: LIEUT. ALEX L. JAMES I ONE OF PRESIDENTS AIDS | Liwbkwf Man Honored—la Ralectad Aa One of President Wilson's Aids for Iks Winter. It will be quite Interesting to the Urge circle of bis Laurlnburg friends, to know that Lieut. Alas L. Janes, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. James, be cause of hit eminent fitness, has boon | salsctsd as one of the aids to Presi dent Wilson for tbo winter. The select loo of one for this post is quits s distinction, and a great com pliment to one's fitness far the die- ■ charge of the peculiar and careful duties that coma with tha distinction. Tha aids are selected from both the .. army and navy branches of the ser vteee. Regarding the appointment or the aids sad their duties, wa dip tho following from tha Washington Star: Now that the aids are selected and tha Whits House social calendar an nounced, the leaders of smart and of ficial society are busily preparing their dates, and tbs social secretary haa corns into her own; for notwithstand ing there ta a great war ragtag, this is to be a brilliant social season. Tho arrangement of this social pro gram haa been pronounced by diplo mats and authorities in tbs etiquette of precedence a masterpiece which would do honor ta the moot noted ar biter at court etiquette abroad, where such matters are almost questions of life and death, and where a mistake has been known to cause not only strained relations between foreign countries but has actually brought on war. It ia a trying situation which con fronts official entertainers this win'er, when tho rep resents tivei of the coun tries at war are to be entertained and a distinguished company at no tables askad to mset them. It is like touch ing a lire wire, or the problem of tha young lady who (a granted leave to go eut and swim, hat waned not to go near the water. Washington society, official and un official. and particularly tha younger set, la always an the qel viva unt;' the social aids for duty at the Whit* — ■wwi‘iiw www mat* ha— baan assigned, or rather nominated, as Col. William W. Harts, chief mili tary aid to tha Pro* id eat. so nleaty peta it- This'sets the social ball roll ing, and the next thing to be desired la tha official calendar for tha state functions, for no hostess can arrange her cerise of dinner*, ball* and recep tion* until she knows what the White House program 1* to be. An invita tion from tho President la considered a command, and tha baat-naturad hos toee in tha world daaa riot Uka to saa • guaat of honor snatched from her vary dinner table at the last moment heeaaae of an invitation to tha White House. Cot. Harts, Engineer Corps, U. 8. A., and superintendent at public build bigs and grounds, upon wham tha daty devolves at mlocting tha social aids who are to assist tho ProskUnt in en tmtateiac his guests at tha large an tertslnwris, has left nothing to ho dmfaed In Urn way at picked asm, fit aad with all tha accomplishments re quired in this trying position. Than w(U he bachslon in plenty; eleven oat of tho thirteen aide to act as squire at dames will wrist ia hasp, lug la enter tha line at Impatient sad gaedta who an waltlag te paw before the receiving party at am of tha official Tsrspllnis such w tha Army and Navy aria, or tha w to the Supremo Court, whoa aeweral thousand Invitations are issued. Thabo bodal attaches must poaaaw wveir fahu, ho good linguists, good damns— aad all-round agreeable saw. Several of those selected by Col. Harts are twenty-right and under, and several more are around thirty-five, the Mae) ago for a bachelor. Now, while there an thirteen rids named for duty as e sals tents to the President, sa a matter of fact there a— usually only five whose aerviow are required; the ether right era what Ool. Harts calls the “rose* i ■ force,’' who hold thauiRelvw In rtedbmw to aerve at tha Urge state receptions, dinners with the Prwkleat. or detail ed w escort for a Visiting dignitary. Thew thirteen men are all on duty ia the different departments here, aad »* their aerviow for thaw social af fairs are eridom required until after office hour* are over or (a the even ing* K daw not let erf «— ho any way with their rootftve work. Gapt. Richard P. William*, who Is the crack shot of the Marin* Corps, la also fat the haehelar daw with Dr. Oraywa aad Comwaador Frier. Lieut. Paul H. Seated* and Lieut. Ohertw R. Betti*, afw tram Georgia. Mb at Lieut BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME