9 I B Ik* police war* notified and arrested the Intruder, who **id h* w*. Thomas Hayes. of Troy, N Y. lie was k*U tutelar/ ad War Garriaon has rm tuJzjx rti" Hammond radio projectile. Tha pro jectile, which ia a typo ad torpedo, is oewttaDed by wireieee either from Jj^wwaila^rS!! ' A currfully worked out pin on tbe pettetOmie te bribe oneefh ■— ban of Congrese to ioeare tbe enact ment at lejtototlen te prevent the as .peat of wer eeppUee to tbe AlUca to anid te be under biveetJsndea bp tbe Mml author! tiee. That aa Aaeeri en ne hired at,» lJXW a week te «a dtortefce the work end that be bad en ttodted fade d We dlipeeel. fad i*C ateeet $1*0*000 before be wee oeBed off, art b, the Deportment of B I - ••• fgffi V/ H * m I UM UM «U> hi U minute*. Prof, riugo kiehiver, • German *cian tiei, aonoancaa the discovery of a pro ven* whereby he convert* old newspa per* law strove to be fad to earn*. Ho | dec Urea that tbo paper* which have ■ ted men1* mind* may be mad* to yield : milk sad beefsteak. i Roydea Joheeoe. a former printer, hoe boroaee rich from U90 Inveetad ia ■ all land* ia Oklahoma. Recently John [aon a roeident of Montgomery, Mo., •■aid the Und for <14jOOO. reUininjr one-eighth tmtereat in royalties, for ; which be now refueea *200,000. j Mr*. William Borman reeeatly ahot jaed killed here elf hi her home ia .North Jadoaw. lad., after writing a not* la which ah* daetersd that “a Hula kpaMad white dog” had atoka the alfirtiaaa at her haabaad. Mr*. Borman presto eaty had bar bwahawd enrestad on a charge at eroolty. A beg owned by Bod Bay recently mated ap n cna con tain mg 1900 ia geid on tha Bay tent Mar Janes' Mill. Twin. Tho cnah has been claim ed by Mr*. Richard Collins, a neigh bor, who declares her husband ballad the OMoey owac 90 yuan age whan ha i waa owner at the farm. The Bar. Freeds Bolt-Wheeler, an] Bpiecopal clergyman, ia alleged to have sffsred Ms -wife, Bn, Christine' Belt-Wheeler, gM if aba weald him a heat and drown hereelf ia Kaw York harbor, according to testimony re cently offered by the wife In a suit far complete separation, The min ister Is In Jail for refused to pay back Eyelashes are worth $100 each, ac cording to Mia* Julia Pomhsky, of Bayonne, N. J., who has started salt against the Central Railroad of New Jersey for the Mae if Re* of these value Me assets of beauty from the left ago. Mias Pocwbaky waa stand ing oa the station platform when a spark front a locomotive struck bar in the left eye. George R. Boaday baa returned to hia native heath la Lossy, Va., after wandering through Western states for over 10 ysan. Bunday left hia wife aa a result of domasiie difficulties. Ha was mrpeiasd to find bar married to another man on hia re tarn. Yet he deshrree be holds ably the kind set regards for tha wo sea* sad tha sun who has raplaisd Mm in bar eCae tions. Robert K. Fitagerald, aged 17, ef Lawrsgsebnrg, Ind., who prints a saaall newspaper, knows aa tha 191 Weekly, with a lend pend), recently mail si a copy to President Wilson, with the snnsmntomt of dm letter's sngsgsmsnt an ton front page. Tbs hoy ham lecnhrsd a photograph and a a^'wsrwijES ettoved to to tha only #aua.f* 1“ **. t—ideal of Tssatosmpm 1*0., declared in court that to with button:# • coats, batoU* ■hilts, iofaet without button* ■* of hi* clothing during tha l* kia married Ilf*. Ha aaaartad * ■. all thoaa year* hi* wife had u*w^, only three buttons. Judge i>tin ordered Stewart to yuy his wi* L . s week sad get patent steel but* . ... ' the future. St trait was charge* !