LOCAL PARAGRAPHS I Those Who Come and Go and Local I Happenings as Recorded by the Man oh the Street Mr*. Mac Cameron lavishing relatives in Concord. Mr. J. D. McLean, of Lam bar ton, spent Frday in tha city. Master Hector Graham apaot Thursday and Friday in Char lotte. Mr. Jasper T. Gibaon spent Thursday and Friday m Char lotte. Judge W. H. Neal spent Sat urday la Raleigh on Hagai buai Mra. A. Cameron la spending tha week with her son, Mr. J. D. Otmemsi. at Rockingham. Mr. E. 8. Redd left Monday for a business trip to’Chase City and Lynch burg, Va. Mr. J. E. Bostick, of Gibaon, R. F. D. No. 1, was a business visitor in Laurinburg Monday. The next show to appear in the local playboeae is "The Dingbat Family, on 8«pt 28th. Hon. Franklin McNeill, of Ral eigh, arrived in the dty Sunday night to visit Scotland Matives. The opera house baa added to Its bookings “Fine Feathers,” which will appear bars October 14th. Miss Sudie BaskervUle, who has been the guest of Mias Mary Covington, returned to her home at Charlotte Saturday. Melvin McP hatter, son of Mr. G. W. MePhatter, died in East • Laurinburg last Thursday and was buried Friday at Sutherland graveyard. Mias Mary Watson, of River 1 ton. boarded the train hers Thursday for Kinston, where she has accepted a position in tha Kinaton schools. ~~ SWse Pearl Jones, of Laorin burg, R. F. D. 3. boarded the train here Saturday for King’s Mountain, where she goes to teach. We are glad to note that our good friend. Mr. R. E. Lee, who hes been eonfloed to his room with an attack of gout for several days, is able to be oat. ' Mr. Hamilton Purcell, of Co lumbia, Ala., who has been the guest of bis sister, Mrs. F. P. Coble, returned to bis boms Tuesday. The business men. especially those doing a cash business, were •omewbat relieved of the war depression Saturday. The cotton pickers had their usual full sup ply of cash. Dr. Boott, Messrs. Reedy Ben nett and Tom Roper, of CHo. 8. C.. aocompanisd Mr. J. R. Jack eon to the Jsines Sanatorium here Saturday night for an emer gency Madder operation. ^Uas Anna C. Fletcher, Him RothFleteher. Mr. Robert Fletch er and'Mr. Eugene Breeden, of MeColl, 8. C., spent Thursday ■ with Mias Anna Prince Gibson at hey home on Covington street. I... _ .. . Ths 1914 issue of straw bats wen called in Tuesday, ths 15th. Mr. Arch Currie spent Sunday in Hoke county with relatives. Miss Ola Jordan has as her guest her sister, Mias Flora, of R*d Springs Kit R. N. Grvbb had ss her Sunday guest Mias Essie Givecs, ofMeColi, a C. ^ Among the Maxton visitors here Monday were Cept. Joe Ev erett and son Frank. Mr. Tom GUI, Jr., left Friday for Goldsboro, where hs will teach in the dty schools. Mr, Walter James, who will teach in the KListon schools, toft to take up his duties Thursday. Miss Leila May Gill has return ed to har work aa teacher in the dty school at Rocky Mount Mr. and Mn. J. R Jordan ha us as thsir guest Mrs. Ed. Lyon, of Shannon. Miss Mattie McNeill, of Fay etteville, spent Saturday and 8on day with Scotland relatives. Mr. T. CL MeEaehln, Jr., of Meredith, Fla., iaa guest at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R McRachla. Miss Margaret Liaker, who has been the guest of her deter, Mra A. F. Blue, has returned to her homo at Salisbury. Mr. H. R Wdll has arrived in the dty to look after the interests of the wdll's stables and the sale of stock for the fall. Mr. W. J. Matthews, of River ton, boarded the train here Tues day for Charlotte, where he went to employ cotton pickers. . . Mr. K. Sanford, who haa been Mr. P. L. Erwin, of Msekleo burg county, who haa been the gueat of hia sister, Mrs. J. H. Dixon, returned to his home ruesday. Mr. Albert James leaves Mon day for Philadelphia, where he will enter the University of Penn sylvania to continue his study of medicine. Mr. Kendrick Sanford, who has a position sa traveling salesman for the 8tanley works, spent Bun day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sanford. Mr. Fairley James expects to leave the first of the week for Philadelphia, where he will con tinue bis study of medicine. He will attend the medical school at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Dougald Stewart, Jr., re turned Monday from Baltimore, where be went some