BURNED Mr. a W. L. Smith Lmm Heme by Fire—Chpr-ch to bo Moved to Wa fram—Wagram-Rivertoo Item*. Mr. R. a McMillan, after spending the holidays with hia mother, is leav ing to complete hia law coarse In Co lumbia University. Mr. McNatt Conotey is rapidly gath ering new material for a new rael dsnos on his farm near Wagram. Ru igori bn gathering as rapidly as the building material. Mr. D. W. a Smith's beautiful resi dence in Riverton was burned to the ground today. This occurred during tbs noon boor, therefore the /nng.njr of the farm bell did not attract a crowd as rapidly aa it would have done at any other hour, as those woo ; heard it thought It the usual noon bell. Almost everything wai hat ex cept what a «mali Utrd of helpers could quickly save. ai*. Sn it . will live with bis aunt at the old Livings ton home steed until he rebuilds. I Mr. E. C. Smith, of Wsgmn, who was successfully operated upon at Baltimore will, we are gled U» learn, I will be at home again about the 16th. Your, reporter interviewed Aunt. ; Caroline Livingston, who is a very ! does student of affairs mihwnt It. Europe.' Net quoting verbatim, 1 will ssy she is shedding no tears ovor tbs i physical misfortune of Germany’s Emperor. Wagram will soon begin the erec tion of a brick bank building and twx or three new brick stores. The Baptiste of Spriag Hill have decided te move the church to Wa gram. They now have $10,000 sab scribed toward the construction of their new church. At present 1 withhold the name of aa enterprising business man who rums the watar power and ie quietly investigating the practicability of lighting Wagram and community with electricity. This enterprise should re- j ceive the staunchest support frem every dtipea We regret that some of oar bathe el over the road th rough Riverton so seldom. Not that we wish to estrange them from the “Lost Cease” elsewhere —but primarily that they might be come acquainted with a much abused road at their construction. Might we ! drop a alight hint T This is leap year. The above mentioned bachelors arc eligible in the word's fullest mean ing., Each can be found living oe a most properly built and very well maintained sand day road. Snatch them from their anvironmasits. Carry them on a tour of discovery ovor the Riverton road. Give them a i—tmf vision of romance in Riverside Park. If you bn tactful you can smooth out the rough places in life—end the Riv erton toad. Jenaary Uth. Wilmington Pleesod. Tba managers af the span home wired the manager ef the Wilmington opm house yesterday asking about the Harry Stewart Company, which to booed to ptey hare Monday night, aad received a telegram from Manager Bailey of Wilmington stating that the Hatty Stewart Company gave entire satisfaction to hie patrons. Fire Saturday Night. Fire of an unknown origin Satarday night burned a paetmger car and a •nral tool heaee the property of the Laertaburg A Southern Fathead, The ear was soe the railroad drat »*ed as a passenger ear, hut which had bean discarded as each. It sms being need as a sleeping qBarter for some of the eeettou hands, aad was la sated near the railroad ea Mtddtotou Heights, the tool house was close by It The dre was discovered about 10 o’clock Saturday night and had made such headway that It was impas sible to save either the ear or the building. A colored man, who was sleeping in the car, ws» slightly burned about the face and hands. He was peace fully sineping and doubtless would have boon burned mors seriously, had he not been promptly aroused by seme one who discovered the blase. The toe* was a slight one. Corps; Lieut. Gordon R. Yonng and Lieut. James A. Derat of the sum branch; Lieut. Alexander L. James ed tha cavalry, whose uniform will give u brim oat touch to tha bias roam; Ltout-lCdwta M. Watson, "Watson from Virginia,” aad Llect, John A. Baird of the asset artillery. tha eoriaTeuJ riTthTPraaMmrt b» eauaa they peaeeaa all tha serial as> eompHehmeoU requisite to make them THINGS PERT WQ TO UFE * ONEYCOMET HOW DOES YOUR - - - Did it ever give yoa much oo noses u to bow you gat your money ? I do not mean aa to the amount of it, but ae to whether you are honaat or dis honest in obtaining it. Ia ail of it clean and bright, or ia some af it drip ping with tho blood of others or with the filth of your dishonorable doings? How many people have been made dissatisfied to afford you aatiafaetloo? How many made poorer to make you richar? Perhaps the law