"AUNT BKOtra- MESSAGE, j Ml «f the D*j» ef Lm« Age m Compared Wtt the hut. W. have enmd the boundary ltac if another New Tear, tom my lint amMvmtotlon ta Tha E-.change. am!; ibe 1 hava pas rad aaothar alb etnas j 'w^&Vr Journey. Fnbapa MU af ■ear read on alight eaie ta know 'Aunt BecVvV ip, which <m the l5»b nwM three More year* and iwA This ie a geodW somber of Ays, in which 1 ham had away plaas •rea, aad many sorrow*, but withal many blaming*, for which I ahouM be daeply grateful to Uba who crows, ith my Ufa "with lowing aad It ia for a moment dU te realise that I am Wring in tha j , that dawn ed i sixty odd yearn ago. Tha hand af program has m graved her msrk upon all passible Hmi; ifiicultwt, yjfwf, ■wtiinifil ssd fafwntifv sc^ip biff lupfd ihiml bspeed the bawnds at our waagtlM, af every day Kfe have beaa, ta g grmt extant transformed alnoa tha goad old fallowed day*. Often I xeeall daya, aadt|jlC' ' ‘ of hvtag. and thorn af the preiiat, 1 aw caaatralaad to hall era. that with all tha wo fora conveniences aad hawrim af today, the eld thnara got aura geaatae pleasure oat of We. la waff acted ia their to have to visit, and arm* ao de af a married tody's toilet, when visit. tag her neighbor, aad they leaked ao neat aad eoarfertahle, walking leis urely along the madasj often with knitting ta head, siding a few stitch es ea the way. la these daya, "beaghtaa" hosiery waa not plentiful, and enr chief sup ply waa henw made; bat tide subject is probably atom tatir iking ta me than as year reader*, and therefore I will drop it. Tha daman ban begun operations Sir aasthsr crop, bat ere at am ta re. gard ta fertilise** aad eataaa. I tone heart several si them any they ana to ton nn i tot ad nail gnln, tokh to |««Mt vary well. I «m mdi totaraatod to tha article pktotot to a jaeaat lease ad Tha Bwtott* to ragaid to Uttto Aetna MeLaartn, who to tha traad tan ad - .to——_i_«-j • - i our ionoer nivtvb puurf Mat At N. Ferguoan. Ha (orety moat ha an aaaattta—ny bright tod. and haa made weadorfid program atone ad® rational Haas. Tha daar Uttto (allow, I not*, atom my hfcthdayi aatoap pmactos tha daafth, I am aesriag tha Wa haaa had ' aemral eaaaa of gripn to thto aaetiae, aad aaa pose* meat* patient all ad whaaa are to Hr. Ain Bumrt Mi futlly n* pact to Son to thair sow tom to Bampaaa canty, to tha star fatal*, sad Mr. J. B. Whitlock and family of Maxteo. am aaaa to aoma to tfattr Cana to tha Potto \ A groat away of too aagra taaanto same to. Tho majority of tha tes antry had mom to am than asoat, la tha way of famga aad load atvdTa. Mm. Mdaamd MaQaaan, 8r„ of Ooahar, 8. C„ dtod on Baaday, tha Pth. toot, of grippe, and wae horiad as Ttnaday following, to tho Camttaa Oimatary. Mto waa a laraly Cbrto ttoa woman, whaaa wacka da fatiew tor. to the tmtotog, by prmpl and amaipli. ad tor pflmitiit family. Tha pabMa mtools la tMo asetloa am la a 8ooriahtog aondKteOmvtog tSdatodthtgaat dap forward to gtoto« a ehanaa to maay who wntdd udtoiwtoa tom as ippartaalU of laamtog, and wW ttna gn^Mh Tha toy* hava raaartad to (ha aporl ad idbMt Imattog ttoaa totter daya, aad adam to aajsy H. Tim of the* aaaaa la ths other p. m. with a mtob, which tha dags tod tmed to tha Bath brnsrii. asd they had kfltod it I tod at* aaaa aaa la-aamy roam, thong) tost wtrime Par As Mew Taw H, •vJk« Lj bbi'» f * v. OFFICERS CAPTURE BOOSE, p -- r Three Oil— ef Abehei. Koto on * Np —dTw Negtus Airilllf r • OWtlW D. B. Brown and Frar. ik StoUk following an inclination U hol-it for booee Friday night louad da at their “tawMaa" wot not tar wnn g. tor ft toad thaaa to t«d<t big qaar ta of