SOLID TRUTH. ThaWadwtaro Anaodan, ooa of the bate weakly papers Id the which usually hits tbs nail on the head whea ft driving, contained the editorial in ita last who eaa pay hie rt do k in a time Mbs_ie a bad dtisen. He is iaa data with tha fallow who *x togat higher prices and ion theoJefocnuMsof , .Kywy man who iaa • ama should do hia part to help in V The tnso man ___.v ti richer is the the only ; place where Is needed. The above tersely and quickly told contains a world of solid truth, and If Urn euggeeted ad* aiae would only ha universally adopted there would be no ‘Tight thcoa.” hut the world ho hatter. amd he fahaMtaata a great deal TWEtr intone of Rochdale achool and that portion of WtlUameoo township making op the Rock dale wheal district, have ovary reason to feel propd at the elegant aad commodious school building they have recently finished and which was dedicated Friday. The dadhatioa enarrieaa and awsty part of the program of the day was carried out in a moat da* Hghtful manner. ThbExchahob for the school an aboad* aad for those who it poarible the toward ■ Choy so richly daoorvSb aad what they most want: aseheol krkeep fc* WigLthaMgh jdeefegat>^> graasTve eptrit of these adariiaMa UML MU. ITEMS. Lmwbl Box, Qapt. a. Mr. Ballon Campbell, who has •Mated • position with Mr. Unfa, of Hanoi** ipem Sunday at homo. mim Ohio F'y hot accosted a portion as saisalady with Bra. D. A. Watitin*. Bov. L N. Clegg ia taking Ms Mrs. J*a*i« MeCoiman, of Ham to^ay tTHdaywith bar water, Mias Mht Fargaaon iaapaod HE of Sooth Cag & a position Mia* Of Maxtor), LL NSh^hSding • rjidiHtag at 8aoad’a Grova tMa l JNNdMMd torpo crowd* ar* at Tar iyioroi HiU aehooi will oiMti nr let M'«o*r with Mr. O. C Wilinuott*. of Charlotte, a* principal, and HH EHtaboth Cwrrt* of Tagottdvflto. ai as ^tiatoeffaetlMt night It ia no met inconvenience to tk» traveling public along thie •action of tka hne to have iheee trains withdraws, m the ached uto offered do conocetloo worth while either way. It la to be hoped that wfcea tkaaa traiae an reinstated, if •uctt ia ever the case, that a bet ter dad more attractive admdola will be adopted. M—tere Tom tad Joseph Par ker, who have bean visiting rela tive* at Reidiville duriag the part ten days, returaed to the 2SJ2SS tL ^ sr, grandmother, Mr*. Molhe Par nr. vim i* spending some time bar* with Lanriobarg relative* sad frieoda. t*aai»fc» «l«. Mb’s lut CtaaoN, N. C. Sept 9,1914 Oar people have agreed So pick ootton next Saturday morning till 19 o’clock— all who are able at\d accustomed to this tort of tabor. _aad even earns who are apt Each picker will pay to the Methodist Orphanage 60 oeats per hundred for all that be picks, rteaee write your earns and age oa an envelope, enclosing a state ment of the amoont or ootton picked, ana also the money for the orphanage. The paator will give ope dollar to the on* who picks the most cotton, according to age. The pries • winner's name will be published. It is understood the prise dollar will go to the orphanage. The pastor, some of the school toachers and many school chil dren wttl pick cotton. Those who do not pick—we want you to bring one dollar for the worthy cause. O. W. Dowd, Pastor. E£ a v.v i ■V % ii w $ h ¥< ':■■■ , L.-v fit >-.Vv ii • • I % yyj> Si'*’, .... ... A m 4£nsi i tut r» Launnburg, IN# u i . I. ,. . * WE ARE NOW SHOWING A COMPLETE LINE OF Schloss Bros. & Co., lotting Large assortment of styles at $15.00 to $17.00 per suit. 1 BOYS KNEE SUITS Norfolk and Plain make, ranging in price from $1.25 to $7.50. STETSON SHOES, New Styles $5.00 only STETSON HATS $2.08 only Our line of Gents Furnishings is complete and it will pay you to see us before making your pur chase selsewhere. Epstein's Department Store 2 STORES IN 1 The Home Of Big» Values LAURINBURG, N. C. 2 STORES IN 1 ■ • TUESDAY, SEPT. 15th. The one show that can always come • back. A LAUGHING JUBILEE. I • . ’ ' S4urT-nm**m dirr IN MEXICO • t 4 • . ' * ' ‘ ■ . r • See them take Vera Cruz with Smokless Powder. [ K 50 and One-Third People, Including 25 Eif trancingly Beautiful MexicanJMaidens. ^ Prices 50c. to $1.50 * ■. | Seats on Sale at Model Pharmacy. ■ • • 4 . » - . . * *