8alel«h,X.C.,8**.12,'04. 1 ! tr- wu They are of great inter—t to the peopfc of the State gtacrally and of especial Hgallriari to V ••Mala g—ttomea issMtog la some of the eastern counties.. They will probably noarluce tbs latter that the white children ot Rorth Carolina are getting oti putty well in the matter of the expends—of retool (node in their interest. 4 L 'Yv! Poring tbs udmmlstabtk— ot Uorsmor Ko-eM (1887-1901) the total iirll*Mlt nfsTpsmlllui— far bttBdhMr pabtte school boas— la North CaraUaa amoontsd to - the total of *199,122.90. Paring the pee—at sdmhitstTs i %i«H« of Governor Ajcock (which has four months yet to ran) ■ot to include any —pal— . , the total so far, hi 9462,286.68 The whole amount does not fa. dads the soon ties of lredefl. Or Ufa Madison, Haywood aad Forsyth, which have not yet sent in their reports for 1904. dirtied as folio we: In 1687—far whites..$80,60S.68 la 1887—far blacks.- .#1(1007.61 Total lor 1887..—$47,171.24 la 1898—whites..41,823.34 ..12,117.26 In 1888—whites._.42,237.58 la 1888—blacks._15.001.84 ■■ . MPT OOB KO In 1900 whites—.814117.86 la 1900—blacks..9,498.68 booses built Mflb year until 1909. and ttmion ao osmimte ttateueateaabe mad* for the yean prior to that date.' ■■ - Dunne the year 1909 there were a total of 829 new «cbool boaeea erected. la 1909 there were 347 see (wilding*. Ia 1904 there bare been 999 reported to date, with other* to hear from, which e| brine the aaaiber ap to 890 or taora ,' vTbe value of than buikHnjpi of lata years baa faxswaaed pto porttoanfoljr, the haildbies brine better and costlier than formerly. In 1899, tha total mine otall the school property in the Mate was f1,007,504,00. Ia 1909 the total value bad inrrnaaedto 91,699.808.00-an increase of *532,239.00, or ao nrernge annual Increase of f 117,. 418.00 The total now prob ably approaches *1,730,000. Luewxam. A weak stomach nalwM lit* mao. be—a It cannot tmne iorro the food he eats into uour tlhwei II—1th and strength cannot he restored to any sirk nr wmk won—a without tfrwt re xtoring health nn«l Strength to thaaknenacb. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to tMdthatfiao— and revive the thned and ran down Uroba and organa of the body. KodolDvs panala due digest* what you eat,d—mm oad strength tm* tbs glaoda and membranes of the stomach, oad ear— indigestion, Dyspepsia and all etomaen trou ble*. SoW by W. L. Field*. 5 Free Scholarships —mtkibt CLAREMONT ffMALE COLLEGE AFTLT AT OWCC. WL- ' - .•Hiaaie'eeH CkiwknfiiB i Oaf Uaat. gfhrMMtkutt ywn uditbu rBeaf isesdiaimenMi H W*Mj. . Metso, low*. Toe a Rood frianri «l» wtttaaaagfc er**otd. It al waj* a*onU quick mM wad la pi***, •at to taka. IWsafchy Sir. Sea. 1). Knringto* tad On. Bitaa aad Bhs. ■ .11 ’ 1 » 1 -■ ' IVER JOHNSON REVOLVERS. M kN> MMHD ItWJL | V:' Mk| at Ntt VML j Ur. W. DeB. McEeaohin left tor Charlotte Friday afternoon. Mm. FeimW Bgnwsy, o< Mon*, roe, visited at Or. A. W. Rawer** Friday. Miss Hanoi* Hemphill and Mrs. W. D. James mtnroed from Baltimore Friday morning. Mis* Bailie MeDnogaM return ed frost Baltimore Friday morn !