■" deearUoa. to ! Robert M sinter, banker and a®J * * air* lire enthusiast, tUBhsd toP j; Y . In a six-story buUding in New '; tha othor day, and found on ths V ...... ■lory Mr*. Anna Burdatt, 60-JJi old. Bha l* deaf, aad had not" V, the noise. Mr*. Burdai. lufu/$ "" “ leave until Mains ev want lato al*y~*TT rooat aad secured tor three pat“, fish. Has rescuer than conductA *7r old Udy and her goldfish to the £ £**•£ Tha fire overcame eight firsmsT' CftQMd dftPtft Of ibOQt 100^00^' * K«mm OH Highly H.r— “ Insect KUW. * ■>* ___ But* Board of Health. Tf.... Far all practical patpnn* kart ”?T* ofl ha* ban found to ba probata**'7 M to* European War,by tta daDy rf* troop* aad prise pars. It I* js*, larly datatartou* to body lie*. _, Th* American Medical JcK”*1 says: “Subatancaa which are ful lieecides may have Uttle or ttaa oa bed bogs, aad Htt versa, instance, iodoform, which kills' wttkin tea to fiftaao rainutaa, baa tically no deietertona action on bogs, which nay Uto for osar* , i twenty-four hoars when axpoaa* it. It has atao little effect oa f Pyrcthruia, on tb* other band, h* onscb more powerful action oa ’ bogs than oo Boo.’' Keroeena *»•, to ba effactive oa both bedbugs'I lice. ** Naphthalene is uaa against lie* and Vlt scale where the uaa of fl practical and srfcar* its ^1 fanslv*. In storad blankets and cfl~*I tag naphthalan* will atao be practical and af aa* aa It baa a known deterrent action on •' 1 "The tlnia of my M and they cant afford tb bo a wing train*. CoossqaanUy they ar^^wil liag to pay a gaad salary to a?' se pta* efcoek-wiodar. I am paid **£>o a month for wind lag clacks." £ Sagg?sigijgs§g THE HAMLET HOSPITAL ~ ML w a JAMES. Bin— to ok*i*« * . Hamlet, N. C. ? A thoroughly equipped institution far the!* ■dentific treatment of X-Ray, Medical and So rgi* caJCaaea. Trained Nunea furniahed. '• d Special attention |Ivm to the Surgical Condition of th«t Ear, Noae and Thro»t. K • h — WHO KEEPS — BRICK AND LATHES ' FOR SALE? W. P. EVANS ' The Coal and Wood Dealer. J Phone 54 or 125 > a FLOW E RS j ... i ■■■■■—■.—...1» geamnabli eut flowar* Palme, Ferae. • - Prompt attanttoA to witrof-town ordar*. * SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc* PheaaUA IM H. Tnroa 8C Chart** M. C; BLUB’B DRUG ROBE, Areata _ _ _ —1—- ■'~i * -v ^ > • i- * _ Annual Statement | Com rein loners’ Account NORTH CAROLINA, Srothnd County. CnaamioiiHitfi' Account—OAee Hoard I County OommUoMoon, Lanrinburg, i * N. C, Dm. let.. 1915. 1 Annual lUtement of cUinu audit ed and ordered paid by the Board of Commissioners of Scotland County, to ita members severally during the As oal year ending Nor ember 30th, 1916. D. C. MeNKILL, Chairman. Doe. 7th, 1014. 7 days in a* $14.00 March 1st, 1915, 8 days in ■Melon 5.00 Jum 7th, 1915, 4 days in ses sion 8.00 Sept. 6th, 191$, 6 days in aet •‘m $iaoo Totel 888.00 W. G. Bate. -‘rr'mir Dm. 7th. 1814. 