PENNY COLUMN. Km* nut Count* i-ou it wnj. w Tanaer tou. Uaiu okii cwtT a u f»« wm cxtunu. No nrtaiitimtin i takm poo l«m THAU 10 otorra. A MSO.OO Piayo Intel Mahog UV COM, piartteUlf BOW. lOMflKtCOH dttlo*. larnla to yulrk bum. 14 me X Uk* I to* 2 HO, Laoriabnrg, K. You wfll Bad tea baat broom* la towa at J. P. teafurB’t. . Waated lOOOtooaCottoo bead. Haa — bafcnayoaaalt ioba A. Hiaatoa. Xaar Jawatrr aoua to arrWt at Or! r.aariagtoa'a Jawab7 Iknartamt. Tbe fiteilaa t.HI tew la wbat roa aaart, you will Bad tbaia at J. 0. tea toed'a.__ ■Arjgaairrtrfcar tlatl lor a Loaano Bharbat, Ba> Bia juat "Oe better than tba good oil time bnanaada. thnriugloaV Krutaia. Maiaeco It JWautllol, Onaupalm*, Umnomiaal, Durable, itanita rr and flip proot all Unla, lor tale by J. U. Son lord. Ragging oatl Tlaa foraale by Itekaoa aad Scotland MlUa. Tnr oor Sberbete made fixnapare rrueoed tnalta—Krarlngton'e fountain. _ mu at Rmtagtoa'a louatein. d e Tba Uc Cream aald at II rrlugton'a boa a rrpataUo*. Try It. If you ora looking fur bargain* go to J. II. Sanford'a. fou Saul-Two-Story Store UmMIng and I All la Laurluburg. large etnre on Brut Boor, Lodge moiaa oa «rcond. M- L. Jon a. Attorney. . A a lot Haa of tabla ami pocket Cutlery at J. D. teaford’a. Into lew LaMar} ts Mnrc No. 40, far WlUnlnjtofi, a* fal* o. m No. 80, far Obortotfa, at 7*11 o. IB. •No. 44, lor Vilailactoa. at H.-0S p. m. •No. 4ft. far Daarirt, at *:18 a. a. •Oatly ascrpt Saadar. An Mpctfcct Vkv. Omtfatta Near*. Ilarper'a Weekly in coming about ns near to playing the in dependent part in tliu campaign um a Journal ton well do. Ita platform i* “.No Humbug” and It alternately attacks ami de fend* the argument* of both •Mac a* tlione argument* appear to be worthy of fallacious. It ha* ia it* latest l**u* tbi* strik ing thing to nay about New England and the Tariff: Give tariff time and it will fetch New England away from its R« pnhlicnn moorings. For ex ample, the cotton mills have lo compete with the Bouthora mill*. In the Afussacbusetts mill* tha hours of labor are re stricted by legislation. In the South they nre not. The Sooth era mOle bare cotton at their door* and pay low wages. The UaaMcbuMtta mills pay freight charge* on their cotton nnd pay high*; wngea to tbelr hands. The Massachosett* mill* can on ly lira by making finer good*. But for that they need the long staple Egyptian cotton on which they have to pay a doty. There were glues-works on Caps Cod; they need wood for fad until the wood was gone. Then cheap Dominion coal would have help ed rbetn. But there is a duty on coal, and the glaes manufactur ing business has moved to Pitts burg where coal is handy. If Pennsylvania and the coal roads are strong enough td maintain the duty on coal, Nsw England will evsotoaUy rebel. She had a furniture manufacturing holiness for whieh she nssds cheaper lum ber- There is a duty on lumber, and Nsw England has began to buy her furniture and house fit tings in Minnesota and Michi gan. Bo It goes. Nsw England meet live, and if eventually the problem of living makes it neces sary to vote tbe Democratic Mfcet, she wiD vote that ticket, ^roe won’t break loose this year, bat In time hunger will beat tra dition. “ 8K» T»WIl iuhkimp M Melt, td Vklfty hUMMML rotlon is bringing 10X traits on this mnrket. The electric lights will be turn ed on to-night. 