mCbSSJ£qSrt£T>si? waa loved by all who knew i lidraadii mourned be a hoot od trioadaaadrolatleaa. She to ear i* L D. Warner of Raeford. Mra. \ W. J. Council of Bad Seringa, 'IB. F. Couodl of Partrtoa, (.aw Maaara. John Britt and EM A ehinge far tha woree cam f mbaot Monday evening, and real ' called each awmberof tha family to hid them goad-bye. and to re qnoat that they moot her la heaven. She dtod at 9 o'clock Tnieday and wee buried at the GHbeen grave yard, near Giboon, Thumb y morning, her oeetor. Rev. Mr. Rericar, nffiriertng. The yoU-bearen were ae fol kma: Maaara. M. F. and J. M. Livings ton, Walter. Will and Laagdon Warner and VilliaGib eaa. The laved onae have tha kjgS ' ayapethy of tha entire Truly. “She bath 99 . Mr. Stood Cov a_ _ fauna .an attack of tsnpboidfever. bat ia reported Governor Look Qqig haa ap pointed qpr good to w naman, .Mr. C. C. Snead a notary (mbit This appointment trill fill n long felt want here. Maaera. Tim laehaM and Ary Wtt Ik AMiU»n. i New advertisements will be faood fa this iaaoe that will no doubt ^rove interesting to gar Qurolna College, at mh**, bM aa advertising announce wot ia this I won and wo invite our issuers to loo* it up and aoo what oar neighboring fa. rtitutiou fa doing. Cba*. B. Tyaor fa talking har amaad shoe repairing ia thfa fame and invitee yoa to invert gate hia etoek. S. Saaeen believe* ia printers' ink and quite often oaes our col ■ana to talk to the people of Scotland county. Be fa urging you fa this fame to visit hfa store and examine the reel value* he (aaflariag. Mr*. C. EL Odom announces that only tea days remain la which yoa oea proAt by the greet Price slaughtering she he* inau gurated. Low prices will prevail until flsptcmbor lak Uncle Nash Fields invite* yoa to visit hi* lee cream parlor, where a apodal department is aet aside for ladies. Pern drinks, the boat tea cream end fine eon* diet are always found at Unefa Noah’s. Bt Walt Mason. Oh, lneioa stank, yoa Mam to make toy innards sqainn with pies tore! Of all tbs scent that esa't be heat, you an the pride and treasure. * The cook bee toiled with seat and broiled the staak just to say liking, upon ay plate I see it wait murnifWnt and striking. The gods an kind, that we can find each meat in •tears and eowass; all awn with tanks thoold gin them thanks lor inch-thick portcrboum. The Miss Msnda Stewart fan'the Mek hit, we are sorry foier. Mr. J. D. Wade spentib va cation at hb old boose Rich mond. Ya... ; • •’ - Mr'-d. H. Chandler anddmily art spending the week « their old home in WedgeQekT 8 Mr. Chandler b book ex* tar J, T, John Co. 7 7 Mr. W. a McIntyre If confined to kb room day*, bat we are glad pot again. Mr. H. W. York and Boston, on SERVIAN CAPITAL BOMBARDED BY AUSTRIANS « . • * 1 o-™* "»» 0* «>* «C Whlcfc WI tod mad p>rt» 4tmtim«d by U» Amtf i ^J^|^s,., IB la T«fcrt <* The EUmbeth City Independ ent lays: "The average little county jodge in Noth Carolina has got more tense than the crowned heeds of Europe. The little county judge haa learned that if folks didn’t tote guna there wouldn’t be ao many gun trage dies. Folks who carry gone are tempted to am them. ' And so the Uttle'eoonty judge imposes a heavy fine upon every gun-tote? who ia convicted in bis court. When folks quit owning and car ry in* guns they will quit ahooc tog each other. But Saunders moat get all na tions to lay down thair guns at one time. That haa been the hope—but soother hope ia coning .to the Hague. However, the nation, and not the Individual, carries the gun. The policeman carries a gun around with him and the North Carolina judge domn’t interfere —because the law eaya the per Uoeman haa a right to carry a gun and every policeman -carries one. Why? To protect himself Into the lawless, or the 'man be would arrest And for the seme reason the nation totes its gun. The United Staten isn’t building war ships to kill people—provided .people heap lom her heedand go ttfahboti ngT ■aGermany haa dohei bqt .tfaqt isn’t tq be presumed. The po fficeman might