TBOC MALT NOT OOfM. C CubJTw llgfeuud "Thou Shalt Not Covet,” was Us commandment from which Rev. Chue. L. Greaves, pastor of the Plrat Bap tist church, preached Sunday evening. This was the last of a series of ear* mono Mr. Greaves bee preached on the Tea Command mootu. However, next Sunday morning and night Mr. Greaves will preach on ' what ha tanas the nth and 12th Command ments. Sunday morning hie aermaa will he oo ”Man’s Love Per God,” and at the evening service he will preach oo “Loving One’s Neighbor.” In beginning his sermon Sunday night Mr. Greaves defined the sin of covetousness as an elusive sin, ooe which cannot be legislated against. Laws can be made against murdsr, stealing, etc, but it would ha hard to convict a man for being covetous. It la a hidden ain; a disease of the heart and one of which the world may not know. It is just as sinful to be ooveteus as it la to be profane, but It la bend to convict a man, even In chert* discipline, of being covetous To covet means to enlarge longing for the poeaeaslone of another, to reach out after what the other fellow has. It waa covetousness that caus ed Adam and Eve to sin in. the gar den, It eras covetousness that ceas ed the first murder A covetous man never gate satisfied. We most not covet anything our neighbor has. If wo desire to buy what any other has and pay a fair return for earns this is not covetous ness. You cannot want the wife of another man unless you have a cov etous spirit. The man who desires to oome in between a men and his wife commits treason and slut against hie own soul. Thera it nothing more dishonorable than to have a desire to break up a home. nv _ _ _a a . We are commanded mot to covet our neighbor's cook. If you are in need of a cook and a neighbor telle you about her seek, how honest, nice sod dependable she is sad you get a chance and tell that cook if she ever wants to leave her present employer you will give her 50 cents more on the week you have shown a covetous spirit. You should not try to get an office boy, clerk or stenographer away from a neighbor Just because he is the sort of man or boy yea would like to have in your business. We should not covet e neighbor’s custom er, client, patient, etc. . Don't try to root somebody else out in order Jto get their job- or- salary. You say “bow about a political office?" Whan a man has served the time out for which he was elected the office is then no more hie than it is yoere. However, it is wrung to start a lie or use some unfair means to gat a man out that you may get in. It takes a good Christian to run a clean, spot lee* political race. Just the same, Christians should fill the political or public offices. If a man wants to run for an office ha should not leave off his religion until after ho has won the office, but taka It into the race with him. The preacher declared that covet* ousneaa was the causa of the present waring conflicts. It was all brought about by sinful and unbrothcrly faal • lags and tbs desire of one nation to gat what another bolds A covetous man sen usually And a way to stool and not break the laws of man. Money ie not the root of oil evil, aa soma put it, but rather the love of money ie the root ad all evil. The love for money starts saloons, en courages the white slave traffic, graft, embatalementa, ate. Men and women are bought and sold aa a result of a^ covetous spirit, or the love of money. Puente often play a big part whan this la the case. A father and mother may induce a eon or daughter to mass ry another when there is no lave Just because the 'one they are to marry is wealthy. This means that they have rubbed their child of a life ad pieae m. ContouMM lead* to acta of wrong. Thrift. »tingin«»» and covstonsnms often go togothor. Tho money devil ia a hard one to drive out. A poor man can bo covetous Just tha same aa a rich man. It ia eovetoosnaas to hate a man beeauae ha ia rich and more prosperous than yoa^ A man eaa gat rich and still not bo covet ous. Aa an example of this the preach er mentioned Henry Ford, the rich automobile manufacturer, who, Ho de clared, did not aeom to care for money, although ho had made mprh of it. If wo remmnher that God has a claim on wfiat you hsfVs it might help you If you Wore a covetous spirit. Your un fortunate brother also hut' a claim au what you hare. Mgny giro Up pleasure la tha mad rush for moaey, forgetting that money aloaa cannot la sloping his terms* tho preacher urged bfa paugrcgatiea. whkhlllod tho large auditorium to overflowing, to study the life of Christ and follow him and thereby bo item from tho ate of iiTitouoaiac—Lumbortea Bobe Aad wo hope wo get ’em all • . \ •v rumcm A Muurfwitrn lit Air Aittat CengMMmea Gardner, of Him chuaette, cam get his name out of the ■ama of