583 bales of new cotton have been sold here this season. Dr. C. W. Regan went to Row load Wednesday. Mr. T. J. Clieak arrived yester day from Greensboro. Mies Kdna Bins returned to Red Springe Seminar/ this weak. Notice change in Mr. A. A. James' advertisement. See tlie fourth page of this paper for other locals and per sonal items. Mr. Hector hicl.eau, the Aetna meu, bus au attractive adver tisement in this issue. Mr. John F. McNair has chanpud his big ad. this wuck. Read it. Mrs. H. W. Malloy and son, of Wilmington, are visiting at 'Squire Peter McRae's. M’ W. A. Murphy, of Fairfield, Flu., to visiting at Mr. John F. McNair’s home. Mrs. Floyd Taft and Miss Lola Taft, of Mt. Gilead, are visiting at Mr. L. D. MKinnoa’a Mr*. Mary I’ate, oi Porvia, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Mary Ann Sloe, uiar lanrinborg. Mre. Auatraea Burns and dau ghter, Mia. Adolphus McLeod, are visiting relatives near I eu rinbatg.—Scottish Chief. Tun Kxchanob is requested to say that there will bo a musical entertainment nt Pine flrove to morrow (Friday) night. Mre. Alex McKensie und child ren have returned to tlielr Flori da homo ufter a visit of ssi'eral weeks to relatives in thtooounty. Cotton went op points yes terday. If yesterday’s storm extends over the cotton belt Hie price will likaly continue on tbe up- grade. • Misses Minuie oud Eiunia Wil-i lis have returned from Morefasad City, where they spent several weeks with the family ol their brother. It seems that yesterdays storm did uot extend far over the cot* ton belt. Homage to cotton and other crops was reported from a few points in thto state ltov. und Mrs. J. D. Handy ar rived from Isiuriiihurg yester day morning for n few days visit to friends. They are the guests j of Mrs. 0. C. Nor.ncnt.—Lum berton Bobeeonian. i Veidiug Elder Col* will pmich | iu the Methodist church Sunday night, It being the occasion of the fourth quarterly conference. - lie win preicli at ^fbson Kun dny umi mig. Conti ..ry to his expeci :' '.one, ltor. R. mver house is Eo jdsd, we ore toll I, mid the lights will not be in. .•'•duu tonight (Wednes day). Cotton u'id other crops are greatly du..» its). If this weath er is general i t »he South it will certainly cause n big shortage in the cotton crop. VkilTmtoHla. 1 was Kiwstl/ worm wHk olnJU lor yaera until .about lour |wn ago wkau 2 took one third bottb ui Ur* Kiss'* Chin Tonic, sod I bstrr not bed e chill aiww PBTKB TALLENT. Xolhad to take' and always no mr> —no pay Me. u< •torenf W. X UUmod A i Co , (tlbson X. it nud oil mwllolne Aral. »n A.hN.(*(e TmMt. rwnaelw PWtrr. The trouble at the A. k Vi. Col. lege last week may be fairly well •nmmed op in the foUowiug clip plug*. Tbs first is a Uslsigh dispatch of September Ytb: “There is trouble at the Agri cultural and Mechanical College and the senior classmen say the other claseee ore backing them up. Seniors wen on the streets of Raleigh this afternoon in largo number*. They said they had done no duty nnd had no examinations today, that all the senior* except three out of a clues of 43 had taken oath to leave unless they were given the same privileges as to being al lowed to visit ItaMgh without |ieriniaskm, ete., as last term; that all junior* had taken oath i o support the seniors; that 85 freshmen had signed oath and the sophomores were ready to sign It. Four leader* hi ire been expelled by the faculty lor "In subordination.” The fuculty, however, rufusod to change the new rules, and many ol the sen iors went home. The second clipping refered to is