get full of dope gAd shoot up the town -but that fao’t tu be presumed. » 'H there were no guna toSed by aay natieh—then we. might look for peace—hot If there wkr? no lead pecdla or writing materials there would be no Independent*. Human nature ie human nature land If there are no guna there wlli be spears and bows and ar-. rows—end the snows will oarry potmoad point*. That is human baton In a brooch clout A mod em battleship la human nature la a ping bat—hut it is the same oM humea. nature "that. wag. ia young David whan he swiped Go liath with a slung Shot—Every thing. i ■ ,;v._ ! ■ Iinktft Fan Qrpilutfai, Bight million two hundred and eight tbouaaod dollars in capital and unmim paired surplus waa represented In' the special meet ing of bankers held in Raleigh Aug. 12, in response to the call by President T. E. Cooper of the State Bankers’ Association, to de cide whether or not there Shall be g-North Carolina National Cur rency Association formed under ■ he Federal banking law, loan* able banks to issue notes on IK per cent of capital and surplus when occasion requires The result was the formation of the National Currency Associa tion of North Carolina with hand quarters in Raleigh and with Jo saph 6. Brown, bead of the Citi sens’ National Bank, Raleigh, aa President. The association adopt ed a constitution and by-laws that conform largely with those being adopted by similar associations being formed m many parts of the country. The by-laws pro vide for the annual meeting to be held in Bgldgfa on the first Thursday in May. and that the membership shall consist of na tional . banks of the State and State banks and trust companies that join the Federal reserve. The expenses of the aescebtioe See be met through assess ments^ against the members in spte'ssFSsafas ■fifartsavihs Landnaark. Many reasons bars been gi ven aa to why telegraph wires hum. Soma aay that the sound is caused by tbq action of the wind and others that it Is the result of chances in tempsratuiw. Prof. Field of the University of Ottawa says that neither of {bees' expla nations is correct, but that the ■oundj ie due to the vibrations of the eeriL The vibrations of the earth are transmitted to the wires through the poke. Thia author itr further states that the soag of the wbea b the aeag of the barometer sod that the variations tof^to^iriyrt^re^ion te.vgrig If the Boood of the wire*bltti, it b probabb that the weather tiriU change in a day or two, bat ft .it b sharp a momentary ‘ expected.-The Notici tf SraiOBS CltlOB. STATE OP NORTH (CAROLINA. v County or Scotland. f In Bomtox Count-Bsfou txi Clkkk. D. C. McNeill and wilt. Pantile Mc Neill. and Milton Saunders and wife. Agues 8aonds*a. Plaintiff*, Jamas K. Grmhani^and wife, Bebaoca. Graham, John C Graham. ^Catharine Graham, Nanay Graham, Mary Mfr NaUI, U. MeN. Graham and alft, Maggie Graham. Margaret E. Gra ham. Emiw E. Cagta and husband. Wm. M. Cagta, Catherine Rachels and husband, Wm. Rachels, Chris tian Wright. Salli* Cabinet*, la* Saunders Johnson end husband, Arab Johnson^ John Sanndersand wife, ' Lissia Saunders, and Tbaroogead Saundar* and wife. Maggi* Saun ders. Dcfundents. 8«rvlee of Summons by Publication — MlMu. L*« Ssundtrs Johnson and husband. Art* Johnson, John Saunders and wife. Unis Saunders, and Tbocougtxxl Saun ders and wife. Maggie Saunders, de fendants above named, win take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Coart of Scotland county. Stats of f North Carolina, be lose the CSwt. to ee raro a sale of certain lends blasted ip, Scotland county, North Carolina, and i division of the proceeds thereof among plaintiffs and dsfondants, imorrtlng to their respective Interests therein, said lands being held by plaintiffs and de-‘ , fandante as tenants in oommoa: that toaiBOM Mm lutml iftipst tiw d# fsodants In mid case on the ad day of August. 1914, returnable on the 4th ef Bnptember. 1914; and the aald . srili forthsr «aks notice are requited to appear befsrs J ‘ Clark of tbs Superior J£-SsSKii - I