*• • • • •*«*-! ... ■ £■•:: * i 1 V )UJME XXXIV LIEUT. <L T. EVERETT RECEIVED PROMOTION Laartaburg Mu Named by Secretary ef War m Military Instructor at Maryland Agricultural Callage. It win be tntaraetlng to the frijnda sad relatives of Lieut. Georgs T. Everett to know that be baa bean selected by Secretory at War Gerri aon as Prefaaaor of Military Science and Tactics'at tbs Maryland Agricul tural College to eaceead Mai. Jamas A. Dap ray. Lieut. Everett is a eon cd Mrs. M. W. Everett of thia dty, and la a youag man of the finest character aad abil ity. He baa filled tha often at First Lieutenant of the Twenty-fourth In fantry with credit aad distinction for quite a while, aad baa just recently re turned from tha FhiUiptn# friends, where ha baa bean doing Berrios. The honor that haa been conferred ■pen Mr. Everett la eke that briags a feeling of pride to Ma frieada aad relatives bare aad ala re k era. Bagardiag his ap pc La tie wit tba Washington Thnas of January 14th aays: Searotary at War Qarrieon today detailed Ftaet Lieut. George T. Ever ett, Ct the Twenty-fourth Infantry, as pi cfmair af military arianoe and toe tied at tha Maryland' Agricultural Collage. Uantaaant Everett, who new le rtationad at the Presidio, at Ban Francisco, bga beta instructed to leave at oooe to aasums Me new sta tion. Tba poet at tha Maryland Agricul tural Callage' haa been vnoant since the resignation of Major James A Dapray, after a quarrel with tha Uuatoia. Sobaaqaaatly, Secretary Garrison three tan ed to withdraw mil itary taatructiau from the collage un ices the trustees and tha State of Maryland constructed suitable quar tan far the military rleeeea and for tUw drills. Governor Qofdaboroi^h assured the War Department that thaw ooadttlana wepjfi be compiled with, and relying tm th^ pmhmamd. Wemajani Garni ms ghee ctdara parmi ttiag tha re V T 1 Death of Mr. J. A. Campbell. After an ill mu of bat four day* from paramenia, Ms. John A. Gemp M. acted aboot 66 years, died at Ms . homo at the Dixon Min Friday after noon. The funeral was conducted by JUr. J. B. Thompson Saturday afternoon at S o'clock, the burial place at the McCall bmyfay ground shoot two exiles north of Laarkborg.. Mr. CaidpbaW was a os ip enter by prof—Inn sad was quiet, aanmaminf —d food dtfcan. Tho stricken family hare the gym pathy od their friaada and tha gem Mtowtay are the honor rods of tea' Porhlalimhool, Olboon and tha BOCKDALB. Pint »t tlinbith Adame, Z'EsrzarSJzzoa—• *“‘ ay Teal, Mas Plotehrr. , Second Gcada—TranokLoteM Ad TMrd Otadd Willie Ballard. Poarth Grade Billjli Gibson. Ptfth Grade Annie Bollard, Beasts CHbecn, thru Oibtoa. • < Sraneth Grade »Poway Pearson Ughth Crude Ha ante Parrish. Tenth Grad s—Annie MeNuOL . , he*SSrfA^S2lM^Mh3h% Hattie Pee, Garb Pea, WQBs CHbeon, HtSm Auatta, Carrie Austin, OsaorWre Las, WilUam Smith, CSnyten Smith, Walter Sadth, Mattie Peek, Ante r*HJUrr Peek. LaU PaeU, Boh. em Peek, Mamie Walt—, Mails Jeeh WaHeta^Aagas _Wah /Stela Pda aAdShSpjT^ SCOTLAND BANKS I SHOW MUCH PROGRESS Over Out sad a Quito let* LeU Away In Oar Increase Over Last Y As good churches and schools Indi cate religious and moral ad canes imant; ae V4U kept stares, pawed streets and walks, and a clean town indicate civic progress, and as an empty peer house speaks of the thrift and energy of n people, so does strung, well fitlad banks tall of the commer cial and financial welfare of a com munity, and this being true, Hoot land county baa reason to fool just a tiny fait proud sad eminently satisfied. In accordance with mils from the Comptroller of the Currency and tha Corporation Commission, tha banks hero, as ifatwlm, made reporta as to their health er was bases, as the ease might be, on December list, 101$, end tbs reports as contained la our last issue gives pleasing evidence arf the good standing erf ear county la the financial affair* of tha wueid. There at* five banking institutions In the oeuaty, some yeeng aad boom old, and all in fine condition. Remem ber please, that Heetlaed oeunty Is a MasH county as square nsOee are counted, bkt as the voice of mousy speaks, It Is see <rf the Urge powers in tbs State. The oemhiaed resources erf sari beaks total *19*7,19191. There Is an deposit in tfasss banks 11*7X94*9*. The live lnsUtmtlocu and their re spective business powers this year as compared with tha same period last year, show a healthy Increase In bath tbs total rooouresa aad tbs deposits held In trust. Is total resources they show n gain over Jan. 1st, 1*1*, of *189*6*97; In dsporfta a gala of $838*88.16. ' i Individually they make tha follow ing showing: The itate Bank, Laurfeburg— . Resources Jaa. 1st, 1016, *008*00.77. Raeoaroas Jaa. 1st, 1016, #8*,mi*. Deposits Jaa. let, 10U. *7d«*Mai.