from the Uuloigh Post- of Heptembsr 10th, and gives the npeliot: “The situation nt the A. k VI. College to much more satisfactory now nnd tlwuor'i of the institution is moving smoothly. The claseee were wcP attended yester day, tlis only abnenteee being the senior*. Six or eight ol the 44 senior* remained at their posts but the others aim not at the college. Home have gone home and others are with friends In Uolelgh.” U la*.mat aMnaharr ta'bara at baad taitobls rcatadtaa for eea la eaaa iA aacMaat and Inr al%tit lajnrW and all Mata. A (rood IMaiaoe aad oaa that la teat badnailaf a hrorta Ueotahouea b* Cbanbartala’a Paha Balia. By applyias-lr psaftM tx> a cut, bnaa or bora U allays tla* paia and canara tlw lojtfy to hml In nboot OinvIhiH fhr t-nwanally T.^n'rr,l. au| H L* .11.«j.,; .-pile it „ny claa par ot DlovJ polaonlac. Wki- Pel* Bala la kaptatbaad a aprain may ba tnatmt twtoro lafltuaaUon ana ta, | wlH'h iaaaira a qilek manry Pot miu by Dr. Gao. I>. Rreriaftoe and Dm Prlnea * Uto*. OvlkmrML Ta* Kxcbabbe baa decided to resume this tontniw of the paper •ad hereafter we will public* from week to week oil the new subscriber* mu) renewals enroll ed since each prpceediag Imm. The Ust lor the past week is as follows: D. C. byteb. Uarisbarg, kfat J. M Oarmichael, Laarlnbarv. R P. D. 1. A. A, Carsrfehaal. Aenhrtoe, Ala. B. R. Miindy, Moaroa. Dooasld dtawart. laiartaUrB. K. p. at A. W. I'orter, lawteliecg. Will Ntaa DadOm. ryrm *jUa, tMsNpOeiipa. 11, • Baker, LaarlaDaag. J. • Out, Lmmimtmm. R I*. D. *. ■* * Bt ns** toUrth*. Horn H. D. (HImar, I)«nocr&tio candidate for .Utornejr.Oenoml, will open the 1004 campaign In LaurlnbniK on Wadnaadny, flap, bainbar 21. Ur. QUmar will ■panic hara at 9 o’eloolc p m., and wa bopa a huge and antboai aatie andianaa will gibat him. lt*ml»r 99,' (at!__ barton, Octolvr 1. (at i 1 i •' NKft IntetfftaKttMtfeSlfMI* mm The Board of town com inU tdoneiw held its regular meeting Tuoedoy, present: Comio tasioneiw K. Hammond, Peter McIntosh, A. A. J autos and W. M. Smith. Coen miaaioner M. If. !Ufr4» tea. derad hie resignation, which was accepted, and Mr. John F. Mis Nair was alerted to All the va cancy. Mayor W. D. BUmII, who in now living la New York, also ant in Ida resignation, which traa accepted. The matter of electing a new mayor was de ferred to another meeting, which will probably be held within a few days. ft wae decided to ran da »kn. trie light plant all night, which cliange goes into effect tonight. An ordinance was paused pro viding that pool rooms, dying, jeunies, and all other iduoen of lunosoment ahull be doml at Id o’clock, 'add-night. Another or dinance wus passed r«*iring the proprietors of flying-Jeuntoe, Jtc. operating In town or whlthlu onedmlf rails thereof, to pay a tan of not leas 88 or more than 80 per day or part of a day. it wa* also dacid«d that all the electric tight consumers on the flat rate system shall pay a proportional rate lor as many lights «a they desire to burn al ter 13 o’clock at night. Chicaoo, Hopt. 18.—Kully 10, OOO women entitled to vote at the coming Presidential election haw been regteterwf In the Btate of Colorado, Wyoming,1 Utah and Idaho tain year, and practically hold the balance of power in tfaoee Hbittw. aaroar or nu oowornow or Tk Itt « mm. M a* (KM aw W '52 njmu 9 MB m mm M UABarruk: S9SST—_:^SS •“TlSlSraSiS*"* '«* ¥; Om*f of tkw f*»Tt tatted »»*V Wt.ttr .Or, JssUk2tr£yr* * •*• *•* •« ■» L. M. BLCT*. oakf. i