was on your aids and you did nothing illegally. Still this ia not the first time that an ■crupnlout men have had an unjust law on their side and used it At any rate, you eloaad the poor man out did you not, aad turned off the widow who bed no defender? And the ignorant negro who did not know ose law from another, yoa made him smart severe ly. He felt that things were wrong somewhere, but he oould net aay Just wherein, and no one cared enough to make you deed fairly with him. Aay aray, it waa a common and sinful thing on your part, was it not? Did yoa ever receive an axtorthm ate rate of internet on the quiet? As tha wrestlers aay, "You had him on ths hip." He must here soma money quickly, aad you alone could get it for him, and having the advantage of him you toch too much intercot. Of coarse he could have kept yon from it if he had pot the matter ia the court, but you knew well that thla was just what he did not want to do. Yen satisfied your conscience by laying that he needed it bod enough to pay a little extra for it, and that It waa nothing more than he should have done under the circumstances, aad that you might aa wall profit by It aa for aome one alas to do so. Or stay be you did net pay attention to a lit tle matter like conscience. What had eonseienca to do urith what you were doing, anyway? Aa a pmfeeeirmal man It waa tat ‘ for you to decide the charge. Wasj ■it r>wnierBy turn -aitof were worth, ar by what you thought you might get out af tha traniaqtfan ?; To what extent waa your tD, solved in it ? Did yea tell »*<«»» that you charged them more because you thought than able to pay? A fine thing came . under my observation tome time ainea. A certain wealthy man passing through a community waa taken sick. Ho called In a physi cian who was in humble circumstances to wait upon Mm. Ho made him a faw visits, and whec asked afterward far his bill for services aad expenses, ren derad a statement for a nutter «t twenty-five dollars. The patient be ing lurprlasd said, "What, do yoa not know that I am a wealthy man and able to pay you many times bum than this?” The physician answered Mm, "1 do not care hew much yoa are worth, my services are worth Just thla much, and I am charging only fear Ai a business man. how Mi you represent tho goods? Whet pries did yon pot upon them? Woo H accord, tag to tho real worth of tho arHctao, or did yoo take advantage of the Ig norance of the wirttmur and make « Uttte extra off of him? Do you not toaombpr that with a coeftdsattel Mood you had a laugh ovar tha taoi dsut? About lha way you outwitted tha suotnmsr. But after all let aa aak if It wae worthy a man of keao* te do ouch a thing? As a workman, wkat price dM you put upon tho pises of work? Did you say, “Well, they will not know any hotter and ao I wfll charge them ao mush and so mush?” How easy ft to for you te Justify yourself hy sympathy and pity and by comparing your actions with thorn of other people. You claim that you weed the money and moat have ft some hrnr and ao persuade younolf that it Is justidable to got ft any way (pos sible, so long ao ft ft dose without detection. Then too yoo say that other* arc obtaining it in this man ner and to keep up with them you mutt do tho tame. And beside this others would do you as mean a trick | If they could, so yea will just keep ■ftftff with the nut for four teat ieme body will think that you are better than they. I wteh vsry mute that you won better tesu they. *a* me bog you to asruttats very eioeffy your manner of getting aumoy. Look bask end eoo if you ksW 1* tednd ft unjustly te tee post Koto wed oil tha pomuft soariao of you* _i WRITES OF HIS VISIT. 1 D. T. Hargrave of Cite. 8. C, MSMIs of the Program Ho Noted 1 While Vioitiag Hon. L lata riait to Leorinburg disclotod • jfexprising development in Ane build a If and town improvements amount ing| to potteopo a half million dollars, i oarroondlng country ia also greet to Hu farming facilities, agricultural machinery, as as in lino stock kt too home of Hr. H. W. McLanrin shown about two handled head bog* of virk)<i» him aad At the home end Aim form of McKinnon I eow o largo barn of from floor to rafters like i of elavory oad a good supply caving machinery aad a groat of flae poultry. At this borne beautiful daughters to look af tee household affairs, which it ta& uncommon in that country where m H of aur Marlboro country wives j m as from and maintain the old school d The fine asphalt streets