gjT ic. iqcKANttE *§ tm 9WMVW Vm» '•’■■ flM I >> >1 ■■ I TUMHttf WT J. F bMm< aaa >nmat». MM) CAMMM AMMiM MMgr. rTtSS la «a4 at «M* foasakac in L-aanafetaa. Nu _C.»».S—4Qn»MMMt tat' A* nMMi C» Ha that a at fai laaraU Crf> -waitU: ya tfcarafara boar than not, tuiMi yt ara act ot Ood. SC John •:47. JUDGE NOT. Editor Archibald Johnson, of Char ity and ChOdroa, wha ia gtron. to writ <■» tho Moat iiilVa madahla editor laU of any at North Carolina's edi tor*, handa art tho following toady a ad worth white advice about our ha gtofdWg of tho Now Toon “Hare we are at the bgiartg at a bright bow year Thia tooohrtliBi tea aratiU haortfly iwbI b 4 aw f Botcher* are allowed to soil horse* mat In New York. Tb* law heaam effective January 1st Why Ml! Pa»ka i> time parts eat 'paasuca. — A live beard of trade wouldn’t be any drawback to Laarlnhary. • • Itemsrk* by IwbiB. “It it a qowr ihing.” Mid ttauhao. a* h* cam* into oar solid gold sanc tion and spat artistically at tho coa pideio and of eouraa mittad It, how wa pay bat kith attentive to tho thing* da mending ear attention, and how mod) attention we pay to things that should not concern u*. “I waa standing an the street tha other day and along cam# an automo bile in goad repair hasting another automobSls that waa down and oat. Tha hind axla of the crippled machine had bean beat ao that the wheals were on* tided and eery wobbly. A rope |*4 bi* t»td to tki irlpfliil nacfciac and H war getting along with tha aid •I the perfect ear. "Bet at leant two handled people stopped and gated; soother hundred robber necked asd everybody seemed to have something to any—and tha ear pamed on. “And no it teamed to mo that it wan the wochf* way. It didn't teem to take any notice ti the perfect cam; h didst seem to panes to wander and tlrffrlr thb»|H4at pgand on ladllTfif etiiy. “And beheld! while ( was time rub ber-socking there pasted os tha oppo site tide of the street a women upon wham th« shadow* at an tetpofe life had fallen. Ten could am H in tha eyes; to the fees of brassonoaa that powder would net hide; hi toe gaady clothing—to alt her item toner—she was a toiled dor*—s woman who had parted with her soul "And epos her the town iuti fsaed and watched her until the had gene a Meek and at course it said thing* toaodUdy; it thought things —but it looked at bar end concluded that tha moral* war* getting low. “While she waa passing I dam any a bombed virtono* women pasted— girt* and guttle-women, dams* and matrons—but that was eemstonplaoa that waa expected, it teemed and ■o one unites a friend cast aye* upon “And again there went down tha street a man who had not 'eng beta not of prison—he had paid to fan tha penalty of tea trim* and ha walked vu&tojigMlseasjfcft, word, no mile, no greeting bat all eye* attention. “And to melting to* day’s events seam stoic might have mid to prose tost toe weald la net growing batter that within an been- be mw s harlot sad rx-convict on toe street saw them walking along btasaaly and de fiantly. “And the man with a heart might hove said to him: Tea, hot brother yen a*w hat ami harlot smswg a but oi who had fatten and ha ha to fttil end you per haps a thousand upright men. yea did apt aoto 'Twee the eto of tammlwlna that to charm you that excited year curiosity—that caused you to talk and reach false conclusion*. # * * --And ttoubm weed down to the depot and mw a blind assn begging a little motor to bay ooaso bread to ho told him to be gow*—that the town was over run with beggar*—Every thing qatcfc Wltud. A Uetnm who protcotad agataat fOtog to ilwp daring to* di» hnd* oroald, tf find wiry hi uul di to wofo* thair Bagging On oan iirnlni whan ton I font: "Ah, yon ton an (do* *f Hi* otohrtac of laiMwo in Cm* Of toaw A gnat many of .... ..._.'11- •yoaad.and th«y wdl gat oa tho lags and bark X to* wfcfta wan aw paaaing." By tola tiau all oars and ayaa war* wida apaa, and ha pnarufw to (hdah bla laatora. The a**t Jay K war «aft» nary ataMMI1 didn’t aay w MwaaHi waald wtogh a gonad/ b* yaataatadi 1 aatd a groat away of Hum wanld. t think partwpa a mil «*M they bark at to**Ml«*ton*r1w/« pardatod to* latirfiadir. "Mm, no, a*y daar atr; 1 aald toay wvaU gat *a to* lag* aad a* tha Taa ad*. 