■*. l>r. Jew Bostick, of Troy, spent several days in the city last Bice. J. K: Waddell and daugh ter, of Qedartown, (M., am start ing her sod, Mr. J. T. WaddelL Mr. J. L. Holland’s ne *• adver tieemeot appears in to-day pa per. Mr. A. L. Jann in attending* meet ing ol the Bankers Assort | ntfoti in New York this! week. • Mrs. Rose line returned front j Charlotte, where eh** visited her 'son’s family. Mrs. Colds and daughter, Uies Clare, are visiting relative* nfe Red Springs. Mr*. (Sox left Tuesday evening for an extended visit to rela tive* In Western North IforoHnn. Miss MhmW McKinnon left re ceatiy for Scotland Neck, N. C.. to teach in tbe Graded School at that pine*. Miss Emma Harris, who be* been visiting Mies Lodia Peden, left Friday afternoon for bor home in Abbeville, ft. P. See tbe display advertisement of Mr. U. C. Iytcta in this issue. He is agent lor the New Sonth Hoy Press. Ur*. Stephen Rosier and Mis* Minnie Rosier of Lumbertoo came in Friday lor • few days stay at Mr. Ed. Bochanon. Ur. and Mrs. 8. EL Olbeoo and child reu left Tuesday for dark ton to visit the family of Mr. Thad. J. Fletcher. Mr. 8. B. Bundy, a former citi sen of this place, but wbo has been Bring at Monroe for a number uf yean, was here Tuesday with relative*. He is traveling for the International Harvesting Ma chine Co. A tenaut bouse on Mr. A. F. Patterson place wee burned Fri day morning. Tbe occupant, Gilbert Thom peon, colored, loot all he bad except a water bucket and on axe. If Thomson’* gun and dug wen burned it was in deed a great loss. Thomas Wade, swell thought of colored msu who Urn* near 01b aon, had tbe misfortune to lose hy Are Tuesday night his barn, two males, one on* horse-wagon OB terming utensils nod bed. The •re is supposed to be the work of come miscreant. In naming the officers of the Scotland County Having Bank last week Tnn Rxctusok was In! error n* to Mi* view-presidency; It should have been Mr. Mark Morgan instead of Judge Need. The reports of the First Ha tfc/oal Hauk of Laurintioig and Tbe Bank of Gibson appear in Tnn EteaiAXor this week. Both of these most cxcBcnt f nanrfnl institutions of Beotiand county are under the managsmint of capable and experienced officers and dbwetors, and furnish ante and ample bonking facilities for Ike entire county. _ . _ _ «BMi KWS ITEMS. Ur. J. P. Gibaoo. of Bennett* villa, 8. C., waa in town laet Bats onlay. Mb* loira Perry left but Toe* day morning tor LouUbarg FV male Collage. , Urs. J. II. Mcllwliwo returned from Jack eon Springe Uat Toe* day night. liar aiatar, Mr* Hemingway, came with her. Mine .Our* Baker, of Ben Ofatterille, 8. C., Uiea May Oli ver, of Marion, H. CL, have beeu rial ting Mre. J. H. Mcllwiaen. Mm. W. r. Gitieoa, want to Jar.keon Spring* luat Tneedhy morning. We hope ebewin eoon be better. Miaa Blanche Morrta, of Ban nettevilU, bae been vkiting Miaa Lonoia Wright. Miaa Mamie Uilwoo lean* Tneeday morning for IJttleton Female College. Miaa Lorn- Gibaon hue Uwq rial ting lmf afeter. Mm. J. 0. Breeden, of Bennatt#rille. MUa Kali Smith, of Uocking haro, la vlmtlng Mm. R J. Gile aon. We an glad to hoar that Mr*. Orr ia too proving. Ulna l.ucy Woodnll left lust Tuesday morning for tier home ia Raleigh. Mr. and Mr*. Tom Hunter, of Beooettevllle, spent Sunday in town with her mother, Mrs. Edith Gibson. Mr*. Rebeoea Gibson, who baa bean ill for several months, died at her home Sunday morning. Mines Annie Qibeon left Friday morning tor Greensboro. N. (X momii sail Hr .TtrUm at aa ceccattoa directed tome Mihnknl km tto tfeperfar nutctlto Buoweonv iaanar Uoala which W. 8.0. & Hehiaam. Mtom oi tto Vka Ketimel Saak at Wtoahwtaa, N.