aad several Baa of concrete sidewalks gives the ■ me city-like appssrants aad mads h a feel Uks putting oa city airs, but 1 At harking facilities of Laurin jrg an extraordinary. The first b eternal Bank was organised in IMS fgjth A. L. James preaidaot and T. J. at .11 cashier, who have served the pub qs so as to keep the character of tbo teak up to the highest standard of | mtetr own characters. The State trank is ooa of the yomigsr institutions U the banking business la Laurinburg i^pd baa had a moat pbsnomlnsl eue aa, as has the Scotland County Sav Bank. There arc three cotton with the money subscribed for fourth, the extraordinary oil mill ' tho McNair flour Mill with a oe /ons hundred barrels per mmjBeted) go to show tbs ^vL' SmSTTiBa <*' cowniy, SCOUAM ODOMJ Jgi tbo Arst la tbo melon Industry, rVer a thousand car loads being shlpp 2 during the last season besides other J arfcet stuff. 1 The monument ia front of the court . mao ia than in parpatoote tbs mem-1 f y tbo fine work done by that great * neater, Honorable W. Q. Quakcn I mb, who sacrificed so much in eecur f g Heat la ad county against sack ter I* Be apparition. One thing can be said of Scotland maty—It loads the State ia roads, . cat which other counties can take J rumple, Marlboro county for in * I was dad to see my little boy . lead of tweaty-Syo years ago, Mac scaur on, an important factor in the I oarinburg Exchange. D. T. Hargrave, GUo, 8. C. Freak Verdict. A jury <■ the Becordar Court Tnas . ijr returned what is believe! to have * mu the most unusual and freakish odiet ever recorded in the courts— • ’ l leeet tUe la the oyhtioo of the local " damps who are familiar with Jones * id thatr usual mode sf returning var» ■ ots. ' * Tha ease wee eoa ta which a yotmg m was being triad for tha lareeny f a oalf. Tha eaaa was a hand fought ° m s*d lasted througbcut the entire ° ty had wad la to iha sigh. Tha vaadiet af tha Jury »vs that tha , of widest waa guilty af taking a calf. ?Jpw» this question they wars agreed, SCOTLAND CITIZEN MUtPBtED IN MAKLBOIQ| ky Vmi Qrick^kMthi Otew id at Boykin Chunk. laity Monday night of teat *uk, Emerson Wright, aged M years, a dtisen at iha Gibeon section of the oouaty, wee shot and ao seriously wounded that ho died two days later in the Hamlet Hospital without re gaining ceuedeueueaa. The (hooting occurred about V o'clock ciooo to Boykin church, jaet over the State line, tad about two mi lee front Gibeon. According to the information avail* •Mo, Mr. Wright arnl Ma brother. Mr. Manly Wright, were returning from Bennctterille whore they had boon dering tho day attending tho nsual trade day bold in that town tho Aral1 Monday in each month. At Boykin church they mot throe man, Masers. Land end Eh Quick and Frank Stan ton, all Marlboro poopla Tho place of mooting waa a dona one in tho rood, and In paaalng, tha Wright brothers, necessarily passed close to tho other portico. Ao the tee me were passing. Land Quick, it lo said, cursed Smith and said; “you had bsttar drive over ns," to which Emerson Smith re pKod "yon nssdnt talk as big about It.” At this Urns, Quick caught held of SaUth and polled him out at hia bug gy and kasekad him down. Smith, as aoon as he could get up, returned to hie baggy and started driving off. About this thua three pistol shots rang oat. Two of them ml Mod their mark, the third entering the buck of Emerooo Smith’s head. Dr. E. A. Livingston was hurriedly colled from Gibson and at once malia* ried tbs wounded rasa to Hamlet, where he was placed in the Hamlet Hospital for treatment. ‘Tho wound waa of such a serioua nature that no operation was performed. Mr. Wright died Wednesday sight without The body waa broaght to tha faatfly >mn*jr*w fl»aa> Thursday susmiag sad buried is tho , family burying Mr. Wright, who arse a sou of Mr. Jim Wright, was, it is said, a young man of peaceful and quiet disposition, end the sad ending of his young life has brought much sorrow to many heart* ia tho county. It is reported that two of the parties who an thought to be reopoaaibU for hie death, have been placed under arroat. Another Account of the Tragedy. Gibeoa, Jan. 7.