thr milk of human kindne—, and hi* brain not marfcud by a hirfi ord*y of ability, than tlwra m ootMag ia apptaraaeaa." TWa Tarbml adtton wan high ly plmaed ab tllefcoaon«ororthi]y baatavad upon baa c* tbair num. bar, Mr. Jaotphaa Daaiaio, who of tha ooouaiUa %'■ hruraatHMaAllaiMwi h romlbp HaTmQiaufhCuW, : r. J. OHm.NKT * C. TflWo. 0 , Hill ilM. 11. bar* kJMva T. J. • M lb nut oat Mm ia <«l' hmlaaa wM«r * T«v>x. Tahbi. O. Wai—.Kanuxa him, Wh rii ■* ProabUi. TMMa O. yjgjaftqnut* Ctm U ufc— jah—Pr —«h*r ftiulfr apoa B»bioo4 aa* mo Moaourtauof ahooratMB. TtaMaMa Moana *Mt No TV. par kotttr. -• MTiT it Imiau faJTo lomflj mo on U» booc Two Irishmen were eating din ner 11) a hotel In America tor the flrwt time. There was a. bottle of pickles on the table. One of thsot took oaaof tlw green pick les and ate it; he said, “Bcgorra, Pat, thry one, they mtm flue.” Pat thought II the green one was good the rad on* would be bet ter, SO bt took out a rad pepper aad tasted it, and laid it oa his pints. Mike said, “is it good, Pat?" “Yea, bat I will lay the little rsd hot cnss down tfll he eooh^-BK. mam mir. ~ •jJS*2s CUtBBNCE LVTUff. At the Reqnest— of a number of patroni I win work in Laurtoburg Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, SepU 12, 1« and 14. If you want photographs 1« sure to see me oo those days. Very truly yours, J* B. BPSKOffH. i ommommmiMMHmi vntmti imi Ml«. Eoiroit:—iiuvilig*" eoeTl nothing from onr locality on tke prrueub status ot ofluirs, I will tragNuai on yoor patience with your permission. Tbs universal cry among us all Is short cotton oops nran1 obligation to soon ha nietorvar flad to another year. Ws note with |tlmanra noma far mats not tatbehail stricken portion of our community arc piekfag the Buscy staple. While thoaa the unlucky, which includes yoor eonaspoadyit, wOl not cow nmne batexw last of this weak oo Aoooaot of late opening. I think the land owners and merchants should be willing to divide losses this year, sspecialy where crops wees visited by boils. I am glad to say I have beard the expns eiooe of some who are perfectly willing to do this. Oue party ownlmr land has offered to take off nmt all that erne asked. And one of onr eokxaesl time-mer chant* expresses himerifas being willing to loose all his profit*. This T consider is along the right line. “Cast thy bread upon the waters for tlioa shalt find It af ter many day*.” May others to no better financial dreumetauees be willing to do likewise and are will see Hlejost oe long. May prosperity crown aU onr efforts. Let ue start another rear with renewed vigor, pat forth oar an* ergy * pereevemnoe, with bright bopee ■ tempted upon oar brow, try to be more eucceeeful i* the future then the poet I would be gied to hear other expree ■foa along this Hoe. What say yon Ur. Editor, you are not per sonally interested? [8nre, we are personally inter, •■ted. That which effects the laruer elerte «H other domes whlthoat apy exceptionr—Ed. Ecbange.) Oar eye wn» very touch attract ed last Bundoy evening by tb« [approach of u.bsoutiful eiugfe | turn-out. The occupant, one of your charming young men and the lady a beau tiful daughter of our very near neighbor. We predict wedding beds later. Why dost some of our bachelor boye. around here follow this example? It reminded your correspondent of tbs halcy on days of kh youth. Hr. 8to>usl Based to ready to girt yoar ootton and guarantee satisfaction. Oar young pastor calls fra qusntly near by. Ws wish him Messrs Stubbs ft Newton, with the reatotaoce of asjgbbom have erected aa harbor near hear.1 Thgy intend conducting haHosse service* for several days. There will be no night service*. I "But." Old Hundred, Sept. 19th 1904. Everything to in the- name when it corns* to Witch Haas! Salve. E.C. DeWItt ft Go. of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hassl that to a specific for IThst. For blind, btoedfngTitcfa. ing and protruding Piles' oesama cut*, burns, bruises aad all skin dtseaesaDeWitt's Salve has no equal. This kas given rise to numerous worth to* connterfidte; Ask for lie Wits'j^-the genuine Sold by W. L. Fields. Marriage ought not to be a tailors if one or the other par* tim to it are eautlous eooogb not to allow matri mony to get too ranch eredit for making too hearts beat as one.— Wilmington Star. 1 ' .< *: -• />• w". .V k 'j I ' •• a m c xjf - "«£* m m 1 mWAJL What will liItaly prove the greatest battle of the campaign la Manchuria, baa bean fought, tad the soldiers of both -Cmr tad Mikado are now resting bom the groat fatigue which their aboostanproeadented flght log ocrastoned. The result woe an OTenrbaiminir victory to the Jape, but ft makes one shudder to cubay contemplate the awful cant of the capture of IJoo Yang. Tbe carnalities are now placed at a total of about 60,000, and the Inot that thp boepital corps and the Bed Croas with the Russian forces were entirely overwhelmed by the work laid oat for them by the Japanese bullets shows the magnitude of the slaughter. The fact that 25,000 Russians who bad been cat oB from tbs wain body and were la dinger of an* nihUatiou or capture at the hand# of the Japanese made their escape, and the failure of the Jape to overhaul Kuroput kin before be reached Mud ken, le not anrprWng and detracts nothing from the sweeping trinsipb of the Japanese army. Asthu situatlou now nrosents