefn; in the ball Of bail vale In to be found the largest pips organ ever constructed, having 10,000 pipes, and 140 •tope; the two larger pipea > are Wbsfc long, and au ordinary home could pues through them; tlie organ Is 62 bet long, 118 (soft wide, sad 40 bet high, It tnkre a twentv horse power motor lo operate It. Ch is. Oalloway of he, I si" is, is the official orgnulet, other* ftiiitotie, who will preside at the bur aru.-Dethler, Eddy, loui&re, Carl, Btntth irndfuriur; tbe mast famous bands to tbe world take port in a series of hand concerts in tbe ball, among them are tbe following,—La Gar de Republics! tie of Paris, tbe Grenadier band nf Iwndoa. tbe Imperial band of Berlin, tbe Mexican National, Chicago ma rine band, Rouea'e. At inter vule these bands combine their forces in one grand oruhestral concert of-11000 pieces; choral concerts ooni|>oee.l of thousands of voiom are also given. The United fitntW govorninent represented Ui o^ V .'onne in a series of huildinga tml out-«loor exhibit*, Among them are tbe following:—to the [Wet office de partment is shown ail tbe differ ent methods of handliog the malls, both domestic and for eign; a most unique exbibit io the agricultural department Is a six acre map of the F. 8. show leg tits growing -.Tops Indigen ous to the several states, the paths ore on the Itoundary lines of state*; hi the treasury depart ment is to bo stun enclosed In glass, the original warrant drawn from the treasury for $15,000,000 lu {wymeat for Louisiana, in Unfit, “lifesaving’’ drills are also taider.this deport ment, and a mint in octnul oper ation is nlao to he sain; it will be sent to Jtanrer tor permanent use at the dose of the lair; in the interior department is illustrat ed the pragmas made by the In dians ;40 acres tire dovoted to tlds exhibit, and rierouimo, 'and (-hief Joseph are fn nttendgnes, nearly every specimen of ‘ Amer ican Indian, including faraway Alaska am Co be seen here pur chasing their usual avocation; hi the war department is to be soon every style of gun and can non used hi the F. H. army, also every kind of ammunition and explosive, nmVwhrie different process, a of manufacture; okl •words, and uniforms, worn by ouch men ss Oenerale Lee. Grant, Sheridan, And others arc among the many relics; in the navy dopartraent Is to be seen perfect models of modem man-of war, in a huge gloss tank filled water is shown ah harbor fortifi ed with sab-marine mines, show ing the actual method of planting them; in the State department ore to be found numerous lstterw and manuscripts that art histori-1 col relics, together with Wash-, ingtou’s sword etc; the govern.! meat fisheries exhibit includes specimens of fish from the waters of nil her possession, they are fat glass tanka lighted from above, the visitor views the exhibit frufidark psagp ways. The pulhcw of agriculture i* the largeet boflding ever construct ed H cover* over eighteen urerae, ( hae four mite* of aiaiaa, the various eaetemo of, taming, modern country dawdling, ap pliance and method*, in nee is agricultural engineering, drain age, Irrigation, the composition nolle tli* onolyeiM of water*, the value of farm product* a* food for live etock, the latent con struction for dairies, tbs pro gram of utaatufartaring butter and chssae, a. oism weighing two tone, aooUuot&n of im pie meets mid machinery,^ both an rieat and .modern need in ttlDiig the soli, cultivating end harvest ing the various crops,. a col lec tion of vegetable parasite*, and iruwer*, a statue'of' John Htew art m batter, a statue of "King cotton0 SOieet high, an elkcom i poeed of beans from Ventura Co., California, etc, are among the many thousand*—;yen millions of iawreatiug tiling* to b* *mu and leuntad in tbi* Imposing edi '•c*. In the polrtb# of hurtkrolUir* lad Oiling the outdoor- exhibit are to be eeeu all daw* of fruit, flower* And'Bhrabb*iy; hi front of this building is a flornl dock with dial one hundred fret fa diameter; the numerate are flf teeg feet b|gb; on top of the dial I* a house enutalning the meefa nnism, and on tbi* is a 5000 lb ball atrikiog the half boon, it luroimated at night by one thou •Md electric Ugbte. In tbeioretty, flah, and game palace are abown the reeulte of tne planting, dataOe of eaw-mlll work, veaeeriogate; everytbiog pertaining to the foret can be laarped been; in tbe oat-eMe n bibit which eorms Mima acre, ie to be aero o plank from Cali fornia eleven feet wide, andelxty feet long; a tree that waa four hundred yean old when Colom bo* dlcovemd America, ie exhib ited by North CaroUua; nearly every kind of fled from t^e tiny tahraow, to oaa like Jonah erinU lowed, ant to be emu; the ini. menee aalmoii fleheriee of the Pociflo ooadt are oumprebeerivH. ly exhibited abowlng In n vivid manner the methods of ealmon hatching; every known epoch) am of game from all parte of the globe, form an interesting collec tion together with tbe natirw weapon*, a* well oe tbe more modern gone, revolver*, camp log and banting nteneile; tbe outride (live) game exhibit* cover