> Deposit. Jaa. 1st, Wifi, *787*874*. First National Depot He Jan. UtT 1*167*1774709* >. Scotland County Savings Bank, lamhiburg— Basoureea Jam 1st, 1616, *161*08.4*. Rmodreea Jan. 1st, lfilfi, 8016.70690. Deposits Jan. 1st, 1916, *144*70.46. Deposits Jaa. let, 1016, *104*8098. Bank of Wnsvam W.n.i, Roeoureoa Jaa. let, ’l616. *88*9098.' Reeoureee Jan. let. 1018, *67*04**. . Deposits Jan. lot, 101*. *88,790.77. ' Depoelta Jan. 1st, 1818, *66,707.78. Bank orf Olbaon. Gibson— **■”««■ !■*» 1*U, *87*88 X8. Issohreee Jaa. 1st, 1018, *190*18**. Deposits Jaa. 1st, 1916, t'7 M* tl Depoelta Jen. let, lfilfi, *98*8490 Jf Uis mcasy that le an deposit U be divided out sseBedh.^^*^^!* eUkstis Idea erf dMeim af the wealth of the nation, tkp last The tepte of kfihan eeaah fim the A. A M. team for the 1018 season la present. Tbs vacancy CMaad lg th2 resignation erf Dr. Fm* Indmueu w* bo filled at a meetings* the athletic tapnefi to he; btid tta first orf Fsbnj Already then are a —tTist erf can-' Oldhtsa for the position, hut nothing defiaite can he said yet, except that It b pretty gsearaBy beUevnd that,Chp «a WUston wffl actually detantioe eatalrwfll be. Wtatih’s Um/SihLSf tiopi, ten Correa, whs has four yuan ae a who bee played la the for two seasons Wi.jurt pOet for ted |e a Helder and. /•**»■ OmwBae Chavis, who was re wMew.erf W. J. Chavis, a * ^ Wlfitai Fea Dm AdrsM i' il > ■ •. ..—.. . st . / *,•; , ■„< THINGS PERT By Harry THE MlACTICAl Aa a boy I was mocb impressed with tha picture and tha story of a ■aa who rhaegad tha sign-board at tha fork* of tha read. Tbs board was ■ads to paint Id tha wrong direction and tha nu had done it for fun. Shortly aftor tha change a maaaaogar same ronatng for a doctor for a a an who wed «rj sick- Ha natureUy fol lowed tha wrong road and did not get tha phyeloian la Uaa to save tha stek an. Hot what dfwn did thia ■aka ao long aa tha Arat fallow eoald bars bis fan. Tbs practical joker holds human safety and convenience aad eonfact •a a small thing if he can bat get a moment's dlrereioo eat of the mat ter. People hara gone maimed through Ufa or hate asms to an un timely aad aa a sacriflas to hia swaps af hi mini. -Oh, certainly, he may be yapmtant aad sorry afterward and may make many apolagipa. but this doaa not restore tha lima he has per Basiss ad by kU felly. The important thing ia that ha should hara hia laugh, hara Mi fm Boom folks hare strange ideas of cast if they do net hara to boot it What pleasure is there hi the pate dr diasiunfort of others? This man de light* to get another at disadvantage aad pat him ta eonfuetoa; ha wants to see the tears flow and ia tor fha cry trot* the Injured, oma. j It ia usual for him to select, a wdgh ar paraon or aosaa aap far tha 1tea's* hi* guard to ba the Mattel at tha laaC f horse play. Map ha it la * SfiitS Dm* ttMr.D.D. Malta. •././ . *, 1' , *. fltobfea, ** ritinl ASSOCIATION MIT. aad Helpful Media* V (Communicated.) meeting of the Seel. Teacher*' Association « Mason's Crona last 8nt IMh. The day was reey disagreeable bat tbs attead g^d. Thirty-seven oat of the roll calL was called to enter by Williamson at 11 o'clock, the invited speaker tiiodAtkw imm* took ep the gaeattea of a f Soadlng Circle. After sev 1 talks, the taochenprae [•*, decided to adopt “ d aad oatliaed by t. Prof. Babb aad eUdid MeUon o»^ dans, ote of tolaar id for soaaty • was LACY McLAUCHUN SEIIOUSLY STABBED Tto Mmda u4 ralattoaa at Mr. Lmjt MaLnoAlfa win T,« u Inn at Um Mti«a aiwhfw vklA bf.ll Mm to hi. adept* torn. Flo nM. Ala., an Monday at Uwt week, whmi to wii aorioualy and parfcajaa ‘ mUm7 >UfcbTl **** -|M I to i *«* oopmpod to a Ayht" • ""** j Ftom what eaa to taanai at tto toppaalnp, Mr. MaLaachlfe waa wit Rwainy • Agfa badwaaa two an, and «W-ytod to aapacato ttoto Oaa ad •to befiigeranu. who was aimad with a kaifa. eonttomd to «yht rofardlaa* of tto yn.and affarto at Mr. Ma LancUM, and la bia race atabtod Mm. Tto first —ran that aama u ^■^^atoMThir. ban^tto dis Mr. MrT anchUa'a brottor, Mr. D. “ ■otoncfilto, laft aa aeon as paaat W*. Taaaday, far tto Alabama town, •nd to with —rthm brottor and a •*o*or, ton toaa at tha bodaMo at Urn yooat toaa aiaea. Tto latoat maaaapa nectnd exm o*T*d tto good arwa that ha had tab U«l torn tto atoal, at tto wmmd a* waa ta a am topofal condition. , y- *'T W tto aon ad Mra. B. I* MaLaaahlM. ad Waptam. and a I Wr. A. H.I1 aouoactum. ii tS r**n «f mgm •ad has baaa la Alabama (or arroa or roan. 1 ' ’ £ $ % | t & ;

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