Mil* • L* ^ «t IW aad (fit your letter (a P* ' *• ha yriHiliil la the T-t, who* adver «» mm hK you la the hack ad the Mack and your trouien an won on both before aad behind. tt*» tha fallow that na the tone *or« who baa tho bi* haaot aad lets yoa have what yoar body aaoda for oaaoroct aad atrea«th aad chargee it ntU next yoar. aad arayhe until tha JPw* Aid it non n jpki oa yoar fan aad rako enough cola «“»*har * odT, yea .<*« for a new patent chare that will wake bateor in twi lalaataa Jaat because Che P«t>ra to pretty aad tho roadtoc m tMac, whrlo tha Me hearted hceae Mwrliant has a hatter artido fpr loaa ■toaoj aad traats aad to entitin to it, bn cote it not. Wo itoat know whether yea weald do thto or not, bat if yea did. woaldnt yoa hate to co dewa tha oaara dde of the w “*«hhoriyf big towkeafio fa year hone **** do** WaB you should. A faw ahart yean ago the eandhill **cUcn of Scotland and adjoudnc osantiea wea considered worthless, and “**f ***y» "»■» of property ia aaeee eectioos. preferred ta let the !VlW '*®tWr toad for taxes rather ****** pmy *» epeakiac about the yo'torty of the soil fat the nctioBa. Capt Dave Krerett, the nen h*m »n eald that a asw that woeM tffelt ”*** *“°*" »*■* aactMO without car **?***_? lu*><*» *todd use poor Tfc*®® Mnditim ImTc A****d-.. .™* “«• toad that the ***** “• repaid as worth the Mly in vnlae dnrin* the nut few ^ PwpirrtTorte r*T* “J* ►** forth, been made M|h ly prodecttre, end the lend owner In Oe ~dhilfa i. net the land-poor clti — thnthe need to be. bet fa counted tatnnntn. They ere now -tt^ceend fro® the pooreet .ecttone JDd rrttwg fancy prieee for it. The Cefa Send Ce, a eeqcere in our neigb ^|>riaf t®w"’ b«e recently ??"* * «o«t*net with the Southern ' Whih scenting around for aewe the ■«■ "•» droppod into the offloe of tho dork of the SB P*Hor Court to paa. the time o' day •ad incidentally to pick up any item of oowt news that might be afloat Everybody wu taking things «aay Omk MeCrnmiek m th ***?■«"• Attorney Goodwyn. what*a the news ?“ asked the g»hangomML To our inguijy, both Mauno. Goodwyn and McCormick, be flan to talk m concert, and wo thought wok*d hit upon something that would **«■»*•' w* head lines. We Hnefly P®7V',,rf **»■■» to talk one at a time, •tof taaglna wr dtamay when wa resolution to the eject that they would not spend eny money in 19l«. Waant Ptoity panic grootiag for two *?*i!!1*?* *° • —rryapot man • • • m L WJ* to "MarT and hVr W and tho oap laaa tto. that w. *»aot ifTM with tho riewa of tho jjjjjj* ** *«••«. Ut win tod_ *»t an will taka y t-aa a job# trHtylto. Xwr tod .a .nctot to«U.r, Hi* top-knot «trfto u .now to’ «**rytin« tort Mary wwni "r . Tki* old top w*a wont to yo. H«dMn* «•&» tor to *tto*( by day. ten^'n, rate* F-r **“■-"?* wt>**k*r* ton »« pc* via* toy A lamin' la tto iMMtrrtk totooL c****A»ria* A* ©ow. tot m cultivate tke cow. And try to adacato tor; Aad lotto by «U own •tow her Caltttio might yae tianalato her Fbb aiayto bovine, end* of toav To quit* a charming creature With rather complex problem* fewi_ O, tot ua up and touch hart Sorroondingu quit* important ar Environment and training * Jaat like heredity go fhr— Aad cuhare/knowrs no feigning. *** '* ®°Wli stall Will make for true refinement; ■ The vulgar straw U, if at all, For ordinary kinc But A Phonograph might ho installed T* P»«y II Trsvstore, ' Or other gem* so well recalled. Or bits of oratory. W 8oov» polntinge, too, will lend a toK Of caltera to the stable. And b0M Will come Into barn So far os she is able—Ex. ooo BITS OP NBW8. OMaei. Mlnn_Nels Bsnsoo, 77. fohmm. BWOhMg, here recently. Mm. Benson is the oT. set bride Minnesota has ever i.J| ■ CWoago, 01.—Tim myoterW-mL »*.*r*r. who has been holding „ pwenraia for assy weeks. «w „ *t»ted recently. He tMum b^y, « years old, named Fred Lo* „ He rnafisoad nineteen holdups, all uu complishod with a toy gUmip^ . Sell Bethlehem, p* - Firsmb Dsj.. wrlvtd it rnrinlU ■ Jj'. a 10-uaaths old child «££djj£ way to Now Toth. §r, hmd walked with the baby on hit bXv ffom Canada, * dUtmnee of £60 —^ " koapteg U»e child ally, on credit, and water. / T1 Pmaia, lows—For tUrm hoX Mra August Sadden lay in a CmIB& sod law her rrleods snd reigtivefl SSS£ys-te1i..Spsi viutugi ww itKxrt to plac* Mf^nj *kw suoeeaded in sighing &d thu. prevented her burial alive. Ifc. i* expected to recover. Eiver, Ora.