tea acre, a Med cage 30o feet long containing specimens of every epeciea of bird in North America are sbownwfch natural surroundings and loHaga. Painting*, aoulptsre, etching, engraviog, lithographing, ar chitecture end aD the feme of applied art, are oa aahibition in the palace of Fin* Art*. In the palace of Liberal Arte is shown the woodertol develop ment in topography, and the art of printing and binding In the paet 'eantnry; among them ina complete type foundry, a photo-mechanical engraving plant, electrotype foundry, a mode) printing office, showing variona prooanaw of color print ing together with the different forme of machine typesetting, band composition and easting devices, ■- a nefaai hxfUat eqnipped with every appliance used in surgery has beau provided. Methods of treating diseases by electricity, z-rgys, itosect light, radium, etc. are demonstrated; musical la etramenta from a eelf-plavitig piano, and piano players to the most crude instruments of by gone years are here represented. LETfEft TO J. A. MUSE* utnvtatcau, x. o Dear Sir: Hate’s something every pointer and builder ought to know. Mr.J.J. Boll, Sheffield, Pa, puiated two hewn, two year's | ago, leod-and-oll; took 40 jrnl Ions,. Last year, be painted Ue> roe; bought 40 gallons; bnd 10 left. ' He in one of thousands. The know ledge is getting about pret ty geonraSy, that Ikeroe goes further than anythmg aha * Have yoo tonnd It out hi rour owaexpmlsocn? How much fortberr Suppose a Job amounts to 10r 000 square feet; bow much loss Duvoe could you buy? la use my to paint? doss ttl cost uay more or less to put-ou by tbs gull on than anything nine bow roach. D it eo«U no mors or less to put on Derae by tlie gallon, In. iSSSby the loot, you know; for the endup does mote feet. How mneh fans, do yon tud it. lor 1 suite, say, twice ns long; that tbs owners gala; but perhaps you reckon It yours; some do. The time, when that fins— hi. Is wbm bn ghmnoat the next Job. Who gets it? Toons truly T. W, Devoe * Co. W. L. KUds sell our paint, .'.'JUST v. t OUR NEW LINE OF FALL GOODS. STAPLE DRESS GOODS OF *ll kiwd« I'p-tn-date line of fthoosaud Over BUooh. (fwoar Crock - «>• and GUuuwai*. Wp wont to phI] you ft ukv Buggy or WsfprHi, pn* onrH before you buy. Will irive you price* on Anythin*: you ttoud In th* General Merobaudiae line. Make our ktoiv your ttmdtpi.irler* while i.: fenm. *' Vnnrw f<> mve. Id. c McNell. - ' ■ I I 'WTW ” II— * —— •fll* tie duetts' | Scotlaiiil county boys aim! girl*. ban left, or will Way*, lor their respective school* as lollow*: I Oak Itidgw IbaUtote.—Dongnl.i Stewart, Ixmiiie Hnmmoud, 1». A. CHlebrist . Wales Forest t-’uliege.—Buy and Hudson Wclltilan. tiro. Goodwyn. Davhjsou College.- Will Rosa • University of N. C.—Allan kfc> Lsan (to study medicine.) A. ft *L College, RiUei*h Howard Brooks. Elixebeth College, Charlotto. MWsso FtanaW LooW Neal. lie*. Ws Bryant, AnsW UlHrr Diggs. Bed Spring* Seminary.— HiaasaOliAaBrook*, KatW and EUsa Patterson and Baby Jamea. Trinity College.-Piem- Wythe. Stale Normal College.—Mi*** Obh* Krfntt and Kmma Wiml< to*tuo GdL IWf McKinnon and tala and Eograia CamUjr. Kna Mb«|M4r~ One of the mnet remarkable came of cold, deep-eeatcd on the isrfflstt^saSa; lial., who wtu entirely cuml by itauee of (Hie Minute Cough t'nre. Sheeny*. -Tbo Coughing und straining eo weakened me tltat I rundown to weurht from Id** to BS. i tried a number of rawedie* to no avail until I need; < Hit Minute Cougli I'uie Four bottle* of this wonderful rnaidy eatadmt entirely of the omigh, HtnoigtlMoa) my luuga and ra atOTM m to my nonaaJ weight, ■ffi- MRhe. the fawa—mMagMe. We are In the Ring to Win. f . And if Up-to-date flood*, Linked with Low ; Pri«* w»d Honest Deeding* Count for anything, we will tome out victorious. We mention this week our full and oomuleto linn of Shoes for Ladies, Musst Children anjl Men. La dies, front $1.00 to $2.50; (flUidrone well, any pries and a guaranteed fit; Hisses, we hare just what you want; In Men's w« can please you. We also carry n nice Uuo Of fhum Moods —all the new weaves and patterns. ■®“Watchthis space and come in o«r and you will soon learn that we can supply your wants and save yon money. J. B. MASON A SON. , 6 ^ AT MASON'S CROSS. §;'# ■MMBSSHSSSMMSMSBUSSBiaR tswueiHSaBiliaMMMi*MMiaaA«Mai GRAIN DRILLS, MOWING MACHINES —AND HAY RAKES—r PBWm Single Barrel licwdi Loading m fto $7.00 Agency lor WOODHUFKHAY lEfl and the Celebrated Cko. E. N Radon Jvafcooa, Lynchburg and OH ver Chilled Plows. W.U^IaMrKMMitoOTtVMCwaffTtnictoaMMMttM. «rk nM rm MotUijc. .. HkmptanBuuMM, Ualvaataai. inw mm( Tin Vm». ,fwk« MiiliikltrfTk^wwl >HMiUri<ttm w w> «ttt» m ******* MAUDWAMC j- Xj. EcouiiA-iar^. D. C.LYTCH, AO*NT row SCOTLAND AND ADJOIN1NO COUNTIES i gSJS*. IMPROVED NEW SOUTH HAY PRESSES. MOWlTWOrn WDIIIITM ,;■/ ",'vV- . t A—»f W»taM»hwln—»»OMladb«a»WM«A1iy < »aat ynaartat »a^iaa<i fmwm \umnlm ! pmm mm HIA nlWj tmmtrmiii urn mm ;-i<iiAyl», klariiMir an H> tn aalaiala. '•

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