i C(W. • fifth ataraC North at *00 o4n at ooaatr ppr M yuan ago: “Don’t drink. It k a moat p«r fMtm habit, mi. if you follow U, aoooer or ialar it will utterly *^oym,ta haafth, ia fortune. iri55!2,ia*ris^sr*r' aji Iaay untoyoo, latU alone. Who m the gnat Priiliteate of the United States, beginning wfth Washington ud ending with W« eirow Wihoi? Precise If thaee who, recognising the public needs sod keeping in touch •temped their individuality and their Influence upon national leg tetetloo; those who, perceiving the needed s giver, policy, have had the eeorege to advise end to direst it; those who have prompt ed Congress to the performance of their duties as outlined in their pobpik dpelerationa and as de waded by the pubbe need*; tea who have proven their claim to leadership bar wisely and —twtef —wrting it We asad hut asms Andrew Jadtaon, Abraham Lineoln. Theodore Rooeevsh and Woodrow Wilson M types of those Presidents, who booping close to popular senti ment, have nmrssliii wise and needed legislative reforms, and have commanded, because they have earned, the popular approv eh I «kry to the feet that the President at the United States keowa whet the people went, communicatee with Coo men up on subjects of national concern, and reminds ita members at the doty which rests ttpoa them, and oalla upon them them to perform It- The President, in calSag our attsotkm to needed legislation, heaping aa in oommunieatiOB both with what we were elected to ae eomptaish and what popular opin ion demands, is always abreast of the time. He is abreast with, bat oorsr behind, the people •so nan withaaceee composure that eritidam and dsoandation which pronounces him a tyrant and a usurper and which re proaehes a Demdcratie Congress for complying with and conform ing to a common purpose. It is a happy circumstance that we hare a rotor who keowa bow' to roto, end a leader who dose not hoshato to toad. Sacha man,.!, far one, am wiMeg to fallow and to aid as my poor abilities will mmm doty. We have had Pwdh>t» of tha Uniud Stataa Who have been UBOgaal to tbeoe ■pwai reqairexnenta. Presi dents who have ateinterproted popular sentiment and ran coun ter to the declarations upon which tear «ara elected; aad the peo ple, always joet, have never fail ed to relegate such executives to the oblivion which they have justly earned. 8o long aa the Preeidant of the United Stataa keep* lactone ooo tact with tho people. ao long ao ho nooks to Interpret aad obey tea popular srprssrinn of the popular wilt, so km* as he leads la . the devulopmeat of Beaded legislation for the popular good, jpot ao kmc will tho people sun tain. aad hint ao. bag will the and follow him. Tbasferfaafaao kept tho faith aad abowa ao algae ef weariness b well-doing.—By U. & Senator Char. 8. Thomas, of Colorado. •twin, .. I..U 1111-g= Lwt—A Hf. - Not kidnapped by bandits and hidden in a cava to wasp and *W Marching! Wars that the ease, one hundred thousand nan would rise to the rescue if need be. Unfortunately the toeing of the lad is without any draade ex dtemeot, though eery aad and vary rial The fact is that hie father lost him! Beside beta too busy to eh with him at the fireside and answer tririal ques tions during the yean when fath .«■» en the great and only heroes of bays, he lot go hie bold upon him. Yea hie mother loot him I 80 modi engrossed la teas, din nan and dub programa she let the maid hear the boy eay hie pnyata and thuther grip elinped and toe boy was lost to hie home. Ays, his church lost hi ml Baing so much occupied with sermons for tho wiss and sKlerly who pay the bills, and having good care for dignity, the ministers and ei der* were unmindful of tho ha nun feelings of the boy in the P«w and made no provision in aaraaon. in song or apart, and so many md-hearted parents Am looking earnestly for their lost boy.