weeks ago for m operation. His many friends will be glad to know that the operation was successful and that he has about recovered from its effects. / Henry Blue, colored, .sent up from Scotland county for stealing a buggy wheel, escaped from the Northampton county chain gang recently and waa captured by Deputy Smith, of Max ton, Mr. Smith thereby receiving a reward of S2fj. Mrs. N. Bergman and ehil dred, who have been visiting rel atives in New York City and Springfield, Maes., for the peat month, returned to tbe dty Hen day nl«ht. They readied Hamlet too late to catch the evening train here and Mr, Bergman motored op to Hamlet, bringing them home.; ■ Mr. W. 8. Dunbar, an expe rlcosed Ufa and fire insurance Mmt, who is to hare charge of the insurance office of Mr. Hinton James, arrived ki the dty Mon day. ^Mr. Jinnee recently bought lerdMthe18ooSujd><Coun ty Ida v ings Bank, could not give the iaese. Ms fell aileelVoij mid GOSSARD CORSETS 7 Days, August 21 to 27, inclusive Atecooeidvrahleexpent*. we have made spedil arrangements to > ave Miss Crawford. ■ pedal demonstrator for the H. W. flnsesrd Cor •at Company, assist oe In a 7 day demonstration of Goeeard Coweta. Tbit will be the style event of the season Is Laarinba* aod it (soar deaire to have every woman in thla city visit our Conet Department some time during these days. - Styles an different this eeeeon—very different—aod yea mast tmve accurate and authentic information if you art to obtain tbs utmost from your const and other wearing apparel. During this demonstration you will not be importuned to bay All we ask it that you avail yoanelf of information and stylefrvws which 1* #t*fpoi£* A«“ *»by appointment. This shoo Id be dooc, if possible. Remember-then islooly ooe place in Laurinburg where you can be correctly fitted to a Geeeazd-the original and eaperior fronts lacing eoreet—and that place to tfato etore. *,rj1 “* o'1*10*1 We aball count it a privilege to serve you during thto demonstration. Gooaatd Cornets at 12.00. t*N» non 16.60, $8.60 and up will bo abown. Come in and be fitted. »*»*• *5.00, X. W. MASON, Proprietor Laurinburg, North Carolina The Yellow Store N. BERGMAN,5 Prop. Laurinburjj, N. C. Is Pilled with the choicest sad most at tractive lino of Fall mad Winter goods, in Men and Women's wear. Every Departs meat is complete. Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Coat Salts* > Laces, Embroideries, ' ' Blankets, Quilts, Tmpjts, Suit Cases. Clothing, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Under wear, and, in fact, any and everything any member of the family has to bay. The Prices arp like those always offered by this store, strictly in keeping with the times. Come to see ns. The Yellow Store N. BERGMAN, Prop. Lanrinbnrg, N. C. —--- - SeadMfl’i Matat r Two hundrad and aighty-thm againat nothing La tha wap tha raoord a tan da far Seotiand’a ant tow ginning for tha tima prior to flnpfffnhar lot yaar ika com pand with tha mom parted kit pat*. Tha fast of tiaptaabsr teat ysar tha gina had found aotb tec In do. tat tUa yaarttftbaks hwdbsao gtenad opto thdt tins. Mfae Emily Pattereon fa attend, iirg tba state Sunday School Con ^'wsus.sss WggEZf&flS The rap ft teat tee enam oon itebt died eat The I In New Quarters FACTS ABOUT COTTON Cotton Is stfl] King. Don’t slaughter yon King. Don’t 2°;*** prices. Tbe price In obliged to go up. Nothing on Earth cm keep It down any great length of time. It It a commodity the World must have. Tbe de. mand for King Cotton will be greater than aver before just as soon as the Europeas War terminates. Suppose you aril yew cotton at presant priest, what will be ibn rneuItT. Nothing except that some one rise win bus it, keep It sod make a big profit on it Tbe sensible thing to do is to keep It protect It by Insurance, and make the profit yourself. > ' X Tbe Citisens Fire loau ranee Company of Baltimore through our agency in Lamisbunr stand ready to hstp you keap your cotton by giving youths best fire i mu ranee protection obtainable, and at tbe lowest poariUa ooat Call to sm us at oar office. Cotton is King. He will be King ai long ee the world itandi ___ - > v ■# * J. HINTON JAMES, Agent % vwmim ' .iMhaftc. _

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