& wmatoiatMaaeMn. M* J. Covtaftoe wac cWtot, I wOT ea Motolur tto Sid day at October. lWM, aTfv o'clock 1C at tto Coon Home door at Wcntlccd comty, ek to Beotload. 8toto cl Kbrth CatSS^aH tolas tto wood lead m tto Mi*. 8.1. Omtogtoa tenet, «mr edhccmtul Leo dabatg and decetfbcd as fallow*.- IW fteatoseomet scar toad ilMibiwk oeD. O. Batbirtcefe Bar, rnnolc* ttoacotaa eoethieesrty dbmSnc h, S£SSSSSSltSS.°SX with Cot- tad tooeck; 'op tto little branch t» eo tto atfll whh deccHbed tract aadBItv eetm, Tliec ol male li o'clock 11. ' TVrnwolcala.OMh. Tbfanrd day olScpt. 19*1. W. D. McLADHJB.. MtoHB Hmtfaad enoety A f**w«r br Oxi The pilb that Mr* potent lit their action aai! ploaeent in ef bet are beWitte Little Early Bier*. W. B. rhUpot, ot Albany, Qtt., eaye: "During a biflou* at tack ItooK one, Tjuiall a* ft whm it did n* more good than calomel, bice dumb or any other! pill I mrnr took and at the name bee the eOeot we* pUeseaN” Little Early Uieers ace certainly gad ideoi pill.” Bold by WTlL Field#. FayetteriHe, Bepteuiber 10.— There era* a great reunion of retemaa to-day at Raeford, with the Camp of Cumberland and Cusp Ryan of Robeeoa. From two thoaaaad to three tbooaand were pmeeat. Major.!. W., Me. LaughJIrj gracefully in trod need the orator of the day, Hon. B. R. Lacy, State Treaearer, who de livered aa eloquent addreee of an hour. Tb reteraaa wee* then hivftad to dimer at ataMeta the academy cad mother waaeemd to Ua* crowd la the grow*. At towwwin UpriWM lowtlup of veteran* praefcled over bp Oaptote A. D. MoOiB, wan tor of OualMriMid Camp, who aodeaa«Mril«6 apeioh. R* norfcs wm mad* bp Bar. Bow fto Moon*, Copfein W. EL Me Lewrfo, Captafa J. Jf. CtorrU, Major J. W. MiltoWhHo, d. H, tfjr roverand other*. At to' toetfam of oftotre Copula MeOIll wm re ejected erttomoetor, Bod L IL WllllniM, *ljat*nt. MwUc wooforwiebed bp the HopeMMe lllmwMprMeienriooier UnAOaoUjUw^ j SOFT CORE Like the running brook, the red blood that flow* through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver-oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for ail whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. —■sb3c“~ How la W Plump Uoatpaopla ooeetaaetly Phflrr from toaaaof epinlU:. eepechtUy (pry biwldiat, aa MP|ri*Mmet tnete In tbe month, low •ptrtta. IrrUaiblbtJ. witli a luaij, dull bteebw aa tba aUi. lack ail eorrgy aad a bating ol wanrla—a, aQ el width ate dee to. roeatlpetbon ba the tore reeatr e( iatdhpeaMea, ateacRiih liter aad aerv> oewaaee, aad It b el the eteaaet Inaeor teaee that the boweb ehoeM be geatfy tegeieted by a nbbb apadat Ur* King'a Khaod aad Ueer IHb naaet tbb waai H V. at ttote id W. K. Jk Oo. Gib eea, N. a OMR--, —COMPETITORS Complain of the doll ueu aou. We are busy at all i aooaona of the year, because OCR LOW PRICKS AT TRACT NEW CUSTOMERS, and tlwy are always wo well pleased that they keep com ing. See! D. 0. WRIGHT. ■] tuns=nuis' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. D. JONES & CO., UREENBBOltO. N. f. BOUTURliN FACTOKY DWTKIB1'. TOK8 run THE WOULD'B VA.UOC8 