—Emerson Wright,! of this pines. died yesterday following1 • wound received Monday night whan ho was 8rod on wkUe returning Hocne from Becuiettavilic. OAeen an Marching for Laud Quick, who, it is charged, did the sheeting. Mr- Wright woat to BeanettaviUe Monday and waa returning heaoe Men* day night. About eight o'clock two Bailee treat of Gibson, ho drove up Bear a buggy o»d told the parties that he waa to a hurry to gut homo and would drive by them. Soma one in the otter buggy told him that he would kill the Ant sue who attempted to drlva by hire. Mr. Wright, af eoune thought he waa euly Joking with Uu aad kept on driving. Jaat as ha got ia qt qq^q qqq 6K9& foar ttowa. the last baB hitting Mr. Wright to tha hack of the sack. Ha waa kortied to the ”—rT~t Boa* pHal. at which place be died yeetaeday morsuag at 12 hO o’clock. aea an yesterday mernlag's train and were buried this morning at ’flu Wright wmmmtj near his home. Mr. Wright wu from ana at the hart families i» this sectloa and Ma >»waased oaaa hare amor Manta who sympathise with them In their Bor row. First Bala. The first pel# of the year that ie of farad by Frank Thom too, of Payette rlUa. la now on aa will ho notad from aa adraftlamnent in another part of thia payer. Mr, Thom too oaaa the eelamna of this paper to adeerttoo his business etta thouglHt is In Payottm rill*, hacaoae at the feet that tUa payer goaa to a greet artsy of readers that ha waste ta roach, and from wheat ha gats a liberal patronage. Ha eooU sat reach them ta amr way that wiS get him sooh erthfretory raaaha, aa the aaa of ear oohnm**. i _ * Bit tight, amBa ser^miy, and let the other fallow tsar. Whan • fat tow VMM too head It's aa rrllnn ho haaat amah head ta tooa. Aad asm far mother year at ip ANGUS McLAURIN BEFORE WASHINGTON AliOSNCE LuittiqliiMmfNAMrta Cengriss fwillooiii By the Muter Thomas Man] raoertiy n cal rod a latter from tea rant, Mrs. Mw H. Bail, who wdici in the dtp of Washington, D. C. It appears that while the Pan American Congress wan In acaalon la that dtp, there waa a public catnrtalnmcnt or antetetteh given ia that palatial hotel. The Xew Willard, (bowing What pragmas had bean aaada ia tha adoration of (ha ehU dran who arc ban daef and dumb. The latter gaaa aa te aay: “Year day evening te tha Mow WilMTh bear soma of tha moat celebrated aaa advancement made la teaeUag dent mutei. Now who yon anypwee earns ruablag ap te ate saying “Tbomaa Neal's auntie," “Tbomaa Neal's ana tie", and lo and behold it was Uttta McLraria, who waa oat te sop father wiB tsd yon is ana of tt* grant assn of this day. Aagm woa Invited te go te tho otago ami write tea usage end residues oa the blackboard. This be did te a plate hgfbte hand—Aagaa McLrarin, Lrartnburg. North CWra liaa. Ho wn then ra goes ted to am noaneo what ho hod written, and whoa ho did ao, the radiance cfaoorad Wn. He looked so sweat ad handsome. I aant.te Use stage far him rad bbs daead Urn to yonr nouaias Utastt aad Helen Hugh**.” BherUTW. fSrt&SiUteaJdfc' aim of tha brlghtmt aad moat iatereott« tads that Laartebatg has y~«— in many year*. Ha te today nidi ia Mm hlTTBaifth birthday, and hte fatter la spending the time with him in Washington. Car which place he left Tuesday evening: Xante. In East Laarteborg on January ttb at about awvaa o’clock p. m. Mia BO* lit Norris Iipntid this Ufa. bote about fifty-two 7aura ate. Mrs. Norris was bora te Marten touaty. Booth Carolina, bat had Hup* hart for about twelve years. Her Wat ®naaa waa aot of a vary long dera tion, bote* naiathiii* like two week*. Her ltfa had counted far mu* bora. Bba waa a amt devoted aunhr of the Mart Laarteborg Methodlet caote a ere* tba aaMirin* U wen bar vcytodaaa Har fries te were amity, grandmother, fibs waa oat adnentad la tba «*«■!«. bat sbs had long sat at Jama’ feat and bad Iramil te Hlau Tba funeral aanteo waa eoadoetad by her pooler. Mm. J. ». Tboaiya la *be Earn Laarteborg Methodist char* Buadoy atena at S otteafc. A envdod bonaa waa one of the mU bold. After tba fhaanl astta te body waa laid to rest te the city ceow tsry, tin God than oaaunon It te the akiee. The eharck sad caoaaaaity kaartfiy k,mpatbtee with tba aoirowtag mm. ✓ The announrsment of the marriage d lira. p«iar D. Joesa, of l anth bvg, R. P. D. No. 3, to Mr. X F. Doarea, of Hamlet, which inurnl Wadneaday night el last week, aaraa ae an interesting earpeiae to thalr many frlenda. The mintage eras perforated by Rer Mr. Harold, Baptist minister of Hamlet < jj& Mn. Doarea is the widow of the Into Peter D. Joan, and has many fHends and rnteUeas in Brsttand county. Mr. Doanee is a hnaber manafseturar and dealsr of Bankt ^The^ Trrhaaga Jnina thatr many Card af Thanhs. ■^Bw family af Mn. 8s Ola Norris

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