alcohol. Tha oforsrs —peeled that eerie to eiliaaaa wan availing the—elves ' orf tha opportunity of ordering this Uqtt M Joy to coma to then to nearby SosAh Carolina to waa to quantities that ta forbhUaa to the old North Stefa. They went out the South Carolina w#y to aaa if certain parties wore travail ing southward, and ere long pass ad I a buggy coming this way that looks* ■nepirlnas. Turning their ssschiAe they crept on behind the vehicle e£d when all had reached town, they dim's op close by end bolted the team. A search of tha foot of the baggy dhs daeod a large quantity of quart bat tles filled with grain atoohoL » Tha uccapante af tha boggy dltd swuare of the cargo of forbid* m goods, John Bernes and John Cuinjv boU, bath colored, wars arrested, arid tha team which belonged to Campbell, according to a statute drawn to pr*> kibit foa transportation on intoxicat ing bavarngaa to quaatittoa great#* than ooa quart into North Caroline territory, was also tekan into too ear* and kaoptog af tha storm. Iks ease waa hoard to tha BsaorfjU er court Tuesday. Barnes bring rsprwn asntad by Attorney W. H. Weather-* specs* and Campbell by Attornay W.< H. Cox. Tha lerislnei af tha eoprt until tomorrow, Friday’ claims that ha knew noth ing of tha contents of tha sack, and Ftoads that he is not gulhy af know ingly transporting liquor into forbid-, dan territory. Ho was ahta to prwsn a good character. Bunas cistern ttopt » part af tha alcohol hili^mt to Campbell and that be himself la a suf ferer from a throat and lung taoahfo and was baying the liquor to be seed an a mdlriao to eos—ertog this 4to nm, and that ha la therefore not gnOty of keeping U for. sale, aa charg ed to the Indictment. Be was not ad fortunate as Campbell to pruvk^ a good repotatioo. bat on .the other hand several testified that bis was not aaHd gold. Spring HU Church.' Bee. W. K. Goodi^SU^tord po^ CM W TtM. ] W« dain to ntin ow atocar* thanks to tfc# many Mands wba'ao kindly ratnistarad to am during th» 111 mh and at tha daatk at am laM , ona, Mr. J. N. William*. I naTmaOj.; 1 In*. Tom Wood paened In Us wande* ta* iwdi for work in Now York dir la front of a Jewelry Mon wkaaa $300,000 worth of diamonds won on exhibition He threw ■ brick and WOO Jaat nixing a handful at gona whoa ho wm taken by an officer. GOOD KEWK ^Bta>ir«ldrrM<nita “Good mwi travrlr feet." and the Many bad back coffercn In Laeria b«rg am glad to inn whan nUaf May ha tad. Many a lame, weak and aching hack lx hod no mere, thaakx to Daaah Kidney Pill*. Oar thotr copottacc with thfe taoMd mm edy. Hoc* la an example worth mad io«: Mm. R. U Thom**, Learlnbmrg, say*: My hack inm*hoi** «dm an My Mat 1 aaaU hardly got moU ■ad I felt mhwrafai* la nwy way. Daaah KJd»«y Pill* wan miaag* ad highly and 1 got a box. The MM few doooa gar* m# relief and my hade foR atroager. 1 took one hex W Doan’* Kidney POl* la aH and alnaa than 1 haven't had any txeaMe with my kidney*. Donah Kidney POb are certainly a madlrtaa of amtR.* > ’ Pita kOt, at all dealers. Deal ' dryly aek far • Hhaf ready—gat Deaa'c Kktay PU1*—the nme^thel I Co . p2SSUSTlf. Y,—Jtdr. II P tVAUHCE OF MIPPf HGIIIIS TIE EITIIIE 1 UNIVERSE Pwgk Wto Are Baa Down Am Physt cml Condition are the First te Suf fer.With tha Dreaded Dis ease—A Wonderful Medi etas If aw Hare aa ,La Grippe or inftuanaa eaeraa U 1 • trike the person who has hncoasi weakened .ad nearly crory aewtptpa In all cities has recently carried largi head lines, telling of the eaon&otu epread of the disease. There are many fatalities noted on the papers and the disease seems te ha spreading—it is cowing this way