8 toy te us $ 8X0 Dm. 7th. 1914, M mite* trav sl ed 9 9p Mach 1st, 1918, 8 toy to ns> siaa *00 March 1st, 1918, N mites tear. sd 9 9Q Jobs 7th, 1918, 4 days in sss dM 4 op Jaw 7th. 1918, 88 mites travel id 4X0 Sept 9th. 1918, 8 days la sea don 10X0 Sept. 6th. 1918, 110 mites tnr. •led 8X0 Tot*] 146.60 Total aambsr of mites tnrated. 880. W. F. Psrksr, Csmmtedoasr. Dm. 7th; 1914, 8 days in m* „ 8 4.00 Da. 7th, 1814. S3 mites travel ed 1.00 Dm 7th. 1814. 1 day iaspsctteg County Farm 2.00 Dm 7th. 1914, 22 mites travel •d 1.10 March 1st, 1916, 8 toy in ses sion *00 March 1st, 1916, 48 mites trav sted *40 March 1st, 1916, 1 day inspect. teg County Farm *00 BCatch 1st, 1916, 23 mile* trar •W 1.10 Jmw 7th, 1916, 4 days la aoe •»** 8.00 Jobs 7th, 1916, 94 mites travel ed * 3.80 Jaw 7th. 1916, 1 day inspecting County Farm *00 od l.io Sept. 9th, 1916, 4 days la ses sion 8X0 Sept. 0th, 1916, 94 mites travel ed 8X9 Sept. 0th, 1918, 1 day Inspecting County Farm *00 Sept. 9th, 1918, 88 talks travel ed 1.10 Total $4840 Total No* tattoo traveled Be. 1, C. E. Mum, Bogiator of Doodp Ex-OAdo desk to tho Board of Com mitoiouori of Scotland County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that tho foregoing io a true rtatamant of all the a ac aunts audttad by aaid Board aad aadorod paid to ita member* eev orally, sad No. of allies traveled by each larabrr and that tho Board was in aaoaion 16 daya during tha (laral yea* ending Nov. SOth,' 1016, aa evi denced' by tha racorda of tho abntaa Witnoaa my head, tMa lat day of December, Ulk C. E. MUSE, Bogiator of Doodo Ex-OAdo Clock to Hm Board of CoaBiHtoocsv of Scotland County, North Carattaa. EVEB SALIVATED*'$T~CALOMEL? HOKBIBLE! Calomai is QalehMtoc aad Acta Lika Dyaamtte oa Tour Uvor. wm&wnams&MCfii. '■f&nsx ■* r&A. RESOLVED "lbu Cant <5et MONEY ANY EASIER. THAIS To DEAL 'With I fair3. l 'we want the people or this community to COME IN AND Do BUSINESS WITH US ONLY BE CAUSE it means dollars to them, buying AT A STORE WHERE YOU PAY MORE ToR THE SAME QUALITY OR GET POORER GOODS TOR THE SAMEPRICE THAN WE WILL GIVE YOU, IS LET TING YOUR DOLLARS TAKE WINGS AND ELY AWAY. HUNT AROUND ALL YOU WILL, BUT YOU MUST COME TO OUR STORE TO EIND THE BEST QUALITY or MERCHANDISE AT THE BEST POSSI BLE PRICE. PLANTERS TRADING CO. Because * you are dis criminating is the reason Ey you should drink ase & Sanborn'* Seal Brand Coffee WDV apologist |to the Drama*-,*n*d the then see the \ U> —~r—READ THIS AD / “Then See Our Window.” MONROE’S Pure Food Products ’Phone 23 PURE MILK IS A FOOD And is not a luxury if it is pore. — Cheap milk is high at any price. It requires equipment and personal »t tention to produce clean milk. We think too much of our customers to gtre them anything else. Yet, as always, we sell for 10c per quart. Let us supply your wants. THE OAKLAND DAIRY / i FARM LAND FOfe SALE. , 100 tern of Good Fanning Land about 12 nrilaa northwest of Laurinburg. This land is near ths im proved day road leading to the farm of Mr. F. T. Gates. It ia a part of a 900 acre tract known as the Morrison Lands. It Is in Laurel Hill Township. WIB sell for part cash and almost any terms on the balance. When you reply state how much cash you can pay and bow long you wfll want on the balance. Abo have 1,400 aeraa in Spring HiB Township for sale. Address CLAUDE GORE, Rockingham N. C. ■---!— f