—A sturgeon wh eh has been a captive la a email pool or oven BO years, has been released fay Mm. Sue M. Adorn. Armat^T, ho owned him. The fish had grown fr im a email one to over six foot in lens j. DMjd, at first, by hi* frmdom. £. qweltly recovered himself oad dia n poarad in the deep channel of the < I®, lumbta river. KieardsvuJa, la— A dog g *° L. M. Datiiman. who rants tha ho De formerly occupied by Jamea Maxa d| aawr barfs, wai aean dieting reran iy to»en something glittering appear ad to tha dirt. Pitlaaian 1—rulga ad «to torn* a box containing 11,000 ^ told coins. It la preannad **“» Hi x Z'lLZ*?, W“ **W t°J>* mWrly- » id to bory hia money. Maxwell was k B to in a railroad wrack. Tha Santaumt Bays. oat fa “ P*«*r nir h the memory of the lata J< CUrlm McNeill by “The itate J Boye - immortalised in hi. Sot am Merry and gad, by a reproduction fa photogravure form of the p~»n d A Mated to them seme yearn afa 1 l. sketch ia Illustrated from phatogni h of aoaeai along the Lamina ifar, be hanata of the Sanburat Boys, hi km ▼Minity of MeNefU’s Home «t Klvert * Mlaa Lillian Alma Fsrruson of Lt ^ berton, mu thoutht/al snood. to i L U»* The Observer received a copy _ Charlotte Obmrrcr. ” _** ■ Aad Be Kaev. Hew. Dr. 1 P. Brown, of Fairmont, a fa *** * Lumberto. rivftor yefaerd - »r» aros>d ^ £ ywW*Mrn^y‘^,aSr,202 “ rinbury, wbo has had quite a bit at A Few Hours Real Pleasure in Ike Evening The bright light of tfie Rayo lamp makes reading and sewing real pleas urea these evenings. Rayb Lamps The Rayo gives a steady light that can’t hurt the eyes. It requires almost no attention. Its simplicity of design makes it easy to keep clean. You don’t have to re move the shade to light it—just lift the gallery and touch a match. Most con venient — most efficient — most economical. • Use Aladdin Smcarity Oil or Diamond Whit* OB to obtain best results m Oil Stoves, Lamp and Heaters. * The Rayo is only one -of oar many products especially suitable for use on the farm. . bmewt Standard fiaad Separator oa Parowax - I - Mica Axle Grins* Eureka Harnesi 03 Matchless liquid Gloss If your dealer does not carry them, write to our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMP ANT (New Jersey) BBirtaet • • • • ' » • / 8- W. BIRMINGHAM Coottactar, Houaa Morar and BaUdar Eattaaataa fomtahad an abort notion PoUrton, N. C., B. P. D. 2 or LmiA«v, K. O, K. P. D. 4. 1-4 • • • • « # GROCERIES Have you been baying your Groceries from es? If you have, you know that we make no mistake in saying that they are as good as the best, and too, yon know about the low prices wo ■ell for. But if you have not been baying from t**—well, you don’t knopr what satisfaction and economical buying you have mimed. A good way to begin the New Tear—Get your groceries from D. M. Gillis Co. ’Phone No. 89 WHO 5WANTS* TO DIE? Bfa. NOT YOU,! OP COURSE l.Then it behoove* you to k**p that erratic rtotnach ia bettor work, ing order. RTalkiit over with u» the next time you pam our atoro.Sand moat likely we have a "Hfe preserver'* lor you. Moot people live to a ripe old age In this eoaununlty, andjve sell moat of them "life preserver*, ” too. We have many makca.IalCgood, and yon can take your pick. The eoot won’t break you, and the remedy may make you. BLUE’S DRUG STORE SEABOARD AIRfLINE RAILWAY THE.PROGRE881VE RAILWAY Of THE SOUTH Trains Leaving Lanrinburg . No. 19-856 A. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte and all In, termediate pointr-Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for peaaengenet Wilmington nt 10 P. M. No. 18—757 P. M. Local for Hamlet. Charlotte, and all in termediate point*,—Connecting at Hamlet for all points North. South and South West Pullman Parlor Car Wil mington to Charlotte. No. 80—8:47 P. If. Local for Wilmington and nil intermediate points,—Through Sleeper Charlotte to Wilmington. Passenger* may remain In Sleeper until 7 AM. No. 14—857 A M. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate point*,—Pullman Parlor Oar Charlotte to Wilmington. For additional information, aato rates, schedules, or re* serration* call on local agent or write the undersigned. J. Watson, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Laurinbnig, NJC. Wilmington, N. C. John T. West, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Your Plumbing Now U the time to have that Plumbing done, or maybe Ha a beating plant yoa want, hot that doesn’t matter, if ifa in the line of a Plumber's work, rest aarared you can bye It done right, and economically too, by calling aa the undersign ed. Those 175. M. F. Gilfeather Practical Plumber ' »