1 A Trn* Ftetare. ’ , r \ Alotig about this aoaaoa at tha ye tha writer* oa tha dally paper* Ur not* of the Tact that the weekly *T semi-weakly pa pare—moat of them art giving aotka that oaa i«»o* J their publication will be omitted > Christmas. whereupon tha enter* * I the daHteo have mach to uy abc. the pleasure* of the weeafv and oaa weakly odilor* who oaa taka a vac don. Same of them appear to thif that tea editor who haa a week, or* half week to got out a paper, bam sue aa easy time that a holiday is bonT a an wary. Thi« display of ignoron*, makaa Tha Landmark tiled, if the. writer* know what they war* writer* about they would know that aim*' any editor of a-weekly paper Ami more daily work, your ia aad year ou than any daily newspaper weaker. Z1 preparing tha matter for an issue u Us paper wu all ha had ta do, that might b* ama basis far the idea tte. bo has aa easy time, bat tha waaki aditor, am a rule, is not only adtto; reporter, proof reader, bastem mm' acar, codec tor, ate., bat be efts" make* a head, or gives part of k£ time ta tea mechanical < department In fact ba dam tea work that any' where from a half dome to a dure* ,men an employed to do oa a daiT paper; and often tha so called heir day—by the omission of oaa taaua a. the paper—that the daily writer* pro fhm ta think ia aueh a Joy, tnvral!' givm tea we sidy man a little time to catch up with work that le badly ba Wad, and Chriatmaa Day aad every ether day of that week he ta mppof •d to bo idling, be agenda ia alarW over books and stsmlgbtaabw tU tangled threads of a year's basin am* A semi-weekly editor haa mere halt than tha weakly man -he has ta have It—but hU weak ia it— t irtloaaldr aa heavy. If the** anvioua daily nsuw! paper writers, who get a vacation of. 'a wedi or tw« ovary year aad tan **4 I double up work with tfcJ other employ aa ia the 0A0J a day or two aff, waste puJ to a few months oa a weekly or send-. \ they would tears what; ia aad they’d quit writing soo the of tea/ apply to tha wrlteta aa tee dallies, where tha talk .referred to cornea tram. The anly daily editors who caa sympathise with weakly mao are tease aa tea aftereooa dailies, where meager support aoamttoma makaa tt nscenery for oaa maa to try to do tea work of three or four.—■‘•in via* Landmark. . < A LUCKY MAN. Tte story comm from brute, to tte effect that Mite—t Xnetse, a resident of Baveosa, te 140 yean of age. yet te declaraa teat te never agent a dollar for medical at tendance la bis life He tea all at Ua teeth except two, white he ex tcacted Mmai|f with a pair of pinch era several years age. Until after te w— 40 yean of age Me eyesight waa Unimpaired, and ha new case f* only far reading aad very partenl— week. Mr. Kneiss waa been ia Bavaria aad lived teen until te waa 41 yean of age, working mostly u a farm laborer. Ha enlisted in tte Austria* army la 1448 and saw twe years of active service la tte war with Bas tes. Ha came to America la 1441, and ton yean later at tte ooteraak of tte war tetweea tte Btataa te a« temptad to enlist on tte Union aid*, bat was rejected on s repeat of Ma physical, disability. Now, itte question Is: Hu MOrs some sioret elixir of yenth Mddaa about hit parson, tee te solved tte secret of long life aad health or to te Just a freak? Wo woaU like to know Ei. Bnmi man are m aaargatto flay fad la baatnau today aad start right In fsaioeraa to aaglnsor anatter faO DM yon bay it at hot— this Hirtoi . a—f Wo did BUSINESS LOCAtS FOB RENT—Roomy residence. Jut tho thing for a Itotrdlnf luw. OmmriWb located. Apply Boa 4SS, Laarinburg, N. C. *■* 1 FOR BALE—Bottling plant in good j condition. Will Mil at a bargain far cash sr exchange for lata model Ford aatauobila in root condition. J. P. Wlggtau at Sxrim/>fs otftea. FARMERS! Own your fans* Kau all it produces instead of half. We have tea farms 910 to W> par acre, large aad small, improved aad un improved. See u today. McLaaa A Groom, Merton, N. C. 49-tf BOARDING HOUSE for mat, toasted right aad now ready for you. Good KS3SS. <a F. D. No. X, Laurinbnrg, N. C. 16-tf_ la good running shape. Will tad at a bU bargain. Wicker Barber Shop, O. Wicker, Max ton. N. C. 14__ WANTED—Man to learn barber tiade, few weeks required. Tools given. Weekly demonstration. Di ploma when finished. Write for catalogue. Richmond Berber Col lege, Richmond. Va. 1-t-pd flAOO Corbitt ▼•>»*"« Car far sale. Electric Ugh bora, extra tire and rim ant ixnp, aleo hand mnp. A bon**11 feOS. Patrick Furniture Co., Hamlet, N. C, ■Hid RGB FOR SALE—Berkshire Pigs. 10 ^ merits old. Gflca Leech. TOWN ORDINANCES. Dm Board of CamndMloneca do er no (Samoa shall open any ftro hydrant of tho fire fighting ayatom of tha town of Unhbwr for any par poso except in eaao of fir*, or threat wed eoaflagratloa. and in furtherance if off arts to stop sock firs or conflag ration. Any parson found guilty of riolattog this ordinance (half ha gall 7 of a misdemeanor and Asad fifty oilers or tieprisoaed in tha ooonty ail for thirty day*, presided that tkia hall not apply to aay head of deport seat of tho towa gorerament, or to my person acting wider direction of cull hood of department la the dis barge of tha dattes derolring on sock arson as officer or employee of the This ordinance shall ha to feres Mayor. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICHL Baring qaaUflid as Admtaistrator f tho estate of D C. Lytth. deceeeed, ate of Scotland County, N. C., this is mate^Lo^stet^f'sJudaemMdto SuUtttaa to tho undersigned oa or Itosaeksr. IBIS. _ ■DW1N LYTCH, . * AdminiftfttUP, ^ R. r. D. No. 1, Leuriabarg, N. C. ’ Marian to StacfcheMan. The recolor annual mcrtte* of the toekheUera ef The'Scotland County ttftato B«"k. Win to bald lo th* aak*a a«ee Friday. Jan. Uth. i»i«, » to* a’atock. p- a. Hinton JiiMft, CatKltf. f^= , Life, Firs. Health, And >r 4tori, sad to fest Mr HIWTON JAMES, Aftat W. S. LZZZiAM, Mgr. Frank Thornton's First Big Sale of 1916 starts Thurs day morning: and lasts just Ten Days. Hundreds of fine Coat Suits, Beautiful Dresses, Hand some Coats and all Furs will be sold for Ten Days at less than One-Half price. Thousands of yards of New White Goods, Beau tiful Silks, Taffetas, Messalines, Crepe De Chines, Georgette Crepes and all other Wash Fabrics will be on sale for Ten Days at slashed prices. Everything reduced. Bring your list, it is money saved. Ail Ready-to-wear must be sold at some price and we can trade. One lot, about twenty Coot Suita, mostly email sixes. Values up to $20.00 will be on salefor $4.98. One lot, twenty-five Coni Bolts, Wool Poplins, Seges, etc. In Black, Navy, Brown and Green. Good styles, and all sixes to 46. Values np to $27.50 to dose them oat at $10.98. Twenty lovely Broadcloth Saits that formerly * sold for $35.00 will be dosed sot at $14.98. One lot Misses' and Juniors’ Coat Suits in dies 13, 15 and 17. Gaberdines, 8erges and Poplins, good styles and were formrdy priced at $15.00 and $17.50. Coma take your choice at $6.98. | One hundred and twenty Coats. Long Coats, Short and Medium lengths and all Sport Coats. Solid Colors and Mixtures. Just the Coat needed now and the prices are made that will move them out. Nice long Black Caricole and Far Casts that were priced at $7.50 will be on sale special at $3.48. Splendid values In long Blade Broadcloth Casta and the Scotch Mixtures, values np to $17.5# will bedoaed out at $8.98. 26 mice Black Broadcloth Coats, three quarter lengths, also the long, regular price $7.50 and $10 in this sale at $4.96. $7.54, $10 ahd $12.50 Sport Coats in this sals at $4.96. BIG VALUES IN DRESSES 30 Wool Dresses in the popular styles, that were formerly priced at $10 and $12.50 will be dosed out at $4.98. $12.50 to $17.60 Dreams in Tafctaa and Man line 8ilks, the best styles will be sold for $8.98 for choice. Beautiful Evening Presses ia all the delicate shades that am $15 and $20 values will go in this sale at $9.98. Not only Ready-to-wear in this sale at cut prices but everything in our Two Big Stores are included. Nice big White Coon terpen** the $1.90 kind «wi»i a| fine. 75c—72 inch Blenched Table Llnene on enie at 42e yard. 50c—72 x 90 Inch Bleached Sheets 37c. The beet brands SI inch Bl—rhlng at 8c yard. 25c Towels, Turkish Bath and Linen Hade at 17 l-lc. The beet 17 l-2c Lonsdale Cambric 12 l-2c. Great Biff Colored Bordered Towels at 7c. The best 8c Apron Ginghams at fc. 2000 yards 12 l-2e Dress Ginghams, Dard and Light, Fhst Colors at 8c. The hast Flanneletts and Ontlngs, 10c and 12 l-2e grades at 8c. Thovsaada of yards of New SQks, Wool Goods ate, go right hi this sals at cot prices. 100 Ladles' Raincoats that formerly sold for $6 and $7.MwiU be sold for $8.96 and $4.96. Came to the ante and bring rear Hat, It will pay yea well. Piles of new goods hare jaateoiM in. Frank W.Tho iton FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.

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