hi* slate. Bs bm omit the M and step after the three mnrisdltqr letters Md you here hie name and smr bar. Jiu* new he is trying to discredit BryM. He Is trying te pet eel pote en—end that is always reprehensi ble Ha wests Bryan Investigated J and .intimates that Bryan is getting paid by sotae great secret syndicate' to advocate peace. In a grand stand speech, the bind he always makes, he suggested that Bryan should be investigated and j maybe we would find out eboat bis seal for peace. Of course there is! no way to curb a Congressman. Ifj a men is an ass he cannot help it 1 ut the people shook! not send him **■ * representative of people of other states. I That Is where the rub comas. One State evolves a lot of freaks—states like Massachusetts and Kansas andi those freak house celebrities go to! Washington accredited te their par-1 ticular state bat they have authority I to represent all the states. There should bs a law (hat seek people I must be confined to certain Latitudes * —bet it wouldn't work. A safe con-1 aervativa state suffers because'three or four freak .states send down men who hold tbs balance of power. Mr. Bryan la always sincere. He opposes preparedness end people de clare he has no right to do so—but forget that he has the same right to oppoee it Ihgt they have to booet it. ^It Is the old story of not eoolng the dope in your, owe eye.—Everything. Fortify Again* Grig Epidemic. State Board of Health. "Fight grip and pneumonia now,” myt the State Board of Health in a warning recently issued In anticipa tion of the groat grip and pneumonia epidemic that is beaded this way and that baa already gained a foothold in the Eastern part of the Bute, if all report*-are true. The Board offers severe! points of advice aa a maaaa of ward lag off this contagious and serious disease, which is probably the wont epidemic of Its kind the coun try has ever known. "Keep up physical resistance aa the beat safeguard,1* says the Board, “by breathing fresh air day and night, exercising dally in the open air, and bp avoiding •vsesetiag and undue-ex posure to the weather. Avoid over heated and ill ventilated rooms, of fice* and halls and positively refuse to be sneexed at or coughed on by any one. By all means avoid constipation. Keep up the daily morning sponge bath, bathing at least the throat, chest, anas and shoulders. Drink plenty of water but avoid alcoholics. Don’t closely associate with people having coughs and cold*.” On account of the serious fatality that la following the trull of this groat epidemic of grip and pneumonia, the Board especially emphasises the im portance of individual "prepared ness” as the best mode of fortifying against It and staying off the epi demic. The Ugh death rate that has followed it in other part* of the coun try Is alarming and of serious roeim qusnoes. In Nerth CareMaa. Twelve yean ago—December IT, IMS—the flrvt successful flight at a hums* being in an aeroplane driven by mechanical power waa oeeoenpltab ed by Orville Wright. Over the bleak aand donee of Kitty Hawk, N. C, Wright sailed for SS seconds. It was not n long flight, bet it served to con firm the W right* at th.tr vooeeas end to prove that navigation of the air in heavier-then-air machinal waa a re ality That first flight marked the begin ning of a new aped in history. Dvr in* the doien years that have inter vened rnnch had bean done In the de velopment at the aeroplane, in the fees of its pitiful tell of life There is much yet to be dene, far the naviga tion of the air la /at fat Ho infancy. The Wrights, Wilbur and Orville, had been study In g the problem of flight for several years before they had completed their preparations for a trial trip away from terra firms. Men of greeter seiaatifte knowledge end attainments were trying to reach the same end, but the Americans wen first at the peat,—Statesville Land mark. Big Shea far Hamlet. Thai new shop* will be huOt by the ■eabeard Air Idas at Hamlet ead Raleigh and that extensive improve ments wilt be amde by that company during the present year is the an notuMemeut made by Vice President W. L. Redden, whs predicts that 191« wffl witness continued end im provw DutiMti Mtmtj tnmifhovt the eoeatsy, einvdbig to ms biter vtow appharlag today to the Vtegtab en-Pllol,—Nerfalt, V.