To be ready for the battle with the ilk of winter, La Grippe, iafleenia and catarrhal troubles, now is the ttssa to take a bottle or so or the Master Medietas, Tanlac. Mr. B. T. Southern, a valued sake man with the Jaeoba dot king Store, of Winstoa-Salem, N. C., says: T have been In n weakened condi tio* for eoasa time, suffering with run down system made so by stomach trouble. My appetite was no* good, sad I could not Bleep, and never ate a •hearty meal, until recently when the attention of the away cures that were being made by Thalac was culled te my atteatfan, when 1 began taking a I am now on my third bottle; my ap P*Ha is too good for tho way good tkinga to eat are sailing, and I foal hi right la every way. I hare gained six pounds. * Think of it—a gain of six pounds In tha short Urns of a few days, or after taking a little more than fwo bottles of Tanlac. However, tho gain of six pounds In thin cake Is nothing eanimred with soma other gains that have been noted in this community. Tanlac, tha "Master Medicine" k sold in IaMntabwrg exclusively by tha Blue's Drug Store—Adv. HagwaHew News. (Dank Botts, Correipoadeat.) HegwsUow.—The Hog Ford Preech er will preach et Hog Ford nfext Son dsj. A Mg crowd will likely be pern sad and thoae desiring back seats ■boald go early. The Mail Carrier was ao helped ap after reading a statement from WU •on the other, day that ha went aad towMad.la a M pair af gaiue IMf-a • . ; _ ^^NpiOklag rod agent %a» 'here |$. days ago. Cbhoaboa ADaop get oae ea approval aad will take jt to hfs ho am tap aad try k oat thor oagfaly next tlht there la any light »!«>« foka Teel ay has Joat shout com Ua last pins stick aad an i that ha will be reedy at aa —date to begin whittling oa a fresh dry goods box. | The Widow of tbo Calf Bibs aaigh porhood was in ear midst on *~*ietia am day this weak aad looked at las iBertow. .. I, ^ eatartalnaaeat to be given by ^^bsu^a^Aid of the Dog Hill fM. To draw a large crowd, ao ad vlaatoo will be charged, bat the par •***■ Sdasfng the hat aroand er{|] atop hi front of each spectator long an tmeh for him to deride whether or not he wants to ocotribau. Yam Sima spent eeveral boors at Iba Rye Straw store Tuesday atom tag warmtag bis foot. The otore koaitor mya bo ia glad Yam hasn't got bat two foot. I Clean Sweep Sale at LONNIE HAMMOND’S STORE Everything Reduced? We are starting tomorrow our Semi-Annual Clean- If Sweep Sale. Everything is reduced; everything II goes. As of course you know, prices on all woolens are going up rapidly on account of the war's de mands. Next fall you would probably pay double the prices we are asking now. If you're wise you'll take advantage of this opportunity and buy for next season's needs. Prices are cut down to almost nothing. Come and see! All a I Men’s Clothing’ Boys’ Clothing, I Furnishings, R Shoes, I . Hats, Caps—Now Down | To Bargain Prices— I Profit By Them ! I Nothing charged &t this sale. Lonnie Hammond I Everything In Men’s Furnishings | Laurinburg, North Carolina fl I__.___ H DON'T CRIPLe"""1" 1 • Yoar Earning Capacity by using yoar eyes when they need attention. LISTBN, whoa yoar oyeo ache and boro, when rand, log mnttar Man and ran* together, yoa bare ilfrrfnara in ‘ the bead, than pahs* in poor nook nod shoulders, pod yoa think yoa an sick, Bat If yoa will call in nod have n pair of glassea made to Ac yoar eysa, many times all this trouble trIH pass off. Call in and 1st ns prove it It's ebeeper than to log these ailments around. R. 6. STONE Rwhtont OpUMrin )■■■1 . . ZiiV. • • • . '

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