Itinlf, the Russian forces have hanlted in the vicinity ol Mud* kmi. about T5 miles north of Uao Yang, with the Japanese not far nway, but, there seems no immediate danger of another general engagement, and in last, late dispatches indicate that the present campaign may be considered practically ended, and the armies are likely to es tablish winter quarters and merely strengthen themselves for the eeoond year's warfare. It may be that the Russians will remain at Mudksn, but it has bent indicated ia recent dis patches that Harbin would be made headquarters. The latter place is some 800 uUee north ol Mudken aad should. Kuropatk in withdraw thither, Russian evno entkxi of the entire southern portion of Manchuria would he complete. But whatever the de cision of the Russians on this point, the recent operations have emphasised the steady victory of the Japanese, and mode Ka ro parkin’* ullged strategical movements appear in the light -of retreats that became in some inetaooea almost panic*. Dispatches . from Rt. Prteo burg tell of the calling to urine of reserves, which will doubtless be dispatched to the front as •ooo aa possible to MU up tbe breaches ia the ranks caused by the rsoeot fighting. The Japa nese art probably also moving to the front with the same end in view, although it is seldom that anything of their movements is givsa out at Tukio, the first Tn fonaaiiou often coming only af ter the men have appeared In the field The lost news from Fort Ar thur indicated that' no heavy fighting hod taken place recently although It was expected that a general uasaolt upon thefortrese woo Id he made soon. In view of the tact that the Bosnian Baltic fleet soiled from Oonetndt yes terduy, with the avowed inten tion of going to tbe far East, It would he especially good fortune for the Japanese if they co aid at. cure this stronghold before win ter sets ia. It is. however, a big undertaking, aad uutees tbe food enpply may be alcag time yet before the (Mika do’s men again march through the senate of this port aa they did when the yellow drsgoa of China waa made to give place to the battle flag of the rising young empire of the East. I I "■h fHt ->*; mwb aMt-wa* Notice t Wtafc I am at imat tTnvrttn* lath* •tlatrt «f Ik Klb* IkulMloriRi Oo., •ottoa Ml oil maaohMtais u( CSuriu Or, ^ local sr*d aa<t umoI basinr* will lx looked alter a* usual, aid after a short Umo I shall sir* It my |t*i*uaal attsn koa. T. *f. COVINGTON. TAX PAYERS. Take notice tliut I will be at the following place#, and dates, and will ask you to meet me promptly and set tle your taxes: Gibson, Oct. 6th. Spring Hill. Oct. 7th. Lanrinburg, Oct. 8th. Old Handled, Oct. 10th. Laurel Hill Church, Oct. 11th, Conclaves Get. 18th. A. H. McKinnon’s Store, Oct. 18th. Hasty, Oct. 14th. Laurinburg, Oct. 15th. . Johns Station, Oct. 17th. T. L. McNair’s Store, <)ct. 18th. W. 1). MoLAUHlX, | Sheriff. KTOX-'V'noN— is tilt) louivJntv.':'' ci ;.t»i noblest arts. The study ol music i* just u« v***enthd to an education aw the Krgllsh language. Our great Collage** ure our greatest educa tor* and there you will And the Artistic Htiufl Piano, because Its perfect action ami beautiful -lug. lug tons inspire the student to attain Ute higher Art in Music. In the horns is au emblem of musical culture and refinement. Sold direct, ousts no more thuu medium grade or cheap pianos through retail dealers. He guided by Ute experience of our greatest colleges in the selec tion of a piano and yon will not only own an artistic Instrument but save tlw retail dealer's pro fit. The SUefl fa the only great ar tistic piano sold direct. Urenau Comereatore of Music has 50, Pun verse ColWe, Spartoubonr, S. C., has S3, FUlxaheth College, Charlotte, has 20. Hapliet Female University, ltaleigh, N. (■., hue 81, Solent Acudetny, Winston-Salem, N. t’., has 14, tutd buying more. Presbyterian College, Char lotte, has 3, Limestone College, Guffuej, line tt. Wiuthrop Normal, Hock Hill, huH 6, and Colleges all over the country, lack of space forbid** numing others. Southern Wureroome 211-213 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. Wilmoth, Manager. IS mi moreilY Mi IV* SVRED AGAINST A NS* sim use loss! I! mol vmmt ran let aim linn It for yonT AU laommaaa ratenaiad to ora win be promptly mod care fOUr looked after, mad will alvm be iraowad when It exp bee wltV oat no tier from you. ThaaUajr you (ur umaclarure mod aoHrltimK may other Inanraaee yoa may maaii. JAS. L. MCNAIR, AOCHT. ATTENTION! BLEND US YOUR EDDSB WHILE WE TELL YOU OF SOME OF THE MANY NICE TMINCS WE NAVE IN STOCK AND ARRIVING FRESH EVERY DAY. We are the largest handlers of FANCY OHOCEHlEa in this section and are therefore cnablqd to supply yon at all times with FRESH ATTRACTIVE GOODS and we make our prices as low as consistent with quality. We Mention *PlUa Week. FEARLESS DAISY WTTER, FULL CREAM CHEESE, RO. I MACKEREL, SEPTEMBER MULLETS, JOIN F. MOIRE’S LARS, ROYAL A PR»E OF RANDOLPH FLOOR, CAROLINA A KINCHAM’S RELIABLE NAM, BREAKFAST BACON AM BRIEB BEEF HAMS Xa* Oereele We Mention CREAM OF WHEAT, PSSTUM CEREAL, FORCE, • IN REDOES WHEAT KSIRIT, •AT MEAL, BOQKWHEAT, CRAPE RUTS, RAUWRN FROR Of ALL BIROS* W* have many other good thing* to eat, bat will not attempt to mention in this abort apace. Remember we are ngenta for _ _ ™ :

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