—Ex. jtitiul ifittat Mr. U. R. Shnpkina, manager of the Zeb Pete farm near Old, Hundred, was la town Monday, and it eon learned from him ttmt twenty ear loads of watermelon* had been shipped hy him. netting a thousand and, fifty dottara. They were ready to gather their seed melons. A fine crop of pee> vinaa and cnbgnsa are growing on the land. Thh will product a too or more of hay to tbs acre, which will easily be worth twen ty-firs dollars and the land'left in fine condition by the pearine roots for another crop. Mr. SfapMns is brother to the men who originated tbs famous Simp kins cotton seed, sod is setting a fine example in reining cotton, corn and other crops in the Old Hundred neighborhood, — Ham Iw| IM Henry Blount loved the world, though the world lavished no love on him. He had a herd time aa be went Ida way scattering roeee in everybody's path. The Greensboro Nawsaays of him: "Every goose waaa swan to him and every bna a queen. ” And this was true. He died in the Soldiers' Home, blessed re fuge of old age and infirmity.— Charity and Children. In JUntt inn M*. London-How ft Zeppelin air •hip draw bomba it thus deecribed by a refugee from Belgium: ‘The dirigible hover* above its objective at an altitude cot of range of the enemy*! can* and lowers a steel cage attached to a steel win rope 2.000 or 8.000 feet long. This cage carries ooo man wboos doty it Is to throw down the bombs. Tbs cage is ssflilaatly atroag to make rifle fire agaiast it ineffective, and be came of ha small aixe and the feet tint it Is kept constantly in notice It Is very dMfodt for heavy guns to hit it ** Nothing bat the intervention of tbs Prafdant saved thseoubtry from a pobUe flamer la the shape of a great railroad strike It belaarly eoatrary to public welfare theta Urn mm aboold hats It la their power to bring ownership sod management of sor traeeportetioo systems is •mtmuwr tamtam Mr tit Vital MM b* Csastf Mr. No IflM than six indictments Mad ooovietioos have be so se cured within tbs kst two wssks oodsr tha oaw law requiring tbs registration of births and deaths. AU these pcoseeutioos were made •Cknst doctors who for one res*, oo or another had failed to r* Mar births. In most eases tbs doctors acknowledged that it waa a matter of Yaegligeoce on their part, pure and simple, and ax* Pnaaed an appreciation of the value and importance of the law and promised not to be delinquent ineuch matters hereafter. In cases an effort ha> been ®nde • to secure tbs minimum fine. The doctors caught in the mesh of the law are as follows: Dr. A. A. Bulla. David toe county; Dr. R. H. Morefleld, 8token eoooty: Dr. J. P. Hoe. kine, Edenton: Dr. Chas. E Cheek. Wake oounty and Dr. H. H. Caable; Kannapolis. This law has now been in very •ucceteful operation for the last eight months and all doctors, un dertakers, midwives and others having to do with U have bad Ample opportunity to become ac quainted with its provUioos. It will be readily sew that a partial compliance with the law gives only incomplete and inaourmte statistics, which render the work of ell the others of littlq or no vaIac. Hence the need of fully Complying with the law from start to finish. fee Cored 1*4 to t4 Days 1*S '-wfcit wo—re mso PiUitatiN of Sunn $ NORTH