„ Dispatch. of Ten, Fifteen, Twenty and Thirty Days Duration, Cov ering Many Points of Groat At traettvoaeoo and Historical In Wo have a tour at extremely low coot Including aO axpanaaa to Florida and Cuba, December 27, January 7th, SQuarisHy attract ive and ot unlimited educational value to Teachen and Students daring their vocation their on ly opportunity. A TOUR OF Florida, tbe world’s greatest cat winter resorts, during the height ef their season; through the beautiful tropical country la nearby foreign lands; steamship voyages in Southern boss; and the tathmna of Panama, during Urn winter months at home, af fording an opportunity for groat comfort sad pleasure. Write for Booklet aad Litera ture. We are sure oae of our many attractive All-Expense TnrTiirt Personally Conducted and Chap eroned Tears nt • RsssnasMi Cost will Interest yarn. GATTIS TOURS, Tourists Agents, Seaboard Air Lias Railway Raleigh. N. C. THE IDEAL PRESSING CLUB. • Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Al- • taring. • We make a apeeialty of Dry • Cl—ring • Clotkee called for and rrtaraed • promptly. e Ail work guaranteed to be sat- • iefaetory. • J. H. WOODT. Preprieter. • . FOR-KENT. • 1X6 acre farm located oa rail- * road and also oa sand-clay read, * one mile from town of Aber- * deen. Equipped to grow to- • becco, and especially adapted • to watermelons sad other track * growing. Has tenant house, * bsnje and guano boose. * W. A. BLUE, • Aberdeen, N. C. * • FOR SALK • • • * Young pig* for fattening or * * breeding. Meters. Frederick * * T. Gatos * Sons of Hoffman, N. • * C„ have for sale a Urge man- •' * ber of pupa brad Berkshire • * pigs for fattening, ranging in * * weight from tfi to TS pounds. ■ * Also a limited member of strict' * * . ly fancy young Berkshire boars • * and sows for breeding purpa'am • * and a ftw successful brood • * sows, all at satisfactory prices. • * eeeeeea ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hiring qnalfflid 11 Of ihj totote of t F, Leggett, de ceased, notice is hsrsby given to all parsons having claims .gainst told estate to present them to mo for pey tonat an or before the 0th day of Jan sens indebted to aaid estate will plasae make immediate payment. Thl. 0th day efJanaarT. 1916. W, A. LEGGETT, • MBS. ANNIE GOODWYN, • _ _ . Adminletraton. ^^Geo. T. Goodwyn, Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Raving qualified aa Executrix of toe •state of George D. Hvertogton, de ceased, notioe Is hereby given to all penons having daises against amid •■tato to present them to ma for far meet on or before January 4th, fijf, 5 to* a?i ^ ad U said estate will piaoMmaka ba. mediate payment. This 4th day of 5ar ••••••••e • * MONET TO LOAN. « * Wa are torpor ad to Loan Men- • * ey on Ron! Estate.- .We leeae « * fer lean than 11 .PM aad for net < * has thaa • years tons. 1 tmfed ng, EC. • * • •' • I • I • • i •' IA REAL MEAT MARKET — i with to announce to the people of latwe have just installed in connection EAT /V| A * oar purpose to handle only the Beef. Every pound of Meat Mh and wholesome. As ■ refrigerator, is never e. We expect to carry any and everything that a nd we are now ready to serve you. n't forget when yon are chopping tf«tt besides that is sold in the grocery line that you also get r meats at all times. McLAURIN & SHAW | urinburg, N. C. 'Phone 48. j commissioners sale op LAND __ byjtrhM of Um^mwm men^^mdered by tbr Supenor fcort to "1WV.‘,".i 0**tr *t the Norembet IwmB ISIS, and by a flfint signed V consent of all partita, FllbrSlaro *7a fa01*!* 7' ^ ^ ^7 of y*lllP_Ml- *•>*. offar for sale, at tha cotirtMhooae door la Lauriahtw. N £, al 11 o’clock Neon, at public aoe go^It. the W»heat bidder”"^ to “«“• «»*tod by the said l»d«»aat, aa hereafter stated. tha toU«*rtac described real estate, to _JJ lot of lend situate ia tha •iMFori PdM^ ftrato'and ibna those* SJ.*!! Western liae at aaid Hdt i(2Ti#?fft^wY'd,£ & ** Northmi YFJEAf 1Td* °* to* oatata of A. *vL ifeSS?5 to«>c* Waetwnidljr with . Jtorthern Um of the 1st beluor are glnnifeg, tout* the same laoda con 525> wnfia c. Cooper, by c. H. Rn-«U«d wife, Katie C. Biaacil I Rgtof lot No. 4 ia the dhriaion 91 ofbSuiie"&uSttat wharu the Seaboard Air Line Maaa aaid creek and run —_j >a and with tba canter i Railroad North 06 Waat U Z-—2 aad SS links to a corner of lot y?J Ltil?ye*.T1ft ■. |i,n» an (ha Waat aids of -_e corner of Main ami ;-=yaTsr? wW.fc* r“ **■ »• • P*2« tha fans lands 1 « - ... * r » h *9 be reaai isd to aeU tbaaa *»»•i tosather with the to*k*ton tond will ho aoid as a whole, 3&&S&&5 ‘'CSC*-* then the li£ai MC. ^ <*~’ JO****7, m9‘ N W. H. iTlfpRSPOON, rV\fnm1aaUraM (Atiiiru IWaVtlnSTn, * ' FOR RENT OR LBABR. • * t|* WniM F. Glbaon Farm, • * RR# 01 boon hi WUliaamoa • ' * Tarnoblm Oaa Baadrad mm » * Ftifla Land, daar ad rtampa. • * tfftlmit Ttnant Hnuaa. Thb • * J»»a od tha bam farm in Boot- • Nl Cavity *-nimaiti • * ■bd ba mada at oaco aad with * * «V right party. Writ* ar m • * ; ' moo GIBBON, • I* •. .-w: \ s The Woman Who Banin* ■ I SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Laurinburg, North Carolina We have just re ceived a shipment ofMac!±jes and now have them on display. Get yours today. Mercantile & Machine Co. Lmd Hill, N. C. ✓ wummsEmmm i