EIUBIIL. fflBS^C53P“bw’*~ ! W.add itothlBK to Um prlnetiwl wbral -MtUua Easy Payneats. Write lot our Intmt Pimm sad Organ catalogue, and fall par ticular*. A. D. Jones & Co., 208 Moutli Hui Ht. GHEBXBUOno, N. C. Gin Machinery WOOD-WOyiNQr^HlNmllY. ahhi maohmsnv Company m C^OJUbu.». & ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD iMwwrr Hoirrr to tiik ST. LOUIS RXP<??1TM>^. TWO TRAINS DAILY, bOaMcUM wHh W, * A. H U. A N. C. A Hl u Mr., tnm Aii.au. ty Aunu19* i b a. *l Looi, i«l». Ml .x Ar Si. Lmd* T9* u *. With mw;. Humuum Tmm Georgia, Florida & Tennessee ROUTS Or THE FAMOUS "DIXIE FLYER” at *MMl •** from mt Man. jhm» •.M.AUMNWAM. Itrkl W I. M. Loak toM located "tm» oUr. WtwV. . p*tr IMM jt£rvtzr^rsssss l iMr n»tom « rHe lu. FRED D. MILLER. TMvum Mtiingn aoiht. MO. I M. MUOR AT. ATLANTA,OA ASHCRAFTS Eureka Liniment. rot chronic scratches Ashcraft's Baraka LW i ^,^rtthoq* “ •W*1* 'Tkraa or four applfe* tkM will ear* this disease in its worst form. Owing to the wonderful antiseptic qualities, the Baraka Linfcnaat should be used in the treatment ct all tumors and sons# where proud flesh is pres* eat. It is both healing and cleansing, entirely destroying ait parasites and putrefaction. Users of Ashcraft's Baraka Liniment mast re* member it should not be used on ferorinh Darts. M It Acta M • OOanUr-lriitant and itimuUnt. Pries IDo. bottl*. Sold by W. L. FIELDS. STvABOARD 9 Aim lint Hjulx?jv KfUa t'apalAa ■••iW Mlly lliilNi MMl In Tirt, tup, Mull, In OihuiuihWi ImU ul VuL I* «r»«l» JAM. 11. IMA NRIWUft 1 Mil Matt. HUM 18= n~ma-ti>W *?a= vrs IHm IMpa MS iS= f Maa U M pa crwinas:-——rwiZ p.twum- gggraS fes- ag~Bi At. Man I(Mpa i Moa it. Aoo—, a A W. o. IMpa AAU^tnr nra inra Jf.fi3S.-ttV' !Ss **" At. M. Otloaao.L, AM. fUaa At. Moos, m.olam.1: - " t (5 «gpS At.MtapEu (Mpa imm momthwasd Ion. DoU* . „ mii lot Lt. Pa, M.O.A a.K HUmnINm Lt.Ko.At|1m ill pa i(fS L». Jt«n Of LAS. I U pa I*. MoM«,l.AM. If M oa Li Moooo, a ol Oo. IM oa 4 M pa i». itun.. O.lf.tt IA M oa' iT AUaao. i .A.L ttlioooo (Mm liltkaaa IMpa UUpa '' *'■.. (Maa 1M oa oi-.CWottit pa 4Moa i«:a.o^a. -ms ~nia • l« Mpa T M pa '.r.lootA. Flaw UUpa (Moa •.t. MaMpk 1 Maa UMoa Lt. Mai .an (Maa Ultpa Lt.KocUoo (Moa IMpa Lt. VTolAoa |M oa IM pa At. Puraa«aA t M oa IM oa irwai:.n.i wjj. 1 * 1 -<wS At. Motg. MAKS. ilioa Af.i. T..9JZ1S (M pa Prgh-JtlTBi-iu^o iiiU At,MrrTort*1#pa (M oa ! jia ML. M7 Lt lPapo, SA-UMy. «Mpa (M = Lt. a. ja35 T M oa IMa KT«.k^w£ ~—rea 'ug TAdniMl 114 pa It Maa Lr.OotoabU (Mpa (Moa Lt. Koala M Mpa (Maa ¥ »»**. Ffa UUpa PM oa Lt. BoM(h IMoa UMoa Lt, Mooiotoao(Moa IMpa ¥■ .gyuv *»m tt'fesft.,. IBS is5 ifftaggi^*- ‘{Ss 'iSC Ar. Mat Toft4 U pa (M of 1st. I ussrM&BTsattssrzs Z£?p£rzJ%Z~J2l VoS oppfanao uooy TMAa Afoot o« «M» C a MM.Ot B. P. SaMS, X. P. A. BoMtA B. a 0.1 Bjoo. Goal Foot toga ifipfa Fortaoomib, To. Ja M Barr. FwMdut oM OainJ Xooofot. Potloatmlk. To. THE TOMB’S Flip / AT: st louis; mo. I* brought within enay reach by the low rote* of fered by the miime ci,ist List Beacon Sixty Day nnd I ff-. teen Day ticket* now on *ul«‘. For rate* or other infor (nation call on any Agent, or writ* W. J.CBAIO. ' Gen’l Pace. Agent. H. M. EMEK80N. Traffic Mknnger. Wilmington, X. U. Beossnr]S9

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