CAROLINA. oOOTLU® C9UKTY. Im twb Bomtni Cocrr. Intaratate Land Company. Plaintiff. ▼a. John Blac, at aL.'Dafacdanta. To Mia. Naan in Smith and hTrtuni WwUuSJKSV' uSrVarstai Rar int( aad husband, D. T. Hunoti: fin, Alice McRae and hosbaSd, A. C McRae: J. Murdock McKinnon, and Mr* Mamie Myera and kaebaart, Lewis K Myers: Yea aad each of yoe will take notice that aa action, entitled aa above. has boon commenced in the Superier Court of Scotland county. North Ceroliea, be fore the Ciart of said Coart. to parti tion aad allot in severalty, certain hands la Scotland ooaaty, foraorly owned by Daniel Btaa. deceased, aad fally (W scribed in Iks petition, aarw oa die ia mid eeaae. ia which sash of yea haws aa lakmt Yen and oaak of von will Author take Duties that each efyou are required to anpmr before H. H. periacton, Clerk ef the 8operior Court of Scotland coun ty, at hie oOoa ia the Court House, in tee town of Leartoburr, N. CL, on Sep tember 18th. ISM, and answer or£ Bur to the petition or complaint In auM action, or the plaintiff w01 apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said ThiaUd day of IgnaLllti H. H. COVINGTON, ^ dark Superior Court. \ - ' V, :' ' . . 'V/.-s; . •:. ‘ i >' ' SlK vi '• V ' ‘ ».''?• •.> / » ' '■ • t »✓ • - i> t I ^syagjjp . cape ** <** N.Hfolk ~7 tw° W«*k* 6wrg* SaUit EfMtagtn.M. D. The PVactic* of Marfieina. Spocial At tention to Eyo-wwh and Okam-flute*. • Offlco. bwiagton’a Drop Stora. Katobdabod 1880. ( FIRE DJ8URA|VCE JA8. U MCNAIR. Apant. Wo R. SUTHERLAND, Manager. Fall line beet companies. Ydur boat eee vIH be appreciated and care tally bandied. •. 21. "notice. Hiteinir VteUJUd a» Kxacotor and Ex oeotrlx of iiva Mat Will and Toataaant 2* ?• L. laab-aon. doeoaaod, lata of 8ectinnd CwatyrNortk Carolina, tfcia AU JjaTtag ciataaa •fiwt the eetate of eaid deeeaaed ta ■xbOHt them to the and eioigned, dal/ wtiAad. on or boforo tbo l*ifc day of Aogyt. ms, or tUa do tit. will bo SliSTSS;«! JOHN C. JACKSON. _ . banter. ELIZABETH JACKSON. ___ _ _ . Exacotrix. toaajn * W.athorapoon, Attorneys. ■ -rnre~iA.*v‘,wa4»-wi>».w « No* Wall ktb* beat all-mod - iHrlaa *•** "aed," writes J.A. Stactaaa, ot PattonvtNe, Texas. “I anficred terribly wttb hw troubles, and could get oortlM. The doctors said 1 had con —aigHaii. I contd not weak at Ok. nmiritried Tnrars BLACK DRAUGHT aad t* ay surprise, I gat betkr, aad aa to-day at wed aa aay aaan.”Tbed ford’s Black* Draught is S general, cathartic, vegetable liver ■*■»»««•<*» Mat has been regelating krtgaitri bawek. tor over 70 years. Oat a package todgy. lasWoaM* Thedtord’a. B-70 Boggan Sella Natir* and Western Beef. **»■ J>ork* Sausage Pad 8ooc^ Ham. Oyatera. Chickens. Eggs, Butter and in faet anything sold in an op*to-date market. Phone o* your order*. Quick de nrery, E* M. BOGGAN & SON J. PLUMMER WIGGINS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Oitea in Bank of If ax too MAXTON. N- a . CEO. T. GOODWIN. ATTORNEY AT LaW. OIKm nxt door to ExoAsog* Oflko. ••tf WOOD, COAL AND ICE Every Day in The Year • . Shingles and Brick for sale as cheap as can be bought • . • Home-Made Meal ground - by us. i # * Buy your stove wood from us now, because we keep it for ypu when the other fel , low won’t ’Phone 54. A CONSUMERS WOOD COAl RND ICE COMPANY ► ,A i - • ; . , . . , , > • i ■/£ ' ■ v •. •»>'♦.?*?. ' •- « — - > - * —«: ' -t,,.-, , • I Patronize 0Wc Job Depart .jent ft , ' '* , * .t* ' i * 'r ",i *. Av //’ . , V * * v£ .♦! ,*>■ ; • ... * • - * • vV- V ' .‘V • 4

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